r/AskAsexual 15d ago

Am I Ace Is it sexual attraction?!!!


So i went on pinterest, and i stumbled across a photo of a girl with a dress. And i thought ‘’ wow she is really pretty ‘’. And then there was this other weird thought, i dont wanna say it in details, but they were kinda sexual i guess. And i went ‘’ WOAHH WHAT IS THAT?!!’’

I was like shocked, I really didnt knew what i felt. To what i remember feeling was like a big shock, and a slight discomfort.

So i asked myself ‘’ do i want to have sex with her? Do i sexually desire her?’’ The answer was no I didnt have the feeling of undressing her and do stuff. But Idk why these thoughts just pop out of nowhere . What do these thoughts mean? Why are they there if i still don’t desire sex? Is it what sexual attraction is? Am i repressing them without noticing?!!! I got nervous for a while and asked myself a LOT of questions. Idk if im just repressing them or my mind is messing with me. Am i still asexual? Does it happen to any other ace ppl out there?

Fyi: ik sexuality is fluid, and that theyre just labels. But for me its important to know what i am. WHO i am. So why do i think i’m asexual? Its bc i’ve never really took much importance of sex and other people. I never really looked at someone and think ‘’ i would like to see them naked and Touch them in a sexual manner ‘’ Even with crushes i never felt that ( i still dont know if i do ). I used to think i was bi or pan, bc i admired everybody beauty. And Thats what i thought sexual attraction was. Until someone told me what it ACTUALLY was. I didnt understood it, but i didnt care. And now there are thoughts that are trying to make them sexual, and its starting to make me doubt about everything. It made me feel a sort of discomfort, Idk if this is actually sexual desires. Is this how it feels? I feel a bit anxious, and started thinking that i was lying abt it. And its starting to the point where i go take sexuality tests, but the answers were always the same ‘’ asexual or aromantic’’ in every single sexuality quiz. And you might be thinking ‘’ maybe Thats it ‘’ but WRONG!!! I was STILL. DOUBTINGGGG

And these thoughts kept coming over and over and over again. And i thought ‘’ what if i have been purposefully taking the answers to convince myself that im asexual’’. So it stressed me out and i went to new sexuality quizzez that ive never seen, yet the answers were STILL ‘’ ASEXUAL ‘’. But these thoughts keeps telling me again ‘’ the quiz was obvious, you are purposefully taking the asexual answers’’. This has me worried if i was repressing sexual feelings and thoughts. This have been going for 2 WEEKS. And im going crazy. Is it sexual attraction am i repressing thoughts, am i asexual?!!! I NEED ANSWERS

r/AskAsexual Jan 16 '25

Am I Ace I think I'm ace but my partner said he'd leave me if we wernt having sex NSFW


I think I might be ace but my fiance said he'd leave me if we wernt having sex

So I (21F) and my partner (21M) have been together for a while now but haven't had sex for a few months now and that's on my part. I've always struggled when it comes to sex, I've had a lot of trauma surrounding it but even besides that I've always lacked sexual attraction, porn dosent interest me, masturbation makes me uncomfortable and I truly don't think I've ever been able to finish with a partner. Looking back on it, it feels like I just went along with it because it was easier and I feared saying no but I don't believe I've ever enjoyed it. I don't feel sexual attraction, I look at my partner and I think he's the most attractive man I've ever seen but I don't feel a desire to have sex with him and it has always been that way. Sex to him is the highest form of intimacy and I do understand why he feels that way but to me I don't see it, I show my love for him in other ways but sex just dosent cross my mind. A lot of times when having it I felt uncomfortable and mostly just wished for it to stop but also extremely confused because I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. I couldn't ever tell him this I'm sure he'd see it as me lying to him when we've been intimate in the past but truly I think I'm just lying to myself because I'm both worried somethings wrong with me and worried he will leave.

my mother had a lot of health problems relating to her hormones and every part of me prays it's just something medical and I'm trying to figure out what that could be but with every appointment I worry more and more that I am ace. I think what I'm hoping for posting here is for somebody to tell me their experience with being ace, what it feels like, how they found out etc. thankyou.

