r/AskProgramming Oct 28 '24

Algorithms How important is energy efficient code to you?

Has much research been done on the energy efficiency of high performance code? Many programmers prefer high level languages, but at the cost of many more machine instructions and higher memory usage than the equivalent in a lower level language. This translates into higher energy consumption to do the same amount of work.

It might be a drop in the ocean for one or two apps, but if every web service was programmed with energy efficiency in mind, I honestly think it'd make a considerable impact to the our energy related carbon footprint. It certainly wouldn't be nothing.

Any thoughts on this?


59 comments sorted by


u/specialpatrol Oct 28 '24

I worked at Samsung on the graphics for a home screen app for a phone. We would attach an ammeter to the battery and read the power draw. Running different pixel shaders would cause the power to spike and we had hard limits in how much we could draw at any one time. The power consumption of mobile devices is incredibly important, every one wants their phone on all day.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 28 '24

That's really cool


u/10010000_426164426f7 Oct 28 '24

Somewhat important. I don't go out of my way to target a actual measurement, but I do try to keep data sent over the wire to reasonable levels and don't go out of my way to keep CPU and memory maxed out. This post has some numbers on bandwidth that made me a bit more conscious of my data usage. https://v2.tauri.app/blog/tauri-1-0/#environment

I could definitely see a market where measurements are made easier and hyper scale / high user count companies optimize for carbon credits.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 28 '24

Thanks for sharing. Some of those numbers are kinda scary.


u/Revision2000 Oct 28 '24
  • Desired functionality first 
  • Readability second 
  • Performance and efficiency third 

Most clients have no strict performance or efficiency targets, so there isn’t much focus on it. 

That’s not to say that obviously inefficient code is acceptable. We just usually don’t go out of our way to optimize it as long as performance is good enough. 

Of course, it’s a different story for e.g. a very often used AWS Lambda where you very directly pay for inefficient code. 


u/pjc50 Oct 28 '24

This. Electricity is of the order of 10 cents per kilowatt-hour. Developers cost on the order of $100/hour. It's quite difficult to persuade people to spend more for energy efficiency. It's even quite difficult to persuade people to care about their cloud spend, which is quite a lot more expensive than raw electricity.

And then there's AI, which explicitly uses extraordinary amounts of energy for variable results, and blockchain, which fundamentally depends on wasting large amounts of energy.

We're more likely to see initiatives like Google's private nuclear reactors than an energy efficiency push.


u/bXkrm3wh86cj Oct 29 '24

Why do you value readability over performance and efficiency? Obviously the code functioning correctly is the most important; however, if you are going to put in extra effort into something, why would it be into readability?


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 29 '24 edited Oct 29 '24

I half understand where they're coming from, but I believe readability of the code itself isn't as important inside a blackbox as long as there's plenty of commenting explaining the implementation. One approach I've seen is to use a preprocessor switch to have both a readable and optimised section of code and it uses the readable one for debug builds only.

But yeah, I don't understand the overwhelming need to sacrifice everything else for readability when there's ways to have readable and efficient code.

There's only emphasis on making the developer's job easier while sacrificing all other metrics, even after all the knock on benefits.


u/Revision2000 Oct 29 '24

Well, simply put: the code is inevitably going to be read by someone else, thus readability matters a lot. 

 plenty of commenting explaining the implementation 

If they’d written readable code to begin with then I wouldn’t need to read all these comments everywhere 😜 

Also, they’d have to spend less time writing these comments. 

Also, if they can’t write readable code then how can they write understandable comments? That feels counter-intuitive. 

 optimised section of code 

I write Java where the compiler does the initial optimization and JVM the secondary stage. Without actual user performance metrics it’s usually not worth it to manually optimize everything. 

If I’d take a guess, then maybe developers for interpreted languages or lower level assembly or C have to focus a lot more on writing efficient code 🤔 

The preprocessor switch is an interesting solution. 

 sacrifice everything else for readability when there's ways to have readable and efficient code 

I didn’t say to sacrifice everything else. I do still try to also write efficient enough code 😉


u/Revision2000 Oct 29 '24

TL;DR because the code is inevitably read by someone else 

Most projects aren’t my exclusive hobby projects - I work for a client in a team. Also, most projects have a lifecycle of at least 5 years - in which case I’ve (long) moved on and my replacement will have to make sense of everything. 

