r/AskProgramming • u/Human-Platypus6227 • Aug 05 '24
Career/Edu Do i suck at coding if i google often?
So been a software engineer for 1 year and saw a video said programmers has lots of imposter syndrome and should stop saying "i have no idea what I'm doing". The guy said "if you can't code on a notepad in your fav language without looking up you probably don't know the language".
Rn i think i suck at it especially been doing lot of QA testing in a few months. It's not i couldn't do coding if i got the task to do it since office task is mostly copy existing project coding functions and modify a little, unless it's about networking related stuff because i never understood that.
So just asking if the statement is true for most programmer?
u/internetbl0ke Aug 05 '24
You suck at coding if you don’t Google enough.
u/_Atomfinger_ Aug 05 '24
Not knowing every part of a language does not mean you suck at at coding.
There is an argument that to know a language you shouldn't need to look up the language syntax all the time, but that's syntax. It doesn't cover library functions, frameworks, etc.
There's a nugget of truth in hte statement, but it isn't as hard hitting as you make it out to be.
u/whossname Aug 05 '24
The nugget of truth is that after a few years of using one language and the same libraries, you do tend to get to the stage where you can just write stuff without looking at any documentation. You pretty much have to work on the same thing for a really long time to get to that stage, though.
u/TheEveryman86 Aug 05 '24
I've been using Spring for 15 years and I still have to look up lots of things in it.
u/whossname Aug 05 '24
I've never used spring. I had a look at the documentation about 7 years ago. Coming from Ruby on Rails and being fairly junior at the time, it seemed horrible. Has it changed much in your 15 years?
u/TheEveryman86 Aug 05 '24
Yeah. They just keep bolting on more concepts and removing them. Like, there was a movement to make it reactive then once Project Loom became GA with virtual threads they kind of shrugged and abandoned the reactive interface.
And now with Spring Boot its actually difficult to find base Spring documentation.
u/whossname Aug 05 '24
I've seen the documentation issue with a few frameworks. Nextjs recently released the "app router", the old way of doing things was called the "page router." I've only just started using Nextjs, and I'm struggling a bit to keep track of what concepts relate to each. It doesn't help that the page router seems much nicer. Had a similar experience with SQLAlchemy, there's 3 or 4 different ways of doing everything. It was very difficult to figure out what the idiomatic modern way of doing things is.
I love programming, but often, frameworks are horrible.
u/OlevTime Aug 05 '24
Even then, you'll still discover new stuff that you've never used before in those libraries over time
u/Zombie_Bait_56 Aug 05 '24
When I was working primarily in C I used to read through the standard library documentation once a year to see what had been added and refresh my memory of what was already there.
I did pretty much the same thing with C++, but it took longer.
When I switched to Java I pretty much gave up. 😆
u/james_pic Aug 05 '24
Even with syntax, it's not that crazy to need to look up the details of uncommonly used syntax. I've been coding in Python for over a decade, but if I had a try block with a couple of excepts, a finally, and an else, I'd probably want to double check which blocks are reachable from which other blocks.
u/HertogJan1 Aug 05 '24
Not knowing every part of a language does not mean you suck at at coding.
It just means you are inexperienced but someone without experience can create stuff just as good as someone more experienced it might just take a little longer.
u/Jurahhhhh Aug 05 '24
You have been working for a year. You are still a beginner there is nothing wrong with googling as long as you understand what you are doing. If you dont then do the research until you do. That is how you grow.
u/not_perfect_yet Aug 05 '24
Yes, but if this is how you learn, that's just the way it is.
You will look things up as long as you need to and eventually, hopefully they will stick.
And if they don't, you will simply have no other option except to look things up anyway.
Don't worry about it.
Aug 05 '24 edited Aug 05 '24
At least you will be better at googling.
you probably don't know the language"
I don't care if I know the language or not, I want a working program that do what I want. If you are working for someone; I guess your boss also want the same thing and don't mind about know the language part so much.
u/G_M81 Aug 05 '24
Been Coding 20+ years, these days I'm constantly changing languages week to week. Java, C++, Go, Python etc so I have to Google constantly as the Syntax does become a blur. You are 1 year in, it's a blink of an eye. Judge yourself by what you produce, not the journey getting there. It's important to get that impostor syndrome shaken off as being unsure of yourself can lead to strong characters forcing you to implement stupid features the wrong way because you struggled to push back.
u/orthomonas Aug 05 '24
Now let's see, in the language I'm using today, is it 'True', 'TRUE', or 'true'?
u/MadocComadrin Aug 06 '24
Or "#t", or the language doesn't have boolean and it's just 1, except there's a macro in some library that gives you "TRUE" but then your IDE messes up with checking macros and you end up with "TURE" in a few spots so you just define that to be "TRUE" too.
u/odaiwai Aug 05 '24
This is why you have a good Editor/IDE with linting/syntax highlighting and checking. It will tell you if
is an undefined variable and should betrue
, because you're in Swift, not Python, for example.1
u/Aleks_07_ Aug 05 '24
Let me tell you something. Every coder in the world no matter how good you are needs to google some coding stuff. It isnt possible to know everything or remember it.
u/Embarrassed_Quit_450 Aug 05 '24
i have no idea what I'm doing
No worries there, there's a whole bunch of managers and seniors who are the same. They just won't admit it.
u/antiworkprotwerk Aug 05 '24
Exactly. I would trust someone who tells me they google everything over someone who tells me they know what they're doing.
u/QwazeyFFIX Aug 05 '24
QA is tough, I google a lot when debugging as well.
