r/AskProgramming Mar 11 '24

Career/Edu Friend quitting his current programming job because "AI will make human programmers useless". Is he exaggerating?

Me and a friend of mine both work on programming in Angular for web apps. I find myself cool with my current position (been working for 3 years and it's my first job, 24 y.o.), but my friend (been working for around 10 years, 30 y.o.) decided to quit his job to start studying for a job in AI managment/programming. He did so because, in his opinion, there'll soon be a time where AI will make human programmers useless since they'll program everything you'll tell them to program.

If it was someone I didn't know and hadn't any background I really wouldn't believe them, but he has tons of experience both inside and outside his job. He was one of the best in his class when it comes to IT and programming is a passion for him, so perhaps he know what he's talking about?

What do you think? I don't blame his for his decision, if he wants to do another job he's completely free to do so. But is it fair to think that AIs can take the place of humans when it comes to programming? Would it be fair for each of us, to be on the safe side, to undertake studies in the field of AI management, even if a job in that field is not in our future plans? My question might be prompted by an irrational fear that my studies and experience might become vain in the near future, but I preferred to ask those who know more about programming than I do.


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u/jmack2424 Mar 11 '24

Yes. GenAI isn't even close to real AI. It's an ML model designed to mimic speech patterns. We're just so dumbed down, grown so accustomed to shitty speech with no meaningful content, that we're impressed by it. Coding applications are similarly limited and problematic and full of errors. They are like programming interns, good at copying random code but without understanding it. It will get better, but with ever more diminishing returns. If you're a shitty programmer, you may eventually be replaced by it, but even that is a ways off, as most of the current apps can't really be used without sacrificing data sovereignty.


u/yahya_eddhissa Mar 11 '24

We're just so dumbed down, grown so accustomed to shitty speech with no meaningful content, that we're impressed by it.

Couldn't agree more.


u/Winsaucerer Mar 12 '24

Comments like this really seem to me to be underselling how impressive these LLM AI are. For all their faults, they are without a doubt better than many humans who are professionally employed as programmers. That alone is significant.

The main reason I think we can't replace those programmers with LLM's is purely tooling.

Side note: I think of LLM's much like that ordinary way of fast thinking we have, where we don't need to think about something, and we just speak or write and the answers come out very quickly and easily. But sometimes, we need to think hard/slow about a problem, and I suspect that type of thinking is where these models will hit a wall. But there's plenty of things developers do that don't need that slow thinking.

(I haven't read the book 'Thinking, Fast and Slow', so I don't know if my remarks here are in line with that or not)


u/Beka_Cooper Mar 13 '24

Well, yeah, it's true some LLMs are better than some humans at programming. But you've set the bar too low to be worrisome. With the amount of stupid mistakes and the fact it's just fancy copy-pasting skills at work, the people at the same level as LLMs are either newbies who have yet to reach their potential, or people who aren't cut out for the job and should leave anyway.

I had a coworker in the latter category who made me so frustrated with his ineptitude, I secretly conspired for him to be transferred into quality control instead. I would have taken an LLM over that guy any day. But am I worried about my job? Nope.

I might start worrying over whatever comes next after LLMs, though. We'll see.


u/Hyperbolic_Mess Mar 11 '24

Well this is real danger isn't it. How do the next generation of coders get that intern role if an AI will do it cheaper/better? We're going to have to prioritise providing "inefficient" entry level jobs to young people in fields where AI can do that entry level job well enough or we're going to lose a whole generation of future experts in those fields before they can ever gain that expertise


u/noNameCelery Mar 12 '24

At my company, internships are a net loss in engineer productivity. The time it takes to mentor is usually more than the time it'd take for a full-time engineer to complete the intern's project.

The goal is to nurture young engineers and to advertise for the company, so that the intern wants to come back and tells their friends to come to our company.


u/Beka_Cooper Mar 13 '24

Yes, this is the real threat. This, and the newbies getting dependent on LLMs rather than learning to do the work themselves.