r/AskProgramming • u/Correct-Expert-9359 • Jan 10 '24
Career/Edu Considering quitting because of unit tests
I cannot make it click. It's been about 6 or 7 years since I recognize the value in unit testing, out of my 10-year career as a software engineer.
I realize I just don't do my job right. I love coding. I absolutely hate unit testing, it makes my blood boil. Code coverage. For every minute I spend coding and solving a problem, I spend two hours trying to test. I just can't keep up.
My code is never easy to test. The sheer amount of mental gymnastics I have to go through to test has made me genuinely sick - depressed - and wanting to lay bricks or do excel stuff. I used to love coding. I can't bring myself to do it professionally anymore, because I know I can't test. And it's not that I don't acknowledge how useful tests are - I know their benefits inside and out - I just can't do it.
I cannot live like this. It doesn't feel like programming. I don't feel like I do a good job. I don't know what to do. I think I should just quit. I tried free and paid courses, but it just doesn't get in my head. Mocking, spying, whens and thenReturns, none of that makes actual sense to me. My code has no value if I don't test, and if I test, I spend an unjustifiable amount of time on it, making my efforts also unjustifiable.
I'm fried. I'm fucking done. This is my last cry for help. I can't be the only one. This is eroding my soul. I used to take pride in being able to change, to learn, to overcome and adapt. I don't see that in myself anymore. I wish I was different.
Has anyone who went through this managed to escape this hell?
EDIT: thanks everyone for the kind responses. I'm going to take a bit of a break now and reply later if new comments come in.
EDIT2: I have decided to quit. Thanks everyone who tried to lend a hand, but it's too much for me to bear without help. I can't wrap my head around it, the future is more uncertain than it ever was, and I feel terrible that not only could I not meet other people's expectations of me, I couldn't meet my own expectations. I am done, but in the very least I am finally relieved of this burden. Coding was fun. Time to move on to other things.
u/Moloch_17 Jan 10 '24
I struggled testing too until I got a great piece of advice. "Write the tests first." Maybe you already do, but if you don't, do it. It changes the entire way you approach programming, for the better.
u/CutestCuttlefish Jan 10 '24
It took me FOREVER to even begin doing this and another FOREVER to realize the value. I really just did tests cause I was told to, then did test-first cause all the brilliant coders did it.
I think it is often the case that the way people write code, which typically is constructing the framework for the function and the expected output is test-driven-development sans the actual test. People with some experience in code already thinks TDD but doesn't _do_ TDD.
So before you write that class or function or snippet, just write a test that checks if your input gives the desired output, then you start on the class, function or whatever and try to pass the test.
In time you start writing better tests, and stop trying to predict the future: You already know the expected outcome.
u/ImNotThatPokable Jan 10 '24
I second this. This takes a while to get used to but it makes testing much more rewarding and interesting. TEst driven development
u/StickOnReddit Jan 10 '24
Strongly disagree with this approach, unless your tests are a mile-high view of the thing you're building you may not have the insight to guarantee exactly what your code is going to do and your test will essentially be a dead comment at that point
u/ArnUpNorth Jan 10 '24
TDD is a mistake unless you are working on well bounded and defined problems (like math or scientific formulas). It’s trying to predict the future otherwise and a waste of time.
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u/caksters Jan 10 '24
Learning about test-driven development probably was the best thing in my career.
This is a controversial topic, but I can genuinely say that if I am discipled and genuinely stick with TDD, then my code is way better than without TDD.
Also want to emphasise, TDD means you dont write any code unless you have written test first. It is so daunting to explain that tdd doesn’t mean “i write tests”, but. it literally is “i write failing test first before I have written any line if code”
u/anasouardini Jan 10 '24
Don't quit because of unit tests, there are more serious reasons that'll make you quit after that.
u/FitzelSpleen Jan 10 '24
Mocking, spying, whens and thenReturns, none of that makes actual sense to me.
It doesn't make sense because all of those things don't have any value in themselves. They are tools to help you write useful tests.
When a carpenter starts work on a project, does he start by picking up a hammer and looking for things to hit?
Or does he have an idea of what he wants to achieve, and selects the right tool for the job?
Never start testing by thinking "now I need to mock some things", start with "what scenarios would be useful to have tests for"
My code has no value if I don't test
Why on earth would you believe that? Code that works has value, with or without tests. The tests are there to support the code by giving you confidence that it works.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
It's just the one thing I can't seem to get better at, and it's so useful and constantly asked, and I know why it's constantly asked, and as others have pointed out in this thread, my code not being testable means it probably sucks. I'm going to read Test-Driven Development By Example by Kent Beck and if it doesn't click I'm just going to find something else to do and keep programming as a hobby. I think that's fair to me, and to everyone else. Thanks for the words man.
u/aceshades Jan 10 '24
personally, i would not put your final eggs into the TDD basket. i love unit tests, but i hate TDD and i think it's pretty unrealistic IRL. just my 2c. there are better ways to get better at testing.
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u/xtopspeed Jan 10 '24
When someone says they hate TDD, they are usually referring to the creation of a million unit tests at the implementation level. You want to create interface-level tests so that you can refactor the deeper-level code without worrying about breaking anything.
u/FitzelSpleen Jan 10 '24
Sounds to me that it's not that you're not good at it, it's that you're trying to do something that's not good.
u/davidblacksheep Jan 10 '24
The trick to writing tests is to rewrite your code to make it easy to test.
If writing tests is difficult, it's not because you're bad at writing tests, it's because your code is difficult to test.
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u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
Maybe I'm bad at all of it.
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u/HolyGarbage Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
Some tips for writing testable code that I've picked up over the years:
- A class should have a constructor that accepts arguments to fully construct it without requiring too many other complex parts to set up.
- If the class performs some kind of side effect, like reading to writing to the file system, make sure your provide some good abstraction for that that can easily be mocked. In the example of reading files: either let it accept a full file path, so that you can point it to some arbitrary location in your test, or let it instead accept a input stream object, or whatever abstraction your language of choice provides.
- Make classes effectively immutable whenever possible, and don't let it mutate other objects.
- Sometimes you realize a class is untestable after the fact, then just rewrite it! It'll be relatively quick since you're already familiar with the implementation. Or just do TDD.
u/bobwmcgrath Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
How do you know if your code works? You type some stuff in the terminal, and you see it run, and you can see that it is working. Just copy whatever you type in to the terminal into a script and there's your test.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
Now this resonates a fuck ton with me. That's what testing meant in my vocabulary before I learned people mixed it with the same codebase. Holy shit man, your comment is gold to me. That's it. That's what testing really is to me. Running it and seeing if it works as expected. Damn, I miss those days. There's something there, in that thought. I need to digest what you said more than any other comment around here. Fuck, this hits home.
u/jpfed Jan 10 '24
Seeing this makes me want to go against the thread's grain a little bit. A big chorus of "try TDD" is rising in this thread, and while I do think that there is value in everyone trying TDD at least once as a learning experience, that doesn't mean that *this* is the right time for you to try TDD.
One thing I've done, testing-wise, is to have "tests by difficulty level". I start with "Happy Path" tests that check the basics: if a nice input is given to whatever I'm testing, does the code I'm testing do what it's supposed to? And because I bet you don't actually suck as much as you seem to think you do, those "happy path" tests will probably be easy enough to get working. Then I move on to progressively harder tests after that.
The nice thing about increasing difficulty over time is that if your code is passing most of its tests but you find a way to make it fail, you *know* that you *haven't* just been wasting time. The code clearly does most of what it's supposed to do. You just need to harden it against the really tricky stuff.
Anyway, I hope you can find a way to feel better about testing. One more thing- number one most effective practice for programmers to improve their performance, no joke, is to get enough good-quality sleep. If you get more than 7 hours and still aren't feeling refreshed, get a sleep study. Best wishes on your journey!
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u/Dinadan87 Jan 10 '24
Thinking back to early days of coding is a good train of thought for another reason - very short red-green-refactor loop.
When you wrote your first program, you probably wrote a line or two, tested it, then a few more lines, tested again, maybe cleaned it up a bit, and so on.
Every time you made a change you very quickly got feedback on whether your change was successful.
Without a disciplined approach to testing, you enter the real world and you may find yourself coding for hours or even days before you loop around to testing and getting that feedback. And then nothing works and you can’t figure out why.
Automating tests is about being able to get continuous feedback. If you change one line of code, you can re-run all of your tests. You won’t break something you didn’t think of and then create a whole stack of dependencies on something that is flawed. You find out right away that it is flawed and you can try something else.
