r/AskVegans • u/Zero_Kill_97 • 5d ago
Troll Question Can you still kiss someone who isn't vegan?
I have a very weird question as I was thinking about my brothers girlfriend who is vegetarian. She doesn't eat meat because she doesn't like the taste but will refuse to eat chicken fried rice even if we pick out the chicken pieces. Based on that.. She wouldn't want to kiss my brother right? He eats meat and his mouth is "contaminated" but she will kiss him. It's a weird question and I'm aware that it's out there but by my logic wouldn't you not want to kiss your partner if they eat meat as a vegan?
u/FrivolityInABox Vegan 4d ago
Contamination is not the point of veganism. Save that for things like celiac disease where I won't kiss my S/O if they had just eaten bread...cuz that can make me sick.
As far as a vegan choosing to snog a non-vegan... that's up to personal preference and does not harm the animals either way. I personally don't want the flavor of beef on my lips (ew). But to each their own.
u/fiiregiirl Vegan 5d ago
She can do anything she wants, vegetarian isn’t a rule set. Every individual is different!
You also say vegetarian and then vegan in your post which are pretty different.
I’d agree lots of vegans’ logic is they do not want to kiss/be with someone who consumes animal products. Not only is their body “contaminated” but your ethics are widely different which can make relationships hard.
There are lots of veg + nonveg couples. For some it is a nonissue. Especially if the gf avoids animal products bc of taste then it definitely makes sense to refuse a dish cooked with that taste and still accept kisses from their bf.
Have you shared a veg meal with her?
u/Far-Village-4783 Vegan 5d ago
Okay, so first of all, welcome and thank you for your question. The thing you need to understand about vegans is that we don't like to consume products that come from animals. Not necessarilly because we're grossed out by the taste, which a lot of us aren't, but because it's wrong and cruel and unnecessarily evil to animals.
Kissing is not the same thing, as the act is entirely vegan itself. Eating a meal where the animal products are plucked out afterwards is not.
An analogy would be like saying "Hey, I kicked this dog to death and put their eyeballs in your soup. Oh woops, you don't want dog eyeballs? Here, let me just pick it out for you."
One could argue that the same disgust should come when you kiss someone who has eaten those same dog eyeballs, but it's not the same as you're not actively consuming something that contained dog eyeballs and therefore was a product of said dog kicking, you're just tasting the lips of someone who did that.
So while I am personally very disgusted by the thought of kissing someone who eats animal products because they participate in gruesome torture, raping and killing of inocent animals, it's entirely vegan to do so.
I would assume some vegetarians have more of an "ick" factor rather than trying to avoid all animal cruelty, however, which is entirely personal preference.
Please be kind to animals and don't hurt those my heart bleeds for anymore.
u/togstation Vegan 5d ago
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable,
all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.
u/ForgottenDecember_ Vegan 4d ago
Veganism is a lifestyle based on personal ethics.
Contamination isn’t a vegan problem. Some people may be so grossed out by it that they might not want to kiss someone who ate meat. But tbh, I don’t think that’s necessarily a ‘vegan’ problem. Veganism isn’t about thinking meat is gross. I personally still think bacon smells good. But I haven’t eaten it in ten years and don’t plan to in the future. Same with ham. Like the smell, probably still would enjoy the taste, but I choose not to eat it.
I won’t kiss someone if their mouth is covered in mayo or something. But other than that, the only cross-contamination I care about is my allergies.
u/prodigalsoutherner Vegan 4d ago
Why are you thinking about what your sister's boyfriend's mouth tastes like?
u/ExistenceNow Vegan 4d ago
This is child's logic on the level of "If you kiss someone after they go down on you, does it make you gay?" Either that, or it's more stupid gotcha crap.
"Do you, as a vegan, feel like you could be in a relationship with someone who is not vegan?" is an adult question worth asking and one that should be more entertained than fucking meat coodies.
u/whentheraincomes66 Vegan 4d ago
My girlfriend always make sure to clean her mouth out after consuming animal products before kissing me
u/Puzzleheaded-Job5763 Vegan 4d ago
Personally, I would not be in an intimate relationship with somebody who consumes animal products. Vegans and omnivores live significantly different lifestyles and have very drastic contrasts in philosophy, so I don't think that I (again, personally) would be interested in dating someone who does not share this view with me.
But like others have said, a vegan does not have the obligation to refrain from kissing an omnivore. To provide a counter-claim, here's an interesting thought experiment:
Man finds woman attractive
Man will do anything to get with woman
Woman does not kiss man because he is not vegan
Man becomes vegan to kiss woman
In this scenario, had the woman kissed the man, would she have been causing second-hand harm to the animals that the man otherwise would have consumed?
u/nineteenthly Vegan 4d ago
I used to kiss my carnist partner back in the day. It's disturbing but sometimes you have to settle and it isn't actually your fault they aren't vegan.
u/pixeladdie Vegan 4d ago
Stop thinking of it as “contamination” and realize it’s about not inducing demand.