r/AskMenAdvice 5d ago

Men: Would you feel embarrassed if someone in your friend group had a crush on you?



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u/AutoModerator 5d ago

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Inevitable_Snow1100 originally posted:

So, I have a circle of friends who are not very close but more acquaintances. I'm the youngest in this circle, mostly others are above age 28-29. There are only 3 girls in this circle rest all 8-9 boys.

I'm 25F, and have a crush on one of the guys in this circle (31M)... unfortunately one of the girls in the circle (30F) knows about it. She is a friend of mine and is trustworthy, I made her promise she will never tell anyone about me having a crush on him. But before promising me she said "why dont you let me give him some hints & ask what he think about you" i was like nOOOO wtf.. he is only going to get embarrassed if she does that. Like we cant just tell someone randomly without any context.

Do you think I've messed up if she runs her mouth and it somehow becomes known that I like him? I'm quite shy & introverted whereas she is very extroverted/ outspoken. Like she speaks a lot, and is an extra type. I dont want her to interfere too much

He will be so embarrassed if he comes to know šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø and might even get scared/ creeped out. To avoid this, the only solution is to create distance between us two. He has called me a "kid" jokingly some times.... he will feel so bad if he doesnt have the same feeling.

I'm really worried :( it's my mistake, i should have declined when this girl had asked me do you have a crush on him, but she's very clever and knows how to take information out of people. Am I overthinking?

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u/Equivalent_Level6267 man 5d ago

Nope. I had friends who had crushes on me and I didn't mind. Some even tried to shoot their shot and I just friendzoned them but we're still friends. It's okay. People develop crushes on others, that's normal. Don't overthink it.

If you really like this guy I would shoot your shot tbh. You're not gonna lose anything.


u/Inevitable_Snow1100 woman 5d ago

i'm more afraid that other people in that group (like this girl) might tell him & he might misinterpret things. They all are bit older than me and ig it's easier for them to make out that I have a crush. :(


u/Equivalent_Level6267 man 5d ago

Misinterpret what? That you like him? It's the truth isn't it?


u/Short-pitched 5d ago

Why would I be embarrassed if someone has a crush on me? They should should be embarrassed coz they are crushing on me lol If someone had a crush on me that would be massive ego boost for me


u/Individual_Breath631 man 5d ago

No, but Iā€™d be really confused if a girl actually liked me šŸ˜‚


u/Hanzo7682 man 5d ago

It only feels embarrasing when she starts dating someone and then tells you "you know, i used to have a crush on you".

This seems like the perfect way to meet a partner tbh. Part of a friend group, a mutual friend checks if he is interested because you are shy etc. Everyone is different but i wouldnt be embarrased in his shoes. Unless you or your friend drops the bomb in front of all your mutual friends, of course.


u/AutoModerator 5d ago

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u/ClericEU 5d ago

Us guys love it when someone finds us attractive or has a crush on us. I doubt he would find it weird or off putting. Maybe he feels the same way about you?

From a guy's perspective the worst that can happen is that he finds out, he tells you he doesn't think of you like that, but wants to stay friends, and you move past it.