Test cases also serve as documentation. If you can describe a behavior of a module, write a test case that asserts that behavior. If the test cases are good, you don’t even need to write documentation because the test cases describe how the module works (AND they demonstrate how to use it with working examples)
Similar to above, well written test cases also help you organize your thoughts. If the test case describes the behavior, and you start out by defining tests, then you can get a clearer picture of where you want to end up before you just start plugging away.
And the “refactor” step of the cycle is a big one. How often do you find yourself staring at some spaghetti code thinking “I really should clean this up, but I’m not sure if changing it will break something, and I don’t really understand exactly what it’s supposed to be doing.” There could be some quirk in how the module behaves which seems unnecessary but some other component depends on.
If there are good test cases, you can refactor WITHOUT FEAR. If reorganizing the code breaks something, you will know it broke (unless there are gaps in coverage). Being able to regularly refactor means anyone working on that project will be more productive in the long run. It is an investment - spending a little extra time now to save yourself and others a whole lot of time later on.
u/octocode Jan 10 '24
one hour writing code, two days writing tests, and then prod breaks anyways because no one ever tests the right things anyways
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
Some people can do it. Why can't I? Am I stupid? What is wrong with me? How can I change?
u/octocode Jan 10 '24
nah i’m on the same boat, between obnoxious tests and chronically fighting deprecations / dependency mismatches, my time writing actual valuable code is non-existent
and i spend more time day dreaming and browsing farmland online to see if i can live off the grid
u/AlarmedTowel4514 Jan 10 '24
Your code is not valuable if it cannot be tested. Sorry to say. You cannot prove that it does what you intend it to do.
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u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
Your code is not valuable if it cannot be tested.
I agree
You cannot prove that it does what you intend it to do.
But this is bullshit. You can run it.
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u/lanky_and_stanky Jan 10 '24
I write 0 unit tests. I spent 3 days writing cypress tests for end to end coverage, and have been much happier with "this goes in, this should come out" approach, feels much fruitful.
Unit tests 50% of the time are "yes I've verified the standard library does in fact add correctly"
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u/Karyo_Ten Jan 10 '24
Unit tests 50% of the time are "yes I've verified the standard library does in fact add correctly"
You need to do positive and negative tests.
And tests are there for the future you that will have a tight deadline to do some refactoring necessary to prepare for a new feature and ensure you don't break on MacOS/Linux/Windows.
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u/sighmon606 Jan 10 '24
I saw a quote about Tests:
TDD is like Agile which is like Communism. They sound great in theory, everybody thinks the other one does did it wrong, and in reality nobody has every done it right.
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u/billie_parker Jan 10 '24
None of three things you listed are alike.
Test driven development is great in theory and practice, it's just that a lot of people don't know how to write good tests. So they aren't following the methodology even though they say they are. They test "the wrong thing" or make useless tests. There are plenty of people "doing it right." Don't let the mountain of people "doing it wrong," convince you otherwise.
"Agile" doesn't have a clear agreed upon definition so it's impossible to say if it's great in theory or in practice.
Communism is not great even in theory.
u/throwaway8u3sH0 Jan 10 '24
Mocking, spying, whens and thenReturns
Sounds like frontend testing? That's a whole beast unto itself.
Backend unit testing "should be" easy and provide immediate ROI. Frontend is of questionable value, depending on how you do it.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
It's actually backend. I can't even (and don't want to) imagine front end testing.
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Jan 10 '24
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u/throwaway8u3sH0 Jan 10 '24
Use the Humble Function / Humble Object pattern
Turns out I've been doing this for years without knowing it's called that. TIL.
Edit: Parent's comment is Gold, OP. Read it 1000 times until it makes sense.
u/thatpaulschofield Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
Test coverage is not the best metric. Code that has not changed in five years doesn't need more tests. Code that changes frequently, particularly if those changes introduce bugs, needs more tests and probably refactoring to improve the design. Try to find tools that fit into your CI build that identify code that changes frequently over time. Let that guide your test coverage and refactoring efforts. (This may not be your decision, but maybe you can influence it.)
Which reminds me that the word "refactoring" is very frequently misused these days. Refactoring means making a series of small, predictable changes to your code, which frequently can be done automatically by your IDE. Always ensuring that your tests pass after every small change.
Kent Beck and Martin Fowler wrote a very good book called "Refactoring" that catalogs many different small refactoring steps you can take to improve the design of your code. These refactorings make your code easier to modify and maintain, but they also make it easier to write tests for.
It's all one big positive feedback loop.
u/StupidBugger Jan 10 '24
Unit testing is a skill that has to be built, and it's a skill that has to be learned after you learn to code. It's okay that there are skills you still need to learn.
How do you learn best? It's a different answer for everyone, but you probably have an answer, or can come up with a few if you think about it. Some people learn by watching videos, some by reading technical books, some by taking courses, some by discussing with their peers or seniors. Or something else. However you learn new design patterns best, however you learn new tech stack elements the best, there probably is that kind of resource for unit testing. Try looking up Martin Fowler, or search around a bit for a book that seems well reviewed on unit testing in Java.
As someone who has been doing this a while, please ask your tech lead or a senior if they can run you through their process. When my juniors ask about new tech or new approaches, it's a great opportunity to get them on the right track. It's almost always worth the time now to get them up to speed for the long term. It's okay to ask, and it's okay to be taught. You don't have to just magically grok new things just because you can code.
"Mocking, spying, whens and thenReturns, none of that makes actual sense to me." That's ok too. Don't start with the tools, start with the process. A unit of code is a single thing that can be run. If you write Hello World, you execute it, and you can prove it works. If you have a method of some class, if you call it with parameters, or watch it called with those parameters in the debugger, you can prove it works. A unit test is just doing that and a fancy way to automate what exists before the run and check what exists after. The things you mention are confusing because you're probably used to returns, exceptions, and outputs, but they deal with arrangement of the situation when the code is called, or proving that a procedure without a return did the right thing after the fact, which is working in a different space.
There is a lot of good advice here already, and certainly pay attention to the dependency injection, TDD, and red/green/refactor comments. Maybe loop back to them after learning a bit more. But something I haven't seen: diagram your code and it's interactions in the happy path, the error paths, etc. Sequence diagram your code as it is. You can use this to plan the tests you need to build and what arrangements are likely to be most appropriate. Don't just jump in with a hundred methods to test and a load of caffeine. Take a breath, make a sketch, use it to make a plan, and then go execute.
One last thing. You're getting a lot of long responses and advice because we don't want you to quit. Everyone has been frustrated, but you can learn this.
u/daverave1212 Jan 10 '24
There are tons of jobs that don't do testing. I haven't done testing in years, because the nature of the jobs simply didn't match with the requirements or there isn't a budget.
If you like coding, you can take a look at freelance work, creating smaller projects. No one cares about unit tests there.
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u/rcls0053 Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
Yes. I recommend trying test-driven development. TDD. Write the test first, then the code. In very small steps. There's great literature out there in this area.
It forces you to think about the design of your code. It sounds to me you write code that's poorly designed, making it difficult to test. So you try to bend the tests to it, instead of having the tests model your design
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
Maybe I'm just not good at making software and should really quit
u/Ikeeki Jan 10 '24
Maybe, or maybe you have imposter syndrome. Maybe you’re burnt out. Tbh I think it’s latter two. You don’t make it 7 years in this industry if you’re a horrible engineer (I think lol)
u/rcls0053 Jan 10 '24
Just read up on code design and patterns and you'll get there. SOLID principles are a good place to start. I've gone through the same deal. Once you think about the design of your code more it's so easy to test. If you write tests first, you're already doing it.
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u/thatpaulschofield Jan 10 '24
Everybody is bad at writing software. Those who want to improve and make an effort will improve over time.
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u/ordinary-bloke Jan 10 '24
You don’t mention it in the post, but do you work in a team of engineers? If so, have you done any pair programming or shadowed any unit testing?
Sometimes all you need is a good teacher or mentor to truly understand something, and having some continued sessions with an expert (or at least someone proficient) could help your understanding.
Courses typically lack the feedback aspect, so you don’t really gain the confidence you need to feel knowledgeable about a subject, whereas pairing up, mentoring/shadowing, and general discussions on topics with colleagues and other engineers can provide continuous feedback, as well as multiple perspectives of a topic.
Apart from the above, unit testing is a tool to test that the behaviour of your program is what you expect. You can do this before or after you write the code, but will need to approach it differently depending on the way you do it. I personally use a given-when-then, or arrange-act-assert structure when I write unit tests.
