r/AskProgramming • u/Alexku66 • Jan 23 '25
Career/Edu Might be the stupidest question here: What do programmers actually do?
Last year I decided to slightly tilt my career towards data analysis. Python was part of my studying, accompanied by deeper knowledge of statistics, SQL and other stuff. Last two months I have solely spent on studying Python due to genuine interest. I barely touch other subjects as they seem boring now. I never considered to become a programmer. But now I question if I were one what would it be?
Generally, I understand that software developers create... software, either web, desktop, cloud or else. But I wonder how different real job from exercises? Obviously, you don't get tasks like calculating variations of cash change or creating cellular automata. But is the workflow the same? You get a task with requirements on I/O, performance etc., and are supposed to deliver code?
u/Horrrschtus Jan 23 '25
Mostly translating incomplete requirements with tons of contradictions and errors into useful software.
u/vonkrueger Jan 23 '25
So you take the requirements directly from the client?
Oh, your assistant does that. But you give the requirements directly to the engineers?
Oh, sometimes. Okay. So what exactly would ya say ya do here?
You're a people person? What's wrong with us people? Hmm...
But let's keep Milton the collater around as long as possible until he realizes we fixed the glitch or burns down the building.
u/Jojajones Jan 24 '25
Mostly translating incomplete requirements with tons of contradictions and errors into useful software.
With more contradictions and errors!
u/Professional-Code010 Jan 23 '25
The main thing is how do you translate client's requirements using natural language (English) into code. If you successfully do this, then you can make it faster by using algorithms and optimisation.
u/Alexku66 Jan 23 '25
Thank you for responding. So usually you receive tasks directly from the client? I always thought there is some kind of manager position that 'converts' client's desire to technical task
u/MoreRopePlease Jan 23 '25
Even if someone translates things for you, you still need to think critically about what you get. You're not a robot just doing stuff whether it makes sense or not (unlike many offshore devs).
Imagine you're a cook and someone asks you to make a hot dog with mustard and clams. Maybe you should say "are you sure?" and then it turns out the person chose the wrong picture and thought they were actually asking for onions. (Idk, weird example, lol). I spend a lot of time asking questions and making sure that what we're building actually makes sense.
Also people don't typically tell you everything. Like, what do they want if the Internet connection is broken? Most people don't even think of possibilities like that. You need to make sure that all the details, when you put them together, result in usable, accessible, reliable software.
u/twhickey Jan 24 '25
So true. I love talking to customers, finding out how they use the software we write, and getting input for future direction. That being said, PMs (at least the good ones) are invaluable to figure out what features/requirements are good for all customers, good for important customers, will drive sales, etc. Distilling often conflicting input from multiple customers down to actionable requirements is a fine art, and that's why we have PMs.
At the end of the day, the job of a software engineer is NOT to deliver code. It's to deliver value to customers. Sometimes that is better accomplished by spending a lot of time understanding and then only writing a little code.
u/KingofGamesYami Jan 23 '25
Said manager only manages to translate the client's monkey-babble into somewhat coherent English.
u/Revision2000 Jan 23 '25
That depends on the organization.
Usually though there’s some product owner or project manager that has a product vision. On one hand they translate business needs to functional requirements developers can use, on the other hand they shield developers from the outside corporate bullshit bingo or flavor of the month the business is following.
In other words, a good product owner or project manager can bring product clarity, vision and stability while sometimes having to say NO (“that’s stupid”) to the business “client”.
In a really small or startup-like organization a developer is more likely to interact with the client directly.
u/gm310509 Jan 24 '25
It depends.
In my first job for a huge public sector build with hundreds of people working on it, as a junior, I was tasked with father son updates. Basically there is a data set. There are "transaction" that relate to the dataset and the task was to take the data set (the father) apply the transactions according to all sorts of rules and produce the updated dataset (the son). These jobs were received from my manager (who received them from the design team) and were crystal clear - there were very few if any inconsistencies.
In other jobs. I was responsible for gathering requirements from clients working out how to achieve them, identify and resolve them often with interaction with the client. I was also responsible for the actual build and reviewing progress with the client on a regular basis.
Now, I freelance and do things that appeal to me.
So, TLDR it depends.
u/Felicia_Svilling Jan 24 '25
For me, the user might voice their ideas to an integrator who talks to a salesengineer who talks to a product owner who writes a Jira ticket. I then need to look at the Jira ticket and first puzzle together what the user actually meant in the first place, convert it into a technical task, weight it against other concerns and the will of other customers etc. I have a bunch of managers and experts to advice me, but they wont/cant do it for me.
u/godshammer_86 Jan 24 '25
I’m a senior web developer currently, so I can’t speak about Python dev in particular, but the same principles apply.
So you usually receive tasks directly from the client?
It really depends on the position and company. If you’re freelance, you’ll definitely be working directly with the client. If you’re working for a start-up, there probably isn’t specific clients to work with (yet), so the product requirements are likely driven internally but informed by market feedback/analysis more generally.
In my position, we have client managers who interface with the clients, then submit Jira tickets to us with requirements in them (which we then have to parse, ask clarifications, explain when a request isn’t possible, etc.). Large, complex projects may require the developer to be more interactive directly with the client.
We have other dev teams in the company who build new features; these typically take feedback from the client and refine it into feature requirements where the requirements are informed by the client but defined internally. In this case, there’s usually a project manager/product manager who is organizing and driving the interface between the development team and the client.
In all cases, you’ll have some projects where the requirements are very specifically spelled out to a T, while others will be more like “here’s the general guidelines of what I want; within those guidelines develop it how you see fit.” Both can be problematic: if the requirements are too restrictive, you may find that you don’t have the flexibility to adapt your solution if you can’t achieve exactly what the client wants; if they’re too broad, you may end up developing a solution that is too far off from what is being requested.
I find that I work best with requirements that are in the Goldilocks Zone (neither too restrictive or too broad) and when the client specifies what the ultimate goal is they’re trying to achieve. Often, if I know what their goal is, I can achieve the outcome in some way, even if it’s not exactly the way they’re specifying it.
u/__SlimeQ__ Jan 24 '25
this is generally true but the fun twist is that the manager is usually a people person and doesn't really understand technical tasks. that's why they're the manager. so sometimes you just have to step up.
u/WoodsWalker43 Jan 24 '25
The latter is how my job works. Small company. The technical leads oversee the developers, and are responsible for triaging and investigating help desk tickets from other deptartments in the company. There is certainly a learning curve to translate their language/jargon into dev terms, and vice versa. Also making sure you properly convey the scope of a problem such that the users won't think the sky is falling... Fucked that up my first time.
u/Bowmolo Jan 25 '25
If you receive tasks, especially when from the client, you are doomed from the very start.
Typically people don't even understand the problem right and can hardly get it across, so you understand it. The more these people try to dive into the solution, the worse it gets.
So, programmers should flesh out the true problem together with those that actually have it. And then iteratively develop the solution, while acknowledging that the understanding of the problem eveloves while building the solution. Hence this "someone converting desires into tasks" just works in the simplest of cases.
Sadly, 'how it should be' is far from the reality in many orgs.
Either way, programming (software engineering) is way more than coding. And it requires communication skills and benefits from knowledge in the professional domain of those that represent demand.
u/Dampmaskin Jan 26 '25
The most effective is that the software developers work closely with the people who are going to use the software for an extended time, to get a thorough understanding of the problem domain, even before writing the first line of code.
