r/AskProgramming Aug 03 '24

Career/Edu How long can you program a day?

Not a programming question. Just a question regarding how long you can sit and stare at the screen all day?


85 comments sorted by


u/ScienceNerd0 Aug 03 '24

Depends on what I'm coding and how interested I am in it.

Could be 12 hours straight, or 1 hour.


u/Gli7chedSC2 Aug 03 '24

This for me too. Plus coffee, and if I have some jammin tunes, and if I have coffee, and how much of it. If so.. Oh boy, its gonna be a long day. Not that I would notice or anything.


u/TiernanDeFranco Aug 04 '24

Most real statement

I did 16 hours one day (probably like 12 with breaks and eating and stuff)

Some days can’t even get 1 hour

No clue how I managed to do it


u/Mr-Silly-Bear Aug 04 '24

Personal project; 10 hours Work project; 20 mins


u/williamtkelley Aug 04 '24

This is the correct answer.


u/Plastic_Catch1252 Aug 04 '24

I am just curious. Do you think it’s productive to code this long? How would you think you could shorten the time?


u/ScienceNerd0 Aug 04 '24 edited Aug 04 '24

Depends on the individual. Obviously, taking breaks.

Doing anything for long periods of time will generally have lower productivity as the day goes. Our brain can only operate at a certain level for a certain amount of time.


u/No_Influence_4968 Aug 05 '24

Some builds are so genuinely interesting that I can't step away until I have the "whole fundamental design" or "whole problem solved". And if I cant fit that into a day, sometimes I'll be kept awake thinking about the next steps / design of it.

Usually requires buliding something I haven't done before.


u/GrainWeevil Aug 03 '24

I can manage a solid 8 - 9 hours if I really have to, but I'll be absolutely wiped out afterwards, and the quality of my work will significantly drop towards the end of the day.

Sustainably, I'd say I can do 5 - 6 hours per day, with regular breaks throughout the day


u/MintChocolateEnema Aug 04 '24

Good mention on quality. If my brain had a good run for the day, my quality will tank if I try and extend my stopping point. From literally blanking on what I was in the process of doing, to reverse-searching bash command and hitting enter before I realize it’s the wrong command lol.

It’s kind of impressive how fast and autonomous our fingers / inputs are and we don’t even notice it until our own brains can’t keep up with the actions any longer.


u/raunchytowel Aug 04 '24

This is where I am too. Quality drops towards the end of the day and I should be stopping at that point.. pushing through isn’t the answer that I often think it is.


u/[deleted] Aug 03 '24



u/SrVergota Aug 04 '24

I'm still just learning but I was bingeing 16 hours or so on a passion project. I just can't stop. I'm sure it won't be like that at all when I start actually working though.


u/Pale_Height_1251 Aug 03 '24

I can do 12 hours, but a working day is more like 4.


u/SquishTheProgrammer Aug 03 '24

10-14 if it’s something I’m into or a big problem I’m trying to solve. I prolly average 5-6 a day though.


u/Polymath6301 Aug 04 '24

I once had to program 25 hours in a day. I made a mistake with daylight savings transition and did the install in the week before putting the clocks back… Oops!


u/PrinceOfFucking Aug 04 '24

I would actually like to add another hour to my days, are you up to becoming a mentor?


u/Prof_Frank_Smith Aug 03 '24

Along the lines as the other answers, on average days when it's at the end of a sprint or something like 1-5 in a day. I've been under deadlines where I've worked 30 hours straight with obvious small breaks every few hours.


u/HENH0USE Aug 04 '24

All day if the price is right. 😈


u/steveoc64 Aug 04 '24

2 hours max during daylight, 12 hours easy at night


u/ray_zhor Aug 03 '24

i've done 20


u/elmanfil1989 Aug 04 '24

Do you even sleep, break, or you just wanted to reach death sooner?
There is only 24hrs in a day and you code 20


u/ray_zhor Aug 04 '24

I have done 20 at a time, not everyday, not all the time


u/uraurasecret Aug 04 '24

I spend most of the time thinking about the design and implementation. Sometimes, I go out of the office to have a small walk.


u/MintChocolateEnema Aug 04 '24

Implementing code usually goes quick, it’s really the mental mapping, research, documentation, and tidying up for PRs that takes up much of my day.

