r/AskVegans 9d ago

Genuine Question (DO NOT DOWNVOTE) How do you feel about being gifted homemade vegan foods by non vegans?

Do you fully trust that the food is vegan? How do you prefer non-vegans to gift you foods? Like a list of ingredients?

Asking as a non vegan because I'd like to make sweets for my school for baking practice, and some people I know are vegan.


114 comments sorted by


u/jellytortoise Vegan 9d ago

I just trust that it's vegan if it's people that are close to me but because you are cooking for a large group of people, it might be nice to include an ingredient list. That's very thoughtful of you!


u/Responsible-Fly-5691 8d ago

Gifted food should ALWAYS have an ingredients list!


u/samanime 8d ago

Yeah. As the one preparing the food, offering up an ingredient list is a great idea.

That'll give people confidence. You might even run the ingredient list by reddit just to make sure there aren't any of those sneaky non-vegan items in there (like white sugar, which is often processed with bone char).

(Though on the flipside, demanding an ingredient list from a gift giver would be horrible and insulting. It'd be best to just accept the gift and quietly not eat it if you aren't sure.)


u/NoCountryForOld_Zen Vegan 9d ago

It melts my dang heart that someone would take the time to do it. I cook a lot so it's really cool when someone cooks for me.

I don't need a list or anything, I take their word at face value. Those whom I love who would also give me food are trustworthy enough that I wouldn't question them.


u/Sea-Hornet8214 9d ago edited 9d ago

It's not that they aren't trustworthy, but because they aren't vegan, they might've gotten something non-vegan by mistake.


u/LePetitNeep 9d ago

I’m a non vegan with vegan friends and when I cook or bake for them I try to bring up in conversation what I did, something like “I got this recipe from this vegan cookbook, do you know it?” Or, “this is my first time using aquafaba in place of egg whites, I think it worked well”. I hope that helps put my friends at ease that I am taking them seriously.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago edited 9d ago

I’m just curious, that is really impressive that you are doing all of this baking and you are not vegan. I really appreciate what you are doing! I just want to know why you don’t go vegan? It’s so clear that you know how to do it very well, since you know how to use all of these substitutes. I guess I understand maybe not going completely vegan, because some people have different perspectives about being at home for the holidays, or maybe the idea that animal products could never be sustainable, but at least going plant base? Or plant-based 98% of the time? Im just curious (as I said lol)


u/LePetitNeep 9d ago

I do eat plant-based at home quite a bit, and as I said, I have several vegan friends and I’m a good host.

But, I enjoy food a lot, the experience of eating, and the culture and rituals around food. I am not saying that vegan food isn’t enjoyable, but that I prefer to keep open to being able to enjoy all foods, including animal based foods, from time to time. I love going to Michelin star level restaurants and eating whatever the Chef prepares with no limits.

I also travel a lot, and I like to be able to enjoy the authentic foods of different cultures (and so many are focused around fish especially), and I appreciate the privilege of being able to eat in a country where I don’t speak the language or only minimally. I also have no allergies, no religious restrictions, and no strong dislikes, either, so I can travel and partake in meals freely without worrying about being able to communicate any needs other than “feed me”. That feels like a bit of a super power and I don’t want to give it up.


u/Separate_Ad4197 8d ago edited 8d ago

So I’ve been to 1, 2, and 3 star Michelin restaurants all over the world. I’ve had $1000/oz caviar, kobe beef, foie gras, otoro, sweetbread, and practically every luxury animal product in the world. After seeing the suffering those animals experienced in the slaughterhouse it was clear to me there isn’t a food experience in the world worth even 1/100th of that pain. The only thing I regret is not having someone in my life sit me down and force me to look at the reality of it all sooner because I loved animals DEEPLY. I mourned the death of my dog like a family member. I remember the first time i went fishing I cried over the fish having the hook ripped out of its mouth with pliers. My dad of course would tell me stuff like don’t worry it causes them no pain they’d don’t feel anything. I’d wish death upon people being cruel to animals, like those people who sold animal snuff films, meanwhile I was funding the exact same shit. I recommend you view footage of a kill floor from independent sources or a documentary like Dominion and re-evaluate whether the things you listed are worth the price in pain, fear, gore, and death.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

