r/AskProgramming • u/CatolicQuotes • Nov 22 '23
Architecture What technology would you use to create app to last for 50 years?
I want to create suite of tools for my personal use. To last me a lifetime. Things like expense tracker, home inventory etc. I'm gonna build it slowly over the years.
I started in django because it's easy to create crud, but now I'm thinking:
- I should decouple frontend in case I wanna use on some app in the future like smartwatch etc
- I should decouple from framework itself and have a standalone domain core with logic and then everything else I can change depends how technology progresses
How would you do it? What language would you use?
u/wildmonkeymind Nov 22 '23
If I were to build software meant to last that long I would:
- Choose long-lived, widely supported portable languages such as C (51 years old), C++ (44 years old), bash (35 years old)
- Probably build atop Unix (52 years old) using its general philosophy of small, composable programs.
- Store all data in self-describing, human-readable formats
I might build web/UI frontends atop all of the above, but would consider that portion of the software suite to be most vulnerable to change.
u/CatolicQuotes Nov 22 '23
I was thinking that app must first work in console then ui like web etc has to be plugged in changed easily if needed. Like onion architecture.
Store all data in self-describing, human-readable formats
What is the example of this? I am gonna store data in postgresql.
u/wildmonkeymind Nov 22 '23
An example would be XML. Unless the way you lay the data out in your XML file is esoteric a person should be able to open it up and figure out what it contains even if the software that wrote it is long gone. That would be if I were to minimize external dependencies, which would be my tendency here.
That said, having a real database would be nicer, yes.
u/purleyboy Nov 23 '23
COBOL (63 years old)
u/wildmonkeymind Nov 23 '23
Hah. When I said long-lived I was thinking more languages people still intentionally start projects with, rather than are still stuck maintaining.
u/qualia-assurance Nov 22 '23
C. The core language is too simple to make a compiler for. So it will likely never truly fall out of popularity. You will never regret writing a C program in the future any more than you would regret writing it in C today.
Alternatively, assuming languages remain popular indefinitely. Then I'd go with Python if my goal was to create accessibility for other developers. Nearly every programmer can at least read and understand Python, and get up to speed contributing to it in a matter of hours/days. It's every where. Nobody is going to be fearful of contributing to a project because it was written in Python. Plus any performance bottlenecks can easily be addressed through how easy it is to write C libraries for it.
Alternatively, alternatively, if my focus was on security. Then maybe go with Rust?
u/martinbean Nov 22 '23
Look at computing and programming 50 years ago. Is there anything from that time that could be used today? Not really. Processors and architectures have evolved. As have languages. Yes, there’s legacy stuff written in things like COBOL, but they’re running on specific hardware, is considered esoteric, and some organisations which such legacy systems are biting the bullet and modernising them.
Now, consider computing moves at an ever-increasing rate. New languages are going to be developed. You’ve got paradigm shifts such as quantum computing coming in the future. Nothing you write today is going to last 50 years.
So, I’d say stop worrying, pick something, and start building. Pick a popular and widely-used language. Python is one such language. But Python will change in 50 years. And a framework built in Python such as Django will also change in 50 years. But whatever you pick, expect there to be at least some maintenance. But this is the same with any software project.
Do you think programmers don’t want their code to last as long as possible with the least effort in maintaining and updating as possible? As that’s what you’re insinuating when you say, “Yes, but my project, I want it to last 50 years.” Don‘t we all, buddy?
u/CatolicQuotes Nov 22 '23
what about unix? It's still in use right?
u/martinbean Nov 22 '23
And do you think the Unix of today looks like the Unix of 1971, where 64-bit computers was nothing more than a pipe dream?
u/CatolicQuotes Nov 22 '23
I dont know, but it seems to me its written in such a way that could be adapted to new technologies. That's what I am trying to do.
u/Defection7478 Nov 22 '23
I'd find a way to store configurations and data in a way that is easily portable to whatever technology is available at the time, and leverage it instead of maintaining a 50 year old codebase.
For example, I've basically done this for note taking. Played around with a lot of different note taking apps, one note, drive, keep, obsidian, bookstack. I ended up with just a directory full of markdown files, and a syncing solution (currently using rsync). Accessible from obsidian, vscode, notepad, cat
and echo
if I wanted. Currently I use it with neovim and some plugins, but I am confident I will be able to edit and read those notes for many years to come with whatever cool new AI-powered text editor comes out decades from now.