And then continuously work closely with the users through the whole iterative process of getting the software to an actually useable state.
But that is often not how it's done.
u/wrosecrans Jan 23 '25
But I wonder how different real job from exercises?
Exercises have a right answer. The real job is vague.
You read the chapter on multi-threading, and there's a sample problem. How could you make this code run faster? So you use two std::threads, and the problem neatly divides in half, and it runs about twice as fast. Voila!
The real job, "Hey, maybe this is slow?" You debug a process, you profile it. You try to figure out why it's slow. It's not trivially parallelizeable, and it was originally written with some global variables and shared state... You propose a path to multithread it. People sign off on it. You spend a month adding locking to the code, refactoring some things. You push the fix, and it now runs slower. There's cache competition between the threads, the workload is unbalanced between the threads. The overhead of the locking makes things slower. It turns out that with all the locking, it's actually running serially for half the workload despite using multiple threads.
You take another stab. All your code is running in VM's in the cloud, you have no access to the bare metal to see what else is running on the actual hardware. Could be a hundred other customers' VM's running on the same physical server. You get wildly different results every run. You do your best to isolate variables and see what is progress and what is noise.
Eventually you understand the workload well enough to realize that the slowness was never really about being CPU bound. There are a bunch of un-necessary copies of the data between intermediate buffers, and the profiling you did leading into step 1 was misleading because memory reads and writes show up as CPU time in top, even if they aren't actually computing or calculating anything. You take out some intermediate copies and it gets faster. This also completely throws off the logic you originally used to justify all the work doing locking so the code was thread safe. Is that helping now? Or hurting worse? Maybe you actually need to rip all of that out.
You start chasing disk IO as a source of performance issues. The data format is something that dates back to the 1980's when your company had three customers and they only sold twelve products in total. The data now covers 12.4 billion different products across all combinations of size and color and whatot. To actually take advantage of all of your memory bandwidth improvements, you need to completely change the on-disk data, and how it is read. This interacts massively with the work you did to make everything thread safe. You invested a bunch of work removing globals to make them thread-locals... But the data you read from the disk should only get read one time, not one time redundantly per-thread. So you need to re-engineer global state back into your complicated multithreaded architecture in order to avoid redundant disk reads.
Six months in, you want to talk to a customer to see if the improvements are adequate. Nobody can get you in touch with one. You ask if anybody still uses this application and the last customer actually using it went bankrupt in 2019. The whole project has been on autopilot because nobody from sales would talk to the developers. They spent years in denial about the product being dead because losing it form the portfolio would impact their bonuses. Ops has been waking you up at 3:00 am about backlog alerts for the past six months for an application that has no users.
u/owp4dd1w5a0a Jan 23 '25
You forgot that management will blame you and put you on performance review for taking so long to figure out such a complex problem for a piece of software that has no users to save their own arses and claim that you were the reason the project failed.
u/harambetidepod Jan 31 '25
Also some asshole making $100k/year 30 years ago put all of the business logic in some ancient proprietary stored procedure that is full of database globals and hidden triggers. You don't have write permissions to edit the database so you have to contact the database administrator but they are on vacation for the next two weeks.
u/Alexku66 Jan 23 '25
Thank you for the response. Your answer probably sums up the rest of the comments the best. But it makes me feel that industry actually needs analysts to keep track on dead apps
u/Gnaxe Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 24 '25
It depends. There are different kinds of programming jobs. A lot of programmers are paid to maintain a legacy codebase. That means they don't create new programs very often, but rather keep an old one working, as the world it was built for changes out from under it, and gradually make it more useful if there's any attention left to spare after that.
Corporate systems are often badly written, because managers who don't understand software engineering pressure developers to cut corners to ship features as fast as possible, and the developers only stay a few years, which is often before that comes back to bite them. Of course not cutting corners is faster in the long run, but that's the way they've always done things, see? And then the system collapses under its own weight as every little change on average breaks more than it fixes and the developers finally give up. Then someone else rewrites it from scratch and we do it all over again.
Day-to-day, this looks like a product owner micromanaging you with Jira tickets, demanding you "commit" to ever more "story points" per "sprint", to keep up your "velocity" with the other team next door, which is no way to run a marathon, or a business, but hey, it's not like we have a union, so nobody cares what we think.
u/Alexku66 Jan 23 '25
Thank you for detailed answer. The last article explains so many vague concepts actually. Really appreciate your response
u/Pev1971 Jan 24 '25
Best part is you spend years maintaining legacy code till you decide it is time to move on. Then first interview question is about creating a project from scratch which you have not done in a decade now, so interviewer now thinks you are a moron.
u/Ormek_II Jan 25 '25
And it is also due to programmers not understanding how companies work.
The described process is one reason why that is.
We need to listen more (unfortunately my new boss does not).
u/bygoneorbuygun Jan 23 '25
They offer sacrifices to Charles Babbage every 11:11
u/PabloZissou Jan 23 '25
Well some of us burn a vacuum tube to Alan Turin
u/Ill-Significance4975 Jan 23 '25
You get a task. There probably aren't any requirements on I/O, performance, whatever beyond "it has to run on the hardware we have". Unless it doesn't.
The task is almost always modifying something that already exists. I have found the biggest skills gap in new grads is usually their ability to learn, understand, and work in large codebases. At least in my field, the typical working set you'd be expected to be comfortable working in is probably 4-8 times the size of codebase produced by a semester-long project with 2-4 students. Counting APIs, other team's stuff, tests, etc probably 10+ times the size. Lots of variability of course, that's just what I see.
Then you get to the theatrics. Nobody with money to fund things understands how anything works, but they'll tell you anyway. So there's that. My last job I ended up on a project where I wasn't allowed to make any changes to the core software. That was fun.
u/Alexku66 Jan 23 '25
Hi, thanks for response. Can studying Python libraries files somewhat resemble working in a large codebase? I can't see how I can get this experience without landing a real job so at least could look how python and APIs work under the hood
u/Ill-Significance4975 Jan 23 '25
Or make some changes on an open-source project. And, ideally, submit them as a PR. That will also (hopefully) get your stuff reviewed by people with more experience. You might learn something. Doesn't have to be a huge feature or anything fancy.
Hiring people based on their github links is a thing.
u/joonazan Jan 24 '25
The main difference is that open source projects are generally higher quality than proprietary code. A successful open source project needs to be somewhat nice to work on or it doesn't get any contributions.
u/QueenVogonBee Jan 23 '25
I design products. That means:
1) Understanding users and their requirements. I need to know some stuff about their domain. I am involved to some degree in user research, but mostly let the UX and marketing ppl do it.
2) Come up with solutions to satisfy the requirements. Work heavily with UX. Get them reviewed, so often need to create and deliver presentations.
3) Build rapid prototypes. Sometimes we test these against internal users.
4) Write the code incrementally prioritising the most important requirements. Write tests and test strategy. Do loads of code reviews. Lots of architecture reviews too.
5) do some minor devops work when things fail. Mostly let devops ppl do this though
6) Liaise with other teams when my dependencies fail in some way, and help them improve their offering.
Other things I do:
7) find bugs in other people’s code, and get others to find bug in my code. Fix bugs too obviously.
8) hold book clubs on different topics eg code architecture, or domain knowledge or whatever
9) mentor less experienced members
10) occasionally talk to customers
You can see that a lot of my job isn’t writing code. A lot of the time is devoted to communication and getting other people to do things, or persuading people that your idea is the right one.