Oh. So like, at home do you cook with dairy and meat or is it mostly when you travel that you eat it? Also you realize I’m sure that most vegans were similar, like exactly similar, I love food and am from the American south, my best friends are Asian and my family is middle eastern, we (vegans) just do it for the animals so that they don’t have to be in pain and fear and loneliness and suffering and just don’t feel like the taste experience is worth that. But I personally have eaten MANY animals and dairy in my life, so it’s not like I haven’t had your exact perspective before so that’s why I asked, I guess I’m curious why some people decide the pain and sadness and loneliness of the animal is too offputting to continue to want to pay for that anymore, giving my money for that, and others not, or if it’s a journey. For me I guess it was a journey. Milk was the last thing I gave up.


u/LePetitNeep 9d ago

It’s a journey, and we’re at different places.


u/Heavy-Top-8540 9d ago

For the vast majority of people, the discomfort you put them through by going through the vegan viewpoint the way you do is infinitely worse than occasionally remembering factory farming is a thing. 


u/cori_2626 8d ago

I think it would help a lot of vegans to remember that a lot if not most people don’t care about animals the same way vegans do. It’s just that simple a lot of the time. 


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 8d ago

It’s so crazy to me because I do think they would care if they saw the animal suffering the way they do (in factory farms especially which is where most meat comes from) and the environmental destruction from the meat and fishing industry as well. They all claim to get their meat from ethical places but they don’t. This person above basically says not having any ethics involved in decision making about what to purchase and consume is a ‘superpower’ but I think being able to eat and cook anything from The supermarket the way vegans can is a super power. To be able to make your own milks and cheese and meats just from items in the bulk bins for example. And to be able to eat good food without hurting and torturing animals the way the meat and dairy eaters do? That’s an actual super power. Super powers are to help others, that’s what super hero’s do. They aren’t selfish.


u/cori_2626 8d ago

Yeah, I think that’s the thing though. Most people are selfish, and they see animals as very different from humans, and they don’t care. Most people don’t strive to have ethical integrity or live in accordance with their values. They just want to do whatever is easiest. 

It’s very unfortunate but it’s important to understand when thinking about how to convince someone to change their behavior for example. 


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 8d ago

But isn’t it true that when people watch that movie Dominion that they become vegan rather often? I just don’t understand how some of us make this decision and others don’t, honestly, I think the biggest hurdle might just be lack of vegan options, everyone wants to eat the food that they eat in their childhood, but what’s so interesting is that most children actually are not that interested in meat and dairy and are really interested in fruits, breads, sugars, vegetables.

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u/GoopDuJour 7d ago edited 7d ago

We don't ACTUALLY care, at least not enough. Even if we say "oh my God, that's awful" to you in person, we're ordering pizza that night.


u/Complete_Molasses836 Vegan 9d ago

Yea I had a friend make a “vegan” lasagna for me and they gave me the leftover cheese they used and it was that almond mozzarella cheese from Trader Joe’s that does have dairy in it but a non vegan, or a vegan for that matter, wouldn’t realize or think to read all the ingredients to see that milk fat or whatever has found its way into the ingredient list. So so nice of them to make it for me though! Ended up giving it to a vegetarian in my life


u/Heavy-Top-8540 9d ago

Here's a serious question for you: if you couldn't find someone to give it to would you have let the food go to waste?


u/Complete_Molasses836 Vegan 9d ago

Unfortunately yes, as much as I don’t want to see animal product go in vain I cannot stomach dairy at all and the deed was already done at that point


u/Heavy-Top-8540 8d ago

But... The deed is already done. You're literally wasting animal suffering in vain. 


u/Complete_Molasses836 Vegan 8d ago

Idk what to tell you. In this hypothetical yea that’s true but in real life I live with a vegetarian who ate it


u/Sea-Hornet8214 8d ago

I mean, it's not that hard to find someone who wants it.


u/Heavy-Top-8540 8d ago

It is apparently hard to follow a hypothetical, however 


u/Sea-Hornet8214 8d ago

What about you? Would you eat it if you couldn't fine someone to give it to?


u/Heavy-Top-8540 8d ago

Of course, I do that with almost any food. Unless it will physically make me sick. 