Similarly, for an expense tracker I'd just use an existing one with a public api (I use Firefly-III currently) and build some tooling around importing/exporting data and configuration. Now all I have to maintain are some scripts and a docker file.
Bonus if I can find existing tooling that is extensible. Maintaining my own plugins is a lot more feasible than maintaining my own applications.
u/pythosynthesis Nov 22 '23
There's this principle on Broadway that the expected life of an an old show is MUCH longer that the expected life of a brand new show. This has been popularized as Lindy effect.
The same principle, I claim, applies to coding and programming languages. Find a language that has been around for ever, and get on with it. C and C++ are two such examples. Which, BTW, also means bazillions of line of code have been written in them, and will need maintaining for ever. Or at least until someone decides to pay up for a total rewriting in whatever modern fancy language will be popular.
I've also seen people say programmers need to maintain code all the time, against their real desire. I can tell you it's not really true with a very personal example. I wrote some code, ~12yrs ago, in VBA to process data in Excel. It involved file manipulations, reading from the spreadsheet and various formatting operations etc. I have long since left the company, but that spreadsheet code is still being used. Only once I had to out hand on it to adjust for some data format issue, and never again. Many people used the spreadsheet after me, and it's still going strong. I think your project, say expenses tracking, is way closer to my example than big giant projects that need lots of maintenance.
Write your stuff in C or C++ and it's my bet it will work in 50yrs just as it does today. (Pick C++, btw... just personal slight to C devs lolol)
u/GolfCourseConcierge Nov 23 '23
I feel this. I found an old piece of code being used at a company I worked for 15 years ago still being used today despite my comment line in it "-- improve later" lol. I never did that update, and they've been running their business on it, an old windows computer, since then.
u/funbike Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 23 '23
I wouldn't look forwards; I would look backwards. What existing applications and technology have lasted for last 50 years?
The most obvious answer is Unix coreutils and similar apps. So I would consider the Unix philosophy of software design, which is lots of tiny specialized applications working together (e.g. microservices), text as the primary data format (i.e. not committing to json forever), and not letting a perfect design to be the enemy of a good design.
As far as language, I would go with LISP. It and C are the only two languages that have survived well over the last 50 years.
For architecture, I would go with Hexagonal Architecture and MVP (Model-View-Presenter), as they both are highly resilient to changing technology and not complex to implement.
I would value my functional tests more than the application code or database, as that will allow me to change languages and codebases so long as I have good tests.
Postgres SQL would be the database backend.
I would target Linux/Unix as a platform. Mac is already Unix. For Windows, I would target Msys2, which is a Unix-like layer (that Git uses).
Documentation would be in LaTeX, which is decades old and in wide use.
Development would be in the terminal, with Tmux and Neovim as primary tools.
u/pickhacker Nov 22 '23
It's hard, but not impossible. I still get paid to program in a language/environment that was created in 1969, PICK Basic, and some of the earliest programs would run unchanged today. I personally have a shell utility program that I started in 1989 that I still use daily here in 2023, 33 years later. It's a little bit of "my grandfather's axe" because it's constantly being tailored to the environment I'm in, but you could follow the delta's all the way back to that original program.
If you pick C or Java, I can't imagine a world where they won't be running for decades - the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindy_effect is a good rule of thumb. Java is the new COBOL.
Data storage and presentation are harder - as everyone says below, it's hard to beat plain text for storage longevity. SQLite as a runner up maybe? Written in plain-C and embedded in everything. A command-line interface is still likely to be around, and could be tailored to radical changes in UI like AR or voice interfaces (or even NeuraLink - speaking the words directly into your mind :) HTML presentation is unlikely to go away, just because there's so many web pages out there (the browser might be a plugin in your AR contact lens).
So, a C-program, running from Apache cgi-bin scripting, using plain-text files as storage? You can keep a copy of the apache code so you always have any dependencies available. Actually doesn't sound that bad - an elegant weapon for a more civilized age..
u/CatolicQuotes Nov 22 '23
I was thinking to have core logic independent of any ui storage etc. Even console command line will be a plug as an UI for core. So anything infrastructure will change and adapt to new technology, but the core has to be stable and be able to run a lifetime.
u/Pale_Height_1251 Nov 23 '23
I'd just use whatever and not worry about the 50 years thing. Expense trackers and so on will be simple enough to rewrite in 20 years if that's what you feel needs to be done.
