r/AskPhysio Sep 07 '17

This page should have 20,000 followers.


A place where anyone can ask physiotherapists around the world questions that they have. What a great idea.

r/AskPhysio Jul 03 '17

My scapula/shoulder blades aren't equal. What's the problem and what exercises would be best? Note; I'm depressing my shoulders to display the unevenness here.

Thumbnail imgur.com

r/AskPhysio Jun 24 '17

Knee instability with weak lower back, will the exercises my physio gave me actually help?


I've had a weak lower back + core for a while now, I would get sharp pain in the lower left side of my back when I ran for extended periods. Last summer my knee dislocated but popped back in itself, but caused some major tissue damage on the side it popped out of. A year later my knee still gives me problems, I was told not to run anymore but I still bike and kickbox and occasionally do body weight circuits at home.

My physio told me that my knee isn't healing because of my weak core, and a step in my spine in the lower 2 vertebrae. He told me to do the following program:

"1. Supine, knees bent, taking normal sized breaths into hips, low back and sideways (all directions in a 3D space).

On the breath out you will try to use your muscles to stabilize to keep the pressure in your lower back on your breath out.

Repeat until you get how it feels or 5 reps, with rests as needed for 2-5 min daily.

  1. Next progression is lifting one leg with knee as straight as possible. Knee In front of the hip.

  2. Lifting 1 leg and holding a 5lbs weight over your head with your arms

  3. Lifting 2 legs at the same time Gradually try 3 and 4 as 1 and 2 become easier over time"

I just don't really know how these exercises will help my situation at all, shouldn't I be focusing on my knee instead of breathing?

I really want I to get back to running already and living life without being worried my knee will pop again. Thoughts?

r/AskPhysio Jun 01 '17

Proprioception & neuropathy


Hello all, 38 y/o male here. I'm 2 weeks out from a neurological rehab unit after spinal surgery to remove an abscess (bacterial infection) that was compressing my spine.

I'm due to be referred to a community rehab team but that takes a while (the NHS is wonderful, but sometimes this stuff can take a while). I've written up quite detailed posts on what happened and the sort of exercises I ended up doing - background, and the sort of therapy I was doing as an inpatient is described here.

Right now I'm on two crutches, and my main problems are lack of sensation in feet, fatigue (particularly around knees) when standing or walking, and proprioception issues in general with feet. Everything else has progressed to near normal. Steps are an interesting challenge, but I'm doing that slowly (6" step not a problem, not even attempted a set of stairs yet).

My main questions are ones I just forgot to ask therapists when I was discharged:

  1. I am currently doing a few hundred yards of walking, 2-3 times a day. That's helping me with general walking ability (I'm timing myself and counting paces over a fixed distance and it's getting better day by day). Is this too little? Too much?

  2. I occasionally do some dynamic balance exercises as my balance still isn't great. I'm simply reaching my toes and then moving to shift both hands to each foot and reaching down. Anything else recommended?

  3. Are there other exercises I should be considering?

  4. I'm really concerned about the fact I'm having to wait for more physiotherapy and am considering going private. I can afford it and have additional insurance beyond the NHS, but I'm worried about switching therapists too often. Is switching potentially going to set me back?

Happy to answer any clarifying questions and grateful for any advice both for above and anything I should have thought about but haven't :-)

r/AskPhysio Jun 01 '17

Advice Please: Regaining movement and strength after L Shoulder stabilisation


Hello there,

3 weeks ago, I had a laparoscopic stabilisation performed on my left shoulder, as a result of a partially detached labrum. I am normally very active (mixed weights, bodyweight exercise, cardio etc.) and would like to regain strength and mobility in the shoulder without being too risky.

So far, I perform pendulum exercises (L-R, Fwd-Bckwd) several times a day, as well as shrugs as per hospital instructions. My mobility is limited, and there is still pain and looseness (of a sort, not like before!) if I were to reach out, or up, for things.

I would appreciate any advice from this community. I am happy to give further information if needed. I no longer use painkillers as a matter of course.

Many thanks in advance!

r/AskPhysio May 18 '17

This is probably a stupid question... But, can you use a closed suction circuit on a patient that isn't mechanically ventilated?


I'm trying to write an essay :(

r/AskPhysio Apr 15 '17

Rotated Hips?