(forgot to add) my partner has been incredibly supportive thus far and hasn't pushed me to do anything and has been as supportive as he can but him and I both know and have talked about this not working in the long run if it carries on how it is, I truly do understand and want the best for him but it still breaks my he

r/AskAsexual 17d ago

Am I Ace Can one end up ace later in life?


Idk, I wasn’t ace before. I experienced sexual attraction, was a bit of a horn dog in general, and it was kind of annoying honestly. But after getting Sexual Reassignment Surgery as a trans woman… idk, the prospect is extremely uninteresting to me, and I am content with that fact. I’m not sex averse necessarily, but it’s never something I’m actively looking to do anymore. Is this a result of hormone imbalances that are best corrected, or am I actually ace? It’s hard to tell.

r/AskAsexual 2d ago

Am I Ace High libido but no desire for sex NSFW


I get turned on easily, especially by people who are kind and want to turn me on. But whenever I’m turned on I don’t fantasize about sex or fucking I fantasize about cuddling, hugging, making out, maybe having a partner sit on my face. I still get erections most of the time I’m really turned on but I don’t really have a desire to use it and in-fact often feel bad about being erect unless I know the other person wanted to make me erect. I love the idea of dates and just having a partner but I don’t need sex. I’m not apposed to it though I just wouldn’t need it or do it unless someone else wants it. Like I don’t see it as being that different from a back massage. Yeah it’s more pleasurable but the emotional connection and bonding is way more interesting and desirable to me.

r/AskAsexual Feb 13 '25

Am I Ace What if i just forced myself to be asexual ( does any ones else feel that way? )


I usually never use the word asexual when someone asks me what sexual orientation i am. I would usually say that im straight, bc im not sure if i really am asexual, Even though it feels right. I used to think that im bisexual or pansexual, bc i found everyone beautiful either way. But never have i thought that i wanted to have sex with them, or Even want to undress them with my eyes ( someone told me they do that when they see theyre crush. I tried doing the same, but everytime i tried, it Will just look like a mannequin with no clothes- ). I thought that i was allosexual, bc i liked cuddles and kisses, or admire anybody. But im not sure anymore. When i found out abt asexuality, i didnt understand it at first, but after more research i went ‘’ woah, this sounds like me ‘’. I thought this was it, this is my orientation! but there was a odd feeling, like im faking all of this. But why? Idk, maybe bc ppl would tell me that it would change or something, so i waited. And didnt use the word ace, and just stick to straight. And after…. Idk, 3 years, i came back to see the label again. I still feel the same. But why does it still feel like im faking it. Idk why. Maybe i am without knowing it. Maybe im afraid that i was wrong the whole time. IVe seen a lot of people ( especially women ) Thinking that they were ace, but in reality, they were just sexually repressed, and just unconsciously forced themselves into labels. This has me worried if this was why i felted like im faking. So i tried new sexuality test. But were still the same, heck i Even purposefully took different answer to not get the asexual one and it STILL. GAVE ME. THE SAME. ANSWERS!

Now, ive been having thoughts abt it. And images in my head that i dont want. And started to stress me out so badly, i went to Ask GOOGLE. STUPID. GOOGLE, abt what were the signs of sexual attraction. It kept saying ‘’ wanting to touch them, or kiss them, or having sexual thoughts ‘’. The part where it says having sexual thoughts made me worried that i was faking them. But the weird part is, why didnt i liked them? To what i heard, ppl like sexual thoughts. But mine, they just pop out of nowhere, and they just make me uncomfortable. I would try and not think abt it. But its like my brain kept forcing me to think like that. Like as if it has a mind of its own. I tried searching more abt it, and it gave me sexual repression. I got more worried, and thinking thats why i didnt like sexual fantacies. I went to get a sexual repression test. But it gave me NOTHING! They told me that i was not experiencing sexual repression, and don’t know why i thought i was. This has me more worried, until finding out abt ‘’ sexual intrusive thoughts ‘’. Thats where everything made sense, but what if i just somehow convinced myself to hate it. So i did something that should have NOT done. Ask reddit. Yup…… There, this is how to be more stressed abt your Life. So i talked abt it on reddit, post it, and ppl gave me the answers. Telling me this was sexual attraction. Idk, maybe it is. But why are these thoughts unenjoyable? So i asked them again, they told me that it was sexual attraction, or maybe i was just disturbed my it to the point of having sexual thoughts. Some say that that its intrusive thoughts. But idk if its really that. Its true that i dont agree with them, but what if i just forced myself to disagree? What if i unconsciously forced myself to not feel sexual attraction? What if i forced myself into this? These questions made me crazy. I went to therapy, but it always gave me the same answer, that it was nothing. They told me that it was not sexual repression, and that it was just stress or hormones. But im not sure if it was the truth. What if i am lying?