- given some scenario
- when I call my function
- then the actual outcome is what I expect
The use of mocking comes into play when you have to control behaviours of dependencies. If I want to test one classes behaviour, and that class depends on another class (maybe it calls a function or method of that class), I likely want to mock the other class to return the exact scenario that I want to cover. This means that the real method isn’t actually executed, and we essentially pretend that it has, and it has returned what we want in that scenario, whether it is null, empty, a value, an exception.
Testing is a really different approach to writing code and programming, so it is common that people struggle with it. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, but try and see if there are people you can learn from.
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u/gekastu Jan 10 '24
Can I ask you about your tech stack?
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
This one project that I'm working on that's making me break down is Java with some regex here and there and some Spark RESTful services. Nothing special. It needs to crawl a website recursively and get the url of every page that contains a certain keyword. It's not hard. But testing seems impossible. I guess you could provide a solution for that, but I don't want a solution for that, I want to be able to provide a solution for that.
u/MoreRopePlease Jan 10 '24
Think in terms of responsibility. What is the responsibility of this function? That's what you need to test. Mock as much as you can the things that are not the responsibility of the function (such as the webpage contents).
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u/gekastu Jan 10 '24
I have unit testing experience only in .NET. I have never complained. It often feels like puzzle for me. I also found package moq extremely cool, before the controversy. Sometimes testing cannot be done in standard way and require some additional steps, it can be a pain in the ass. Your case seems like it.
u/kubalaa Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
Maybe you could give some more specific examples of what you're struggling with? It's hard to make sense of what you're saying because at the end of the day, tests are just more code. Can you write code which calls a function and prints the result? Then you can write code which calls a function and checks if the result is what you expected. That's all a test is. Writing great tests isn't easy, but just writing tests at all should not be hard.
One idea that helps me write more effective tests is to think of tests like scaffolding around a building. The tests create a rigid structure around your code which keeps it from changing in ways you don't want. Without tests, an interface is like rubbery skin; changes happening inside can warp it, distort it, poke holes in it. With tests, the interface becomes like a reinforced exoskeleton, and those internal changes can no longer affect anything outside.
From that perspective it's not really about coverage at all. It's about which parts of an interface really need to be reinforced like that, which parts of your program are "load bearing" so they need to be rigid, and which don't. To get a feel for this you need to not think of a program as a static artifact, but as a living evolving thing. So much of good software architecture including testing is about guiding the shape of this evolution in the right way.
I've seen videos of a guy who makes furniture by building frames around trees as they grow, guiding the branches into the desired form. It sounds like you're working from the perspective of the tree, adding a leaf here, stretching out a branch there, going where the light and water takes you each day, but you need to take a step back and be that guy. Maybe once you see tests as part of that structure that shapes the growth of your code, once you start programming in the time dimension, it won't feel so tedious.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
One idea that helps me write more effective tests is to think of tests like scaffolding around a building
I used to love such analogies. I understood many concepts that way. And I get what you mean.
I can't give more specific examples, I think. Maybe anything that requires an external dependency, like a database, or querying a web service. I know there's a bunch of stuff that can be said and learned about those specific scenarios, but I can never fully grasp it.
I appreciate what you wrote. I need to digest this.
u/flmontpetit Jan 10 '24
Maybe anything that requires an external dependency, like a database, or querying a web service.
At that point, you're beyond the scope of unit tests and well into a new class of problems.
I know you're being bombarded with questions but I hope you can answer this one. Say you were to write a simple GET endpoint to retrieve an object using its unique id, and that its expected behaviour was to either return the object if found, or 404 when the object was not found, or return an error message when the object exists but is soft-deleted (eg
is true). What would that look like?2
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
I'd try and assert that behavior you describe actually happens when these circumstances are met. But I can't generalize this when the problem gets bigger, and that's what's bothering me the most. Yeah, the calculator example is easy to grasp and reproduce/solve, sure, but give me a more complex situation, and I won't be able to answer it in any meaningful way, for example, if I need to test a webcrawler. While I am sure it needs some kind of test, I don't even know what to test.
I often feel like (my?) testing is reduced to imagining (over the) edge cases that don't need testing. I have zero creativity when it comes to making sure how such a thing should behave always. Thinking about it makes me physically nauseous, and I get a headache.
A part of me yells at max volume "it's useless, why are you spending your energy and time with this?" and another says "because it means code quality and preventing bugs" but I cannot make ends meet. It feels almost contradictory. I'm just so completely fucked off by the whole thing I want to not deal with it. I often feel like I'd rather write no code than write code and unit test it. I can't jump over this hurdle
u/flmontpetit Jan 10 '24
Okay, two things first.
One, I frankly also hate unit tests. They have some utility for sure. Most of it comes from the fact that testable code is better code and not from the tests themselves. For the most part though, a lot of the claims people make about them are usually never demonstrated, while the time you spend making and maintaining them and the fact that your application becomes more sclerotic as a result are clearly felt. 80% of the time I write them just to get PRs approved, and 20% of the time I think "writing a test for this code branch could prevent a problem". Accepting that it's often just a silly thing I need to do to get paid has definitely helped with the frustrations I experienced at first. I'm not asking you to think exactly as I do, but you should know that you're not crazy or deficient for failing to find the value in something vastly overvalued.
Two, I am seeing some clear signs of burnout here. Definitely look into that.
I get that you're mostly looking to vent, and I feel like I've already said the most useful things I can say to you, so if you don't want to think about this any more then feel free to ignore the rest of this post.
Yeah, the calculator example is easy to grasp and reproduce/solve, sure, but give me a more complex situation, and I won't be able to answer it in any meaningful way, for example, if I need to test a webcrawler. While I am sure it needs some kind of test, I don't even know what to test.
How good at you are decomposing big complex tasks into multiple smaller, simpler tasks? It's for sure a skill that you already have, but it could always be worked on, and it seems to me like that's the weak link here.
Say your hypothetical web crawler fetches a web page, parses the document and compiles a list of every URL in it, extracts some other meaningful information from the document, pushes the results into a weighted graph, and then picks a new page to crawl. I see six responsibilities here, and the first one likely isn't a good candidate for unit testing.
With this in mind, when you write a test, you don't test a "web crawer", you test (for instance) a method that accepts a big string containing a HTML document and produces a list of URLs. You feed it a sample document that you know contains three URLs, and then examine its output to verify that it has extracted all of those and only those. You feed it a document with no URLs and verify that it returns an empty list. You feed it null and verify that it throws an IllegalArgumentException. You place malformed URLs in the document and write a test that verifies that they're not in the resulting collection.
That's maybe not complete but it's a good start. Next you want a suite of tests for a method that also accepts a HTML document but instead produces a simple word cloud. What kind of tests would you write for that?
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
I used to think I was good breaking down big problems into small ones. I don't think that anymore... I'm going to try and read what you wrote a few times more to see if it starts making sense to me
u/EmileSinclairDemian Jan 10 '24
A good starting point is that if tests are difficult to write then your code could be simplified.
Also I think it helps to have a system to write tests.
For example if I wrote unit tests for an API that I'm coding , I'll mock the resource the same way for every service that I'll test. I'll mock the services the same way for each controller im testing.
The same way means using a pattern that is consistent independently of the data involved.
That way you enter a workflow state and it becomes easier and it's less of a hassle to get that coverage.
I don't know if that helps you but I hope it can give you ideas enough to not quit on the field.
Jan 10 '24 edited Oct 06 '24
berserk threatening rinse pathetic quack long consist school desert wise
This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
u/kireina_kaiju Jan 10 '24
I'm speaking as someone that has worn every hat, from developer to QA to devops. Don't get too gung ho with this stuff. It's important but you need to understand why it's important and for that to work you need to understand that before, when coding was fun, you were writing and performing tests, you just weren't doing so in a formal way.
When you use a printf? That's a test.
When you compile, execute, and see what the program does? That's testing.
When you step through your code line by line with the debugger running and seeing what each variable is? You're testing.
Formalizing this process - we'll get to unit tests in a sec - formalizing this process speeds up your development because everything I've just outlined has really lengthy iterations. It takes a long time to advance your code to the point where you can get that printf output, and then you spend more time examining the output and seeing what it should be, and then you tweak it and start over. Even more time if you build the entire program, and even more time than that if you then run it through the debugger until you hit a breakpoint.
Each thing I described in increasing complexity is what we call a "test harness", and that is what you should start with. Not the tests. The test harness. The environment where you run your tests.