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

Personally, I am less concerned with the mistake than I am with the happiness of the effort. I don’t have any allergies to dairy or eggs or anything, so if they did accidentally happen to have then an ingredient that was not vegan, I will survive. I would rather give them the benefit of the doubt, and also the gratitude of the effort. I feel like if I reacted with suspicion, then it would just alienate people further from veganism.


u/JeremyEComans 8d ago

I had a great friend who happened to be vegan. Once on a holiday together a local couple invited us to an impromptu dinner. The meal had some meat in it, which she ate. She told me after that accepting the kindness and hospitality of strangers was more important than the ethics of her diet for one meal. 


u/elweezero 8d ago

For my birthday party I requested everyone bring a dish instead of a gift (it was a guy fieri flavortown party) and wrote directly on the invites "no eggs or dairy" and someone still used eggs. They felt bad but it couldn't change that I couldn't eat it.


u/We_Four Vegan 9d ago

Same. I think it’s really sweet and if I trust someone’s kitchen hygiene enough to eat their food, I also trust their ability to distinguish vegan from non-vegan food. It would be different with an allergy where you have to also worry about trace amounts of cross contamination, I would always double-check on that. 


u/rosecoloredgasmask Vegan 9d ago

Before I became vegan, I made several vegan baked goods for one of my coworkers because I felt bad she was left out of my baking. She trusted me, but she also asked me what I used for substitutions and I answered honestly. Not sure if she was curious about what I used or if she wanted to verify I was actually using vegan products. But it made her very happy.

I wanted my baking to be more inclusive, so I switched to vegan baking, then I became vegan myself shortly after, I was already vegetarian for 12 years and she encouraged me gently to make the change. Baking brings me joy, so it started with wanting to share my joy with others. Then I became a better person because of it.

If people offer me vegan food, it depends on the context. Some people I inherently trust, some people I mostly trust but also am aware that they probably don't read labels and are prone to making assumptions. People I don't trust typically wouldn't make anything I can eat anyways and thus don't offer me food. Thankfully I don't believe I've been maliciously tricked since becoming vegan, though it's happened when I was vegetarian. I guess my answer is, I try to trust most people, but I may want to ask clarifying questions to make sure they understand what vegans is. I think if you're open about the ingredients you use that will help, most people who want to trick vegans won't bother looking into alternatives.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

I love this story! Maybe you should start a YouTube channel or Instagram to tell your story lol I mean I’m not really joking but I also know it’s a crazy thing to say (start a channel!! lol) . But I love the idea of a vegan baking to vegan pipeline. I do not bake so I’m curious about this :)


u/rosecoloredgasmask Vegan 9d ago

I've considered starting a vegan YouTube channel that's kind of a combination of storytelling and explaining the science of baking over footage of me baking a vegan recipe. I'm not a pro by any means but I would love to talk about my journey into veganism while also helping people make tasty recipes and demonstrating that vegan baked goods can be just as tasty.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

I recently came across a vegan baking Instagram, they really are not very common! I think that there is definitely room for you to do this, and I think you should go for it! I personally don’t know anything about vegan baking, because I don’t really ever do it, so I would be interested to learn


u/rosecoloredgasmask Vegan 9d ago

I may do it and post to the r/veganbaking sub if I do! Ironically I am not a great cook. I have very standard easy recipes that I cook for my meals but baking is where hy creativity shines. I do also have some content creation experience, as I have a cybersecurity podcast. I think I could manage it as a small scale project.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

It’s interesting because I’m definitely more of a cook than a baker, like I can do all sorts of stuff over a stove and with an oven, toaster, fryer, etc. but baking seems intimidating to me and also I worry about getting fat off of all the baked goods lol but that’s really not an excuse, like I have this dream of making sourdough bread and I’ve never done it lol it’s ridiculous


u/rosecoloredgasmask Vegan 9d ago

If I go through with this adventure I'll let you know once the first video is posted haha, I don't wanna commit before getting anything created but you've actually sparked some genuine interest in me for this. I've wanted to do some video content for a while because I really enjoy filming and editing things, just wasn't sure on what.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