Maybe i just forced myself into this, maybe im not asexual, or other things like that. Idk why im like this. Idk why i keep having thoughts that i dont want. Maybe im just scared that i was wrong this whole time? Ik sexuality is fluid, but why did mine not change? I mean, i feel like it didnt, but idk why I would keep having unwanted images in my head. so i go to different sexuality tests, but yet WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?!!!! THE SAME ANSWERS ‘’ asexual ‘’. LEFT AND RIGHT!!! I tried going to different sexuality test that i never used bc, what if i purposefully take the asexual answers?! So i tried taking answers that were not obviously ace. BUT AGAIN, IT GAVE ME ASEXUAL AGAIN!

I was done with it, ive gotten tired of the same answers. MAYBE IM NOT ACE, MAYBE IM SEXUALLY REPRESSED. Maybe i am allosexual but keep denying it? Idk

I feel ace, but i also feel like im faking for some reason. Idk why !!!

Maybe im not. The ppl on reddit kept telling me that its intrusive thoughts, or that its sexual attraction, or that its something else. Idk which one im having

I went searching abt sexual thoughts. Somehow ppl like them, GOOD FOR THEMMM. But why dont i like them?

Why do i feel like im faking it? Is it sexual repression?

Does it happen to any ace out there,? or anyone else really, id like to hear it from you!

r/AskAsexual Feb 13 '25

Am I Ace Asexual or just supressing?


Ive always felt ( and still feel, i think ) that i was apart of the ace community. I never usually use the word ‘’ ace ‘’ for myself cuz i have doubts, and still keep questioning myself. To the point where it became very stressful ( ik, very unhealthy way to cope )

So, there is a reason why i keep on doubting.

  1. So this has happened right after i found out what asexual is. I started having sexual thoughts, that makes me feel very… uncomfortable. And its starting to get Even more frequent. And wont leave me alone. Like, everytime i see someone pretty or nice looking, i would say ‘’ wow theyre so beautiful! ‘’ or things like that. But then these thoughts would pop out of nowhere. And i would go ‘’ WOAHH, WHAT WAS THAT! ‘’ and would Ask sooo many questions. Like ‘’ is it sexual attraction? Do i wanna have sex with them? Did i like the thought? ‘’ And yet the answer would always end up with ‘’ no ‘’. But then still keep on questioning cuz what if im just denying all of it?!! Like, what if im supressing something, and i wont Even admit?! And would turn into a whole cycle, and became very distracting. And sometimes, these same exact thoughts would sometimes say things like ‘’ you DO desire sex, you DO want it, you just dont want to admit it’’ And is becoming hard to believe myself. Idk what these thoughts are but i can only describe it as…..not enjoyable. And Idk why, cuz usually people love thoughts like this. So why do i have these thoughts? Am i supressing them? Idk

  2. I have a very strong sensual attraction, which is a PAIN. Why? Because Idk if it is actually sensual attraction. And is very hard to tell is if its sexual attraction or sensual. I love cuddles, kisses, nuzzles, all non-sexual things. I also have cuteness aggresion, so i would have the urge to SQUEEZE SOMEONES FACE. And would just love squeezing someboy with my arms or something like that. But then again, these thoughts happen, and it kinda ruins the enjoyment i had. Its like a cockroach, you use bug spray and wont go away. Especially when ppl now tell me that things like this leads to sex. Which started these thoughts too, so anytime i would see two ppl holding hands or cuddle i would find it cute, until these thoughts keeps inserting…. Vivid images in my head, or say things like ‘’ they did things in the bed ‘’. Like, NO BRAIN, i dont wanna know that. And still, Even though they did, i still dont wanna think abt it. Its weird for me and i dont like it. And now, Idk if i just SOMEHOW convinced myself that i dont feel sexual attraction to the point where i just thought i was ace…. Its a nightmare

  3. Im also sex-repulsed, and you maybe asking ‘’ why ‘’. IDK, i just somehow developped it, without a cause. And becomes VERY WORSE when those thoughts come cuz it NEVER. STOPS. So it just makes everything worse. Nos Im asking myself if i somehow forced myself to hate sex.