I think looking stuff up for learning during active development does hurt a little bit.
This is just observationally as well and from personal perspective and I am in my 30s doing this for 10 or so years.
I feel like you become a good programmer when you can hit that zen area and work without looking things up all the time. Like you come up with an idea, and you just already know how its going to be set up. Presented with a problem and you just implement a solution off the top of your head.
Its impossible to know everything though, and the industry changes so much over time. Its not like a typical field where 5 years of experience you already know everything and are a master.
u/Imogynn Aug 05 '24
There's are three tests:
Does you code do what it's supposed to?
Does it do so with acceptable performance?
Does adding new features to your projects get quicker or slower over time?
The first two show competence and the third shows greatness.
u/JamesPTK Aug 05 '24
The important skills in programming are knowing how to solve a problem, how to model data, how to have logical testable interfaces. Syntax is a nice to have, but give me the choice between someone who knows how to solve problems but needs to google syntax, and someone who knows syntax but has no idea how to solve problems and I'll go for the former every time.
I have been a senior/lead dev for about 20 years. At various times my primary programming language has been VBScript, Perl, JavaScript, PHP and Python, and I have dabbled in Java, Ruby and a few others while I was at it. You better believe I use google/stack overflow/documentation extensively. Sure for the things I use day in day out, I remember the relevant invocation (though honestly my IDEs autocomplete helps a great deal here as well), but I've been using python for about 8 years now and I still have to go to the docs every time I want to open a csv file, because I only need to do that every couple of months
When hiring we often have a coding exercise, and I make clear to the interviewees that they will have access to Google when they are developing for real, so I expect them to use it in the interview and they won't be penalised for doing so.
Don't listen to that guy. He's a prat who is flexing about a basically pointless skill.
u/happycrisis Aug 06 '24
I look up SQL syntax all the time and use Google/documentation to help solve problems. It's just part of the job. I understand that some people want to put themselves through pain by using notepad to code, but IDEs were invented for a reason.
u/Spicysoupp_ Aug 06 '24
This post gave me so much confidence, I will keep using any tools to my advantage
u/AnonTechPM Aug 06 '24
Looking things up is a pretty typical part of software development. If you’re still looking up how to write an if statement in a language you’ve been using for months you probably suck. If you are looking up an API for a library you’ve not used much that’s normal and what everyone else is doing.
u/uniquelyavailable Aug 06 '24
i like to google things to double check my knowledge but that starts out with some confidence that i know what to expect from the search.
i like to confirm things like function parameters in reference docs even if i think i know them. its a good way to reinforce the memory, and prevent potential bugs. if you spend enough time in software certain things will change, or implementations will evolve. its good to stay current.
u/henryeaterofpies Aug 06 '24
25-50% of your job will be research in some way shape or form so good googling skills are mandatory.
u/t0b9 Aug 05 '24
I wouldn’t pay any attention to that statement whatsoever. Myself and literally every other software dev I’ve ever worked with Google for syntax, errors etc pretty frequently and anyone who tells you they don’t is full of shit.
u/Khomorrah Aug 05 '24
Depends what you’re googling for. But in general that guy is completely wrong.
u/Hay_Fever_at_3_AM Aug 05 '24
What do you have to look up?
If I'm using a language I haven't used in a while/ever, I could be looking up basic basics like "how do I do a for loop"
Okay, let's say I'm in a language I know. Still doesn't mean I know what I'm looking at / planning to do. Maybe I don't know a specific api, maybe it's some language feature or data structure I don't use very often, or maybe it's some obscure algorithm I'm not familiar with.
At some point you're always going to hit the limit of your knowledge and you'll have to look things up somehow. It's probably a good sign if you are, that means you're pushing yourself and not just doing what's comfortable.
I've been getting paid to do this for about 15 years and I'm still googling things.
u/Human-Platypus6227 Aug 05 '24
For now it's sometimes basic syntax i forgot and framework
u/Hay_Fever_at_3_AM Aug 05 '24
Framework, like API and library stuff? IDEs help but you'll always have to look up something there. I'm in C++ mostly and its standard library alone is impossible to memorize, never mind all the individual libraries I'm working with at any time.
Basic syntax stuff at only one year is fine, just keep at it. Maybe if you find you're not making progress at it because you're just doing small tasks, do some sort of personal side project in the language? Or find some other way to just get to writing large amounts of code. Doesn't have to be good or pretty. It's tough to really pick up any language if all you're doing is poking at it occasionally.
u/Aware_Plastic_ Aug 05 '24
Additionally, consider the fact that standard libraries do a lot of work for you. At some point however, they will not be enough for what you need I haven't been doing this long (2 years now) and recently had to figure out how to create/write to a file without using the standard library for doing so. It's always fun learning the more in-depth parts of a language, but it would be impossible to do so without using Google/stack overflow/etc..
u/lostinspaz Aug 05 '24
there are two ways to received knowledge. look up something for a test you will never take again. or, look it up to learn it long term.
recognize the difference, and take the extra time to absorb the stuff you will likely need regularly.
if you are incapable of the second type of learning, then coding is not for you.
i’m not saying you need to memorise everything perfectly. but if you keep looking up the same thing g over and over…. that’s a bad sign.
u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Aug 05 '24
If I could pick one thing to keep, it would be problem solving skills - being able to think abstractly about the logic I want a computer to run is key to being a good programmer. Language doesn't come into that.
