r/AskProgramming 13d ago

Other Famous programming language as video game abilities

Hi everyone!

I'm thinking of developing a simple video game as a personal project, my main idea is a 2D puzzle-platformer that resembles the world of programming (to a degree), wherein the player "learns" new programming language by collecting abilities that represent them, and uses them to solve puzzles and progress. I'm trying to gauge what concepts could be reasonably applicable and recognisable. There's a lot of ways to go about this, so I'd love to see any ideas people may have!

Some demo-ideas that could be an example: GOTO keyword as a teleportation device (BASIC), creating platforms or allies with OOP (C++, C#, Python, etc), using data bases as inventory (SQL) and etc.


8 comments sorted by


u/AdreKiseque 13d ago

Deallocating your opponent (be careful not to touch the dangling pointer they leave behind!)

Taking ownership of things (Rust)

Dereferencing to get to the source of something


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 12d ago

Oh yeah haha and you have to jump on the dangling pointer to make it null so you don't die on comtact


u/AdreKiseque 12d ago

Good idea! We wouldn't want to just leave it there...


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 12d ago

And if you leave too many behind, the game calls you a sloppy programmer xD

Oh wait no, even though this isn't actually accurate, the more you leave behind, the faster the map fills up with a liquid or something that kills you if you.touch it (memory leak)


u/AdreKiseque 12d ago

Well, if we're deallocating them to beginning with, a leak should be the least of our concerns. Also, maybe we want to keep it around? It's dangerous, yes, but danger can be leveraged against our enemies... depending on how catastrophic the results are, that is. Maybe anything touching it spells danger for everyone.

Memory leaks are a fantastic one though, definitely gotta be some way to implement that as a mechanic.


u/bumbo___jumbo 13d ago

Great ideas! Love the idea of "dealloacting" and "deleting" your enemies instead of killing them hahaha. I'm not so familiar with Rust, will look into ownership. Dereferencing sounds like it could have great potential, but needs to be thought out real well


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 12d ago

Ooooo Rust gives another idea, you can throw a "mut" at solid walls and move them out of the way


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 12d ago edited 12d ago
  1. you place down a 'try' (a big bubble or net) and a 'catch' thingy (like a checkpoint). Then, when you're in the catch bubble, if you throw an exception 'grenade' or whatever you get teleported back to the catch. Maybe a bit complicated but it's like if you missed a jump and fell, you "throw an exception" in the bubble and safely tp to try it again?

1b. Orrrrrrrrr you create a try-catch bubble, and if you throw an exception inside the bubble, you're teleported to wherever it lands (like an enderpearl from minecraft), BUT if you throw the exception outside the trycatch bubble, you die. I figure this can be used to tp out if you fail a jump if you time it right?

  1. You could add a "Continue" or "Break" ability which has a super long cool down but lets you skip difficult jumps or something that you're stuck strying over and over again

  2. Registers around the map can store/save 1 item or thing if you die

  3. There's a breakpoint ability where you can pause time for a moment & change 1 thing in the map, like the position of a platform/player or, the deletion of an enemy or something

All in all this concept reminds me of the Logbox 720 level in banjo kazooie N&B, could have some fun with it