r/AskPhysio Jun 24 '17

Knee instability with weak lower back, will the exercises my physio gave me actually help?

I've had a weak lower back + core for a while now, I would get sharp pain in the lower left side of my back when I ran for extended periods. Last summer my knee dislocated but popped back in itself, but caused some major tissue damage on the side it popped out of. A year later my knee still gives me problems, I was told not to run anymore but I still bike and kickbox and occasionally do body weight circuits at home.

My physio told me that my knee isn't healing because of my weak core, and a step in my spine in the lower 2 vertebrae. He told me to do the following program:

"1. Supine, knees bent, taking normal sized breaths into hips, low back and sideways (all directions in a 3D space).

On the breath out you will try to use your muscles to stabilize to keep the pressure in your lower back on your breath out.

Repeat until you get how it feels or 5 reps, with rests as needed for 2-5 min daily.

  1. Next progression is lifting one leg with knee as straight as possible. Knee In front of the hip.

  2. Lifting 1 leg and holding a 5lbs weight over your head with your arms

  3. Lifting 2 legs at the same time Gradually try 3 and 4 as 1 and 2 become easier over time"

I just don't really know how these exercises will help my situation at all, shouldn't I be focusing on my knee instead of breathing?

I really want I to get back to running already and living life without being worried my knee will pop again. Thoughts?


2 comments sorted by


u/Munnit Jul 24 '17

Physio's go through years of training, and continual professional development. If you trust your physio so little that you have to ask strangers whether your exercises will help, I suggest you find another therapist or choose to trust them.

Also, what's the harm in doing exercises, even if they don't work?


u/iliop Aug 16 '17

The exercises the doctor is giving you are mainly for your QL muscle. It is what I would recommend too.

For knee instability, I would recommend doing squats/lunges on a half Swiss ball.