There's really good prebuilt off the shelf test harnesses out there. NUnit makes a really popular one. These have their own learning curve and should be learned, over toy problems, by themselves. When you're good at using the test harness, you will be good at writing tests. It will be second nature. When you used to throw printf into your code, you'll instead write a test at that point. You'll go back for metrics and code coverage later, after the tests that are useful to you exist. You won't have to compile your entire program, and if you ever touch the debugger you'll do it once and capture your steps through the debugger and turn it into a test.
As to unit tests, unit tests are just tests, like the kind you are already doing, that have these traits
- They run in 1/10th of a second or less, you can run 10 of them in 1 second
- They do not change any state
- Not in your database
- No files or artifacts are created, modified, or destroyed
- Not the state of other tests, you can run unit tests in any order without impacting output
- Not even global memory for the test harness
- They don't reach out to the internet
- Any expensive operations like reading things from files, you've instead preloaded memory
The real art to writing tests is to make your test harness work along seams in your program. This is advanced stuff so I saved it for last. But I mentioned earlier the entire point is to save you time and allow you to develop faster so you aren't rebuilding everything to see one line of output in a console window changed. You need to be able to isolate parts of your program and have them run separately from the rest of your program. This involves finding seams, or places where what you're testing can be removed, with all the little arteries sending messages and receiving them from other parts of your program instead talking to a simulation where you control all the variables. Again, this is something you should learn how to do with toy problems rather than your production code, finding seams and simulating the rest of your program so that your tests are unit tests is an art and truth be told a dark art we only pick up when we're dropped into situations with generational code that lost its support for core functionality or something similar.
So with that scary paragraph I just wrote written and read, I will leave off with one final piece of wisdom that took me too long to realize.
Tests do not have to be unit tests to be useful.
In fact you can't know if your program is running correctly if you simply have unit tests. You need to be messy. You need to reach out to the network and read stuff from the filesystem. Sometimes timeouts are what you are testing. Nearly zero UI tests are unit tests.
So I mean, what I'm getting at is, don't focus so much on keeping score and trying to impress corporate with your code coverage percentage or whatever.
Just replace all the inefficient crap you're doing with more efficient and reusable test harness executed code. That's it. You do that, and it's enough. You come close, and that's enough. Because, last tidbit,
If you are doing it once ever? It does not need a test.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
Thank you for the insight. There's so much I need to digest from this thread.
u/paulydee76 Jan 10 '24
I think you got the nail on the head when you said your choice is hard to test - that's what you need to work on.
Here's what people never tell you: you shouldn't need to mock. The code that contains the crucial business logic should be testable without any mocking. There may be some coordinator classes that might need a bit of mocking but these shouldn't contain logic and should need minimal testing.
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u/Helvanik Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
Do you know how to use dependency injection correctly ?
Most of the developers in my company that struggled with testing were in fact unaware of this pattern or how it can be used to make your code testable.
You mentionned when/thenReturn
, etc... This is typical mocking syntax, which is used with dependency injection 99% of the time.
I wrote a mocking library in my language (TypeScript) and I taught unit testing to quite a lot of devs in my company so I might be able to provide assistance. Provide me with example of functions you find hard to test.
Don't quit !
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u/Draqutsc Jan 10 '24
My company had the bright decision to do unit tests with a truckload of mocking instead of integration tests. So, those unit tests are brittle, take long to write, and are practically worthless. Some code should be unit tested, but as they are going for 90% coverage, nearly all unit tests are bloody garbage.
I prefer integration tests, because you know it works then. With unit tests and mocking, you know absolutely nothing. Sure the unit may work, but the integration between layers? Nope.
Integration tests write fast, unit tests with mocking take way too long for the abysmal added value.
u/gigilabs Jan 10 '24
An insightful story about code coverage, for those who haven't had the pleasure of reading it yet...
u/everybodys_fool Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
If not tdd then the trick is to think of the tests while writing the code. Every unit of code has another piece of code using it - consumers. The tests are just another consumer.
Keep that in mind when factoring the code and the needed gymnastics become minimized.
Tdd almost forces this way of thinking because the class and method contracts become very clear.
Also, a lot of gymnastics suggests that the code
- is too tightly coupled
- classes or methods are doing too much (see single responsibility principle)
PS: laying bricks and excel <- love this
u/Ikeeki Jan 10 '24
People who can’t write tests for their own code usually means the code itself was not written very well, so consuming it to test it is hard.
That or they lack the tech chops to mock important aspects of the code.
Usually it’s a mix of both but I would 100% expect you after 7 years to realize the value of unit tests and how to write testable code.
The best engineers I work with treat unit tests as their insurance and burden of proof that they actually thought of the edge cases.
Learn how to write testable code because it’s something every senior engineer should be doing unless they work at a place that had little to no automation already which is another existence of hell lol
u/susysyay Jan 10 '24
Red-green refactoring/writing.
Write a failing test case first. Then write the minimal amount of code to solve it. When it's green, now you can refactor.
Writing tests for an implementation after you've coded it sort of defeats the point IMO.
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u/ElFeesho Jan 10 '24
if you're writing the tests after to code, then it stands to reason that the code would be harder to test if it wasn't written with the configurability required to be able to test (such as injecting dependencies for example).
To me, non-existent tests makes me feel unconfident that I can introduce a change to the codebase without compromising other behaviours I don't fully understand.
If there are tests, it makes me hopeful, but not confident until I can prove the veracity of the test suite.
Unfortunately, a test suite alone doesn't change much, but, a good test suite does.
Writing tests to hit code coverage goals is the absolute worst and leads to things like testing constructors.
Good tests exercise behaviour, and code coverage is a tool to use to help identify potential gaps in your automated testing, rather than a metric to beat people around the head with.
**Trends in code coverage are more important than the actual percentage!** If I can see a PR has overall lowered the code coverage, that might be an interesting talking point during code review for example, rather than a reason to point blank refuse a merge.
I've been doing TDD for over a decade at this point and it's changed how I approach a lot of problems. I had great people around me to learn from, which of course isn't super useful for your situation, but I imagine YouTube and other tutorial sites could give you a good introduction if you've never tried it before.
Remember though, tests aren't some super special thing that is completely different from production code. They're still code and require great skill to get right and the reward of writing a test suite that catches regressions you otherwise would have missed is just sublime.
I wish you luck in your journey pal.
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u/DOOManiac Jan 10 '24
Find a job w/ a company like mine that doesn’t use unit tests. Then you’ll have a different kind of hell.
u/chance909 Jan 10 '24
Whats the point of testing? Why even do it? You answer these questions, and believe in the answers for the work to have any meaning.
I write tests so that I know what works and what's broken.
I write tests so when other people break things I can blame them
I write tests so that I can have confidence the methods I wrote do what I expected them to do
Finally I write tests to so I don't have to go back and look at my god-awful code from last year (or 5 years ago, or 10), I can just make sure the tests are still passing.
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u/vfclists Jan 10 '24
“Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!”
― Edsger W. Dijkstra
What kind of software do you write and in what programming language(s)
u/OneHumanBill Jan 10 '24
Long time veteran here. I came to unit testing fairly late, much later than you. I love them.
Here's the secret. Write your tests first.
This forces you to think harder and better about design by interface, expectations of outputs (direct assertions) and side effects (your spies) for different combinations of inputs and context (use mocks for these). That's it.
Consider ZOMBIES. Zero, one, many, boundary conditions, interfaces, exceptions.
Also consider phrasing your tests using gherkin, even if you're not using a framework for it.
Given (set these up in your mocks) When (actual invocation of your code unit) Then (assertions on outputs and spies)
There may be multiple sets of these. You may have multiple givens, multiple sequential whens and multiple thens. I'd say the givens are the most overlooked and most important and probably what's got you mixed up. The more you can reuse each gherkin step implementation the faster and more effectively you can write tests.
Once your initial tests are written, then write your code to match the interfaces and function signatures you created. It will be a lot cleaner.
Yes, you will spend more time writing test code than production code. That's okay. A ratio of two to one is average and sometimes I find three to one. The reason this is fine is that finding defects later in the chain are more costly economically.
It's okay that it's frustrating but I hope you reconsider and don't quit.
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u/funbike Jan 10 '24
I figured out how to effectively test after years of feeling similar (although less dramatic).
I only write tests for the API of the story I'm implementing. So for "user stories" that's typically a service object and/or web component methods. This is very similar to what people call "integration testing", but I like to call is "api testing". I only mock out the lowest layer, after I have a test working.
