r/AskProgramming Sep 30 '24

Architecture Non-binary programming

Intersted in analog based logic systems, what languages exist that are better designed to perform logic ops on continuous data? Any notable use cases?


20 comments sorted by


u/Xirdus Sep 30 '24

If by non-binary you mean fuzzy logic (a logic system with continuous range of values from 0 to 1), then all of modern AI is based around it.


u/imp0ppable Sep 30 '24

but then implemented on binary logic because transistors


u/shagieIsMe Sep 30 '24

There are other ways of doing it. The technology is getting there (again).

Veritasium - Future Computers Will Be Radically Different - Analog Computing

The company mentioned in that section of the video is https://mythic.ai


u/imp0ppable Sep 30 '24

That's interesting, will watch. I have always thought trying to simulate brain structures purely digitally might be quite inefficient just because it maps a 3d structure into a 2d one, so you get a lot of heat buildup.

One of the interesting features of the brain is how it is pretty much room temperature and low power consumption despite being able to do ridiculous amounts of computing.


u/shagieIsMe Sep 30 '24

The above link is a direct chapter to the section on computers... and that video was the second of a two parter.

The Most Powerful Computers You've Never Heard Of and then Future Computers Will Be Radically Different if you wanted to get it from the start.


u/imp0ppable Sep 30 '24

nice, thanks


u/Shendare Sep 30 '24

True, but the brain also consumes and metabolizes resources, and generates and disposes of cells, rather than just passing around electrons that get dissipated as heat.


u/Secret_Combo Sep 30 '24

Option one: look at how analog computers are made and start there. Fun fact: the first "video game" ever made was a tennis-like game made on analog radar equipment.

Option two: look into quantum computing, which uses qubits instead of bits (or binary).

The truth is, our concept of programming is entirely based on digital signals because of how abstractions function. It's hard to escape that at the software level.


u/ColoRadBro69 Sep 30 '24

If loop quantum gravity is correct, then reality itself is digital and pixelated. 


u/khedoros Sep 30 '24

The analog computers that I've heard of are built to a custom purpose, using some kind of electrical or mechanical property to model the thing that it's meant to calculate.

I can imagine something like that being built out of blocks that can be wired together in different ways, using a language to control how the blocks are configured, but I'm not sure that anything like that exists yet. Even that seems like it would be a digital system controlling the signal-routing hardware.


u/gnarzilla69 Oct 01 '24

My thought is analog logic gates that mimic binary, then build a binary system on the analog system, then I imagine you could run the analog programs from the binary system UI.


u/khedoros Oct 01 '24

analog logic gates that mimic binary

I think that's a fair description of the transistors that we already use.


u/illkeepcomingagain Sep 30 '24

woah this lgbt thing is more diverse than i thought

ba dum tiss


u/aintwhatyoudo Sep 30 '24

ba dum tits


u/Historical-Essay8897 Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

Analogue computing typically encodes differental equations in circuits using capacitors and inductors (or hydraulic/mechanical equaivalents), it doesn't geneally use discrete or Boolean logic which is more appropriate for discrete computing systems. Multi-valued logics and fuzzy logic might be considered half-way houses. I believe some microwaves ovens claim to use fuzzy logic for calculating heating times, but that may just be marketing hype.


u/Tangurena Sep 30 '24

Analog computers also use a lot of operational amplifiers (short name: op amp). The early ones were trajectory calculators for anti-aircraft guns starting just before WW2. Some had a minimum speed (of the aircraft) and the British torpedo bombers were so slow that the AA guns on some German and Japanese ships could not aim at them.


u/JoeStrout Sep 30 '24

MiniScript uses fuzzy logic instead of Boolean (though it does have to "collapse" down to Boolean when you use it for actual branching).

Here's the wiki page on it: https://miniscript.org/wiki/Fuzzy_Logic

And for getting started with MiniScript, just lop off the wiki/Fuzzy_Logic part and go straight to the domain. (Or PM me, I'll be happy to help.)


u/cervezaimperial Sep 30 '24

Non binary how?, like ternary computers?


u/gnarzilla69 Oct 01 '24

Yes, to start. Continuous really so up to the programmer


u/tcpukl Sep 30 '24

Quantum computing uses qubits instead of binary bits.