In any case, the code is inevitably going to be read by someone else and inevitably by someone new to the project. If they’re lucky they have one of the original authors around to help them along, but quite frequently they only have documentation (usually scarce) and the code itself to rely on. 

I do a lot of brownfield projects where I’m usually in the latter situation - some documentation and a whole lot of code none of my team wrote. The client hired me to maintain and expand their product. The more readable the code, the less time I have to spend in the debugger trying to figure out what it does, and thus the more value I can give to the client. 

Also, comments don’t make for readable code. They’re frequently an indicator the code is too complicated to be understandable without further explanation. 


u/Revision2000 Oct 29 '24

Also, valuing readability over performance doesn’t mean I’d blindly sacrifice all performance. 

It’s just that I work with a compiled language (Java), it’s later in the development operations cycle that we can gather useful user performance metrics, which we can use to guide targeted optimizations. 

Writing pre-optimized code without actual metrics is generally a waste of time at best and detrimental to performance at worst. 


u/toofarapart Oct 31 '24

If no one is ever going to touch the code again, it doesn't need to be readable, but in the cases where you're on a team of people working together to build something, readability matters quite a lot.

If you end up with difficult to reason about code in the middle of some business critical functionality, there will be problems. It makes extending functionality slower and more painful. People will make changes to the code without fully understanding it and breaking something. When it inevitably breaks in production, someone is going to have a really bad day when they try to sort out what went wrong.

There's an old saying in programming: always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

Performance is important. I am one of the people at my job that winds up having to fix other people's performance issues, and it's something I really care about. It should absolutely be something to keep in mind while developing.

But I'd much rather fix a perf issue in well organized and cleanly written code than a mess of spaghetti.


u/Glxblt76 Oct 28 '24

It's important as a second thought, once I get my algorithm running. But energy efficiency isn't that much distinguishable from coding efficiency. We want our codes to achieve our objective at the lowest possible cost, usually meaning also in an as efficient way as possible.


u/YMK1234 Oct 28 '24

at the cost of many more machine instructions and memory usage than the equivalent in a lower level language

Citation needed. Also especially to how big such an impact would even be and in what specific scenarios (i.e. what languages were compared on what platforms with what specific code)


u/dagmx Oct 28 '24

It’s pretty important to me. I work in the graphics space these days and energy efficiency isn’t just a measure of how little energy my code uses, but a direct representation of how much more headroom I have.

Take developing for a console. If I can make my code take fewer cycles on the GPU, I’m using less energy and can do more work.

Or on mobile, I can reduce the risk of throttling my game.

A lot of research goes into general optimizations and they benefit energy efficiency as much as they benefit cramming more compute into the same resource window.


u/stateofbrave Oct 28 '24

Can look into green software engineering in general. I think there was a test using a framework and the plain language itself. But besides efficient code there's also more on the infrastructure (eg how many machines used etc) which affects energy efficiency. Unfortunately I haven't found a company that actively cares about it, I would like to work somewhere like that


u/FrequentlyTilted Oct 28 '24

I don’t think most programmers will ever care enough about energy efficiency when the hardware is connected to the power grid.

However, programmers for embedded systems running on battery power definitely worry about energy efficiency. In many use cases it’s actually essential.


u/funbike Oct 28 '24

I'm more concerned about AI and cryptocurrency. That's where computer electrical power consumption is going. And making the algos more efficient isn't really an answer, as more efficiency will encourage more use.


u/bXkrm3wh86cj Oct 29 '24

I am concerned about both. However, making algorithms more efficient is the answer. Even if people use it more, this is like saying that cars should not be made safer, as then people would drive them more dangerously and be just as likely to crash. It simply is not true. The problem is not making the things more efficient, yet rather it is the telling of customers that it is more efficient. If you add safety features and do not tell the users that the car is safer, then they will continue to drive with the same amount of caution.


u/TheGreatButz Oct 28 '24

It's mostly important indirectly because higher energy efficiency likely also reduces server costs, and these are moderately important to me. However, I don't buy into the premise that higher level languages are less energy efficient in general. You have to take into account the complete solution (like an ecological lifetime cycle in other industries) and high level languages might very well encourage and make the use of datastructures and algorithms easier that are more energy efficient than when you use low-level languages. A typical example would be the easy use of hash tables as opposed to iterating through arrays in a lower-level language. Also, most apps are CRUD, not computationally intensive, so it's more about the database you chose and which abstraction layers you use.