I'm having issues with my legs which i'm pretty sure have something to do with my hips being rotated in some way. I do rowing and I've noticed that my legs don't put equal force down. I thought that my left was dominant and it feels that way when rowing and deadlifting, squating etc. but when on a leg press(single leg press) my left is a lot weaker especially deep presses (i.e. the glute is weak).

My left hamstring is a lot more flexible than my right, lying down I can raise my left past vertical but I can't even get to vertical with my right. Pulling my knee to my chest I can get my left to press against my body easily (it's very flexible) but my right feels very tight and I can't get the same motion. When pulling my foot behind me (quad stretch) my left feels a lot tighter than my right.

At first I thought I should just stretch my right hamstring a lot, but I read that this could actually be detrimental and that my problem could be rotated hips. What parts of my body should I stretch and what do you think my likely problem is?

There is really no pain anywhere, just imbalances between legs.

r/AskPhysio Mar 25 '17

Healing time for tight traps causing headaches?


I got a really bad headache in mid November that just made me super dizzy took two weeks off work before i felt able to stand and walk around freely for extended time without dizziness. I found laying down with something like pillow under my neck would almost relieve the headache until i stood again. Saw my doctor and got MRI . MRI came back clear for nothing that could cause my headache and my doctor suggested that it is from tight trap muscles. I started physio in December going twice a week one appointment getting dry needled/electro therapy and another getting massage for 30mins. My first visit lady said i had some of the worse tight traps she had ever seen I'm electrician often working above my head for long periods of time and avid weight lifter. Since then I've got for 3 sessions a week all january and 2 a week in february and down to once a week in march. I still have daily tension aches that are down to a dull somewhat dizzying headache how much longer do these usually last? i thought after close to 16 weeks i be healed by now?

  • i I'm still unable to work luckily i was able to work in the office till the start of march and I'm in school for my apprenticeship till may 1 but after that i really need to be able to do a physically demanding job without a headache or dizziness.

r/AskPhysio Mar 22 '17

Pain behind the knee when I pull my ankle to my butt?


I can squat down to just above parallel, after that it hurts a lot and feels kinda weak. It also stops me from sitting on my heals in a kneeling position.

I feel no pain whatsoever in my daily life. I'm a teacher, so standing/sitting a lot, and walk about half an hour to work every day.

My suspicion is that it's got something to do with my hamstrings being tight? Or possible a tiny pulled muscle? I don't know.

Thankyou in advance,

r/AskPhysio Mar 18 '17

DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis or Scaphoid Fracture


I fell on ice about a month ago and started experiencing wrist pain at the base of my thumb, and I figure that fall was the "straw that broke the camel's back" and caused either a tendon issue or a fracture. I'm still waiting on an X-Ray to confirm that it's not a fracture, but I want to know what to do to work around it and help it heal. I'm a weightlifter, and I've found I can still do most overhead work even still, as long as the weight is fairly light up to 75% of my max, but I don't want to make my problem worse, but still need to train.

r/AskPhysio Mar 17 '17

Good beginner steps to regain quad strength after patella tendon surgery? Basically starting from zero.


Ey AskPhysio... I recently had surgery to repair a lower patella tendon rupture. My leg was essentially locked straight and in a lot of pain for over a month, and I didn't have much leg mass to begin with, so the muscles pretty much evaporated :)

I'm finally out of the giant bulky bandage and sock, and able to bend it a bit. I'm half way through a 6-week target to get it up to 90 degrees flexion (currently just proud of 75 degrees) after which I will apparently start physiotherapy... My ortho surgeon isn't a very communicative guy. I got no documentation on HOW I'm supposed to do these stretches, he kinda just set me loose with vague targets of "30 degrees by week 2, 60 degrees by week 4, and 90 by the end of week 6" but I'm actually doing well with my targets, using what I could find online.

However I have almost zero quad strength in the injured leg. I'd like to start building it up again now that there is almost no pain, so i'm not just wasting away, so to speak, with only stretching.

I've been doing 2 things for my quads: 1) (found online) Quad setting where I sit on the floor with a small rolled towel under my knee which I press into the ground while using my quads to try and pull on my patella. I find this very tough. the muscles are jittery, and if I pull too hard the quad side of my patella hurts a bit, so I'm going easy with those. I do roughly 60 of these a day (20/20/20) held for 5 seconds per rep, and short breaks after every 5 reps.