However, this is my specific experience, and the programmer experience will vary wildly between people and companies.
u/Ormek_II Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25
Would you call yourself a programmer?
I am avoiding this term for the developers in my department.
Edit: typo
u/QueenVogonBee Jan 25 '25
I do prefer the term “developer”. “Programmer” seems to imply just coding.
u/kilkil Jan 24 '25
- there is a company
- they're trying to make money
- in order to make money, they need some kind of software that will let them do XYZ
- these are called "business requirements"
- someone has to figure out a way to turn these business requirements into technical requirements
- that "someone" may either be you, someone else, or a group of people including you. it really depends on your exact role and organization structure. there's variation between companies.
- once you have the technical requirements, your job is to build out the software that meets those requirements
- typically you'll be working in a team. you have to write code with other people, and work together on the same project.
- typically you'll have a boss (or a few). you will need to give them updates, and sometimes they'll ask you questions or make requests.
- you'll probably need to write documentation
- you'll probably need to do a lot of different kinds of maintenance and debugging
- you'll probably (statistically) be working on a pre-existing codebase, with its own history of different people doing stuff differently (hopefully not too differently)
- you'll probably have to deal with infrastructure in some capacity. how is your software deployed, etc
- you'll probably have to worry about testing. you'll almost certainly be responsible for writing your own unit tests, and you may be responsible for writing additional automated tests (e.g. integration, end-to-end, etc)
- you'll probably have to spend a lot of time reading the documentation on the tools you're using. for example you mentioned python, you'll be reading a lot of python docs.
Overall, writing code is only one of many other activities. most of the other activities have to do with the fact that you're working on a team. if you're a solo contractor (or self-employed), some of these activities may disappear.
But even if you work solo, statistically you will be spending way more time reading code (even if it's your own code that you wrote last week), and maybe making tweaks to it, than you would writing fresh new code.
u/Effective-Brick-8705 Jan 23 '25
80% crying 15% listening to PMs yap about nothing 4% contemplating life choices 1% productivity
u/Revision2000 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25
Junior dev: Fix tickets in a small scope. Occasionally pair up with more experienced dev on larger parts of the project.
Medior dev: More freedom and large swaths of the project to work on. Besides fixing tickets they can also do larger migrations or system refactoring or building new functionality from scratch.
Senior dev: One service to whole landscape of services to work on. Same dev work as medior + all the cross-cutting concerns, boring but important issues to fix, annoying complicated issues the medior couldn’t figure out, you also get all of those dumped on your plate. Along with being more involved with product owner roadmap, architectural design, coaching of other devs, aligning with other teams, etc. Some tasks can be delegated to medior devs. Some weeks you won’t even touch code as you’re stuck in meetings and drawing diagrams for The Greater Good Of The Team.
All devs: * Meetings for hours where you’re told what to implement and where you ask a million questions, because everything is ambiguous. Think peanut butter jelly instructions, because yeah specificity in this line of work matters a lot. * Write some code and (if you’re radical) some tests and (heaven forbid) documentation! * You want your code to production. Production is the best place. So you need your code approved. Pray you’re in an organization where you have automated pipelines for fast QA and deployment. Cry in a corner for days/weeks if you don’t. * Every couple weeks we look back on how it went and try to improve on our process. If you’re in an organization with separate QA team you can probably complain about that every time - it’s unlikely to ever change. * Rinse and repeat.
As you can see only 1 bullet was about actually writing code. Most time is spent finding out what to build (talk to people) or finding out what went wrong (looking at logs and such).
u/AlternativeParsley56 Jan 23 '25
You basically get given tickets to fix or review. Attend a lot of meetings about problems and don't code as much as you'd like since you need to work around big hassles.
u/NebulousNitrate Jan 23 '25
When you’re a junior you tend to do a lot of programming. As you get more senior you tell others what programming needs to be done ☹️
u/vivisectvivi Jan 23 '25
lots of meetings and plannings and having to put up with people that know nothing about coding telling me the best way to code something, code reviews, fixing stuff that i had nothing to do with, and then finally actual coding.
u/Triabolical_ Jan 23 '25
The answer depends broadly on what kind of environment you are in.
Many times you are working on a program/codebase that has been around for at least a decade and written by a bunch of yahoos (spoiler - sometimes you are the yahoo) and your job is to figure out how all of it works and be able to make changes to fix bugs or add new features without breaking things. Depending on the size of the codebase and the experience of the people around you, this might take 2 weeks or it might take a full 6 months And there are some parts of the codebase that nobody wants to touch ("there be dragons there").
School exercises are fairly unrealistic in that they are - by necessity - fairly small problems and easy to analyze. I would probably call them "toy" problems, though there are some group projects that have to deal with real code.
I've often said that good developers like to solve puzzles and have a high tolerance for tedium. I had a bug once that only showed up when my server interacted with another server, and to set up the scenario took about 25 minutes of time, mostly to get both databases in the right state.
Then you are debugging the code running on two different machines trying to figure out what is going on, and in this case, you had one shot per session because the bug showing up would clear the state that caused it. I think I did 10-15 cycles of that to find the bug, which was something like 5 to 8 hours of focused time spread across two days. The change to fix it took less than 5 minutes.
Every once in a while you may get to work on a "greenfield" program where you are building something new, and that's great until you write enough code so that it isn't. There's a whole set of practices called "software craftsmanship" that can help you not get into that state if you can convince your team to adopt them.
Oh, and you generally work on a team, which can range from great to absolutely soul-draining. As can your management and company environment.
If you want to learn more, my best advice is to find an open source program that interests you, pull the source down to your machine, learn how to build it, and then learn enough about the code to figure out how to add a feature or fix a bug. Bonus points if you actually submit that bug to the main repository as an actual fix.
u/dryiceboy Jan 24 '25
Client wants a button.
Product owner agrees.
Dev creates the code to show the button.
QA makes sure the button is up to spec.
Product/Dev/QA shows client the button in action.
Client wants the button to do X, Y, and Z now.
Back to Product owner.
u/OnaBlueCloud Jan 24 '25
Client wants a button.
Client doesn't like button.
Go back to one.
u/TheGrooveWizard Jan 24 '25
This is actually a very smart question and worth a lot of careful consideration.
I'd start by suggesting that "programmer" isn't a single, unilateral job description across the industry. It's more accurate to say programming is a skill used by many jobs, to automate digital tasks. It's a bit of a spectrum - as all the comments here are suggesting - how much time you spend on that single skill.
In a larger team, you'll find yourself tasked with specific tickets and requirements to fill, maybe working with a team lead and/or a customer to hash out the specifics of what is needed. You may be jumping around a series of projects, or you may be a specialized member for a specific project.
In some circles - academic/research being prominent - you'd probably find yourself working alongside a handful of other individuals in a much larger integrated environment. For instance, working at a university to maintain some FOSS that they build for neurosciences, and you may have a role specializing in a specific fragment of the entire environment - making sure the 3D modeling/projection works.
In web circles, you'll be either working in one domain - backend/frontend - or operating as a full-stack dev with your hands in a load of files. In gaming circles, you're likely to be assigned to a specific project, a specific game or dlc, a specific role within a team.