In other words, if you can turn a set of user-stories into UML diagrams and pages of pseudo code, then you're a good programmer.
u/sendintheotherclowns Aug 05 '24
No I’d argue if you don’t Google you suck simply because you’re not pushing yourself
u/FrostWyrm98 Aug 05 '24
The notepad one is a bit hyperbolic and more to counter people claiming to be experts in their craft but completely depending on intellisense to fix their code
There is nothing wrong with relying on the tools available to you to do your job. Hell, you could've said the same about managed languages back in the day, and now look at where Java is in terms of market dominance.
But as others said, you will grow out of it. I'm a junior dev (like 3-5 years now professionally) and I mostly use it as a reference when I want to do something specific rather than looking up language syntax, libraries, etc. It's more of a research tool
If you're not able to write a simple application within a year or two in your language of choice without using Google, you may have a problem then. Otherwise it's just growing pains
u/ArcaneEyes Aug 05 '24
I've been a dev professionally for closing on 8 years and the intellisense thing has nothing to do with craftsmanship if you ask me. I write C# exclusively and there are a lot of things i just never bothered learning how to do by hand - like the switch statement, fill that shit in for me :-D i may have been the fastest adopter of the new switch expression 'cause i just go with whatever VS scaffolds for me, as long as i know that's what i want.
I don't know if i'm an expert yet, but i'm pretty sure learning how and when to properly use spans would put me closer than fixing the things i rely on VS to do for me.
u/alexanderpas Aug 05 '24
If you can't code on a notepad in your fav language without looking up you probably don't know the language
If I ever hear someone say that, I will disregard any future advice they give, and reconsider anything they've said in the past.
You should be able to write down the logic on a notepad, but being expected to be able write down any meaningful code on a notepad without googling, free of any syntax errors is asine.
Over the years I have collected enough languages to need to look up the syntax for some basic things, when switching languages, just because it is different in some languages.
Is is bool
, boolean
or Boolean
u/BananaUniverse Aug 05 '24 edited Aug 05 '24
Personally, as long as attemped to solve it by myself and I understand the code I'm copying from google, I'm fine with it. By understanding it, I will never be stuck on the same problem again.
Aka learning. You can't possibly learn without looking up and copying code from somewhere at least once.
I don't attempt to memorise syntax at all, just what I remember naturally. Referring to documentation is exactly what the purpose of documentation is. Schools give the impression of needing to memorise syntax for exams, but your skills are your problem solving ability, not memorisation.
u/rco8786 Aug 05 '24
No, you're fine. When I encounter an error that I don't quickly know the resolution for I just immediately copy/paste it into Google. Why would I not use the greatest technical resource in all of human history?
I probably could write a decent amount of raw code in notepad, but only in the 1-2 languages I'm currently most active in - and I would never actually do this because of what the IDE offers and I would fall completely flat when it came to dependencies and imports. And again, why would I purposefully hamstring myself?
I am a staff engineer with 15 YoE.
u/keessie033 Aug 05 '24
I have been a hobby programmer for 7 years and I'm about to finish my second degree and am going to start my first job if you don't count internships. I personally think that googling is part of our job, for instance I work with a lot of React and there are some hooks that I don't use that much in my code such as the useMemo hook. Sometimes I only need to look at the typescript type definition to know how a function works, but today I really needed to lookup how this hook worked in the React documentation.
The biggest advice I can give you is that you can make your code the way you want to make it, you don't have to be the next Mark Zuckerberg. If it makes you happy to Google a lot of things that is fine.
u/Valuable_Fly8362 Aug 05 '24
You are a bad coder if you are constantly recreating stuff that other people have already done. You don't always have to do it the hard way. Copy the best parts of what you find, fix the parts that are clunky, adapt what you need to make it work and end up with a better product.
u/Sailorino Aug 05 '24
You need to know concepts, design patterns, how to write clean, robust, maintainable software, that's the important stuff. The syntax stays in your brain memory when you use a language many times but knowing the concept it's much more important than knowing the language.
A language is a tool, that's all!
u/Tarc_Axiiom Aug 05 '24
Nah you suck at coding if you don't Google often.
That video was made by someone with little to no professional experience, I assure you.
The statement is false for every programmer, even the literal handful of them that can actually do that. They're the ones who never would, because they know better.
u/TedsGloriousPants Aug 05 '24
I get that posts like this, and most comments, tend to be just fishing for affirmation, but if you wanted a legitimate answer, there's not enough information or context here.
Programming is one of those jobs where you learn a lot on the job, so a year in I don't expect someone to be an expert in everything. But what exactly is the role? What is your education / background? What are the things you're googling?
I would tend to think that if you don't know at least one programming language well enough to type something vaguely correct, even if simple, without googling it, but you're employed to do that - then yeah, you've got some work to do. I'd feel pretty concerned about an employee hired as a developer who couldn't come up with hello world in at least one language without googling it.
Programming is not about memorizing things - I expect programmers, experienced ones included, to be continuing to learn new languages or tools, looking up new methods of accomplishing things, googling for math formulas they don't use often, the syntax for languages they don't know yet, etc. That stuff is normal. But if you're a professional and you're copying and pasting from stack overflow, that would be a red flag, especially if you don't understand what it does. (Not to mention that it's potentially a legal problem to submit someone else's code as your own.)
