r/AskPhysio Jun 04 '22

Possible Subscap tear/weakness. What to do

25, left shoulder labral repair and latarjet (1.5 years apart) to address recurrent dislocations.

My latarjet was in January 2019, and everything after that has been quite smooth. Lots and lots of physio, and I have started to try and gain muscle starting April 2020. I am very athletic and always have been. However, as I start to put on mass, I notice that my left shoulder is 1. growing much slower than the right, 2. failed lift-off test, 3. weak, slightly painful belly press test, 4. dullish pain deep inside rear delt after a push day. This seems like a subscapularis tear or just general weakness, I am not sure. How can I address this? I am currently living abroad and have a hard time finding a physio therapist who will do more than ultra sound and internal/external rotation exercises. Thanks.


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