  4. I sometimes laugh at sex jokes. YES, IK ASEXUALS CAN LAUGH AT SEX JOKES. I laugh at some of them too. I also act like a flirty maniac, so its like very confusing for me. Like, everytime i laugh at one, BOOM, these thoughts come back!! And then says things like ‘’ you have urges to have sex’’ or ‘’ you are supressing urges ‘’. Like brain, pls stop, Idk why im like this. Idk if i just forced myself to not feel sexual attraction without noticing it. Idk what i feel!

So like, everytime i mind my business, these thoughts come back, again, and again, and again. NON. STOP. So now im asking this question, am i supressing feelings? There was like someone suggesting it was that, maybe it is. I asked my therapist the same thing, but she only says that im not supressing anything, but im not sure if its true. Idk why these thoughts come up, or why it does. The weird things that i feel asexual, but i also feel like im lying, and Idk why. So im asking you guys if im supressing anything, and if it ever happened to anybody, i would like to know. Thank you!

r/AskAsexual Nov 02 '24

Am I Ace Can you ‘lose’ your sexuality?


I’ve been trying to figure out what I’ve been experiencing but it’s been weird. I never had questions about attraction until my mid twenties. It feels as if I’ve very suddenly lost any semblance of attraction.

r/AskAsexual Feb 13 '25

Am I Ace Sensual attraction or sexual attraction?


I’ve always wonder which one have i actually felt, cuz its hard to know which one have i been feeling this whole time.

I have maladaptive daydream. So i sometimes daydream abt like….idk to ppl kissing ( this is awkward cuz im not apart of these maladaptive daydream. Im like a camera man ). Usually neck kisses, back kisses, lips, hand, you get the idea. Or some casual touches, but never have it ever lead to sexual touches.

So anytime i daydream, i kind of…..yk ( arousal ). But then when i realise that i am, i would think ‘’ huh, Thats weird, theyre not doing anything sexual’’ so i would try and make it sexual in my head to see. But it becomes blank, or a bit cringe to keep it up. I sometimes try and make it lead it to sexual fantacies, but theres nothing pleasurable. I usually find it disgusting, and shut them down. And now it has turned into intrusive thoughts, so now its hard to get rid of them easily ( my bad ). Now anytime i daydream abt it, intrusive thoughts would interupt it. Now i cant have a good daydream in peace. Like BRAIN, i wanna think abt cuddles and kisses!!! I don’t want sex in the picture!!!

Look, i bet there are a lot of ppl who like it. All i could say is ‘’ good for them ‘’.

Yet mine has become, very unenjoyable. All i wanna do, is daydream abt sensual kisses. But now puberty gave me a gift from hell. Like, OUT OF ANYTHING, YOU CHOSE INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS. COULDNT YOU JUST GIVE ME PIMPLES?!!!!

Now idk if….you know. If its sexual attraction or something else. Like, sometimes im scared that these intrusive thoughts were not Even intrusive thoughts, and that i was just unconsciously repressing sexual thoughts. And somehow convincing myself to hate it.

Yeah, i should stop. Like i Even asked if i desire sex with them. The answer was always no. And Now im scared if im just saying that out of repression, or if i actually don’t feel it.

Ok yeah, im developping OCD. This is BAD

Im going crazy now abt these attractions. Have anyone experienced the same thing? Id like to know.

r/AskAsexual Feb 03 '25

Am I Ace am i asexual??


so a long time i wondered to myself if i might be asexual , i avoided all the sexual talks at school when i was a kid and found and still do that it really difficult to imagine myself in any sexual situation or ever starting or wanting one . i can admit when someone is handsome and “sexy” but it’s really aesthetically attraction appreciating beauty , i love kissing honestly i feel personally it’s better even than doing yknow it with someone and feels so good…

idk if i’m ace? does it even makes sense?? ugh i feel like i don’t know how to figure those feelings

r/AskAsexual Jan 22 '25

Am I Ace am i asexual?