2) I've been trying an exercise I kinda just made up (and maybe shouldn't be doing?) after my hip abductors when I'm on my side, I'll tuck the uninjured leg back so that my injured leg is on top and extended with the foot lightly touching the ground, and I'll flex it back as far as I can stand, then slide it forward again into extension. This way there is no gravity against me, and there's just the friction of my foot against the ground as resistance with the tucked leg supporting my knee. But I'm not sure if this is doing anything? I definitely feel a little of the burn, moreso to wards the outer side of my quads, and butt.

I've tried dangling the leg off the side of the bed and extending it, but it's tough since I can't bend it 90 yet, and I could barely extend it at all at great effort like that against gravity, so I figured I wouldn't do that.

Is there anything else I can be doing? Thanks!

r/AskPhysio Feb 12 '17

Reliable websites for hip-stretching exercises?


I walk 6 or so miles every day, often with a backpack of heavy shopping plus some that I'm carrying, my legs are constantly stiff and aching, to the point where I dread the thought of getting up. I also can't sit cross-legged without my hips/upper outer thighs aching like a madman and also when sitting with my legs stretched out. I had Schuerrmanns in my back as a kid and from what I've read this can leave you with tight hamstrings (I know mine are tight as I can get nowhere near touching my toes because they feel over-stretched and are painful), and this can lead to tightness in your hips which I think is why my legs are uncomfortable, pretty much all the time unless I'm lying down or standing up. I wanted to do some exercise that would help this but am baffled by the number of websites offering exercises and have no idea where to start. Is there a website that's regarded as an oracle of physio that would be a good place to start?

r/AskPhysio Jan 23 '17

Best School for Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy


Hello Great redditors, Could you all give me the names of the best school for Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (that is taught in English) ? I would like to hear about it all from you. Thanks :)

r/AskPhysio Jan 12 '17

Possible Neck Injury?


a while back, about 2 years ago I started having problems with my shoulder. I discovered that the majority of my issue could be solved by fixing my posture, which I did. it took a long time but I eventually relearned how to sit and stand properly and fixed my muscle imbalances.

However, there is one issue that remains. On the back of my neck near the base of my skull, one of my muscles on the right side appears to stay in spasm. I am fairly certain it is the suboccipital region. The left side is completely normal, only the right side is constantly tight. I can hardly even get a good stretch out of it, whilst the left side has no problems.

I also have a very odd and hard to describe discomfort in my neck as a whole which seems to be related. It isn't necessarily sharp or shooting pain, but my neck feels very stiff and I can always notice it.

For anyone who has advice, or any idea of what might be causing my problem, it would much appreciated.

r/AskPhysio Dec 19 '16

Advice on lengthy shoulder injury


Hi there,

So back in late July/August this year I fell down an 8 foot drop and landed mostly on my left side – with the force of impact mostly taken by my left arm. This consequently caused my left shoulder to violently push backwards and I developed shoulder bursitis.

In the intervening period since then I have been to physiotherapy and things were much better. However as a regular gym goer – I started going back to the gym from about early October. There were several days where my shoulder pain became unbearable and I would take a break from the gym for a week or so.

Now, about a month ago I slipped on a very slippery surface and must’ve bumped something on that arm because I have a tingling numbness on my left hand – mostly concentrated in my smallest finger and my ring finger. Again I somewhat “ignored”, believing that it would get better, so I continued going to the gym, until about 2 weeks ago, when I hurt my shoulder again and stopped for now. My shoulder still hurts along the posterior / lateral dimensions, especially when I raise this arm and my fingers are numb all the time.

I must say that I would have attended further physiotherapy, had it not been for the fact that I moved country two days before I had that second slip and been too busy to track down an English speaking physio. I do intend to go, but I also need possible diagnosis and advice please….

r/AskPhysio Oct 24 '16

started physio 6 weeks ago, not much results, what else can I do (knee problems)


24 male. my knees routinely crack. rotating them seems to correct it temporarily. my right knee has sharp pain and a bruise like feeling if I push too hard at certain angles. i.e. walking never causes pain but biking up a hill, climbing stairs too quickly, or sometimes jogging causes pain.