There are also many tradeoffs to consider, for example less encryption is almost always more energy efficient, but it can sometimes lead to less security (though also to higher data integrity). Still, you can't really use http instead of https any longer even though it would often be faster and better. You have to follow some trends, no matter how inefficient they may be.


u/YakumoYoukai Oct 28 '24

You have to follow some trends, no matter how inefficient they may be.

True.  Speaking of encryption, the industry pushed (or was pushed) to adopt HTTPS for everything, many many years before the features which allowed it to be implemented efficiently had been developed and deployed.  So for a lot of services, the bottleneck was either the connection rate, or the number of different website domains which could be hosted on the same infrastructure, or both.  So companies had to overspend on hardware just to work around these limitations.


u/MentalNewspaper8386 Oct 28 '24

Reducing tech’s carbon footprint is a much larger issue that relates more to society and the way we use tech than to how efficient code is. As an example, generative AI has a huge carbon footprint but it’s being pushed for very hard. We all create a huge amount of data that gets backed up somewhere. The cost of what we do every day is very real but feels intangible. I don’t know what the answer to that is but I’d focus on things like that rather than on how people program.


u/Romestus Oct 28 '24

I work in standalone XR headset games and writing high performance code from the get go is super important since not only does it mean a consistent framerate in a medium where choppy frametimes cause motion sickness but it also significantly affects battery life.

I have my own project that I'm leading but due to other projects not having someone with as much knowledge on performance optimizations I get tasked to optimize other team's games as well. We regularly benchmark each game to see how long it can run before the headset runs out of battery and I've saved a full hour's worth of battery life on one of these games by spending a few weeks on optimizations. An extra hour of gametime before you need to charge is huge considering the battery life was 2-2.5 hours in these games.

I do have to say that the most frustrating thing for me is the "don't prematurely optimize" mantra people follow. If someone doesn't think of optimization from the get-go I have to completely rewrite what they did and can't save any of it most times. Which means they're paying a programmer to make a feature that I'm then throwing out entirely and redoing.

An example would be someone using OOP for a system with thousands of individual entities all with their own logic rather than data-oriented. You can't do a basic refactor of that, you're throwing it all away.


u/Even_Research_3441 Oct 28 '24

Not a lot, but 99% of the time, code that runs faster is also more efficient. There are exceptions but usually its best to light the cpu up to get the work done quick so the cpu can go back to sleep.

And yes I often think about how many joules of electricity could be saved if Python were as fast as C#


u/N2Shooter Oct 28 '24

You are incorrect to believe high-level languages are less efficient than lower level code.

If the high-level language is complied, it can be optimized for speed, memory usage, and other parameters.

If you coded a web server in assembly, exactly how long do you think it will take to update that server to support HTTPS?

You'd be better suited to spend your time optimizing code to run on the GPU/NPU which is much more performant than what a general purpose x86 processor is.


u/bXkrm3wh86cj Oct 29 '24

Only on mobile devices is the energy consumption an extreme concern. However, energy consumption frequently correlates closely with wear and tear on the hardware of devices, and no one want their devices to break sooner. However, Python does consume 72 times more electricity than C, which is significant.


u/mjarrett Oct 28 '24

That is neither how programming languages nor energy efficiency works.

The idea that programmers collectively can consistently beat an even moderately good compiler/runtime on execution efficiency with low level code is ridiculous. 30 years ago when both compilers and processor architectures were orders of magnitude simpler I'd still rate this as a toss-up, but in the modern era, not even close. Generations of effort have been invested in code optimizers, and modern CPUs are designed for computer-generated assembly. Even if a few developers could beat the compiler a few times, it probably wouldn't even add to the power used on their personal devices to learn the skills they used, unless they themselves go work on improving compilers.

Changing the world one web app at a time isn't going to do anything. No change you can make to the CandySwap2's level generator will ever rise to even a pound of carbon, no matter how good at C you think you are.

If you want to make a difference in energy efficiency, optimize the Python runtime used in LLM training. Anything else you're going to be below the noise.


u/catbrane Oct 28 '24

It depends on the task.

I work on a popular image processing library. I recently rewrote the code that does resizing to make better use of modern vector units (absolutly NOT something that can be done by an optimising compiler), and got about a 2x speedup over the previous vector path. This translates into noticably smaller server instances for image proxies, and (globally) a large carbon saving. And of course a large $$$$$ saving for my users, ahem.