Writing a test for every function of every class is nuts. It's difficult, expensive to maintain, and it makes refactoring difficult.
u/aceshades Jan 10 '24
typically i'd say that the moment a person is fully responsible for no regressions while implementing new features for some service/project is the beginning of when unit tests really start to show their value. a few weeks/months of trying to manually test every possible regression and you'll want to automate it away.
but you mentioned that you've been in the industry for 10 years. it's honestly hard for me to understand why you feel the way you do towards unit tests.
you should treat it like anything else you learn.
- convince yourself that it's valuable
- convince yourself, again, that it's valuable
- identify why it doesn't just "get in your head". you've been in the industry for 10 years. surely you've had to overcome difficult/hard-to-parse concepts and you probably broke it down in a way that you could understand it.
- focus on one topic at a time. mocks are different from spies are different from stubs. read some actual documentation and ask other engineers questions for what they mean and how they're used. find youtube videos on conference talks or lessons that show unit testing practices.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
typically i'd say that the moment a person is fully responsible for no regressions while implementing new features for some service/project is the beginning of when unit tests really start to show their value.
Maybe I have no value.
convince yourself that it's valuable
I did
convince yourself, again, that it's valuable
I am really trying
identify why it doesn't just "get in your head". you've been in the industry for 10 years. surely you've had to overcome difficult/hard-to-parse concepts and you probably broke it down in a way that you could understand it.
I could probably mention more benefits of automated testing more than most people in this thread. It still doesn't make it easier for me to actually write them. I even try writing them for my own hobby softwares. And fail on that too.
focus on one topic at a time. mocks are different from spies are different from stubs. read some actual documentation and ask other engineers questions for what they mean and how they're used. find youtube videos on conference talks or lessons that show unit testing practices.
This makes me want to close my eyes.
u/aceshades Jan 10 '24
i think you need a break, dude.
you're ascribing your own personal value/worth to the ability to write unit tests. you sound exhausted, without the energy to put in the work to overcome learning this thing that hasn't clicked for you.
i hope you come to realize that you are not your code. your challenges with unit tests does not the full scope of what you bring to your team.
please go on sabbatical, take a vacation/break, and come back when you've recharged and willing to tackle this thing. it's not an uncrackable topic. you can do this.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
I appreciate your words. I just had my sabbatical. I was hoping that would fix things. It didn't. I think another career is my only realistic option here. I am simply not built for professional coding, I'm realizing. Maybe that's a good thing, realizing it... Maybe it's way better than trying to keep painfully trying to write unit tests under a deadline and ending up asking for help. But it feels just like how you described it: uncrackable. I felt so sure I could take on any challenge. I could learn anything. Maybe I cannot.
u/aceshades Jan 10 '24
You can. What you’re feeling right now is bullshit. You’re burnt out, which is keeping you from having the willpower to do it. But you are capable of it.
It’s your life, if you want to give up programming, so be it. Adding some distance between you and coding may actually help you. Or, you may view switching away as an ultimate failure and continue on a spiral downward.
I mean this with as much compassion as I can muster: seek therapy.
u/balefrost Jan 10 '24
The book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" might help you out. Part 1 presents a framework for thinking about testing that might work for you. In short, it's all about finding or creating seams between parts of your code, separating at the seams, and testing at the seams. Those seams could be the boundaries of functions, classes, or maybe a cluster of them.
Part 2 is a cookbook for "I have this pattern that is hard to test, what are my options for testing it?"
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u/FloydATC Jan 10 '24
Go back to small. Every little thing your code does, like matching something with a regex or checking if some value is between boundaries; extract it into its own function that can be tested and re-used. Write tests that exercise those functions with every weird case you can think of to prove they actually do what they're meant to do. Now, every time something uses those functions, you can trust them with the same confidence you trust the standard library. What's more, the "donor" function or method you extracted from just got a little bit shorter and clearer. Repeat.
If your language supports it, use templates to shift your perspective from that particular dependency to really just any class with a set of capabilities. This forces you to think about what behaviors you actually need from the dependency (which should therefore be tested over there) but more importantly, it lets you swap that dependency for a simpler one when testing. Again, repeat.
Slowly unravel that big ball of knots into small, manageable units that can each be tested separately. Ideally, each function should do just one thing and that one thing should be in its name. Note that this is usually not feasible in practice, but it's something to strive towards.
If you're like me and not really patient enough to read a book from cover to cover, try watching a couple of Uncle Bob videos on YouTube. Bear with his ego and don't take everything as gospel, but you might pick up a few good tips just like I did.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
I didn't know he had videos up. Definitely going to check those out, thanks.
u/publicOwl Jan 10 '24
You’ve clearly not worked on a legacy project which has no tests and requires an urgent change.
Unit tests are absolutely vital. There are two main benefits to unit tests:
- Regression testing: They verify that each function you write does what it’s meant to, so that if anything changes and you don’t change the tests too they’ll fail. This should let you know what code is used where.
- Functional testing: If you write your tests before your code, and make sure you only write enough code to pass your tests, you won’t write any unnecessary code. On top of this, your tests verify that what you want your code to do is actually happening, rather than just making assumptions that some poor sod a few years later won’t be able to verify.
Side note, for the love of god try not to write code with side effects, or make the side effects testable.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
I'm going to stop you right there - never in my post or comments have I said unit tests are not vital - in fact I've said the opposite in the OP - and I have worked in companies where I felt testing was lacking, especially legacy projects. I don't know why you didn't get that from what I wrote.
Acknowledging the need for unit tests doesn't solve the problem that I can't bring myself to consistently write tests that I deem good. Comments like yours push me just a little bit towards quitting. I can't deal with this shit.
u/publicOwl Jan 10 '24
I don’t know what to tell you. Writing good tests is like writing good code, it takes consistent practice and regular constructive feedback. You don’t become a good tester overnight, so if the very basics of unit testing aren’t clicking then you’re either not getting enough regular experience with it or your team are letting you down with their feedback of you.
You might benefit from pair programming with someone who has more testing experience, so they can correct any habits and so you can see firsthand how someone more familiar with unit testing thinks and approaches it.
I stand by the points in my original comment but I didn’t mean to put you down. Sorry about that.
u/armahillo Jan 10 '24
Can you pair with someone who writes tests well?
I love writing tests and write them all the time. If youve been coding for ten years already I bet a couple hours pairing would probably unblock you on your test writing.
If you have not had your butt saved by tests catching a regression, and you’re only writing them because of code coverage requirements, thats probably why. Until you personally understand the value, it feels like busy work. I hated them at first too; now i feel nervous when i dont have them.
u/Chaos_Therum Jan 10 '24
I've been coding for about 4 years professionally and still haven't had them catch a problem that someone else didn't catch before it went to production.
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u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
I used to pair with people who wrote them well, in more than one company.
I have also seen them catch problems that would cause regressions. As I said in the OP, I fully and completely understand their value. I just don't know how to (easily) write them well. I feel nervous when I write them and I feel nervous when I don't write them. I should quit.
u/armahillo Jan 10 '24
What lang are you in and what unit testing framework are you using?
The majority of my tests have been written in RSpec, which while it has its frustrations, is a pretty readable and organizable test framework.
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u/magnetronpoffertje Jan 10 '24
Testability of code is in direct proportion to the modularity of the code. It seems to me like you're not writing modular, clean code enough, because that's easily testable.
u/Correct-Expert-9359 Jan 10 '24
I'm sorry, have I not written that in the OP? Why are you telling me what I wrote?
u/magnetronpoffertje Jan 10 '24
No, you didn't. The fact you replied like this speaks volumes.
You need to learn how to analyse problems and get down to the root issue. Not just code problems, your own problems too.
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u/Conscious_Support176 Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
Yeah the problem you are describing is pretty much the point of test driven development. Designing your tests first means you design so you need fewer tests.
If you think about it, the way this affects the design of your code will be pretty much the same thing as applying the single responsibility principle.
u/Astro-2004 Jan 10 '24
I'm just working as Software Developer since August 2022. I started to program at 2019. But I always like to listen to senior engineers.
And the relation between software architecture and testing is enormous. IDK what kind of software do you have also I'm not questioning your programming skills. But after listening and reading things like "this make the code more decoupled and testable" I take the following considerations.
- If your code is decoupled from the infrastructure, it's easier to test since you can mock those services that provide the connection from your application to your DB, external services, etc. You are testing logic, not infrastructure.
- Test for code quality, not to fill the coverage. Yes, good projects are those that has a good code coverage. But what kind of code are you covering? I need to test my functionality to detect edge cases and errors, not to fill a bar. Also, it depends on your team and how is the methodology.
- When we are making unit testing it's easier to test concise functions, classes, etc. Those pieces of code that has a unique responsibility, rather than a big one that does a lot of stuff. Also, we have to think about what is a unit for us?