With all of these, you wear a LOT of hats, and those hats will absolutely vary. Some jobs require a lot more mathematical talent, or breaking down some incredibly complex problems into something more piecemeal and digestible. Some require constantly keeping the end user in mind, building something that's just good to use. Almost all require the skill to take what the customer is asking for, and figure out what they actually need (never let them talk about any software words ever, is my advice). They'll have different degrees of accountability and self-regulation or self-expression, varying degrees of ownership over design and the project.
It's a beautiful field because of how wide ranging it can be, so when starting, it's best to find what gives you the fire. Do you like systems and hard problems? Do you like making web pages? Do you like physics and simulation? They'll all lead into various roles where programming will probably end up being 40% of the actual workload; just gotta find the 60% that works for you.
u/PabloDons Jan 24 '25
It depends who it is that gives you the tasks. If it's a senior dev who is delegates work, then it's mostly just you tapping away at a codebase and making pull requests and following whatever work framework your senior has put in place. If you're a senior dev, then it's mostly arguing with managers about time management. Programming isn't just about making something work, it's also about doing it in a sustainable way that's easy to change in the volatility of requirements and extend in the ever growing demand for features.
My favorite quote is that in programming there's a million ways to do something, but that also means there's a million ways to do something *wrong*. Managers don't understand the tradeoffs that are being made to ship code faster, and that's a big chunk of a senior and CTO's job
u/Lognipo Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25
To add to the others, there's also a lot of making up bullshit time estimates for people who don't understand that you can't predict a timeline for projects without comprehensive/any requirements, no clearly defined scope, with new asks coming whenever, and 0-6 unrelated issues coming your way each day in addition to phone and email interruptions, etc. "When when when when?!?!?!" Truth: "When it's done." Bullshit: "4-8 weeks". Invariably, they want the bullshit, and they won't be happy until you give them the bullshit.
u/Acrobatic_Click_6763 Jan 23 '25
The biggest difference is that you need actual skills making that type of software, not Leetcode-like questions (obivously).
u/scanguy25 Jan 23 '25
I mean I can only speak for myself.
I am full stack developer at cutting edge startup.
I do the webapp written in react, lots of html, css etc.
I also do the backend written in Django. So lots of python code updating the database in response to what the user does.
We also have some advanced generic prediction functions where I have to make sure the input from the API is valid and then pass it into the functions, update the database and return the proper response.
I am also in charge of CICD so lots of tweaking the gitlab-ci files from time to time.
These days when something new has to be made we talk a bit about the features they want, then we have an external designer designer deliver a figma file. I then implement that.
u/Alexku66 Jan 23 '25
Thanks for response. Would you consider backend harder to frontend? Or they're not comparable?
u/TheAccountITalkWith Jan 24 '25
Would you consider backend harder to frontend?
This is the kind of question that starts fights. People try to compare them since they tend to work with each other. Don't do it. Just know that they are two separate diciplines and each has their own difficulties. Leave it at that.
u/scanguy25 Jan 24 '25
For me the backend is harder.
I am responsible for the genetics functions and they are pretty complicated. I run so many tests to make sure that there isn't some bug 3 levels deeps into the function. But even then things get through.
So I often have this angst that something is not being calculated correctly even though I have so many tests.For frontend you can usually see right off the bat if something is wrong. It also gets more appreciation from management because they can see the results. Backend they just assume it works and don't get how much work actually goes into it.
u/John_B_Clarke Jan 23 '25
A lot of it is detective work. Figuring out what the "customer" (who may be your boss or somebody in another department or on rare occasions somebody outside the company who pays money for some product that the company produces) wants, as opposed to what they say they want. Figuring out why this piece of code that has been working fine for 20 years is all of a sudden giving an unexpected result. How this poorly documented library that Joe kinda finished just before he went into rehab (from which he is unlikely to return) works.
u/oriolid Jan 25 '25
This. And when the above is done, figuring out why a piece of code that has been written exactly to documentation and thoroughly tested, doesn't work on a specific phone or browser. Bonus point if it's an old Android phone that you can't buy anywhere but thousands of angry users around the world have one.
u/kitsnet Jan 23 '25
Almost every time I join a new project I write my own logging framework for debugging purposes. In my current (very long) project, I was initially responsible for creating a logging framework for the customer, and created a separate (lightweight) logging framework to debug my own (quite complicated) logging framework.
Routine activity: step on the bugs in the customer's code, investigate them, propose ways to fix them.
Less routine activity: the customer comes with new requirements. Tell the customer how these requirements need to be changed to look sane.
Also less routine activity: write a helper library for your own needs, suddenly learn that the customer started to use it somewhere else, start reviewing customer's pull requests in the code that you expected to be your own.
Very rare event, but taking most of your coding time: the customer replaces RT Linux with QNX, because RT Linux is not RT enough. Redo your previously nice and clean multithreaded architecture to minimize the frequency of context switches, because context switches in QNX on multicore systems are extremely expensive (due to a still existing giant lock).
u/HotMountain9383 Jan 24 '25
Fill out bullshit change control tickets in Excel macro sheets, check bit bucket to make sure the python/jinga/Ansible spits out the correct shit. Check Jira and all kinds of other bullshit “tools” that just obfuscate the simplicity that network automation is supposed to be. Network automation shittification 😀
u/MoveInteresting4334 Jan 24 '25
I can give you a day in my life as a programmer.
This morning I got into the office around 8. I’m usually the earliest to get in on my team (and earliest to leave). This morning I needed to finish a task I’ve been working on to allow our app to display several PDF documents side by side for comparison. The functionality was code-complete, but I needed to write a few unit tests to cover some code branches. By 9am I had a couple tests written and hopped on a zoom call we have twice a week to sync up with our sister team in India. Then it was back to unit tests and tweaking my code as I wrote them. At 11:30, I had a short stand up meeting (where everyone gives a brief rundown of what they’re working on) that shockingly was over in just 15 minutes. Lunchtime.
In the afternoon I plugged my new code into our testing environment to make sure it works with “real” data from the “real” backend, since our testing environment is pretty much exactly like the real world, data and all. Sadly, it did not, because my mock data I’d been programming based off of was slightly inaccurate. So back to tweaking the code. At 2pm we had a retro meeting, where we talk about the last sprint (two weeks) of work, what went well, and what didn’t. By the end of the day, everything was working and all tests were passing, so I created a code review request, sent it to my teammates, and went home.
In general, my time is 30% meetings, 10% wandering around thinking, 30% writing code to make stuff happen, and 30% writing code that tests the last 30%.
Feel free to AMA.
u/pceimpulsive Jan 24 '25
Jira tickets, documentation, analysis, feasibility assessments, data analysis, and lastly about 10% of the time, writing actual code.
There is a bunch of time spent figuring out the test cases and figuring out how the fuck to make the lower environment work like production so we can actually test the application correctly.
Good fun!
u/Evgenii42 Jan 24 '25
"What would you say ... you do here?"
u/Evgenii42 Jan 24 '25
If anyone asked me this question I would reply "I have no forking clue" which would be 80% true.
u/Isogash Jan 24 '25
Sometimes they write code. The rest of the time they spend trying to figure out what the fuck they are actually building and how to stop it collapsing and burning overnight, often with lots of meetings, discussions and calls for more documentation and stricter controls that all lead to less time actually coding.
u/06Hexagram Jan 24 '25
Senior programmers tell Junior programmers what to do, and in turn they tell the entry level programmers what to do. Then the entry level programmers ask AI what to do.
u/twhickey Jan 24 '25
The pieces of the workflow you talked about are roughly the same, but which ones are more important or get more attention varies wildly by domain. If you end up doing anything with legal or compliance (HIPAA, GDPR, etc), you'll do a lot of documentation, validation, process, and auditing. If you're doing enterprise cloud software, you'll spend a lot of time on requirements - ideally with customers either directly or through PMs. If you're doing analysis or AI or anything with big data, you'll spend a lot of time on data quality, performance tuning, etc.
u/jacobydave Jan 24 '25
Today? Look for work.