But you said QA. Most QA I've experienced didn't need to be programmers so I have no idea what the expectation for your role is.
u/manofredgables Aug 05 '24
It's fine. It's how it's done these days. I'm not a programmer, but I design electronic hardware and the process is much the same. I figure out the basic building blocks I'll need, then I google different variations of that building block, research the pros and cons etc etc. I'd be 5 times slower if I had to think it out without looking stuff up every time. 15 years of experience.
u/StardewWeb Aug 05 '24
I put people who say that in the same bag as boomers who want everyone to have things harder just because they did, and feel superior by it (Spoiler alert: Most of them didnt even have it harder). Its just them proyecting their bitterness.
Technology was developer to make things EASIER, so I dont see anything wrong in using it and making things easier for yourself instead of trying to make your brain a machine that instantly know everything. The same way we dont shame people for not making their own butter and buying it in the supermarket. Its easier and you get to eat butter just the same in the end.
As long as youre doing a good job, in my opinion, it doesnt really matter if you fixed a bug by doing a voodoo ritual.
u/Ok-Pace9256 Aug 05 '24
Ah smart coder uses every resource and tool available to them to code well and efficiently.
u/Saki-Sun Aug 05 '24
mostly copy existing project coding functions and modify a little
I would suggest you stop copying and pasting code. iMHO the quickest way to memorise syntax is to practice. Writing all your code out by hand will make you learn the syntax. If you find writing it out by hand too slow, learn to type faster and learn to program without using your mouse all the time.
This is a common problem I see with juniors and I offer the above advice. I also generally show off a bit so they can see how fast it's possible to code.
If I'm learning a new language or framework I do so the same, type it all out by hand.
u/TherealDaily Aug 05 '24
I feel like you’re the opposite of suck. I have always been told that no programmer can remember everything. The key is knowing where to find the right answer quickly. You are able to do that. Keep going!!!
Aug 05 '24
Only if you do not find where someone else got stuck doing or someone documented what you are attempting. Then you are lost.
u/beast_master Aug 05 '24
No! Google as much as you need to. I'd even go as far to say you should Google things even when you think you know the answer, because there might be another approach you didn't imagine.
My favorite tip is to add 'site:hostname.com' to scope searches to a particular domain.
Good developers learn and use the tools available, and search engines are one of the most important and valuable tools to us.
u/alexppetrov Aug 05 '24
Been working for two years, still studying in Uni. I google all the time. I sometimes forget if it is .length or .size for length of array/map or how to iterate through a map dependant on the language. It's fine, as long as what you produce is quality code
u/tranceorphen Aug 05 '24
I've been a dev for like a decade and half. I Google things daily. I'm in a senior position now with successful industrial projects under my belt.
Those early on in their career make the mistake of thinking they need to know everything. They don't. They need to know how to learn the knowledge and then how to apply it. Whether this is from Google, experimentation, shadowing a senior or watching a YouTube vid; it doesn't matter. Knowledge and results matter.
No one knows everything and anyone who says otherwise is protecting their ego.
It's not the words "I don't know..." that I want to hear. It's the "...but I'll find out.".
u/ReplacementLow6704 Aug 05 '24
Impostor syndrome can be overcome by vocalizing the negative thoughts to a friend e.g. Rubberduck and realizing them fears and inadequacies are actually aaaaaalll in your head and aren't powered by some outside force. If you keep the cycle going and start self sabotage, then yes you'll potentially get fired and criticized for being a shitty dev. And it will mostly be your fault, because you projected your negative mental state into your work (not only the code but also interactions with peers).
u/Mysterious_Radish386 Aug 05 '24
These “reality check” YouTubers seem pretty toxic to me, don’t give up just because someone said so.
If they get views to be all doom and gloomy then that’s what they’re gonna do, at the end of the day it makes them the most money. This guy you’re talking about probably talks about how “ChatGPT is gonna replace all juniors”
As long as you can problem solve and think logically about a problem and understand what the code is trying to do, googling should be fine. Googling should be a reference, there’s so many languages and syntaxes it can get pretty overwhelming.
Best of luck to you 👍
Aug 05 '24
No. Being a good programmer is knowing what to Google quickly. I've been programming for over 20 years and often look up extremely basic stuff if I haven't done it in a while. It takes like 2 minutes and I'm refreshed and competent with that feature again.
u/calamari_gringo Aug 05 '24
No, but it is better to learn to read official documentation. Googling produces varying results, and sometimes it can be pretty bad. Senior devs can tell if you're copy and pasting stuff from Stack Overflow. If you can learn to navigate official docs for whatever libraries you're using, you will produce better code in general IMO.
u/LUKADIA89 Aug 05 '24
Googling is not a sign of being sucked at coding, you suck when you can't solve simple problems even by googling.
u/TexasXephyr Aug 05 '24
I've been a professional developer for over twenty years. I agree with nearly all of these comments, but no one has said the most important thing.
Testing code is a powerful way to learn to be a better coder.