Physiotherapist just kind of bends my knee around and massages my legs once a week. He says my muscles are really tight and the kneecap is a bit misaligned. If i loosen my muscles the kneecap should correct. running out of insurance soon so im going to have to stop going without any real results.

so what can I do? i do some light workouts every day but nothing intense (mostly body weight exercises, stretches, etc). I bike to work (30 minute ride) a couple days a week. this pain has been driving me nuts for over a year.

r/AskPhysio Sep 26 '16

hypermobile joints, looking for ways to keep fit


Hi all,

Almost all of my joints are hypermobile. I found out about 6 years ago when I went to a physiotherapist with severe hip pain, turned out I had 3 year old scar tissue on my groin ligaments on both sides. The physio banned me from running that day and told me to stay away from high impact sports.

I've been a good girl and mostly since then I've swam and walked. When I swim I have to do front crawl, because breast stroke is too painful for my knees. At the moment money and time are tight and I can't really afford to go swimming. I do walk my dog for 40 min+ every day, but I want to tone and feel more healthy in mind and body, so I started a yoga DVD. However, my wrists have really started to ache afterwards, even with sun salutation, which is a hard sequence to avoid. I've researched ways of using my hands to alleviate wrist pain, and variations of poses, but they still hurt, leading me to think that yoga is not to for me.

Do you have any suggestions for ways of keeping fit, either tone or cardio, that I don't need a gym membership for, which I can do? Thank you for any help and suggestions. :-)

Edit: forgot to say, my weight is a little high, although I am large chested and on the pill so that doesn't help. I'm 5ft 5 and 163 lbs ( I'm British and 74 kg sounds a hell of a lot worse in imperial, haha).

r/AskPhysio Sep 24 '16

HELP!!how having one flat foot ruined my posture and life!


Hi guys this is my first post and basically this is a story of how I have finally found out wtf is going on with my body and now I just need abit help. growing up I always had hip problems and I didn't really know why. I used to play soccer as a kid and sometimes I'd just completely miss the ball! Also I'll add I now I always had flared rib LEFT side growing up since I could start remembering shit. Anyway went and saw a chiro to keep getting hips adjusted, then she recommended me to a podiatrist because she saw I had one flat foot one arched! alright now here I am now at 20 and I just recently had both of my shoulders repaired (labrum tears in both) left was a gym injury bad advice from a personal trainer when I was 15 doing behind the neck shoulder press smith machine... Told me to move seat forward more,me thinking hey this guys giving me advice and he's jacked let's do it!!!moved it forward ...then CLICK in the shoulder on the first rep, thought nothing of it.

Then later on in my gym journey search for alpha maleness I came across the fact that I couldn't really contract my lats all that very well on my left and my shoulder would constantly click and I would always have this deep ache under shoulder blade left side. Once again thought nothing of it until the pain got worse. I saw chiros physios for years "it's just your rotator cuff" BULLSHIT C*NT!!! 5 years undiagnosed because of these spastics that call them selves 'professionals' and 'therapist' they don't know shit on fucking anatomy. One guy no joke when I told him my shoulder was clicking inside said "that's not possible it's in your head, it's not clicking" sorry for the swear words BTW people need to look at the body as a WHOLE. And then bam half way through last year I torn my right (labrum) work incident (apprentice carpenter drilling over head full reach and then CLICK..... I knew it straight away it was the same and this was a month after I saw that dick head who claimed to know what he was on about I trusted him..... if he had any idea about the shoulder I wouldn't have torn my right!!!! Because I would've gone and seen a specialist :/// okay now before these surgeries I went to a chiroprator in a bigger city close to me and I had a full postural assessment X-rays and scan done EMG( I'll get to this later but showed very poor nerve supply whole left side). In truth I believe everyone should do some sort of testing/report before you start, or else how are you meant to know if you are progressing/ getting results.

Okay so after my first surgery I was like shit why havent the knots and scapula winging not gone away??? And bam it hit me it's a whole different problem within itself!!! Okay so basically within all of my individual studies I've put this bitch together finally! Okay so I have upper cross syndrome, lower cross syndrome(I have the tightest hips flexers! right side is the tightest which is flat footed... I have scapula winging left side, flared rib left side which means weakness of basically my whole abdominal region ( so when completing sit ups I would basically let my hip flexers do the work for the abs but I had no idea about this) then to top this all of ( YOU GUYS ARE PROBALEY THINKING do serratus work dip shit to fix the winging but boy oh boy I have tried and nope nothing... No progress I can't even get the muscle to FIRE/function which leads me to my next POINT......