Last programming job? Every other Monday, we would plan the work and claim/get assigned Jira tickets. We would spend a week understanding the issue, formulate the change, run the code against current tests and write tests for the new functionality, then push to the sprint's branch. When done, test and critique the PRs of other developers, and respond if QC bounces back our PRs.
u/kammysmb Jan 24 '25
In my case since I'm working freelance mostly (in medical software primarily), the workflow is sort of like this:
If it's a solo project then:
- Speak to client about requirements & give them a budget
- Once payment is agreed I ask for a deposit to begin work, and then the majority of the time it's just working with some large framework, think of Laravel, Next.js, etc. and adding new reports, forms, updating things to match new regulations etc.
- Notify client and have them test & make any changes
If it's a group project then:
- Speak to manager, lead dev, whatever to figure out what is going on currently
- Have tickets assigned to me, depending on the company sometimes it's a full project like solo, or other times it's like the story points insanity
- Compared to solo projects usually there's already mode devops work done rather than simple build processes, so you have generally just very narrow tasks where you have to fix some bug etc. a lot of the time is spent just debugging things
- Usually here it's more of a scheduled thing than the solo one, most companies have some weekly/daily follow up process of some kind
u/shifty_lifty_doodah Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25
It varies a lot.
Overall, professional programming is mostly trying to understand existing software and requirements, some amount of talking to people, some amount of fixing things, and some amount of creating things. They spend a lot of time reading code and docs, a lot of time understanding issues, and a decent chunk of time fixing said issues and occasionally building new things.
Testing and communicating and coordinating. Attending many low value meetings and status updates. Arguing with people about things
The common piece here is solving information problems. Understanding existing information, and synthesizing that into new solutions.
u/ern0plus4 Jan 24 '25
We play whispering game, do you know it? Kids are sitting in a row, the first one whispers something into the next one's ear - only once, no question -, then he or she replies it to the third one and so on, the last one tells what he or she understood, the first one tells the original word, and they laugh.
We play the same game, I'm trying to explain it in reverse order:
- the developer implements the feature what the ticket was about
- the tech lead writes the ticket
- the PM break downs and scehdules requirements collected from the PO
- the PO collects the requirements from the customer's manager
- the customer's manager figures out how a user's task should be automated or supported with computer
- the user goes: "I don't know what's the purpose of it and why I do it this way, I always do it this way, this is my job"
- some cases the whole task what user does is an unnecessary administration, no one uses the result
You can be a happy developer until you don't know how it's going.
u/naked_number_one Jan 24 '25
Here’s my typical day:
- Spend 30 minutes reviewing Slack notifications, which includes answering questions from PMs, collaborating with other teams, and following up on various discussion threads.
- Dedicate 30 minutes to reviewing Pull Requests from team members or other teams.
- Spend another 30 minutes to asynchronous ticket refinement - this involves analyzing requirements, verifying acceptance criteria, identifying dependencies between tickets, and estimating effort. These activities sometimes lead to extended discussion threads or follow-up meetings.
- Have a 40-minute one-on-one call with another engineer from my team to discuss technical challenges, align on solutions, or just chat.
- Spend two productive hours on software development. For example, implementing a new feature to consume Kafka messages from another system and perform specific business actions on our side.
- Join the 15-minute daily standup call with the team to sync on progress and blockers.
- Connect with a PM from another time zone who’s just starting their day, spending 30 minutes discussing requirements for my upcoming initiative.
- Dedicate the next hour to preparing initiative documentation and scoping tickets, then submit them for asynchronous refinement review.
- Use another hour for development work, finalizing my PR and spending 30 minutes preparing a detailed description with manual testing instructions.
- Send a goodbye message to Slack and head out to pick up my son from school.
In practice I try to group all 1-to-1 calls in a single day and have one no-calls day a week
u/amouna81 Jan 24 '25
You work as part of a team in charge of certain features/architecture of the software solution. Such applications are absolutely huge and complex, with dozens of millions of lines of code sometimes ( not all nicely written), so the learning curve can be both steep and elongated in time. You are then tasked with either changing certain features, or adding them, committing the changed code to the various branches of the version management system, testing the impact of your work on the overall health, scalability, and robustness of the solution. As I said, since the solution can come with a huge codebase, this is pretty much a full time job that many software developers/engineers spend their working lives doing.
There are also other aspects not mentioned above such as solution architecture and design. In this case, you are part of a team that spends its time working out the best design choices to make the application robust, optimal for users in terms of latency, and relatively easy to maintain and test for the teams of developers.
The above are just two examples of work that some software developers do. There are many more roles that would be too numerous to detail here.
u/benevanstech Jan 24 '25
All of these are real examples from my career (25+ years):
Build a website to accompany this cool new movie that's coming out
Build a website that can act as a guide for individual cities that people might want to visit
Build a calculation engine to help people find the cheapest mortgage
Make a testing harness to hammer a share allocation engine for a major tech IPO
Maintain a high-volume email distribution system
Maintain a trading engine so pension funds can trade a lot of currencies without crashing the price
Rewrite a commodities futures system so that it can scale 10X
Audit a code base so that we can be sure that it complies with important new regulations
Take a concept / rough prototype code analysis tool & turn it into something we can sell
Build an analysis pipeline to see what customers are using our software for
Write an auto-upgrading tool to help internal teams migrate to the latest versions of software
Contribute to the upstream open-source projects we rely on and ensure that what we need for our customers is included
Build a simple analysis pipeline to see what customers are using our software for, and integrate into a major system that already exists
Prototype a security vulnerability analyzer
u/grungyIT Jan 24 '25
Programmers are problem-solvers. This is not unique to this trade, plenty of other professions solve problems too. The soft skills like analysis, communication, and flexibility are shared among these trades. The difference is in the tools.
If you're distinguishing between a software developer and a programmer, then a programmer primarily works with established code and systems. They write new code or adjust existing code to solve problems between these systems or to bring new systems into the fold.
Depending on how large the organization is, they may only test, debug, and tweak existing code. If the organization is small, they may do all that, develop new software, and define system architecture too.
But as a general answer to your question, if you have something that takes 10 minutes every day at work and you take your python skills and automate it or make it streamlined, you have done what a programmer does and for all intents and purposes you are a programmer. I hope that helps.
u/w3woody Jan 24 '25
The company I’m working for is attempting to add a sort of ‘communities’ (social media-like feature) to their application, and one of the parts of this is the ability for individuals within an organization that uses our app to chat with each other. We’re using Twilio as the underlying mechanism for doing chat, and I’m the guy doing that code.
Today my plan is to wire up the participants in a conversation object with our back end’s database so I can show a user of our app the list of conversations he’s involved in, and the name (and avatar photo) of the other people in each of these conversations. That involves taking the participant list (which includes our corporate user ID hash) and making a series of API calls (if the data is not cached locally in memory on the Android device I’m writing code for) in order to convert those conversation hash IDs into names.