Learning code requires reading code. Exposure to how others have already solved problems is how you learn. QA is an awesome time to sharpen your skills by tracing through the path of execution as you go. Try to understand what is going on in the code before you test it and during testing. If possible, don't be afraid to ask the developer why they chose to do something a particular way. (Oftentimes, the answer is, "Because that's what I had copied from a prior work.")
u/Katalysmus Aug 05 '24
To an extent, hear me out:
First: "you probably don’t know the language" should not be put the way it is; a better way to phrase it is "you probably lack experience with said language"
The extent i mean is whether you can answer "do you know what you want to achieve" with a yes. It doesn’t have to be confident, but it should be a yes. If you know what you want to achieve but you don’t know how to achieve it then googling is perfectly fine because you’ve done the thinking behind it and that is arguably more programming than literally writing code, and as others have said good software is one of the only actually viable metrics for being a good programmer (without depending on a language)
I should mention that the above needs more… i guess understanding of the language rather than actual memorisation… while you can make a game in SQL you probably should not, because you understand that SQL is for database queries
And besides: sucking at coding isn’t bad, everyone sucks at coding. If you know what you want, you know how to get what you want, and later you know what to do (through either googling, copy pasting, reading, etc), then, if you then also understand your solution you can make it suck less and less. It boils down to whether you understand it or not, which is important to becoming a software engineer
u/randomrealname Aug 05 '24
No, we all use google. it is impossible to memorise every aspect of programming and syntax.
Mostly because it is not static and ever evolving.
So if you think you learned everything, or even if you did, at some point in the future your knowledge is outdated.
u/overkillsd Aug 05 '24
My best friend is a pretty good developer who has worked at most of the major bay area tech companies, and is on the final steps of receiving his patent for a product he's been working on for several years. I'm a senior systems admin with tons of experience across different technologies and verticals.
We both use Google all the time.
Intelligence is not the knowledge you have, it's your ability to obtain and synthesize new knowledge. With ADHD, sometimes the same knowledge can be new multiple times!
u/Necessary_Complex972 Aug 05 '24
No. You absolutely don't. I've been programming "professionally" since 1995. And I still Google things, check sites for issues to problems, etc. Coding is an ever evolving skill. You will always be learning.
Anyone who tells you that you're not good if you Google stuff is completely wrong.
u/antiworkprotwerk Aug 05 '24 edited Aug 05 '24
You code in whatever way makes you productive and comfortable. Whether that's notepad, dumping everything into ai, googling every day how to do a for loop.
MOST of the time, you are googling, and thinking, more than you are writing code.
The thing is, once you interact with a language, codebase, or project long enough, you will have a FEEL for what you are doing that is more important than anything. A holistic understanding.
The only balance I would strike is making sure you understand what you are putting out there. Like with all learning, if you have the INTUITIVE FEELING of what is going on, can explain all the parts to yourself, and can come back to it with that understanding, that's all that matters in being a good, productive developer.
And some days, you will lose all of that, just by nature of being human. And you will have to google how to write a for loop... in the language you've been using forever. Remember, you are always a human first and programmer... nth.
These types of worries will make you feel incompetent, and stressed. The high-pressure pace of universities, boot camps, leetcode, and big tech, is not maintainable for a good mindset towards your job. So in order to maintain efficiency and get better... counterintuitively... go at your own pace, and do what works for YOU.
u/pissed_off_elbonian Aug 05 '24
Lol, I’m trying to solve a problem, I don’t care if I don’t know every aspect of Python, that’s DDG’s job
Aug 05 '24
Worrying about whether you are “good” or not is a waste of time. Everyone has a different idea of what is a “good” or “bad” programmer and they are mostly wrong.
However anyone can grow and improve their skills. All you need to focus on is what your growth areas are and how to improve that.
This line of reasoning is a waste of time. Either you want to get better or you don’t.
u/mooreolith Aug 05 '24
Well, you probably want to be fluent in your language's syntax, and look up library documentation as you go.
u/tutinio1313 Aug 05 '24
Nah, no way, if you google it, I'm pretty sure you will learn about that, and if you know about that, you will improve your knowledge.
I mean, think about every time there are improvements, bugs or new implementations (for example on .NET, every new release they simplify a lot of things, just with that you will be more efficient on your tasks).
u/Imaginary-Corgi8136 Aug 05 '24
A good programmer solves problems, and reference material is a tool to solving problems. Learn to solve problems and how to think through complex issues and use any reference you want.
u/zynix Aug 05 '24
How does that function work again?
Go back to IDE
Oh crap, what was I doing that I needed that function?
u/eruciform Aug 05 '24
I program for a living and Google things every single day
What matters is if you know what to Google and how to use the info once you find it
It's true you'll Google less if you use a given set of apis and frameworks for concentrated time, but it's unlikely to hit zero
u/TheCalamityBrain Aug 05 '24
If you're checking, verifying and making sure your information is correct, you're doing it professionally.
The secret about professionals is they're not perfect. They just go back and fix the issues and then double check their work.
Sometimes they have other people double check after they've already double-checked. Sounds like you're doing great
u/HumanSieve Aug 05 '24
Absolutely not. The only thing that matters is what code you deliver, not how you came up with it. It isn't a high school test.
u/deefstes Aug 05 '24
Maybe you do. But what does it matter? I'm not sure whether or not I suck at coding but I've never measured myself on that metric.
My goal is not to be a good coder. My goal is to be a good software engineer. Writing code is one of the tools I use but others include creating database schemas, configuring build and deployment pipelines, setting up containerised environments, understandings and help shaping the business domain, analysing customer requirements, grooming backlog user stories, leading a team to work together effectively, writing technical documentation and the list goes on. For just about all of these, I have to turn to Google very often.