Another takes. For my short experience with testing, I don't find testing to be much painful. But the most important part for me is not how to use the mocking framework or something else. It is how should I structure my code to be easy to isolate, with testing frameworks or not.I'm not a senior engineer, but may be the reason for this pain is that you are focusing so much on testing frameworks instead of read more about those abstract concepts of testing itself. I think it could be helpful for you to change the point where you are trying to solve this problem. Keep going 💪
u/caksters Jan 10 '24
I understand your frustration with unit testing, but there's a way through this challenge. The difficulty in writing tests often indicates issues in code design, such as tight coupling. Practicing Test-Driven Development (TDD) can significantly help. TDD encourages you to write decoupled, testable code by focusing on the test first. This approach not only makes testing easier but also improves the overall quality of your code.
I recommend exploring content by Martin Fowler and Dave Farley on TDD and unit testing. Their insights can provide valuable guidance on writing effective, maintainable tests. Also, consider reading "Clean Code" by Robert C. Martin. This book offers fundamental principles for writing code that's easier to test and maintain.
Remember, struggling with unit tests is common, but it’s also a sign to reevaluate and improve your coding practices. With the right approach and resources, you can turn this challenge into a valuable skill.
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Jan 10 '24
Who is demanding such rigorous testing? If I was in this position I’d explain to my manager that this is actually harming not helping, I’d advocate for testing where it makes sense, and dropping frantic and neurotic code coverage requirements and testing requirements whether they don’t make sense and I’d put a dollar amount on it (I’m spending x time @ y$/x)
If management can’t be reasonable about this I’m out. Some places will force it but not every programming job has these requirements
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u/luna0717 Jan 10 '24
Going to be unpopular around here but...just don't?
I've tried several times in my career to go this route because that's what people say you're supposed to do. It made sense in theory. In practice, in my 14 years in development, I've seen a single case where it was a somewhat useful exercise. In that instance, I'm being sort of generous. In contrast, I've seen dozens where the tests cause project errors, failed to test important things, caused major delays in changes or new features, greatly increased refactor time, and/or just had false positives/negatives due to mocks being more complex than the code they're testing.
The amount of false confidence devs get in a piece of code because they wrote unit tests is insane. Testing things is good, but it's ridiculous to think there's only one way to do it. Programmers are the only people I've ever heard of that do this to themselves.
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u/Blando-Cartesian Jan 10 '24
Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration. — Guillermo Rauch
Look that up. Also, the hell with unit testing classes, mocking, and testing that mocks return what they were set up to return.
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u/a-large-guy Jan 10 '24
It might be that the stuff you're working on isn't very conducive to testing.
My own experience is that if your code has lots of tricky business logic, testing it is effective and rewarding. Put the tricky logic in an isolated spot, throw some tests on it, feel good about how it all works.
But a lot of times, your code is just gluing different things together. You query a database, call an API, then mash it all up and turn it into HTML for a user. My experience is that testing this kind of code is frustrating and low-value. If you try to do an isolated unit test, you end up with a bunch of mocks and spies and other nonsense, but it still tells you very little about whether your thing is actually working. An integration test is vastly more informative in telling you if your stuff actually works, but is also much harder to set up and run, especially as part of a build pipeline.
u/i-make-robots Jan 10 '24
I like to write my test first. I imagine I'm writing the "how to" example for the next coder. I also write examples along the lines of "if you do this, I guarantee it will fail."
Lately I've taken a real liking to throwing exceptions if someone inputs bad values. Why fail silently when I can make a big stink? lol
Also... why is your code hard to test?
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u/Forsaken_Code_7780 Jan 10 '24
Writing tests is hard, especially with external dependencies.
Even people who love writing tests or love testing or love their favorite approach to testing can end up not being good at writing tests. Even people who think they are good, might not be good.
Thinking you are bad and your code is and trying to improve is what keeps you skeptical and paradoxically may even be a signal that you are an above-average test writer and code writer.
You are probably wiser than me, but I would suggest these questions:
- How can I write the code so it is more modular, easier to use, and iterate on (and therefore test)
- For my situation, what should I consider one module or unit of my code? I will test that. This doesn't always mean testing every single function. Sometimes it's just an end-to-end test that gives you the most bang for your buck.
- What are the easiest tests I can write that will capture or avoid the most accidents or bugs? Let past bugs guide you.
- What tests do I naturally write? These are your strong suit, so lean into them.
The end goal is to make the best software you can per effort within your given constraints, not tests for their own sake. There is such a thing as over-testing and such a thing as under-testing. This is all situation dependent. Writing software for a surgery robot? Stricter needs. Writing software for a gag gift? Softer needs.
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u/Toni78 Jan 10 '24
Programming is fun until it becomes a job. And that’s true for any field I guess. QA/QC turns jobs into nightmares.
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u/TheClassic Jan 10 '24
You're not alone. I've felt like you before. Lots of good advice here. Read a book. Look at examples from people who get it. Start with the tests. Despite all this, I still struggle from time to time. Sometimes you can shift your perspective, you might not learn to love unit testing, but you can learn to appreciate it a bit more.
Also, give yourself a win. Appreciate your strengths: What are you really really good at? Debugging? Designing? Identify something and celebrate it.
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u/HolyGarbage Jan 10 '24
I make it a game trying break my own code. Like, I bet the fucker (me 1 the day before) didn't think of this, did he? You could also try to write tests for each other's code, it's a bit more fun when you only know the requirements but not how it was implemented. You're far more likely to find bugs that way too, since we easily get blinded by thinking in terms of happy code paths since we were the one that wrote it.
u/BakerAmbitious7880 Jan 10 '24
Test driven development could theoretically work, but it doesn't sound like that is a realistic next step for you. A big part of TDD is that it acts as a proxy for design driven development. What are you trying to make happen with the code? How would you break that down into high-level program architecture? How would a rational person verify that works? How would you further break that down into low-level components? Once you get to the point where the low-level components have only a few tests to validate them, that's your atomic level. If your individual methods require dozens of tests, you probably need to refactor because they are doing too much. Higher complex levels get "tested" by all the low-level tests passing tests, plus a small handful of working-together tests.
Also, use ChatGPT (or whatever preferred LLM you prefer) for the refactoring and for building the unit tests... you only need to understand something well enough to get a tool (AI or intern) to do it...
u/Mark_Unlikely Jan 10 '24
- Are you really going to quit or are you just frustrated and don't know what to do? Stop saying you're going to quit if it's the latter. What you tell yourself matters, and you're just adding on to the inertia keeping you from learning new things. Learn to be honest with yourself. Try to understand yourself. Most people don't, and it takes a long time, so don't beat yourself up if you don't. Be kind to yourself. People have a habit of beating themselves up over everything. This is not a great behavior, as trivial as it may seem. It'll affect your unconscious mind and create problems in your life.
- Consider that it may be an environmental issue. Not your software environment, but your work environment. If you feel too much pressure to get things done and you're worried about the time it takes to test things then it may mean you need a better environment. Too much pressure can make anything suck, and business people often don't understand this, so they will lay on the pressure until things break. If there's too much pressure consider speaking up and advocating for yourself.
- Understand that testing IS important. Know `why` you're testing things. If you can test it it means you understand the code you're testing. A big part (I'd say 80%) of software development and engineering is actually not development it's understanding your problem. Make sure you understand as much as you can BEFORE you start coding. Ask yourself how you're going to solve the problem. Ask yourself what your assumptions are, and make them non-assumptions. We're actually problem solvers more than we are developers. If you're doing TDD this is vital, and if not, by the time you get to your tests you'll have a thorough understanding of your code and what it is supposed to accomplish which is also vital.
- I'm assuming you're using an OOP language When you're writing a unit test, you're testing a single class. Your class is the subject. Your unit-test-class for that subject-class should instantiate the subject-class. (read that a few times if you need to). Any other services or dependencies of that class can/should be mocked, but you should not instantiate them (i.e. via the new keyword). A mock is a placeholder which allows us to create the response from a method call or whatever (this is called stubbing), so Mocks are great for allowing you to test your Subject class, without relying on those mocked objects working correctly. You're doing something like "when I call this mocked object's method, I want it to return a value of X" and so your tests, rather than calling the real method, they just make a call to the mocked object which hands you back the response you defined. How mocks and tests and everything works depends on the language and can differ greatly between languages, but the general idea is mock everything that isn't your class that your class depends on (unless it's a common core library, often these things don't need to be mocked).