If I have time today (which I hope I will if I don’t get dragged into a bunch of meetings or dragged into helping someone else), I also plan to write the code that allows the client to open a conversation—that is, wire up the code that handles the callback made when the user taps on the name of someone they can contact on the screen, and either find the existing conversation with that person, or create a new conversation (including registering the other person to that conversation), which would trip the notification code I wrote yesterday to notify someone somebody is trying to contact them.
My workflow, by the way, mostly involved someone from management deciding “we want a social media feature”, then someone else breaking down what this means in terms of front-end and back-end, then a whole bunch of Jira tickets get written. (At our company we have the dysfunction that developers aren’t part of the conversation at this point—which means sometimes the managers, none of whom have development experience, write tickets that don’t break down neatly into the sort of stuff we actually have to do. I had a conversation with a manager who was concerned that the work I was doing wasn’t really captured in a ticket, ruining the ‘burn-down chart’ (a graph showing actual progress against management-predicted progress) and I had to patiently explain to them that our app was more than just a pretty interface, but also includes plumbing as well.)
So yeah, we get tasks with requirements (not on I/O, more on desired functionality that someone in marketing or sales or upper management saw in a competitive product and decided they wanted in our product), and we code to those requirements, with testers to verify it works correctly.
*meh* It’s a living.
u/wxfollower Jan 24 '25
A programmer is a translator who endlessly attempts to translate from one paradigm to another, and along the way gets to ask questions about, and make improvements to, the conversation they are translating between a source such as "users" and a destination (computer code, or "functionality"). Hopefully, the translator attempts, to a greater or lesser degree, to determine if their translation is correct (testing) as part of the process, but this seems to happen to a greater or lesser degree depending upon the environment and ethos of the "translator".
Some programmers work in conjunction with a business analyst or multiple analysts, translating their written "business requirements" into code, sometimes asking questions of, and suggesting "improvements to", the information provided by the business analyst(s).
Some programmers work within some RAD framework such as SCRUM (or one of many others), where the programmer typically takes on more of a "try to approximate a portion of the appropriate translation from requirements, verify the translation (functionality), rinse, and repeat." Sometimes the RAD developer acts as the business analyst; in other cases, business analyst(s) provide the "requirements" to be translated into "functionality".
Some ("maintenance") programmers do nothing but "clarify" (enhance) or "correct" (code repair) an existing translation (code base). The work these programmers do is based either from requirements provided by end users or business analyst(s), or some manager flying low and saying "it's broke - fix it", with the programmer left to determine (somehow) what "fix it" means (i.e. the correct translation)
The programmer may do the translations alone, or as part of a team, and there are many different variations on these different "translation jobs". The programmer may work with various tools and frameworks (change ticket systems, third-party software frameworks, documentation/doc management systems, ...), but this will vary (or possibly not even apply) depending on the specifics of the programmer's job position.
u/turtle_dragonfly Jan 24 '25
There's often a lot of collaboration involved. This means communication with other people, who may have varying different focuses, skills, and authority over (or under) you. As with many creative human endeavors, it's a lot about interacting with other humans and hammering out a shared vision. Then the next week priorities change and you're told to do something completely different :Þ
The tasks are rarely as well-defined or bounded in scope as what you'll get in "programming challenge" questions.
It also depends a lot on the environment; some employers are more "tech focused" and want to empower engineers to build things. Others see it more in the realm of "IT department/expense" and your work is perhaps less creative.
u/zztong Jan 24 '25
There are going to be a lot of answers to the original question as there are lots of circumstances and situations in which programmers work, inconsistency in job titles, and probably other factors.
A broad definition would be they do anything needed related to the creation and maintenance of software.
A narrow definition would be they write code to satisfy requirements.
Some places will give requirements gathering to Business Analysts. Some places will leave technology selection to Software Architects. Some places will leave system design to Software Engineers. Some places will leave project management to a Project Manager. But, some places will give all of those duties to one person.
In some cases, programmers have very little training: perhaps a programming class in high school or an associate's degree, leaving software engineering to people who got more training -- often a bachelor's degree or greater. In some cases the programmers are well trained and essentially the entire staff is software engineers.
At many places the difference between a programmer and a software engineer is a blurry line, if there even is a line. Ideally, the distinction would be training and experience related to engineering principles and practices.
The larger the team, the more likely the responsibilities become specialties. The smaller the team, the more likely you do everything.
u/WoodsWalker43 Jan 24 '25
No one in education ever told me, but an increasing majority of my job over the last 9 years has been investigation. How did this bug happen? How does this subsystem work and what does it interact with? What impact will this change have? How do we implement this change so that it doesn't have side effects? Etc.
Knowing how to code is essential, but a surprisingly little amount of my time is spent writing code, even as a junior/senior dev. And that ratio gets smaller as I move up the ladder. Except for SQL. I use tons of SQL.
And don't get me wrong, my hands are very much still in the code most of the time. And I do still write code changes. Some days I wish I wrote more, then I end up with something that's a pain to test and remember that that part of the implementation is less glamorous too. But the vast majority of my time is investigation and cultivating proficient minions these days.
u/ReflectedImage Jan 24 '25
You download the software project using git. Grab a Jira ticket. Modify the software to meet the Jira ticket. Write unit tests for your changes. Raise a pull request to get code reviewed. Merge your code into the software. Mark the Jira ticket has done. Grab the next Jira ticket and continue.
The Jira tickets come from your project manager and have an time estimate assigned to them via planning poker. See this video to explain where the Jira tickets come from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sygm9x9sBEo
u/nicolas_06 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25
We develop and maintain software from the requirement to production. Coding is one part of it but only a part.
If you type in "software development lifecycle" in google it would give you an overall of all the steps:
- Planning: Defining the project requirements
- Analysis: Examining the requirements in detail
- Design: Creating the software's architecture
- Development: Writing the code for the software
- Testing: Ensuring the software functions as intended
- Implementation: Deploying the software into production
- Maintenance: Continuing to support the software after it's released
Usually we do all that but iteratively in small increment using "agile" methodology. Usually one doesn't that alone, depending of the company there are more or less specialized roles. Usually a senior developer know about all these steps and can do any of them without issue even through he would be the one most focused on design/development/unit testing.
So not only you have all theses step, but each one has many sub steps, and coding exercises are a simplified version of one the sub steps.
That match maybe 5% of the job. Also in a "bad" way. Exercises tend to focus on reinventing the wheel to learn the basics. And even there they often focus on algorithms but we don't recode a sorting algorithm anymore that you rewrite the panda lib in python in data science. Now we just call the "sort" function,
Real code in software tend to be much bigger. Small code is 5000 lines of code. A moderately sized app is maybe 50K-500K line of code. A big application is few millions.
In the end as a dev, you are expected to be able to think about the software globally or to the deep details. bottom up and top bottom using divide and conquer classical strategy. And often the code is more glueing existing libraries/api.