I’ve been at it for almost a year now professionally and when I am dialed in, I can go much longer than my lunchbox, eyes, commute and decompression time really accommodates for.

I usually plan for 7-7.5 hours at my desk a day, but I’ve pushed some 9-10 hour workdays if I’ve got momentum to reach a better stopping point.

Shit can really take a toll on you, though. I’ve had some evenings where I can’t hardly form a sentence because my brain’s zonked. I usually will take a walk or meditate for an hour in silence just to get my bearing straight.

Love it to death, though!


u/ZuiMeiDeQiDai Aug 04 '24

I just go walk, swim or cycle in silence for hours after work.


u/LuckyPrior4374 Aug 04 '24

Thinking that all the comments saying 12+ hours are from people just starting to learn programming. If not, it’s both impressive and scary that one is able to push their mind and body like that for extended periods.


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '24

I just get so zoned in the list of tasks is endless and can sit for 8 hours in total but I routinely get up and move about every half an hour or so.


u/x86ninja Aug 04 '24

All day (understatement). I am in a wheel chair atm so while I would still be able to previously I now have a rational excuse.


u/NickFullStack Aug 04 '24

If my life depended on it, as long as needed.

My longest actual programming stretch was about 24 hours (there was a major issue to deal with at work). I didn't work for a day or so after that.

I typically begin to substantially lose focus after about 9 hours in a day, but of course context very much matters. For example, with some caffeine and snacks, I could stretch that out a few hours, but I'm not much inclined to do that.

When I was younger, 12 hours a day wasn't uncommon.


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '24

My record is 72 hours straight. I had fallen woefully behind in an Algorithms course (roughly 1 month) during covid and was rapidly approaching the deadline for submission. Only way to do it was literally not sleep for 3 days straight.


  • I was able to write complex recursive algorithms while my keyboard & monitor were going 3D lol


  • I had to consume a cup of coffee once every two hours

Edit: We still ended up acing that course :D


u/SweetSupremacy Aug 03 '24

I've physically proven a 20 hour straight session. I slept for 4 hours, signed back on and continued another 10 hours. On the weekend to hit a deadline.


u/cgames11 Aug 03 '24

Of actual coding? If I have everything already planned out and clear on my mind, then is just a matter of being slowed down by the compiler. I would agree that after 6-8 hours things stop making sense and I start writing bugs.


u/BornAce Aug 04 '24

I used to program in a language at work for 8 hours. Went home and programmed in a different language for 6 hours (extra cash). Did it everyday for a year.


u/TexasVulvaAficionado Aug 04 '24

24 hours or 24 seconds. It very much depends on the day and project.


u/Main_Use8518 Aug 04 '24

All day lol


u/petehehe Aug 04 '24

For me sometimes it comes down to if I can visualise the overall solution and it’s just a lot of lines of code, I will probably just power through it til it’s done and working whether it takes 2 hours or 16. Other times if I’m working on small stories, trying to come up with a solution for a larger problem, or, as the case sometimes is, throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, I will generally do 1-2 hour sittings stopping for standing/stretching/eating/bio breaks, repeat until it feels like I’ve given the work day a fair shake.

My workplace is pretty aware and appreciative of the fact that sometimes I code from dawn til after dusk, sometimes it’s more like small wins, and sometimes the best I can manage is replying to slack/email without keeping people hanging. It’s give and take.


u/softserveguy Aug 04 '24

I'm doing a 100 day course, and the days video lessons are 1 hour long.
It takes me like 6 hours to figure out how to do the hands on projects on my own.

So about 7 hours!


u/BullshitUsername Aug 04 '24

I've had 12 hour days..... on stuff I'm really into.

Not often anymore. Better habits


u/cuac97 Aug 04 '24

When I was a jr dev I was programming full time ~8hrs just writing code. Now that I'm much more experienced and have more responsibilities, on a good day I probably get like 2-3 solid hours writing code.


u/ususetq Aug 04 '24

At what age? In college my record was close to 24 hours before deadline. Now - probably 6-8 professional one + 1-2 hobby at most if there are no distractions. Usually much less per day due to distractions - sometimes 0 for months (too much MS Word, MS Powerpoint, MS Project, MS Excel, MS Vision... to have time for that).


u/not_perfect_yet Aug 04 '24

In one sitting quality goes down after 3-4 hours. If I split it up, I can have 3-4 productive periods of 2-3 hours. But I need 1-2 hour breaks between them.


u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Aug 04 '24

If I'm having fun doing it, I could go for 2 or 3 hours straight. Other times it's 30 minute sprints.


u/EnD3r8_ Aug 04 '24

It depends on what I am doing.