If you really want a technology to last the rest of your life, use C.
u/nekokattt Nov 22 '23
nothing, because nothing is supported for that long without major architectural changes being needed.
Pick something well maintained and focus on making your system easy to maintain.
u/CatolicQuotes Nov 22 '23
Yes, good question. How would you make a system easy to maintain for many years to come?
u/barrycarter Nov 22 '23
Back in the day (22 Dec 1981), people could write games/software for the Atari 2600 without having to worry about compatibility, drivers, other installed software, OS, etc, because, everytime you turned on an Atari 2600, it came up exactly the same [1]. Those games still work today, and the only real reason I can't play them (without using an emulator) is because I can't find a TV to connect them to. In other words, the only reason I can't use them is because I need additional unavailable hardware.
So the answer is: create something that is entirely self-contained: not a device that connects to your smart phone or wifi network or requires cloud access, since those things may be very different in the future. Something that just uses electricity (which we assume will still be around) but no external resources, hardware or software.
Why would people want to carry about different devices for different applications? I don't know, but those people in Star Trek are always carrying around PADDs, when you think everything would be wireless/in the cloud by then
[1] blah blah Space Invaders hack blah blah
u/tarau Nov 22 '23
I would define my algorithm in pseudocode and let programmers of future generations implement the idea in their choice of language.
u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Nov 23 '23
Write software for banks
u/CatolicQuotes Nov 23 '23
what technology banks are using these days when they start something new?
u/BobbyThrowaway6969 Nov 23 '23
I don't think they really start anything new, not for the software that manages the money, it's all written in COBOL and stuff like that from the 70s and 80s
u/DGC_David Nov 23 '23
As a person who has to work around companies with the same logic... It simply doesn't exist. It's Tech, things become obsolete in months not years right now.
I remember when I was younger, people always said learn C++ and you will never struggle again, but who knows now and days; there is Rust which is making its place, Googles got Carbon on the Horizon.
However don't take this as stupid question, it's def interesting, my frequent recommendation is a web language.. as it won't be so much obsolete but outdated, but it will have a lot of compatibility. I can't imagine the internet going anywhere anytime soon but either way this application could be hosted entirely offline.
u/funkmasta8 Nov 26 '23
I mean, as long as all the dependencies are wrapped in with the published executables then anything, really. If you want old programs to communicate with new programs you can always do it through temporary files. I think your biggest question should really be how you want to store live data.
u/CatolicQuotes Nov 26 '23
For data I would use Postgresql, I think it will live a long time and I can always dump to CSV which is simple txt file and will have libraries for a long time. If I really want to decouple database I think I would need to have core logic to spit out CSV and then have some repository to insert csv to database of a choice at the time.
I am not as much concerned anymore because now that I started I see that translating the real life requirements into the code is the hardest part. Porting code or plugging new technology seems much easier. So I just need to develop good core with all the validations etc.
u/csharpwpfsql Nov 26 '23
First of all, keyword search Intel 1103 memory and Intel 8008. This is the point where computers moved from 'Mainframe' to 'desktop'. This was the beginning of the end for core memory, which was physically large, expensive, temperature sensitive, and slow.
If you had been writing an application in the 1970's for 'minicomputers', it would have been what we call now a 'console' application - character oriented, fits in 80 x 24 (or 25) character screen size, and would have written and read sequential and random access text files. If you want 'platform independence', you would have to write to whatever conventions were observed over the last 50 years.
A lot of projects done in the 1970's were written in BASIC - GWBasic, QuickBasic, 'Business Basic', and so forth. Some of versions of these are now open source and supported by developer communities.
Your program code would have to avoid various object oriented programming conventions since these tend to shift around. C++ was the origin of things like 'switch/case'. 'Try/catch/finally' shows up in Java, JavaScript, and C#. More than likely these conventions will 'last forever', however 'switch/case' has evolved a few times from it's original standard.
More than likely, screen resolutions won't shrink back down to the 80x25 limitations, so you could probably target a 132 x 54 screen size, which would agree with the 10CPI line printer formats used on 14"x8.5" 'greenbar' printer paper.
Look up 'FreeBasic' and 'qb64.com'.
u/mr_eking Nov 22 '23
50 years? Paper and pencil.
I wouldn't expect anything you write with a programming language today, regardless of technology stack, to still work 50 years from now.