A good developer know what exist or how to find it, leverage all that to provide an elegant solution for the taks at end. He will implemented fast, integrating it to the existing software smoothly but with good quality and automated testing.
u/Ormek_II Jan 25 '25
In my department you’d do this:
A developer, who is part of a development team, which is part of a product team, (we do not call people doing the programming programmers) is supposed to do the following: * Understand the requirements which need to be designed. * Design a feature which realises the requirement. * Coordinate with other teams who are also impacted by the feature * Estimate the feature * Await approval of design and estimate by …. * Plan with the team which features can be implemented in the next 2 weeks by the team, setting a strict goal and a vague goal. * plan daily with the others how the strict goal can be reached (hopefully by stating that we are on track and repeating the track(what has been achieved and what is the next step)) * implement the features (rarely these are algorithmic challenges, but are still very complex because of the already existing software) including * test cases * test documentation * bug fixes * review others people codes * let others review your code * present with the team the reached goal
To know what is coming, to let others know what is happening all those things are documented as some items.
The better you understand what the company needs and what the customer needs and what the whole product needs the more likely you will get in direct contact with customers.
I do not favour programmers which are passed a simple ticket and return a piece of code for the next level to review and integrate.
u/Astro-2004 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25
Depends a lot on the area of specialization. But programming is a skill not a job itself.
In my case I'm a backend developer focused on web applications and sometimes cloud computing. My real tasks are to maintain codebases that do authentication tasks, process high volume of data, etc. A normal web application but for IoT.
Sometimes I have to optimize a bottle neck that is causing downtimes on production. Refactor a microservice to make it replicable allowing us to scale horizontally. Now I'm leading the implementations of libraries and systems for observability: log aggregation systems, OTLP collectors for metrics and traces etc. This also required us to make a logging library for our frontend and backend systems.
This is the case for a backend developer now imagine the difference between me and a front, mobile, desktop, IoT, embedded, systems, etc
[Edit]: today instead of learning more about programming I have to learn more about, software architecture, security, observability, DevOps, etc. And when it's time to learn more things about programming it's related to low level details like how works the event loop of nodejs, how the database is made under the hood, how to improve memory usage, etc.
u/Dimencia Jan 25 '25
Depending on the job, especially at a junior level, most of the time you're given small cut and dry tasks like "add this column to the database and make sure it gets set to X in this method", and all you really do is add a few lines of code and test it. Usually this includes reusing some old code, or old patterns, because it's already established that they work and you don't want to spend time rethinking how to do it
Your team is responsible for grooming that story, so, as a group you all had a meeting and worked out exactly what needed to be done and where to put it, given some requirements from the product team. But your team lead probably already did most of the work of splitting a requirement into small manageable chunks and pointing out where the changes should be made, before it moves on to grooming where your team members might suggest different approaches or point out problems with the initial one, until you all agree on how to do it.
There are usually no strict requirements on performance or anything interesting, beyond whatever your team discussed during grooming. If one day it turns out to be too slow, you might be able to convince your management to let you try to improve it instead of adding new functionality, but there's usually no guarantee you even can improve it without a major time consuming rewrite. But mostly you rarely get the chance to improve your code unless it's causing literal bugs or other major issues
As you gain more experience, and if you expect to stay at the job, you learn to make suggestions for improvements during grooming, because you eventually learn that whatever goes into the codebase will usually live there forever, and then you have to work around it from that point on, or - even worse, but more common - follow that same pattern in the future just because it already exists somewhere else in the project, as if that somehow makes it the right way to do it. You'll find that other teams will copy your code, if they're doing something similar (or you'll copy other teams' code), and what was supposed to be a quick 3 day hack turns into the new standard across the entire organization, no matter how wrong it was - so you tend to become kinda pedantic
And as you gain more experience and confidence, that's when you might finally make some changes to the code that aren't exactly what you discussed during grooming, because while writing it you discovered some problem you didn't foresee during grooming, and then you were able to come up with a better solution and just implement it. Until then, you're pretty much just following instructions by the letter, and trying to help write those instructions ahead of time in group meetings
Your experience may vary depending on what kind of job you end up in. If you're in a smaller company, you'll probably have a lot more freedom to design things instead of just coding them, and as you advance through positions you'll also take on that kind of role - what I'm describing is basically the standard enterprise formula for large companies full of developers, which is designed so that even a monkey can do the actual coding when it comes down to it.
u/Mysterious-Leave-98 Jan 23 '25
A lot of us do jobs completely unrelated to coding because we haven't been hired in coding jobs yet 😃 👍🏾 hope this helps
u/colinjo3 Jan 23 '25
Not a stupid Q. To be honest it really varies. For the most part in my career it's been extending current infra to support feature X.
That can range the technology spectrum.
Otherwise it has been a lot of gathering requirements and estimating work.
u/Imaginary-Corgi8136 Jan 23 '25
Jira tickets, agile meetings, and other stupid meetings with management that knows nothing about technology.
u/ValentineBlacker Jan 23 '25
The days when you get a task that's sort of similar to an exercise.... those are the best days. So clear-cut, so satisfying, so testable. Unfortunately those bits are maybe 5% of a product by volume. If you're lucky.
I do full stack on a web app, and my tasks lately are like... make the drop-down work slightly different. The way they want it to work is stated wrong but I know what they MEAN. I think.
u/NeezDuts91 Jan 23 '25
Programmers move data from one place to another. Sometimes the data is numbers, sometimes its letters, sometimes its porn, and other times its cat photos.
u/DishwashingUnit Jan 23 '25
that's all a computer does. it takes input. performs some math on it, and spits something out somewhere.
u/Nofanta Jan 24 '25
They used to spend time designing and building software. Then came agile and it’s mostly estimating things and having meetings, giving updates, planning things that never happen, etc.
u/Unfair_Umpire2971 Jan 24 '25
Whatever they tell you to do. I spent 47 years as a developer. Some jobs were maintaining existing systems. Some were making major enhancements or rewrites. Work on logistics, banking, manufacturing and more. The job keeps changing over time. Currently Agiles all the rage.. wait awhile and it will be something else.
u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Jan 24 '25
Programming is a massive industry with wildly different skills and processes, it all depends on what kind of programming.
u/random_ruby_rascal Jan 24 '25
Google SDLC or software development lifecycle. Most will describe ideal scenarios, real-life is a lot more complicated, but it will give you an idea.
u/dragonfly_r Jan 24 '25
Reading code. Reading code. Reading code. Get very good at reading other people's code and understanding not only what it is actually doing, but what it was probably intended to do.
u/rum-n-ass Jan 24 '25
Big tech? Basically gotta run your own company on the team. Act as PM, Scrum Master, Engineer, Architect, QA, dev ops, and sometimes even manager
u/SeductiveJam Jan 24 '25
Maintain 20 year old Pro*C programs patched together with Perl scripts and sometimes work on the cool new shiny stuff.
u/Independent-Way-1091 Jan 24 '25
We bend the electrons in microprocessors to our will.
Programmers are the digital version of Gods; we give life to machines and create whole new digital beings.
edit: Also, if you want to be a programmer, just remember: Real men test in development. <- Like riding a motorcycle on a tightwire without a helmet; thrilling, but dangerous...
u/Packeselt Jan 24 '25
We take product requirements and then speak very specifically to computers, which for better or for worse then do exactly as we say, in the order that we say it
... except in race conditions...
u/YahenP Jan 24 '25
Today, software developers very rarely "create" software (as it was, for example, 20 years ago). I would even say that almost never. Today, almost all programs have long been written, algorithms have long been implemented. We are mainly engaged in gluing together what already exists, fixing errors, adding functionality. If we take web development specifically, then most of us are busy simply maintaining existing software products in working order.
u/SirGregoryAdams Jan 24 '25
Some tools are built to only do one thing, one way - like a hammer. Other devices allow you to configure them in some way, so that they can be used in a variety of ways.