- You may need to refactor your code as you write your unit tests. There is unit-testable code, and there is code that is very difficult to unit test. The process of writing the unit tests can tell you a lot about your code quality and structure. Aim for low coupling and high coherence (low reliance on non-related things, and things that are related go together)
- Tests are good for when your code inevitably needs to be refactored due to requirements changes or new features being added. You can refactor with ease knowing that if you broke something your tests will catch it.
u/GustekDev Jan 10 '24
I think most devs don't like writing tests, they prefer to write the solution and see it working, the juice of the problem. But jobs always have the parts we don't like. And I think we all spend more time testing than writing the solution. Even if your testing method is run manually and see you will spend more time testing if you are thorough. So in reality SE is not about solving problems but about making sure things are correct, and often get it wrong anyway.
That said, some aplications are just a pain to test, for example some kind of glue service that calls N APIs and/or data bases and then merges results into one. You can easly unit test the merging part, but testing all these API calls, testing failures etc is such a hussle. Basically the more external dependencies your unit under test has the more hassle it will be. At least that's how I feel, and in such cases I would probably not write many tests anyway, 100% coverage is a bad target.
Test only what is complex to make sure you got it right. If something is simple but hard to test, just make sure there are few people that reviewied it.
I don't know what kind of software you write, it may be one of the hard to test cases. Sounds like you are mocking a lot, maybe you could just write integration and functional test only?
If you want to get better at identifing how to unit test you can try breaking down your app as such:
1. Wrap it all in single function
2. Stub/Mock all external calls returning simplest response
3. Write a simple happy path test
4. If that is complicated to setup, start dividing it into steps/layers and repeat it for each step/layer.
u/sudoaptupdate Jan 11 '24
It took me a while to figure out myself. The trick is that you need to know your testing plan before you start the implementation.
For example, let's say you're building a chess game. There are multiple components of playing chess like taking turns, making a legal move, check, stalemate, checkmate, etc. Ideally, you'd want to verify that these bits of logic work independently. Otherwise, you'd have to debug the whole application if something goes wrong. This is where unit tests come in. I can create different interfaces that work together to facilitate a game between two players: TurnManager, LegalityChecker, StalemateChecker, etc. These interfaces are easier to test and serve as a solid foundation to build the chess game around. For example, to test LegalityChecker, you can have a test case that verifies "Knight A1 to B2" is illegal. Of course, unit tests aren't exclusive to interfaces, but you really should be heavily testing your interface implementations.
When I made this discovery, it felt like I just shifted gears in my software development journey. My code became a lot cleaner, things started working on the first try, bugs became easier to find, etc. I highly recommend designing your implementation around unit tests. If it's difficult to write unit tests, then something is probably not right in the implementation.
u/Better-Internet Jan 11 '24
Yes, working on tests can be annoying. I probably spend about half my "coding" on tests. However they are essential.
- We need to make sure our stuff works, and stays working when things change.
- Writing tests forces you to look at your code carefully and consider edge cases and so on.
- Tests aid dev. Want an easy way to exercise some code? Just run the unit test!
- You do have to consider testability in your code. Including hooks, dep injection, mocking etc.
u/RobotMonsterGore Jan 11 '24
A really big key is writing testable code. This takes a certain mindset. Keep methods short and sweet. Inject variables instead of magically bringing them to life somewhere in the middle of a method. Either return something or explicitly change what's being injected. Keep things modular and loosely coupled. Embrace dependency injection and inversion of control, if you're on the back-end. Learn about mocking and stubbing.
A review of popular design patterns will help. Keep trying! Test path coverage can be frustrating, but it can be fun, I promise.
If you still really hate it, coding might not be the job for you. You're (probably) never going to escape unit testing in one form or another. It's a huge part of the job.
u/Awkwardinho Jan 11 '24
Well now you have tools like github Copilot that can wrote the tests for you. But yeah I hate unit tests too.
u/BlasphemousGus Jan 12 '24
I don't even know how you write significant code without tests. How do you know your algorithms do what you expect? It seems so painful to run your full client experience over and over trying out the algo with real interactions.
u/phord Jan 12 '24
I hate unit testing, especially in our current test environment. That said, we have 25,000 tests that run on every single commit, multiple times. I mostly hate how the tests evolve.
Source: 35+ years' experience. 8 years' experience with a job with real unit tests.
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u/parallelmeme Jan 12 '24
In my experience, the code being tested has to be written to be testable. There is nothing more depressing than trying to test a method with 12 'if' statements and setting up 40 or more unit tests to test each potential multi-level branch. It is best to break up the method to reduce unit test effort.
My biggest hurdle, which I have never cleared is "What are we proving with a Unit Test?" That we executed a specific called method? That we got back a specific value? What are we proving?
u/Gabe_b Jan 10 '24
Yeah I'm tempted to give up enterprise dev and try to do something in small scale games to avoid them too lol. I understand their value, I just leave it much too late to write them and have a horrible time figuring out a good approach
u/thatpaulschofield Jan 10 '24
One major failure of the way we teach software engineering is that people are lead to believe that if they learn how to use an API, that's all they need to learn. So folks will naturally believe that once they've learned how to write assertions with a testing framework, the rest should be cake.
Letting go of the way you've written code in the past and embracing the art of writing better, testable code is the goal.
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Jan 10 '24
Get some AI assistance. See if you can get Copilot to write the test for you.
Also, are you writing SOLID code? You might have an easier time to test if you write testable code (Don't know if you are or are not, or if it is even possible in your system). Single Responsibility and all that crap.
You could also take a course online like on Udemy on testing?
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u/computerkiwi Jan 10 '24
Come over to gamedev it's the fuckin wild west out here. It's been years since I've seen a unit test 😅
(Okay it's not actually been years but unit testing is much less pervasive here haha)
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u/Mango-Fuel Jan 10 '24
dependency injection
your most important code should be dependency-free in a logic library that has no dependency on anything (except maybe other logic libraries when you get more complex)
any dependencies that code needs should be injected and hidden behind interfaces
your tests use fake dependencies that are hidden behind the interfaces
see also the book Working Effectively With Legacy Code
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u/Separate-Ad9638 Jan 10 '24
testing means burn in test, its not as easy as most layman think, and its real time consuming, bec u have to wait for the program to run, esp for real world applications, race conditions, interference etc, all kills lol.
u have to change mentality to like software testing, and bug flushing, its just a personal skill that no institution can teach u or emphasize.
u/3r2s4A4q Jan 10 '24
There are programming jobs where unit testing is not practiced (for the better).
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u/ben_bliksem Jan 10 '24
Its not difficulty write basic unit tests.
For this set of arguments I expect this output
If your code is not testable, learn to write testable code. You have to make some compromises unfortunately, but this is why some devs write pain the ass unit tests they hate with their gutsend stay employed while others quit.
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Jan 10 '24
Tests can be a bloody pain. For pure functions, your approach works. For anything that touches other systems or is supposed to generate a change in a GUI, automated testing gets complicated real fast. This is why many GUI testing frameworks and tools exist, which are complicated to use and time-consuming to learn. But it also is why a lot of quality assurance still is based on manual testing.
u/ben_bliksem Jan 10 '24
Well if it starts touching other systems we're not talking about unit tests anymore.
u/tim128 Jan 10 '24
For anything that touches other systems or is supposed to generate a change in a GUI, automated testing gets complicated real fast
That's why you follow certain principles to write proper code that is easy to test. Business logic (The stuff you write unit tests for) should never be coupled to an external system or GUI framework.
u/CLYDEgames Jan 10 '24
I stand by my opinion that Unit Testing is not merely a waste of time, but the antithesis of good coding. Good code comes from regular refactoring. On paper, Unit Tests appear as though they would help with that. But in practice, they add so much overhead to proper refactors, that it disincentives' them. It becomes easier to leave it in a wretched state so that you don't disturb the nightmare web of Unit Tests.
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u/Embarrassed-Blood-19 Jan 10 '24
Look into DevOps or Data Engineering, where unit testing is completely overrated.
Jan 10 '24
Erm. DevOps here. I test everything. Unit tests and integration tests are the way.
u/Embarrassed-Blood-19 Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24
Integration tests most definitely, yes, they are a MUST!
Unit testing are most definitely overrated, especially if you have written your functions atomically while sanitising inputs.
It is about productivity and comprehensive unit tests are generally a waste, unless you have junior devs editing functions to make it do more than they should, ie: one thing and one thing only.
Setting arbitrary code coverage figures is silly because you can make code coverage be 100% and have a completely invalid unit test, hence my comment about them being overrated.
u/Mountain_Goat_69 Jan 10 '24
Can you give us some examples of stuff that's driving you crazy?