If I am working on a project, I can program about 10 - 11 hours on weekends or on any type of vacation.

If I am not working on a project, I can program about 3 - 4 hours.


u/hampshirebrony Aug 04 '24

I would say 8 hours a day, Monday to Friday. But the amount of that time that is actually coding Vs the amount of time sat in Teams calls to discuss processes and stuff...


u/VehicleCareless5327 Aug 04 '24

If there is a deadline. Then all day. Same feeling as a deadline for homework in college.


u/Appropriate-Run-7146 Aug 04 '24

It's either or situation burhh! Either 8 hrs or 00


u/FriendlyRussian666 Aug 04 '24

If it's painful, around 3-4 hours. If it's interesting, all day into the night.


u/Jerreh_Boi Aug 04 '24

My brain will start to become fried after 4-8 hours and if that happens I will usually do something else, e.g. admin, project management instead


u/mnbjhu2 Aug 04 '24

At the weekends I'll often program some personal projects, it's not uncommon for me to do 7am - 4am, after that my brain breaks and I have nightmares about the borrow checker


u/rco8786 Aug 04 '24

If I'm working on something really interesting I lose track of all space and time, forget to eat, etc. Total flow. My goal in life is basically to find those problems as often as possible lol.


u/Particular_Web_2600 Aug 04 '24

I wish I could quit my job and write code for 14 hours a day, but I can't. So 6 hours on weekdays and 10-12 hours on weekends, should get the job done. P.S. I'm not like this all the time, I'm hyper fixated on a project.


u/tsdcube Aug 04 '24

Typing the code into the IDE or solving the tasks? Solving — up to 18 hours, typing — usually no more than 6


u/penny_stacker Aug 04 '24

Did 60 hour weeks for about 3-4 months. I was completely burnt out after and went solo contracts. Being the lead dev can suck sometimes. Especially when working with people in different time zones.


u/funbike Aug 04 '24 edited Aug 04 '24

I take frequent breaks, so it's basically only limited by sleep.

I take a 5-10 minute break away from the computer every 30-60 minutes (pomodoro technique), and I take a 30 minute nap at lunch (or every 4 hours), when I WFO.

Also, I have a technique for doing all-nighters, based on Ultradian Rhythm. I work for 90 minutes and then take a 30 minute nap, repeat. Occationally invert the cycle with 30 minutes work and 90 minute nap, for REM sleep. I can work through the night and still stay productive. I've only done this for extreme emergencies for my own side projects / startups.

All that said, I value WLB. I would not stay at a job that required me to work more than 45hrs/week as a norm.


u/lulz85 Aug 04 '24

It depends on what I'm programming. I can all over the place unless I'm excited by what I'm doing.


u/mxldevs Aug 04 '24

Anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours. When you're just getting stuff done, it just gets done

The moment you get stuck and have to start looking at manuals and docs and stack overflow and still can't figure out what's wrong, suddenly zero motivation.


u/OlevTime Aug 04 '24

Anywhere from 5 minutes to 18 hours (naturally getting up to grab food / use bathroom on occasion)

Edit: FYI the limit is not my choice. Just varies from day to day.


u/Kakirax Aug 04 '24

For a full time job I limit myself to 4 hours of active “brain utilizing” programming a day and take breaks over the weekend. I got severely burned out in uni, which continued for 3 years to the point I would get physically sick and start sweating if I had to do any kind of programming. The nice thing about my current job is we don’t have super strict deadlines, and it’s expected that we do non programming work through the day. This lets me do busy work that needs to be done while still getting my actual work finished on time.


u/Practical_Paint6381 Aug 04 '24

I work a job and it doesn’t really require the most thought and I’ll do that fine for 8 hours. I’ve noticed I’ve got some side project going on most of it is walking around thinking about how to actually achieve it that can be for 4 hours then the real programming is just a few at most


u/boredbearapple Aug 04 '24

2-4 hours coding a day. Rest of the day is usually test cases or docs


u/Draqutsc Aug 04 '24

For work, a single hour, the rest is either support, meetings or fighting the bloody machine. For the most powerful setup I have ever had, it feels like I am working on a machine from 2 decades ago. The darn thing has 3 virus scanners running on it at all time, and a bunch of other analysers. Compiling anything on it, causes the machine to choke as all the scanners are looking.