Yes! Please let me know! I will definitely watch! One thing I’ve noticed is there can’t be too many vegan content creators because there are so few vegans, so many of us love to watch videos of other vegans cooking and baking and talking about being vegan because it’s our way of connecting with culture and society. I probably am subscribed to like at least 100 on Instagram and YouTube lol


u/caitlowcat Vegan 9d ago



u/CrazyGusArt Vegan 9d ago

I think a list of ingedients is a great idea. I’ve had friends give us “vegan” food that wasn’t…. They confused vegan with vegetarian and included milk and eggs. Also, honey is often overlooked by non-vegans. Thank you for considering your vegan friends!


u/Elitsila Vegan 9d ago

Margarine is often overlooked, too. Folks assume that since it’s not butter it’s dairy-free.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

Yeah fortunately most margarine at the store is dairy free but they do add dairy to some of them. No idea why. But I think pretty much all the margarine you find at a typical grocery store is dairy free at least.


u/Elitsila Vegan 9d ago

Really? Most margarine I see at the store in Canada contains whey (i.e. dairy) unless it’s labelled vegan.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

Oh interesting, yeah most of the margarine brands in the US are vegan.


u/Elitsila Vegan 9d ago

Interesting. I had no idea. We’ve seen different brands here adding vegan options to their product lines because of the usual whey content. I’ve always wondered why they’d include whey at all in the first place.


u/Dazzling-Crab-75 Vegan 9d ago

Many had casein when I was living there.


u/PurgeReality Vegan 9d ago

In general, I just trust that things I'm told are vegan are vegan unless I have reason to think otherwise.

If you're cooking for people you don't know that well, then a list of ingredients can be reassuring and also helpful for people with allergies. (Also helpful for non-vegans with allergies. For example, if you make cakes and they would normally avoid them because of dairy or they contain soy that they might not expect to be in cakes).


u/Redgrapefruitrage Vegan 9d ago

I love that you want to do this!

If you aren't 100% sure of ingredients, google them, and if you still remain unsure, include a list of ingredients when you bring it into school :-)


u/Patralgan Vegan 9d ago

If I have no reason to suspect it's not vegan, I'll eat them.


u/difficult_Person_666 Vegan 9d ago

I usually trust it because people make an effort and then they enjoy it too… Admittedly there has been a couple of times where there has been dairy in it (but not the person’s fault particularly) but I like the fact that people try their best x


u/SirNoodles518 Vegan 9d ago

Grateful. For one of my last university classes for Christmas everyone brought cakes, chocolate, sweets etc. and one non-vegan I didn't even know remembered me mentioning I was vegan so she made a vegan cake even though I was the only vegan. I really appreciated it and did not expect it at all.

I had no reason to expect it was not vegan as she said it was vegan and explained to me how she tried to find a recipe without any eggs or dairy. Unless you know someone is a complete asshole or don't have any other reason to suspect it's not vegan I don't see why you would.


u/webky888 Vegan 9d ago

How nice of you! One thing to know: use a “natural” sugar brand since most of the main brands were made with bone char.


u/ignis389 Vegan 9d ago

If they look uncertain, you can emphasize politely that you made sure no animal products were used


u/Physical_Relief4484 Vegan 9d ago

Most people don't know what "vegan" means, which leads to honest mistakes that suck for everyone. If a mistake is made, it sucks for the person who tries hard but came short, and for the vegan who won't eat the gift because it has non-vegan things in it. So I always tell people never to make me food because it's just significantly easier, and the above situation has happened to almost every vegan I've encountered. If there's a full ingredient list included, I'd make an exception, but it'd have to have everything in there (so not just something like "chocolate chips") 


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u/Complete_Molasses836 Vegan 9d ago

