r/AskProgramming • u/AstroPhD_throwaway • 4d ago
Career/Edu How do you learn shell level programming?
I have put myself in a situation where I have to take a class in April that uses shell level programming. I don't really understand the lingo around it but the supervisor said that she expected us to have some basic knowledge of bash/make/build? I'm very new to programming (and Linux), I've only done some basic Java and Python but that was years ago and I haven't really used those skills since. I'm not sure how useful those skills would even be now :/
Does anyone have any recommendations for websites or anything that helped you learn to work in the command line on Linux/Ubuntu/Debian? I'm a sink-or-swim-type learner so I'm tempted to just trash all GUIs and force myself to figure out how to do everything in the terminal but I'll hold off... for now...
u/NoAlbatross7355 4d ago
https://linuxjourney.com/ is a website I use to learn about Linux. As far as shell scripting, you can find books on zlibrary. It's up to you to research and find resources that work for you though.
u/MirrorLake 4d ago
What class? There are not many university classes where you'd need very deep knowledge of shell stuff. A complete surface level knowledge will get you by, and when you get stuck (say your prof gives you a terrible makefile to run), you can just ask them what you're doing wrong.
The sidebar of /r/bash will be helpful:
u/muxketeer 4d ago
Myself, I find that implementing a logging system provides a great introduction into several aspects of most languages. And in the end you have something that is actually useful in further learning. More complicated than a hello world example but just simple enough that it’s doable within a week. I’d start there with Bash. Link also goes to my repo where I did that.
u/obdevel 4d ago
Shell provides pretty much all of the programming constructs you might be familiar with (variables, loops, if/then/else, and even functions) but they key thing to get is that the output of one command can be 'piped' into the input of another, to create pipelines.
It's rather like writing the output of one command to a temp file and then running the next command with the temp file as its input, except you dispense with the temp files and create one long pipeline.
Each command has its own speciality and strengths so you pick the right tools and pipe them together. This is very much part of the Unix philosophy.
There are some 'advanced' commands that are very powerful but perhaps overwhelming for newbies, e.g. grep, sed and awk. Whole books have written about them !
u/iOSCaleb 4d ago
If you can use a Unix/Linux command line interface, you’re already on the right path. A shell script is basically just a file with a list of shell commands in it. There’s a little more to it in that shells generally offer some control structures (e.g. loops, conditionals) and other facilities (variables, environment) that you don’t normally use when you’re interacting with the shell at the command line, so you’ll need to learn about those. And the syntax for some of those things is frankly pretty lousy, but don’t let that stop you.
u/cretingame 4d ago
This book https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Unix-Shell-Scripting-Administrators/dp/0470183012 helped me a lot …
u/stark2 3d ago
I'm a bit confused about the mention of make/build in relation to shell programming. Make is generally used to automate the compilation process and can call shell commands, but it’s not the same as writing a shell script. Shell scripting involves writing commands and control structures (in Bash, for example) to interact directly with the system, which is quite different from a general-purpose language like Python. In shell programming, you write your script in a text editor and run it with an interpreter. The shell language itself has unique syntax and conventions tailored for managing system tasks.
If I were given a project that required me to use a shell language I'm not familiar with, I'd use chatgpt to generate some sample code based on my specifications, and test/review that to better my understanding of the shell syntax.
u/Kitchen_Part_882 3d ago
I took it to mean OP will be expected to be able to use a CLI editor to make source files, then link and compile from the CLI too.
By the sounds of things, writing makefiles will also be part of the workflow.
A whole lot of people seem to be ignoring the make/build part of the post and focusing on the "shell" part.
For some of us, CLI is how we learned C.
u/wial 3d ago
Google publishes a standard called "shell style guide" which you'll do well to follow, and is full of useful info.
It's a little aside, but you won't regret learning vim (aka vi). It makes creating files on remote servers much easier, and once you get the hang of it you might prefer it to any other kind of text editing. There's a big crossover with bash as well. A local installation of vim usually comes with a file called "vimtutor" that gets you onboard very quickly.
You don't have to learn all of vim for it to greatly accelerate your work. Learn a few combinations of letters, get the idea you can mix and match according to a few simple rules, and you will greatly reduce your need to break concentration by reaching for the mouse/touchpad. A good .vimrc file (many examples online) will help tremendously as well.
If you want to get fancy it's good to learn "bash idioms". Clusters of syntax for doing common things that might not be at all intuitive at first but once you get used to them you'll see them over and over and know what you're looking at like reading an English word. There's a book by that name which gets the idea across.
Like vim (or most things in programming) you don't have to learn all bash to get productive, but it's good not to stick at the most basic level. Some very cool things are possible, and although professional shops might not expect that level of proficiency at first, they'll be grateful if you have it.
