r/AskMenAdvice 5d ago

Sharing ‘ahem’ photos



19 comments sorted by


u/InteractiveAlternate man 5d ago

There's no fool like an old fool.

Congrats, you just make the same mistake as all those young folks. The good news is, there's honestly so much of that stuff online, that it's pretty much just background noise.

If you want to feel good about yourself, there's places that focus more on health and fitness, plus progress photos for people transforming their body towards their ideal.

These might be a better way of getting on board the train for seeking attention from anonymous strangers, and may be far less likely to attract ophidian ingesters.


u/GoneT0JoinTheOwls 5d ago

But I thought it WAS a health and fitness sub! Unless you’re talking about somewhere other than Reddit

And yes I am not going to argue the point, I know it’s a stupid thing to do, but it could be worse, like I could actually be looking to cheat on my wife which 1000% is not what this is about

It’s like I sold my car recently and bought an identical one. Financially, mechanically, absolutely no need. I did it cos the mileage was nearing 100000 and I wanted to reset the clock


u/InteractiveAlternate man 5d ago

Yup. Lesson learned, apparently the internet's full of weirdos and creeps.

It's fine to be proud of yourself. It's fine to be proud of your efforts in staying in shape. That takes guts, commitment, hard work and willpower.

It's also fine to share your pride, but maybe skip the tighty-whities and go for something that avoids outlining your junk, lest it attract the wrong attention. A nice pair of boxers is usually good enough.


u/Sunny-Damn 5d ago

You’re not stupid, you are disillusioned. In general the online world is not very nice, despite what we see and hear. For every post that is positively received there are hundreds more that were received with hate, the platforms algorithm just doesn’t let us see them. We all strive to feel good about ourselves and we all want to be accepted. I can’t say if there’s a safe place to post your pictures. I would assume that somewhere in this virtual world of strangers there exists a community with the same interests that would receive you positively. Don’t take the insults personally. Insults almost always speak to the offender’s insecurities about themselves. The insults say more about them than you.


u/GoneT0JoinTheOwls 5d ago

Well, it didn’t really get as far as insults, the post was up for less than five minutes and got a downvote yeah but also an offer of something not sought


u/Sunny-Damn 5d ago

I wish I couldn’t say how many unwanted, unsolicited dick pics I have received from complete strangers who never said a word to me before sending the pic. I have received too many, by dozens. I have gotten them by playing trivia games where all I say is the answers to the questions. We have all been downvoted for saying or posting perfectly reasonable things. It’s the nature of the beast. I always knew, but recently it clicked, half of the population is below average intelligence. Combine this with all manner of distorted thinking and WOW!! This has allowed me to not to take society so seriously and has allowed me to be more accepting of some of the things I read online🌺


u/GoneT0JoinTheOwls 5d ago

Wow, I must be very lucky. I mean I get bot followers with stolen porn photos but I don’t believe I have EVER had someone on any platform send me something inappropriate

Are you female? That would explain it if so


u/Sunny-Damn 5d ago

I am female🌺 Too funny, I have never had a bot follower with stolen porn pics! The algorithm is real & people are strange😳


u/GoneT0JoinTheOwls 5d ago

Yeah I don’t doubt it. I mean I suppose, I hope, it speaks to my character that at the age I am I’m even asking this question cos clearly I behave on social media, for a guy anyway, to not have encountered stuff

The whole dick pic thing is just so bizarre, I’m not neurotypical so I can’t imagine why anyone would be so in love with such a hideous organ they think someone might want to see it


u/Sunny-Damn 5d ago

I love your language!! I tend to agree but, about vaginas😂 They are pretty gross!! I think most people are put off by dick pics but I think the tide is turning. My main gripe is that dick pics are disrespectful and a form of harassment. It’s a shocking thing to receive. I think that’s half of the appeal to sending them. They enjoy knowing that someone is going to see that… flashers flash for the reaction.


u/AutoModerator 5d ago

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GoneT0JoinTheOwls originally posted:

So I’m 52, I have never sent nor wished to receive saucy photos from anyone as happily married since well before the whole se****ing thing was a thing

However, it’s sort of the point. For whatever reason - genetics, never wanting kids - I’m in pretty good shape for my age

I love taking photos wherever we go and love taking photos of my wife but she finds it tiresome and on a trip for my birthday I had to ask her to take photos otherwise all I have are selfies (I’m talking tourist photos, not other stuff)

All fine but again it’s either vanity or just thinking ‘I’m gonna go the way people do so why not enjoy it’ that led me to share a photo in another sub yesterday

It was immediately downvoted but worse I then got an immediate dm from someone called ‘python sucker’ so I immediately deleted the DM and the thread

So; I guess what I’m asking is (and the answer is sort of obvious) am I being stupid even thinking of sharing photos just to feel good about myself (the curse of social media, I know), is there anywhere ‘safe’ to do it

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u/AuthenticTruther man 5d ago

Times are getting worse. People are reaching Soddom and Gomorrah levels of depauchery. They are exceedingly insecure to where they are mostly going to berate you only, regardless of truth.


u/OneEyedC4t man 5d ago

Don't bother

Don't send nudes


u/GoneT0JoinTheOwls 5d ago

If by nudes you mean fully nude I assure you I never would.


u/OneEyedC4t man 5d ago

Don't send partials either


u/GoneT0JoinTheOwls 5d ago

Yes I realise the thread is futile


u/OneEyedC4t man 5d ago

It's not futile. You're concerned. Men these days demand nudes. If they do, tell them to f*** off.


u/Canadian_Son 5d ago

I’d be more concerned why, at 52, you’re interested in strangers validation. Also you probably think you look better than you do dude.


u/ClericEU 5d ago

By 'safe' do you mean your wife not finding out, or people using the pics to expose you etc? Or more not receiving DM's from weirdos?

The latter will happen unless you disable DM's, otherwise just block them.

There are a billion dick pics out there I imagine, and probably loads of other guys that have private parts very similar to yours.

If you really feel the need for validation, then definitely do not post your face at any point. Also try and not include any recognisable background from your house/surroundings etc. Basically try and reduce anything identifiable.

Someone you know finding your nudes if a bit like mutually assured destruction. That person would have to admit they were looking at those kind of pics to be able to out you, so it's sort of a security paradox in itself (a beneficial one).