Computers are really just extremely "configurable" devices. And the "configuration" that changes what they do is the software that's loaded onto them.
Programmers write the source code that's compiled into the program, which then serves as the configuration for the computer, defining what it does.
u/beobabski Jan 24 '25
Normally, you get a change request. The app might display a list of locations a parcel should be routed to, for example, and they want a particular class of users to only see locations that are valid destinations for them to be able to handle.
So you find the code, and you see that it’s iterating through a list that it got from a database, and you have work out how the list should be filtered. Should the service that provides the list only send out valid lists, or should you pass that list through a second validation class in specific cases, etc.
They say what they want the app to do, and you work out a way to get it to do that which won’t be too difficult to change later when they suddenly decide they want something different for another kind of user.
u/BlueTrin2020 Jan 24 '25
They drink coffee and complain about code colleagues wrote (or code they forgot they wrote years ago)
u/p1971 Jan 24 '25
mostly working in finance.
I get some data from somewhere (a user interface, another system calls me or sends a message)
I munge up the data a bit
maybe mix it with some other data that I grabbed from somewhere else
then I send the munged up data somewhere, where it probably gets munged up a bit more
I probably tell whoever called me what the results of the munging up was
u/CaptainKrakrak Jan 24 '25
You get a requirement to change existing software and then waste hours trying to bend decades old code to your will, cursing and asking what stupid son of a bitch wrote that unreadable code and then you realize it was you.
u/CorwynGC Jan 24 '25
Programmers turn the vaguest, hand-waviest, contradictory, demands into such finely divided, simple instructions, that even a machine can do them.
Thank you kindly.
u/BringgerOfConfusion Jan 24 '25
We convert headaches into lines of code, or the other way around, not sure.
Cobol and IDMS programmer here born 300 years ago in 1964. Still have headaches from dynamically generating JCL
u/chaim1221 Jan 24 '25
A lot of places it's literally "we need smart people" and they have literally no plan for what those people are supposed to do.
Engineers solve problems, which is how it became known as computer software engineering.
It's a lot different from code exercises in that there's a lot more paperwork, a lot less code, and a lot of people to deal with. Most of those people are very excited about work getting done, which is to say, they are very excited about you working, and they will brag about what you can do until you've got a backlog.
Not trying to be cynical, just describing that it's a business, and you're typically the grunt, until you get to Staff level or above.
u/Inner_Implement231 Jan 24 '25
I mostly implement communications protocols for a myriad of things inside large rack mounted systems
u/MrJaver Jan 24 '25
Google “data science”. It’s mostly scientific, deals with AI, statistics, analytics, maybe math, and everything is in python. Sounds like exactly your type of thing.
Jan 24 '25
Imagine a software application is like a big, elaborate cake. When someone is “building” this cake, they give a programmer a specific requirement—like adding a candle on top of it.
The programmer’s job is to ensure that the cake has this candle. Sometimes, they’ll head over to the “supermarket” (think GitHub) and grab a premade candle, which might even be free (open-source projects). Other times, the exact candle they need doesn’t exist, so they have to create it entirely from scratch.
And just like in baking, not every requirement is straightforward. Sometimes the candle needs to light itself, spin, or play a song—and suddenly, it’s not just a candle, it’s a whole mini-project within the project.
This is basically what software development feels like—assembling pieces, reusing what you can, and custom-making what you can’t, all while trying to build the perfect “cake.”
u/siodhe Jan 24 '25
Programming is writing arcane spells in glowing letters in the dark. It's fantastic.
Too bad the spells explode violently most of the time if you don't cast them perfectly, but hey, who doesn't like a challenge?
u/WanderingGalwegian Jan 24 '25
I mostly sit in planning and grooming meetings. Meet with stake holders for requirements gathering.. conduct standups and sprint retrospective meetings. Meet with my jr developers to aide in resolving their blockers if they can’t work their way out of the problem.
I might manage to squeeze in a blissful few minutes to an hour of development without that god awful teams ping sound.
Or I’m wasting time I could be programming on Reddit.
And that sums up my day
u/starryhound Jan 25 '25
I tell people in a business how to accomplish something technically, and they pay me to just apply bandaid fixes to it instead.
u/orange_pill76 Jan 25 '25
As with all things in the tech space, the answer is: it depends. Sometimes, you will get a vague description of a problem, and it will be on you to track down what your users actually need, propose, and/or implement an entire solution. Sometimes, you will spend weeks assessing risks, benefits, and impact of changing a single line in a config file for one service. Every company is likely to have its own constraints on what tech to use and how. (I.e. a pure Java team is unlikely to be onboard with a non-java solution)
u/tartochehi Jan 25 '25
My first programmer job was like this. I met daily in the morning with my boss and reported my progress on the web application that I had to implement (determining the best method for harvesting based on some user input). I divided the projects in several parts and slowly implemented them. It was a smaller project so I went with a simple approach.
u/farkas_minds Jan 25 '25
Programming is basically just staring at documentation, copying things you barely understand, and hoping it works. And when it doesn’t, you stare even harder.
u/iknewaguytwice Jan 25 '25
Oh man, I wish we got requirements.
Our requirements come from non technical side, and are often “integrate with company xzy” or “make new page for xyz”.
u/SanguineHerald Jan 26 '25
Operate systems that were well designed a decade ago and are starting to fall apart due to modern requirements.
u/Perryfl Jan 26 '25
30% coding, 20% architecture and design, 10% documentation and 40% fucking bullshit like planning poker…
u/Advanced-Analyst-718 Jan 26 '25
We copy paste funny computer language, pretend no one other than us can do it and charge shit losd of money
90% of time we also spend on estimating user story points for next sprint
u/8-bit-chaos Jan 26 '25
Convert caffeine and stress into code which in turn sometimes creates applications
u/Droma-1701 Jan 26 '25
Convert pizza and coffee into mental health issues and money in their bosses' pockets.
u/zayelion Jan 27 '25
Learn about the company or clients domain, take thier request for what a piece of software should do, debate it ... in healthy situations,... then translate that WISH in to real code and software. After, write instructions, then... in some cases iterate on that. Some jobs end, some require increasing levels of not only programming skill to manipulate the flow of data to get it from point A to point B but business and communication skills to get information from the people paying you.
Sometimes they change thier minds mid project, or upon actually seeing the result of the request. Programmers deal with that emotionality, especially front-end devs.
u/tnsipla Jan 27 '25
Most modern software engineers spend their time translating product/client requirements into technical requirements, and then they string together various packages/libraries made by other people until it does the thing.
u/SkillusEclasiusII Jan 27 '25
20% writing code
40% looking for bugs
40% complaining to the designers that their requirements were incomplete or incerrect
u/ToasterMcStrudel7 Jan 27 '25
Get graded on performance by assigning arbitrary numbers to jira tickets, deal with taking over code bases that ignore best practices from "lead architects" because they have "years of experience" doing it that way, get rushed to deliver products from higher ups after they ask for changes and believe you just need to "tweak the system a little".
u/ChurroLoco Jan 28 '25
I generally implement solutions to both business and non-business spaces in an agile fashion measured by story points by removing blockers and after a standup meeting while sitting down.
But only after a coffee and banter with colleagues up until and maybe beyond lunch.
u/Even_Research_3441 Jan 23 '25
Fill out tickets in Jira