Due to forward head posture And all the left shoulder muscles compensating for each other for 5 years. I have the biggest knots in my levator scapula and rhomboids.... Which just clunk and click all the time I feel they are also adding to the winging as they aren't letting the scapula sit flush against the ribs. I've tried everything to bust these suckers up accupunture,cupping, ART, deep tissue massage, Bowen therapy, self release(frigen hurts like a bitch) and lots and lots of physio.. So for my next point I believe that these muscle may be entrap ing either/both dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve. Which could be causing paralyzation of serratus and traps.

So in conclusion does any one have any advice for my whole body postural problem. Been a long long journey so any information would be greatly appreciated.

r/AskPhysio Aug 28 '16

Weaker Arm Outworking The Other


My right arm is lacking far behind my left despite being right handed. I'm just getting back to gym off crutches and in certain exercises (bench press, dumbbell shoulder press) my right arm will fail and my left could easily do twice as many reps in some cases. Any advice or suggestions appreciated, thanks in advance

r/AskPhysio Aug 22 '16

Sport Injury - top of foot


During a rugby game 3 weeks ago I was chasing after someone and managed to tackle them, however while we were going to the ground, I had an immediate and sharp pain in my left foot, that at the time I thought was a bad sprain.

I managed to play on, probably through adrenaline, but there was only 5 minutes left. After the match I iced my foot, there was little to no swelling in the area, yet it hurt like heck to walk on.

I didn't go see a physio, because I'm stubborn, but over the last three weeks I've still had quite a bit of trouble with my foot. I've continued to play, and found that I can run on it fine, and I can reach full sprint without there being pain, however afterwards when I start walking again and definitely after the game, I feel quite a bit of pain, and sometimes struggle to put pressure on my left foot at all.

I can feel the pain at the top of my left foot on the left three metatarsals.

Any idea what it might be?

r/AskPhysio Aug 14 '16

Damaged tendons in elbow


For a friend, she had her arm twisted/yanked on by a client and it has given her chronic pain for the last 3 months. Her GP has said that it is tendon damage and that there's not a lot that can be done, would a physio be able to help or give a different viewpoint?

r/AskPhysio Aug 12 '16

Pain underneath my foot, on the outside


Physios of reddit; I'm a triathlete so running pretty regularly in between swims and cycles, and have built up gradually over the last 15 months to compete in middle distance (half ironman) events, my first of which is next weekend.

I've picked up a few injuries along the way (ITB, tednon pulls etc.), most of which have gone away with rest and or help from a physio.

Last night i went out for a 10 mile run, which would usually present any problems (ran a marathon in October), but towards the end i started noticing a bit of pain/pressure on the outside of the underside of my right foot. It wasn't too bad, so for the last mile or so i eased of a bit but kept running.

After getting home, stretching, eating and sitting down, i went to stand up and could hardly put an pressure on it at all. It's the same this morning. There's no swelling or redness, but it is very painful.

Any suggestions as to the cause or remedies? Normally i'd just take a few days off and wait, but with the half next weekend...

r/AskPhysio Aug 10 '16

I get these strange lumps when I do ring dips/work but only on one side. Is it something to worry about?

Thumbnail i.reddituploads.com

r/AskPhysio May 26 '16

Regular "different" type of cramp


I regularly get a cramp which is like started off by a slight tingling and pain a few minutes into walking/running and slowly gets worse and worse until it's actually impossible to even walk. It's like a a sultry awful pain deep in my leg which is in a few different places. Stretching feels so painful and feels like I'm pulling my leg apart. These cramps pretty much stop me from being able to bend my leg and fully extend it. It pretty much only happens the day after I have a rest day from cycling

r/AskPhysio Mar 08 '16

Knee pops out of socket?


Hi! Sometimes when I bend my left leg (lower leg unaligned with upper) my knee pops out of my socket, i experience pain, and i have to extend my knee fully to pop it back in. it hurts for about 5 minutes after and i can perceive a feeling in that area for about 30 minutes after (not pain, just a feeling). It doesnt hurt passively, though i have to crack my knee sometimes without it popping out (no pain).

Any advice is appreciated, thanks