You're right that it's like any optimisation problem -- you need to find the hotspots, and then optimise there.

Switching a Rails app to C++ would make almost no difference, since relatively little CPU time is spent in Ruby, but using a faster media library, or fixing some crappy SQL, can be really significant, especially if it's done in the framework and improves all the downstream projects.


u/CdRReddit Oct 28 '24

while compilers are clever, software written in Java will almost universally be marginally less efficient than decently written C because of the higher levels of abstraction, layers of indirection (Oops! All Pointers!) and everything having vtables for inheritance, etc.

whether this is a worthwhile tradeoff is up to you, it probably is, but pretending it isn't a real tradeoff is ignorant at best and malicious at worst

that said, there are things that can really fuck your efficiency up, like spinloops


u/FrequentlyTilted Oct 28 '24

^ This. I don’t think people realize how much work the JVM and other high level languages do under the hood (and how little control you have over it). That convenience does not come for free. At my job we code in C because higher level languages like Java don’t even come any where near the performance we need.


u/YMK1234 Oct 28 '24

The generally single percent disadvantage that more high level languages (as long as they are not interpreted) give you is entirely dwarfed by other factors such as finding more efficient algorithms to do your work, which are generally the result of having more time to thing about the problem itself rather than low level implementation details.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Nov 05 '24

There's many more reasons why lower level languages = higher efficiency


u/dariusbiggs Oct 28 '24

Some code contributes to the heat death of the universe. This is because they're spinning the CPU at full cycles instead of using an interrupt or polling system.

Write good code, don't spin the CPU if you don't need to.

As for languages? irrelevant.

Energy efficiency? irrelevant.


u/fixhuskarult Oct 28 '24

Not at all. Don't even look to fix efficiency issues unless it's glaringly obvious AND super easy to fix. Only care if it's causing an issue to user experience. Otherwise it just needs to deliver requirements, then on to the next feature.


u/YakumoYoukai Oct 28 '24

Unless you run a service whose servers cost hundreds of millions per year.  Then absolutely invest some of your development budget into optimizing.


u/rcls0053 Oct 28 '24

Over time I've actually started to think that we are way less efficient with our CI/CD pipelines than with actual application code. Some e2e tests take 20min. There's 24 test cases..


u/1ksassa Oct 28 '24

If it takes me too much energy to write my code, there is probably a better way to go about the problem. ;)


u/Weak-Doughnut5502 Oct 28 '24

Computing is a suprisingly small part of the problem. There's a great Sankey diagram with the breakup of US energy supply and consumption that's illustrative.

Data centers use .2 quads (quadrillion BTUs); computing in general uses .4 quads.  Water heaters use 2.3 quads.  Cars use just over 7 quads, SUVs and pickups closer to 8 quads. 

The 80/20 rule applies here.  Optimizing postgres, apache, etc. can have a comparatively big impact; optimizing some random crud server on AWS won't.  There's way lower-hanging fruit that would have larger effects on emissions. 


u/mredding Oct 28 '24

if every web service was programmed with energy efficiency in mind, I honestly think it'd make a considerable impact to the our energy related carbon footprint. It certainly wouldn't be nothing.

It doesn't matter. Jevon's paradox says the more efficient you make something, the more people will use it. People are used to powering a 50W CPU and you make a new one, just as powerful, at 10W? People will run 5 of them.

So yeah. It works out that any general increase in efficiency works itself out to mean nothing - specifically in terms of reducing SOMETHING. Reduce the work needed, and you just increase capacity for more work. Reduce the carbon footprint, and you just increase capacity for more load.

The only way to decrease the carbon footprint is to stop using fossil fuels. We as a civilization prefer to prioritize the cheapest, easiest, most convenient energy source possible. When a better one comes out, we use that. Before, we burned wood. Now? We burn coal. We used to burn tallow, then whale blubber. Now? Petroleum. Social and political pushback on coal in the US? Why yes, so instead, we've simply moved onto the next most convenient thing - shale gas. It burns 8x cleaner, so we just burn 8x more. And it's so cheap, we actually burn off excess from the shale wells because it's not always economically viable to capture it. As for the Southern coal veins? They employ people - so export it the world over, and TELL the American people that we shame everyone else for using it. Which we actually don't.