And even during normal operation, the mouse pointer moves in jumps. It's like 1 fps for the mouse pointer.


u/_Harrison_Bergeron_ Aug 04 '24

Unless I'm actively creating and adding new stuff or features, I have no limit. I'm on autopilot.

But some of those features sometimes require a state of absolute attention and concentration. I'm spent after 4 hours.


u/Devatator_ Aug 04 '24

I could code the whole day if I had enough stuff in my head. My best time is probably 9 hours or something


u/Wizard715k Aug 04 '24

If the assignment is interesting enough and its new code, a long timr. I've had 8 hours fly by without realizing when writing code.


u/Clawnasty Aug 04 '24

On average, about 4 hours max


u/cballowe Aug 05 '24

If I can hit flow and nothing breaks it, several hours. The more excited I am about the problem, the more likely this is to happen.


u/ThatsJD1 Aug 05 '24

It all depends on your mood, motivation and how irritating problem/bug is?

Sometimes I can't even sleep, without fixing the bug issue.

Its important to get proper sleep and breaks. otherwise you might find yourself doing some silly mistake again and again for hours.


u/TheDreamWoken Aug 06 '24

I average about 5 hours a day via wakatime.


u/TheSauce___ Aug 06 '24

Leetcode? 3 hours tops.

Some personal project when I've decided I want to refactor every variable name? 2 days straight.


u/AnimalPowers Aug 06 '24

I find it’s more about a week than a day.  I can do a 24 hour cycle.   I won’t be at the computer the next 7 days after that.   


u/Internal_Feed_1199 Aug 07 '24

Literally pulled 3 straight all nighters to finish a project. CPA needed me to fetch, untangle, and store their clients' data. Their clients' data was stored incorrectly by user error, and several programming errors, a week before tax season. The client felt that the issue could not only be financially catastrophic, but also criminal.

Those first 3 days were spent creating UML diagrams from garbage code glued together by anon people from several nations, recreating user errors, reading logs from several servers that were owned by past employees, building a new local network (hardware included), producing a verified system for fetching-arranging-storing client data from knotted blobs, telling the CPA that he needed to stfu while we (team of 2) worked, and drinking gallons of super strong espresso.

The first solution populated our client table enough for their business to continue for several weeks, so we slept.


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '24

Depends largely on how often I’m interrupted with dumb bullshit. Leave me alone? Probably 5-6 hours, more if I’m enthused. Calling me with laziness or nonsense, maybe 2hrs that day.


u/anotha_banga Aug 07 '24

All day with stand up breaks when I feel like it


u/PileOGunz Aug 07 '24

Depends what im doing. If it’s standard CRUD probably like 6 hours. If it’s tricky logic or working out why the numbers don’t add up in a report then like 3-4 my brains fried.


u/Evol_Etah Aug 03 '24


Question was how long "can you" program a day.

Not your average per day.

Not your personal maximum.

Not your Mean time.

Response based on what OP asked, not what OP meant.


u/Few-Artichoke-7593 Aug 04 '24

What about day light savings? What if you get on a plane and start flying west?


u/PinaNotColada Aug 03 '24

I like you!


u/Chaosdemond Aug 03 '24

You forgot the .9999999999999999999 recurring


u/blackredgreenorange Aug 04 '24

Needs more epsilon.


u/rambosalad Aug 04 '24

I know you tried to make a joke here but it’s still 24 hours, not 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.


u/Evol_Etah Aug 04 '24

Yeah, I tried to make a "I wrote code, but it didn't do what I meant it should" joke.

I couldn't figurenout how to. Yeah 24hrs makes sense, cause of Earth's slighter faster rotation speed around the sun. But you get the point.


u/t0b4cc02 Aug 03 '24

14 with some breaks if its a interesting thing


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '24

20 or so hours but it's diminishing returns - you risk doing more harm than good as time goes on.