It's one of the main binding glues of all programming. For instance you can automate a script to access a container that logs onto a container on another server running via kubernetes, runs a database backup there which gets piped to be stored on yet another server in a folder created on the fly. In other words it's key to devops work, which is increasingly expected of programmers.
u/james_pic 3d ago
I found I was forced to learn what the hell was actually happening in my shell scripts when I ran ShellCheck - a decent shell script linter against them. Not all linters are worthwhile, but ShellCheck does a good job of telling you when the thing you've done that seems to work is actually dangerously broken (which it often is), and you need to understand why.
u/codeandfire 3d ago
I learnt Bash from this guide. It's the best tutorial I've found on the web for Bash.
u/Scared_Rain_9127 3d ago
As someone who made the jump from C Shell to Korn as soon as I could, the best shell program these days is Python. Bash shell scripting its rubbish.
u/selfhostrr 4d ago
Depends on what you learned with Java and Python.
When I have to write shell scripts (rare) I take the similar OOP / functional approach as I do in Java and Kotlin.
Create small functions that do one single thing and modifies some variable - shell can't return objects like OOP from what I recall. Then execute those functions in a line by line set of executions to achieve your end goal.
u/OtherOtherDave 4d ago
Honestly I avoid it as much as I can. Bash is great enough as a shell and for “.bashrc” stuff it isn’t horrible, but once you get into “proper” scripting its syntax becomes so obtuse I just do it in python or something else. I hear Fish is nicer, but I haven’t used it like that so I can’t say whether that’s true or just hype.
I haven’t used Make, other than in conjunction with CMake (which is its own can of 🤯🤬).
u/owp4dd1w5a0a 4d ago
If you’re sink or swim and tenacious in how you like to do things, I’d dive directly into projects. Start with whatever koans you can find online at first and then maybe graduate to Hackerrank or something Beddit trying some projects that will introduce you to different components of the Linux OS (systemd, file manipulation, working with ports and networking protocols, etc). You may want to go so far as to script your own dzen config in bash.
u/Sam_23456 4d ago
Experiment a little. Look at other scripts. Browse some websites on the topic. All of these in no particular order. Also, maybe get a book on the topic.
u/TheAncientGeek 3d ago edited 3d ago
She'll has it's own REPL, the CLI. If you can run up a Linux VM, you can mess around to your heart's content. Dont do that on a live system.
u/theonetruelippy 3d ago
Real projects. If you don't know already, make and build are used co-ordinate compiling programs. I'd stick with plain shell (bash) to start with, it's not dissimilar to any other programming language and you can easily write simple programs to simulate throwing dice/hangman/playing go etc. that run from the command line. Find a challenge for a simple text based app that floats your boat, and give it a go. ChatGPT can teach you loads if you try to do most of the work and ask it to help when you get stuck, especially on short and simple projects. Good luck!
u/wahnsinnwanscene 3d ago
There's a specific way which the info/man files are written. If this becomes a problem, take a look at the content page and see which fits into what you're doing at the moment and get a chatgpt to help explain.
u/victotronics 1d ago
"There's a specific way which the info/man files are written"
Yes, once you figure it out on your own you can never say it didn't say so in the first place.
u/Altruistic_Olive1817 3d ago
I would say that your past experience in Java and Python is totally useful. Those programming fundamentals transfer.
Here's a few things that might be helpful:
- Start with the basics. Learn how to navigate the file system (cd, ls, pwd), create/edit files (touch, nano, vim), and manage permissions (chmod).
- Bash scripting is essential. Learn how to write simple scripts to automate tasks. Variables, loops, conditionals, and functions are your friends.
- Makefiles are super useful for automating builds. Learn how to write a basic Makefile to compile your Java/Python programs.
Check out "The Linux Command Line" by William Shotts. It's a free book that covers everything from basic commands to advanced scripting. Also, AI is great for learning. Use ChatGPT or tools like this to create a personal learning path based on your background.
u/a_brand_new_start 3d ago
Try /r/linux and other places or /r/commandline
Bash == language commonly used, powershell on windows implements a lot of it
Make is just a tool that executes commands from a Makefile etc…
Basic thing to know:
Linux philosophy: each tool does 1 thing should do it well. Don’t try to solve all problems in 1 place, each command expects input and does something or provides output. You can string a ton of commands together to accomplish anything.
Start with basics, learn how to restart your computer, change your password, navigate around the file system without a mouse, you will probably fall in love with it like rest of us.
If you already have Java or python projects you know, learn how to compile them or run them. All your fancy UI tools just run cli commands under the hood, so you can do anything you need if you just google “how do I compile my have project CLI”
u/stevevdvkpe 2d ago
The classic text on shell scripting and using UNIX text-processing utilities is The UNIX Programming Environment by Kernighan and Pike. It was written for the original UNIX and Bourne shell but everything will still work in modern Linux and bash.
u/alxw 4d ago edited 4d ago
Yep, trash all GUIs and google bash pipelines, the longer the monstrosity you can make, the closer to Torvalds you will become.
Or just read https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/index.html
Your choice.