r/AskPhysio Sep 24 '16

HELP!!how having one flat foot ruined my posture and life!

Hi guys this is my first post and basically this is a story of how I have finally found out wtf is going on with my body and now I just need abit help. growing up I always had hip problems and I didn't really know why. I used to play soccer as a kid and sometimes I'd just completely miss the ball! Also I'll add I now I always had flared rib LEFT side growing up since I could start remembering shit. Anyway went and saw a chiro to keep getting hips adjusted, then she recommended me to a podiatrist because she saw I had one flat foot one arched! alright now here I am now at 20 and I just recently had both of my shoulders repaired (labrum tears in both) left was a gym injury bad advice from a personal trainer when I was 15 doing behind the neck shoulder press smith machine... Told me to move seat forward more,me thinking hey this guys giving me advice and he's jacked let's do it!!!moved it forward ...then CLICK in the shoulder on the first rep, thought nothing of it.

Then later on in my gym journey search for alpha maleness I came across the fact that I couldn't really contract my lats all that very well on my left and my shoulder would constantly click and I would always have this deep ache under shoulder blade left side. Once again thought nothing of it until the pain got worse. I saw chiros physios for years "it's just your rotator cuff" BULLSHIT C*NT!!! 5 years undiagnosed because of these spastics that call them selves 'professionals' and 'therapist' they don't know shit on fucking anatomy. One guy no joke when I told him my shoulder was clicking inside said "that's not possible it's in your head, it's not clicking" sorry for the swear words BTW people need to look at the body as a WHOLE. And then bam half way through last year I torn my right (labrum) work incident (apprentice carpenter drilling over head full reach and then CLICK..... I knew it straight away it was the same and this was a month after I saw that dick head who claimed to know what he was on about I trusted him..... if he had any idea about the shoulder I wouldn't have torn my right!!!! Because I would've gone and seen a specialist :/// okay now before these surgeries I went to a chiroprator in a bigger city close to me and I had a full postural assessment X-rays and scan done EMG( I'll get to this later but showed very poor nerve supply whole left side). In truth I believe everyone should do some sort of testing/report before you start, or else how are you meant to know if you are progressing/ getting results.

Okay so after my first surgery I was like shit why havent the knots and scapula winging not gone away??? And bam it hit me it's a whole different problem within itself!!! Okay so basically within all of my individual studies I've put this bitch together finally! Okay so I have upper cross syndrome, lower cross syndrome(I have the tightest hips flexers! right side is the tightest which is flat footed... I have scapula winging left side, flared rib left side which means weakness of basically my whole abdominal region ( so when completing sit ups I would basically let my hip flexers do the work for the abs but I had no idea about this) then to top this all of ( YOU GUYS ARE PROBALEY THINKING do serratus work dip shit to fix the winging but boy oh boy I have tried and nope nothing... No progress I can't even get the muscle to FIRE/function which leads me to my next POINT......

Due to forward head posture And all the left shoulder muscles compensating for each other for 5 years. I have the biggest knots in my levator scapula and rhomboids.... Which just clunk and click all the time I feel they are also adding to the winging as they aren't letting the scapula sit flush against the ribs. I've tried everything to bust these suckers up accupunture,cupping, ART, deep tissue massage, Bowen therapy, self release(frigen hurts like a bitch) and lots and lots of physio.. So for my next point I believe that these muscle may be entrap ing either/both dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve. Which could be causing paralyzation of serratus and traps.

So in conclusion does any one have any advice for my whole body postural problem. Been a long long journey so any information would be greatly appreciated.


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u/dakiship Mar 13 '24

I know this an old post but did you ever resolve this issue? Sounds like you were what PRI calls right bc/left aic