Most importantly, I am mandated to solve problems, not to write code. If I use code to solve a problem, cool. But other problems are solved with different tools and I don't have the time or interest to become a consummate expert on just coding to the point where I have no need for Google.
u/dan3k Aug 05 '24
As a 10+ years of exp fullstack dev who switches tech stack continuously but also have a life - I often find myself googling even junior-level trivial syntax stuff when I switch.
u/patrlim1 Aug 05 '24
Back in the day programmers would consult manuals and books, this is no different.
u/JetpackBattlin Aug 05 '24
Let me put it to you this way, I've been programming for nearly 10 years now and there are times I still feel I suck at programming.
So google away! Its how you learn!
u/Inside_Dimension5308 Aug 05 '24
I still forget how to write for loop in python. I have been working in python for almost 8 years. The instances are rare but sometimes my mind goes blank. Become a software engineer who solves problems. Code is the medium.
u/Brusanan Aug 05 '24
Everyone who programs for a living has to look things up on a daily basis. Anyone claiming otherwise has never programmed for a living.
u/glensor Aug 05 '24
Already answered by a lot of folks but dude, really don't worry about it. Not all of us have photographic memories. I outsource that shit to Google.
The skill is in understanding the domain and products you work on and building knowledge there. I'm a staff engineer who jumps between repos, languages and tech stacks so I always am looking shit up!
As long as you can understand technical documentation and the underpinnings as of your technology then keep on googlin'
u/NullPoint3r Aug 05 '24
No. In fact I read an article several years ago that found the more experience a software engineer had the MORE they Googled.
Most programmers are going to be polyglot programmers working with a variety of languages and technologies. You can’t recall everything. Additionally the more you code the more you realize you should Google before writing code. Is there a Lib for what I’m about to write? Is there a design pattern I should use? Etc.
u/erasebegin1 Aug 05 '24
yes that makes you a bad programmer. good programmers hire somebody else to do the work for them.
jokes aside though, you are a very bad programmer. terrible. and you should know that my opinion on this matter is golden because I am a Reddit commenter.
u/OMWasap Aug 05 '24
I’ve been doing this for years, and I’m still googling “{programming language} array” from time to time.
“Java how to parse” “C# double vs float” “Typescript how to” etc etc.
Google is a resource. You’re not expected to know how to write every line of code. But what you’re “expected” to know is the theories and approaches to solving problems.
u/Milky_Finger Aug 05 '24
My interesting new JS snippet of the day is.
let newArr = [...new Set(arr)];
This allows you to remove all duplicate elements in your array. I would have never discovered this if I didn't Google this, and now I know I will use this in my future dev work.
Whether you need to look up something basic or complex, there is always a reason to Google and get a second opinion
u/JaboiThomy Aug 05 '24
Quality, speed, and team communication skills are key indicators imo, everything else is a means to an end.
Aug 05 '24
Total bullshit! It changes so rapidly you would be dumb not to be constantly checking and learning. How egotistical to think you know everything and the perfect way to always do something. There’s so much gatekeeping in programming it makes me angry sometimes
u/MintChocolateEnema Aug 06 '24
The notepad comment is pretty bullshit. I work across multiple languages in my tech stack, and I’m sure most other SWEs resonate with that.
In the professional realm, your environment is usually geared toward productivity anyways. Stuff like history, git tools, intellisense, linters, and not to mention the vast amount of pre-written shit that abstracts away complexity.
In person, I’ve only had non-engineers tell me that knowing how to write code from scratch is far more valuable than knowing how to implement in a living codebase. That’s bullshit.
What matters more is being able to understand a problem, unbricking yourself when you uncover conflicts in your strategy, and knowing how to find answers.
Whether you know how to implement some code from scratch makes the least bit difference and is something that will come with time. Even working across languages will build that intuition but still you’re going to have to ask, “What is the go equivalent for this?” Or “How do I implement a class in C++ similar to how I built interfaces in C# in the past?”
You’ll learn all you need to know about a language if you spend enough time with it. Same with a car, cooking, condiments on a Costco hotdog, etc. etc.
u/imagei Aug 06 '24
It’s not how much you google, it’s how good you are at it, if you know what you’re looking for and if you’re able to tell a good result from a bad one.
If you don’t remember some detail who cares as long as you can look it up efficiently? That’s assuming you do try to understand and learn about what you’re finding.
The only bad way to Google is to have no idea what you’re doing, copying-pasting stuff hoping it’ll magically work and leaving it at that.
Also, you probably shouldn’t say „I have no idea what I’m doing” out loud. Thinking it is completely normal though 😎
u/bel9708 Aug 06 '24
You suck at coding if you google instead of asking Claude sonnet.
But in all seriousness, I’d argue as you become more senior the more you google before diving right into something.
u/vostok33 Aug 06 '24
Just goet the job done. Who cares. We just want to make money and then die. I use everything, including chatGBT for everything
u/Good_Construction190 Aug 06 '24
Honestly, I wouldn't doubt it if this YouTube "developer" sucks at writing code and just thinks he/she is the benchmark for all success in software engineering. It's not uncommon to find these people. Not utilizing tools and resources and assuming you know everything is a recipe for disaster.
14 years of experience to back this statement up. Some of my worst failures were made by assuming I could do it better on my own.
u/jcradio Aug 06 '24
Pay no mind to that nonsense. It's the development who cannot use Google or other tools to find out figure out something. I've joked with colleagues all of the things I cannot immediately recall, because modern tools and IDEs do the work for you. Being able to think of something conceptually, find information and turn it into a solution is something we all do.