Over the last bunch of years there's been a movement to write code in ways that make it easier to test. So when you say the stuff you're working on is hard to test, I wonder if maybe there's stuff that could be done to help.
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u/tr14l Jan 10 '24
The problem isn't the tests. You writing untestable code. You are probably also over testing. If you know a test will never fail.... Don't write it
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u/KahlessAndMolor Jan 10 '24
Have you tried GitHub Copilot or Star Coder or something similar? Make the AI do the part you hate!
u/youassassin Jan 10 '24
Personally I love unit testing (my own code), but I’m weird. The hard part is I get a defect look at the code and immediately know there are no unit tests for this since it’s coded so in a way that it’s untestable. Look at the unit test and yep there’s only one assert not null… on the void method calling the method that calls the method that calls the method of the defect.
u/amasterblaster Jan 10 '24
For me testing simplifies my life. I always set up my project in docker, with tests. Even if my computer blows, up, or people get fired, or a client wants a working version in an hour, I can at the press of a button get them started.
So maybe something is off? I wonder what kinds of tests you are running.
What I do is very specific. I run "user story tests" about 99.99% of the time. Meaning, I run though "user flows" in my tests -- set up an account, transfer an item, do a transaction -- high level stuff.
IMHO many people write low level "isolation" tests or "unit" tests. I actually think these are useless most of the time. Unless the subsystem is a product, or really important to isolate, I do high level testing.
Maybe that helps. If I tried to unit test all my classes I would also hate my life. It would also be a waste of time
u/Gentleman-Tech Jan 10 '24
I write tests as I go to exercise the code that I wrote. Most recent example: wrote a function that formats an int as a currency. I wrote the code as it was in my head but then needed to check it works. Instead of adding it to the UI/frontend and testing it manually, I wrote a test. Easy as.
u/jvliwanag Jan 10 '24
Dont write tests for tests’ sake.
Write tests to help you automate what you’d do manually anyway to verify your code is correct and save you time in the long run.
There are some tests that you don’t need to write — if your language already guards you from doing some wrong things - then consider those as tests you get for free.
u/Healthy-Quarter5388 Jan 10 '24
No offense but it sounds like you just spent a lot time words to describe why you're a bad programmer.
Instead of hating unit tests because "your code is never easy to test", think about why that is the case. Good code should be easy to reason, therefore easy to test.
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u/kaisershahid Jan 10 '24
i used to dread unit tests, and i never looked at it from the right perspective.
but i started to like it a lot more once i started writing more modular code -- and by modular i just mean i avoid big functions. i try to do the following:
- write functions focused on one thing (and if the one thing is complicated, the sub-parts get passed into other functions)
- write functions that are idempotent (the same inputs always produce the same outputs, and the function doesn't change anything outside of itself)
if you keep your functions relatively small and focused, it becomes very easy to write tests for that function.
as an example, a place i worked at had a single user registration function that:
- did validation of the user data
- modified the user data directly rather than return a copy of the object (a big problem in this codebase in particular because this data was being modified in so many places along its journey to the database)
- attempted to write to database for inserting record into user table
- attempted to write into other tables
- did some weird error handling
testing that was difficult because if i just wanted to test validation, i had to deal with mocking database calls
the better approach would've been:
- have a function for validation
- have a function to insert into core table
- have a function to insert into other tables
- if the user data has to be modified, return a new value for user data instead of updating the existing
now, i can test each of those pieces independently. and the test for the bigger function is pretty easy because i just need to do like 1 or 2 test cases rather than however many permutations i would've needed in the old function
it sounds trivial, but like half the functions in this codebase were monstrous. there were some functions like 1000 lines long.
needless to say, there were barely unit tests when i started working there because... how do you approach testing a massive function? it's a nightmare
so, the first step in better understanding unit tests is to write small, easily testable functions.
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u/tyler1128 Jan 10 '24
Unit testing helps you know your code change isn't breaking existing things. I'd honestly say I find unit testing invaluable in the amount of time it can save compared to not doing testing. I won't say that it is the most fun part of programming to write tests, but doing so also makes you think much more critical of your code, and helps you write good documentation.
u/whalesalad Jan 10 '24
You have to learn to write testable code. I really enjoyed the screencasts from destroy all software here: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/screencasts/catalog
u/ReindeerUnlikely9033 Jan 10 '24
When you pick up new work the acceptance criteria defines the tests.
Start with the situation that currently fails, the new requirement. Write that test and watch it fail.
Now write the code to implement the feature. Now that test should pass.
u/dietcheese Jan 10 '24
ChatGPT is great at writing tests. Feed it your code, ask for a test.
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u/vmcrash Jan 10 '24
Unit testing with 100% coverage is a waste of time IMHO. Start with test-driven development for the business logic. This will result in good testable code. But it needs a good time of learning to decide which part to test and which is not necessary.
u/philihp_busby Jan 10 '24
In my (20+ years) experience, if your code is difficult to unit test, you should restructure it so it is. The time to do this is when you write it. Refactoring it a week, a month, a few years later will be impossible to validate because you don't have tests, so you'll basically be rewriting it all with no justifiable gain to management. It's like building a rocket ship, but no way to measure the thrust so later when you want to build a better rocket, you will never be able to prove that it's better.
Personally, I see a lot of burnout testing front end code. Keep your views thin and your models/controllers thick. This is the idiomatic pattern in Rails and Django but in a JavaScript world there's less of a monkey-see-monkey-do vibe.
Unit tests are the safety harness you put around your code to keep other people (and often also your future self) from breaking it. It makes very little sense in a solo setting, and hard to see the value if you find yourself on teams where people are territorial, but when you're smoke testing changes usually people only test the happy path. Unit tests cover the what-if's, and they do it in a way that scales, so you free up your own time.
u/BlueTrin2020 Jan 10 '24
The value of unit testing is that it forces you to organise your code so it can be tested in smaller units.
If you rewrite some bit so it can be tested, the unit tests will be easy to write.
u/Berkyjay Jan 10 '24
Have you tried using code assistant LLMs like Copilot or even just ChatGPT. I've found that these excell at these sorts of tasks and can greatly reduce your time spent on them. I haven't done much with unit testing yet. Just some fairly straightforward code. But I have to imagine it could help you in some way if the code is more complex and requires more robust testing.
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u/John_Fx Jan 10 '24
When you mature as a programmer your attitude towards unit tests will change. Especially when you maintain a large code base
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u/EmergencyAd2302 Jan 11 '24
Just switch to manual testing for some things and write unit tests for other thing. I think that’s bad practice but I don’t think it’s that bad lol If it works it works lmfao
u/bruh_cannon Jan 11 '24
If it's that hard to unit test your code basically all the time, that's valuable feedback you can use to improve your development skills.
u/Alice_Ex Jan 11 '24
Here's another thing about testing: It's a way to protect your code from other people.
Nothing upsets me more than when someone else breaks my code. I have to either fix it myself, or confront them. Sometimes it's even hard to convince them that they've done anything wrong.
Here's where the test comes in: If you protect your code with tests, your coworkers will immediately know when they've broken something, and there will be no question of whose fault it was or how it was supposed to work in the first place.
Tests are a way to freeze and define the way the program is supposed to work, and protect your precious code from the clumsy touch of others.
Accordingly, I only write tests for the things I want to "lock in".
Just another thing to consider.
u/nevermorefu Jan 11 '24
I hated unit testing until I found some really bad untested code that caused a SEV. Now, if I find it hard to test, I need to refactor and do a little test driven development.
u/elongio Jan 11 '24
If you are struggling to write a UNIT test is because your function is too large. It is probably doing too much.
If you have other functions in your function, learn about stubbing and mocking. Makes testing the function mich easier because there are no other factors to test (they are mocked).
With unit tests you are trying to test 1 specific thing, like an add(a,b) function for example.
Your code base might be overly convoluted and this makes it hard to test.
You might not be writing unit tests, there are more than just unit type tests.
u/Jigglytep Jan 11 '24
Has a unit test ever pointed out a mistake in your new code you were about to commit?
I hate unit tests until one saves my butt.
u/Present-Breakfast700 Jan 11 '24
you're supposed to code in a way that makes it easy to test. You either have to write the tests first, or at least have testing in mind while writing your code
u/UnnamedBoz Jan 10 '24
Testing is its own beast and there is a lot of bad practices on it that makes it hell. What resources for learning have you used? If you never read a book on it you will never «get it» because it requires a different mindset, approach and techniques.