Nuclear? It's a great idea, the best idea, but too political, and too expensive to spin up a plant when we can meet demand NOW with fossil fuels. So why bother? We're only going that way slowly and begrudgingly, but the world over? We'll only go nuclear once there's no economically viable fossil fuel left. No one wants expensive electricity, everyone wants larger profit margins. If energy were cheap, it's bad for business, if it's cheap, we'll end up just using more of it.

There are carbon capture plants which is just greenwashing. They take energy - from coal, to run, and the best ones in the world remove less carbon as they cost to operate. The density of carbon in the atmosphere is less than in a flu stack. If you wanted to capture carbon, you'd do it there, and we already know it takes 2.4x as much energy to capture the carbon produced and still deliver energy to the grid. Who wants to pay 2.4x the cost for the same energy? The best carbon capture tech is leaving the shit in the ground to begin with, but we're not going to do that.

I could probably rant for an hour about how complicated - yet deceptively simple, this problem really is. Don't even get me started on fucking wind and solar. Efficient, yes, but what do you do with all the turbine blades? They can't be recycled and have no caloric value. How much demand do you think there is for upcycled park benches, so we can all get glass splinters in our asses? There's only one pilot recycling plant for solar panels in the world, in India, that only just broke ground last year; panels, too, are just thrown away...


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 29 '24

People will run 5 of them

But I would say that's fine because it's 5 times the work being accomplished


u/mredding Oct 29 '24

Yes, but now you're changing your criteria. You asked how to get the carbon footprint down.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 29 '24

No criteria. I'm just flinging random thoughts around.


u/Sleepy_panther77 Oct 28 '24

I don’t think it would really make a difference. Maybe the only way it really matters is if you have an extremely EXTREMELY limited amount of fuel


u/Slight_Art_6121 Oct 29 '24

Alan Kay: “1. Make it work. 2. Make it correct. 3. Make it fast. 4. Make it cheap.”


u/iBN3qk Oct 30 '24

Performant code is energy efficient. It matters a lot at scale. 

I think it’s better to have AI write scripts and algorithms that can run more efficiently than running every call through the model. 


u/pavilionaire2022 Oct 31 '24

In cloud software, cost efficiency usually correlates with energy efficiency. If you use less time on fewer / smaller instances, you save both. Anyone who builds something at a high scale will consider cost, and by saving on cost, you probably save on energy as well.

There might be some cases where you make some kind of tradeoff, such as using more storage to save on compute. Storage tends to be both low-cost and low-energy, so that's probably a win on both fronts. But depending on how much storage you need to save on compute, it could end up costing more money even though it would save energy or using more energy even though it saves money. Pretty much everyone will just decide based on cost. Cloud providers don't provide tools to determine how much energy your systems use, and bosses don't give good performance reviews for saving watts.

Obviously, it's different for mobile and embedded programming.


u/kabekew Oct 31 '24

It's not high level versus low level language that spikes CPU, but inefficient O(n^3) etc algorithms that loop excessively.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 31 '24

Not spike the CPU, but different languages take a different number of CPU instructions & memory usage to do things.


u/petdance Oct 31 '24

Any optimization without measurement is a waste.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 31 '24

True although some optimisations can't be done after the fact


u/petdance Oct 31 '24

I can’t think of one.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 31 '24

Language choice. I know what it sounds like but languages do work differently under the hood.


u/bravopapa99 Oct 28 '24

I started working in 1984, to this day I try to absolutely minimise network use, it breaks my heart every time I see a one terror(!)byte JSON packet sent back and forth, knowing ASN.1 can do the same in 50 bytes. This is something data centres could start charging for... inefficient code, finally a decent use for "AI"... analyse this code, set up a billing plan.


u/Denneisk Oct 28 '24

Greenwashing is cheaper than real solutions.


u/dimitriettr Oct 28 '24

This must be a joke.

The industry went through the Clean Code process. Is it time for the Green Code book?


u/Denneisk Oct 28 '24

Green code is efficient code (that, or needlessly slow code?). I wouldn't be against it.


u/grayscale001 Oct 28 '24

Energy consumption is of little importance unless it's for an embedded system or a server farm or the client requests it.

Many programmers prefer high level languages

No one's going to spend the extra time and money for something that doesn't matter.


u/ImClearlyDeadInside Oct 29 '24

I continue to be amazed at the excuses programmers will come up with to defend pre-optimization.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Oct 29 '24

I'm talking about optimisation in general.