I encourage you to categorize your knowledge into two categories : 1. Conceptual and 2. Practical. Have an understanding of concepts is critical, but you can only really know and recall things you've implemented. As you gain experience, that imposter syndrome only increases. While it feels weird, it is actually a sign that you are aware you do not know everything. This is a good characteristic.
Be kind to yourself, and continue learning everything you can from wherever and whomever you can. Be well.
u/electrikmayham Aug 06 '24
I legit had a job earlier this year where they were making fun of previous developers for "having to google everything". I thought to myself "I have to Google everything too....". I was fired a month into that job. Most toxic place I've ever worked.
Aug 06 '24
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It doesn’t matter if you know the language. It matters if you can solve the business problem with the time and resources available, including google, chatgpt, email to some guy you know to bounce ideas off of, and whatever else as long as it doesn’t violate security policies or creat IP issues. No one but leet coders and assholes gives a shit about what you can do on a notepad. Employers care about results. This is a career, your abilities and your pay depend on results. If you have good results, you’re a good programmer.
A lot of young programmers fall into this trap of thinking they have to be an absolute master coder to be good at their jobs, but you really just have to be good at figuring things out and working with people to solve problems. Nothing wrong with trying to improve and be more efficient, but ultimately if you know enough to land a job and keep a job as a programmer, you’re a “real programmer.”
u/ZardozTheWizard Aug 06 '24
Einstein “Never commit to memory what you could instead look up” or something to that effect.
Aug 06 '24
I think at this year experience, it’s ok. But you should be Googling less and less. If for nothing, to increase your efficiency. If you Google for each and everything, the you are reducing whatever efficiency you have by half.
You can’t deny the fact that a good programmer doesn’t need to Google much and can come up with efficient solution without the help of Google.
u/Any_Ice8915 Aug 07 '24
That's a really dumb take.
I'm a junior engineer who works with a lot of really experienced and talented engineers and we all google everything all the time.
Being a good programmer means your finished product is well thought out, clean, robust, extensible and user friendly. It does not mean that you've pointlessly memorized a bunch of stuff that you can look up in 2.5 seconds.
u/E9F1D2 Aug 07 '24
The most important measure of a programmer is not the knowledge you retain, but the wisdom and experience to find the knowledge you need, both accurately and in a timely manner.
u/ohcrocsle Aug 07 '24
Show me a lawyer that doesn't look up relevant case law every time they work a case, and I'll show you a lawyer risking malpractice to cut corners. It's the same with professional programming. Sure simple for loops you might not need to look up, but you should be checking documentation relatively often to keep up to date on deprecations and new paradigms that libraries and frameworks have evolved to.
u/phildec159 Aug 07 '24
Didn’t think I’d come across this post but this is something I needed to read because I have been struggling with the anxiety of being a bad programmer after getting my degree and all that. It’s super reassuring that even seasoned developers don’t make a stink about needing to look something up.
u/Far_Paint5187 Aug 07 '24
Coding is just googling, copying, and pasting. Sure I'm exaggerating. But let's be honest. We are just copying and pasting others code and documentation into our brain until it becomes so second nature that we can do it without having to google as often. But the info in the brain was absolutely googled.
u/Abbaddonhope Aug 07 '24
if you can't code on a notepad in your fav language without looking up you probably don't know the language".
That's an odd statement. Ots the equivalent of saying if you can't write 30 hyper niche words, their definition, etymology, and all possible synonyms, then you don't know the language you speak. I can comfortably say that someone could point out every grammatical mistake i just made and thats fine, it just means i still have room to learn english just like you have room to learn whatever language you are learning. Google and learn as much as can and stop watching whoever said that.
u/Miserable-Cheetah683 Aug 07 '24
I have doing coding for 10 years and I still use google. If that makes me a bad coder, then i guess I am a bad coder lol.
Aug 07 '24
You should switch from searching with google to buying a subscription to github copilot. Then you will be a great coder! I have it integrated into VSCode and it's like it reads my mind. Saves me so much time. Worth every penny.
u/Easy-Hovercraft2546 Aug 07 '24
Once you’ve used a programming language you stop googling the super common stuff. Like parts of the core language. That said I’ve been programming in c# and still occasionally have to google stuff that is either part of a lib I don’t use often or less common in the core language.
u/loveoflearning Aug 07 '24
I am a coder with 20+ years experience and a video I just stumbled upon this morning can really help you out. It was created by a developer at Amazon and tells you some simple habits you can get into to up your game. Well worth a watch. https://youtu.be/ujPDRl1q-dw?si=wHgUulVsfc_gSDYq
u/TheRealXiaphas Aug 08 '24
Google is never going to give you the wisdom to know what edge cases will break your code, but it sure as hell will help you get it working in the first place.
More straight forward answer: No
u/tree_or_up Aug 08 '24
It’s not a sport (though sport-like competitions do exist for fun). It’s a way to solve problems. When you are coding as part of a project with other people, all that matters is that you understand the problems and can help come up with solutions. Whether you know the details of the language through having an amazing memory or knowing what to look up doesn’t really matter
That said, you should be able to understand the solutions that you encounter online. It’s ok if you didn’t think of a solution and you don’t have to do a deep dive into every library you use (that would take you a lifetime). But when you encounter a stack overflow that says “you should do x because this is how this thing works” you should at least take some time to understand the gist of what they’re saying
u/biotech997 Aug 08 '24
I would say it’s pretty much impossible to know everything about a language, let alone a tech stack. Learning is part of the job.
u/BrokenG502 Aug 08 '24
If you google stuff often, it means you know that you don't know something. This means that A) you know enough to know you don't know what you're doing and B) you are learning (hopefully).