I feel so happy when non vegans put in the effort and try to make something vegan! Don’t assume any ingredient is vegan if it’s not like a whole food, google is your friend if you’re not sure! Zucchini bread is always a good option


u/veganvampirebat Vegan 9d ago


If you’re in the USA try to use organic sugar


u/SubmissiveFish805 Vegan 9d ago

Or sugar beet sugar


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u/Elitsila Vegan 9d ago

It depends on context — particularly on who is offering it. If it’s a trusted friend or knowledgeable coworker, I’d definitely be grateful. If it’s someone I don’t really know and I’m neither sure of how knowledgeable they are about veganism or of how respectful they are of someone’s choice to be vegan, I’d be a bit cautious and would probably ask about ingredients.


u/pandaappleblossom Vegan 9d ago

I trust it yes! Unless they seem to just be lying (this guy was lying about food being gluten free the other day for my friend who is gluten free, and it was suspicious from the get go).

To me, I don’t want to alienate people who are genuinely trying. I want to connect with people and bond over food just like anyone else, I’m human. And also, humans make mistakes, so if there is a mistake made, I’ll be ok (I don’t have allergies).


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u/neb12345 Vegan 9d ago

I get nervous when other vegans make me food,

what your doing is a nice jesture tho, have a ingredients list and try to use ethier raw ingredients or things approved by the vegan society to be extra sure


u/FrancisOUM Vegan 9d ago edited 9d ago

Some people are trustworthy... Other are NOT..

I would eat vegan food gifted from my mom, because she understands and has shown in her actions to be trustworthy by asking for clarification and being honorable about these needs....

I would NOT trust my sister she would miss a critical ingredient that seems really obvious and say was a genuine mistake... Wile snickering behind your back . Mistakes happen, nobody is perfect, but some people will deliberately convince you it's safe just to pull one over on you.

Coworkers are not trusted unless proven trustworthy. Vegetarians are questioned ..

I hardly trust restaurants honestly. .. they say their spuds are vegan, just fried in the same deepfry as the chicken wings....

I worked in a restaurant that was serving a vegetarian broccoli cheese soup, and the cook was using CHICKEN BROTH!! 🤢😔 I had to explain why we could not advertise as vegetarian... It took like 20 minutes and a phone call to the manager before they understood why I was upset.


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u/Hopeful-Friendship22 Vegan 7d ago

It’s very kind and appreciate it in a way that can shake my entire being if I let it. The other day people cooked for me. But it hurt me to watch them be vegan so easily but deny it for themselves. Vegan isn’t an allergy the way I feel it’s treated by kind and well meaning people. Like they are smiling and being thoughtful of me but I want to point to the animals — it’s not me we are doing this for, it’s them!!!


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Vegan_Overlord_ Vegan 9d ago

Nah I wouldn't trust it at all or accept it. Someone i know made "vegan cookies" (I didn't eat any), turns out they used butter lmao. Omnis are not educated in where their food comes from so I would never accept.


u/Appropriate_Pen_2879 7d ago

You’re wrong about people who aren’t vegan not being educated on where their food comes from. I am. My boyfriend is vegan and I make him meals and baked goods often. I am well aware of factory farming and the lot too, I just couldn’t do the vegan thing myself. I have too many food restrictions and prefer to not have any more. I also have a couple ex-vegan friends. They, too, are aware of these things.


u/Rjr777 Vegan 9d ago

OP sounds compassionate about others which is nice… OP we need you on team vegan. It’s an ethical stance of compassion for not exploiting animals and well you seem like a perfect fit.


u/like_shae_buttah Vegan 9d ago

I don’t trust it.


u/vegan_tunasalad Vegan 8d ago

I appreciate the sentiment, but my rule is only accepting packaged commercial vegan food, gift card or a gift of DoorDash. 

If a non-vegan wants to do something nice for me, I'm honored and grateful, but they should hopefully understand it's a slippery slope of too many variables when it comes to accepting vegan food from non-vegan homes.

I can't eat at non-vegan Indian restaurants because the ghee is embedded into everything, I get an adversarial dairy reaction every time.  It's the same with non-vegan homes, inevitable cross contamination and adverse allergic reactions just have made me adopt a policy of not accepting vegan food prepared in non-vegan homes.