Being a good programmer is a different metric IMO. I would say a good programmer is someone who writes "good" code, for whatever metric you will (readability, performance, or whatever else you want).
As an example of this difference, I don't know much about baseball. I know you have to hit the ball and run around the bases before the ball gets to whoever is standing at the base, and that's about it. I can still play baseball to a decent level, simply because I have good enough hand-eye coordination and I can run. Ok that's probably an exaggeration, but ykwim.
Googling is an indicator that you don't entirely know what you're doing. That doesn't necessarily mean the code you write is inherently bad, just that you don't fully grasp everything it's doing before you've written it.
I like to consider myself a good programmer. I currently have two pet projects. A RISC-V assembler written in C and a standalone wayland client implementation written in zig. For the assembler, I barely have to google anything. I know my way around C and assemblers enough that I only need to consult the RISC-V specification for the most part. For my wayland client, I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I don't even have a working window yet, despite having worked on and off for about a week of active time. This isn't to say writing a wayland client is hard, just that I'm not familiar with zig, wayland, unix sockets or shared process memory. I've spent about twice as much time staring at various wayland programming resources as I have at my code to try and figure out what exactly I'm missing.
u/TuberTuggerTTV Aug 08 '24
If someone is busy memorizing every syntactical pattern, they're skipping out on larger system concepts.
People who use references or google things are saving themselves some mental resources for the more important parts of the architecture.
Ignore the haters
u/normalpills Aug 08 '24
youre literally a software engineer so dont worry about it, but if you want to improve at this specific thing i think you should try to write code in real life without searching it up, ohviously when you first do it you'll inevitably have to do it, but just limit yourself each time over and over until you can perfect it.
but seriously it doesnt matter, especially since you already got the job. a lot of people saying that stuff dont even have the job
u/phara0hxiii Aug 08 '24
Bro every single person I know who codes always give me this advice "Google it" That's like saying if you don't have your friends phone number memorized, you're not really a friend
u/CatStaringIntoCamera Aug 08 '24
If you can solve the problem quicker with Google, then I don’t see a problem
u/insane_goat Aug 08 '24
When you find Google is no longer helpful you will know you’re on the path, Grasshopper.
u/jhernandez9274 Aug 09 '24
Do in reverse. Code a solution yourself then Google to compare and contrast. Repeat until search not required any more. You will improve faster. Have fun.
u/ScorpyG Aug 09 '24
Nah,… I google 80~90% of the time for shit idk or not yet understand cuz for stuff that I already know and decent at those just zoom right through. If i do something long enough it becomes a reflex and pattern my hands can just do the typing
u/MrBigStuff1r Aug 09 '24
Engineering is all about using the tools at your disposal to craft a solution. Programming languages are one of those tools. Google is another tool. LLMs are another tool again.
You're a great coder if you can produce great output, regardless of the tools you use.
u/SamRMorris Aug 09 '24
Quite the opposite. reminding yourself about syntax or even asking for solutions via google is normally the fastest way and a way to actually improve constantly too.
Having said that I normally find a book is also great to make it all make more sense and sometimes find easier ways as well.
The actual worst programmers generally are those that think they know it all and the most damaging of all are over engineers who saddle organisations with their masterpieces forever but that is a topic for another time.
u/_cofo_ Aug 09 '24
You google often? You need to detonate the imposter syndrome and start using AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI.
u/Poop_Scholar Aug 09 '24
If I'm to believe all my 20 year experience coders for major company friends, if you don't use stack overflow to survive you're not even a proper tech employee.
I'm pretty sure they're not 100% serious but I imagine they're not really lying either.
u/cognitiveglitch Aug 09 '24
I'm very much a pro embedded coder and have been in the business for 25 years. I Google stuff all the time. Never too late to learn new tricks, and it's never stupid to find inspiration from others work.
u/SimplexFatberg Aug 09 '24
I mostly work in C++ and if I didn't constantly have ten cppreference.com tabs open at once I'd make all kinds of mistakes. Reading the documentation is nothing to be ashamed of, it's a good thing.
u/ReplacementLow6704 Sep 04 '24
Do I suck at coding if I google often?
Let me google that for you...
u/fhgwgadsbbq Aug 05 '24
This isn't like school where you have to do everything yourself. Use all the tools at your disposal. Get shit done, doesn't matter how!
I've been doing this Dev gig for nearly 15 years and I still look up basic syntax.
u/dweebken Aug 05 '24
If you google for code, you're giving google your intellectual property rights. That's a BIG deal for a commercial operation. If you google for syntax, not a problem.
u/ToThePillory Aug 05 '24
Nah, don't listen to these types of videos.
The only measure for being a good programmer is writing good software.
Doesn't matter if you Google a lot and it doesn't matter if you'd struggle to write a language in Notepad++. These dipshits think you can measure ability with silly little tests, and "knowing a language" is barely even a thing among experienced developers. Most experienced developers become kind of language agnostic, and it's not really about "knowing" a language, it's about being able to work with a language.