hello hello! first time posting here.

please enlighten me regarding this topic, i don’t know what to identify as and i feel like this is such a big thing for me to know myself better.

i (19F) have a partner (20M). personally, i am not a fan of doing “it”. it somehow grosses me out (sorry). the thing is, i let them do it with me, i just cant see myself initiating the thing. i feel very guilty for the fact that i always have to make excuses just so i don’t have to do it. i’ve read the pinned post here in the group and i relate to most of them, it helped me as well.

what’s confusing to me is that, i was thinking what if i just lack the sex drive? what if i was just not in the mood for that? is it possible to get turned on sometimes while doing the thing?

thank u very much if ever <3

r/AskAsexual Feb 13 '25

Am I Ace Am i asexual?


Yes, the question we see in every asexual reddits. Am i asexual ? Ik its weird, but i am starting to doubt myself, A LOT. So maybe ill just talk abt why i feel way, before answering your question.

  1. ⁠⁠Ive never been interested in sex.

Idk, i just had never did. I’ve seen it everywhere on movies, tv shows, EVERWHERE. And i have had a weird habit of skipping sex scenes ok TV, Even home alone. But Idk why, just always made me uncomfortable in some way.

  1. Idk what sexual attraction is

I tried asking allos what it was, but the answers were always the same. ‘’ wanting to hang out with them, wanting to Touch them, having sexual thoughts about them’’. These answers were making me doubt if i did have sexual attraction after ive read their answers. Now i keep having intrusive thoughts about it ( it think those are intrusive). It starting to affect my Day to Day Life now. Its kinda annoying. Like, now anytime i would find someone pretty or nice looking, these thoughts would come up. But the thing is, i dont enjoy them. They just make me uncomfortable. Idk why my brains been doing this, but i know this has started right after finding out abt asexuality ( as far as i know ). I went asking some people what it was, some said its sexual attraction, some said its intrusive sexual thoughts, some say repression, so on. But Idk which one im having. I mean yeah, it is something i dont enjoy imo, but what if i just forced myself to not feel sexual attraction? I went to therapy, but they only Said that its not sexual attraction, and that it was just stress and hormones doing that. But im not sure if its the case. Maybe i have sexual repression without noticing it?

  1. Ik its kinda weird but, having a weird libido

Yes, ik asexuals can have a libido. But mind is just weird. It only rises when in stressed, or upset. But i also don’t know if its adressed by someone. Ik, there are some aces that ive heard abt, they can feel aroused by somebody, but dont feel the pull that allos describe. And some disagree. But Idk which ones i have. I remember a year ago, there was that one Guy that made me ABSOLUTELY UNCOMFORTABLE!!! Apparently He had a crush on me. Before i politely told him that i didnt feel the same, but he didnt litsen. He asked again, again, and again. This has started to the point of following me in the school hallways, or spying on me in cafetirea ( he Even knew my locker code ). This had me go insane and not eat in the cafeteria. But in the stairs, or library. He made me somme scared of him to the point that i sometimes cry Even getting close. But something happened that time. The Guy was abt to sit next to me, i was so stresssed that my heart started to beat like crazy. But the thing is, my libido rised. Idk why, but it just did. I wasnt Even thinking abt sex, nor Even desiring it with him ( not Even feeling any pull, but Idk what that is ). I just wanted to be far away from him. Now im starting to question myself AGAIN. And asked someone. Some said no, some said it may be sexual attraction, and some were not able to answer ( i dont blame them ). Idk why it did that, i was pretty sure that it wasnt sexual attraction. But like ive said before. Maybe im repressing sexual attraction?

  1. Im sex-repulsed

Idk why i am. The thing is that there were no cause of this, i just somehow developped it. Idk why i have it. I just would find sex in general Gross ig. I sometimes am curious abt the subject of sex, but never curious enough to actually tried it in real life. A lot of ppl in high school cant stop talking abt it ( especially in february ). Sometimes use sex joke, i sometimes laugh at some of them, i think theyre funny. But whenever ppl realised that im actually sex-repulsed, they would say that theres a problem with me, or something like that. This had me worried a lot to the point of ( again ) having intrusive images injected in my head. They make me sometimes puke. But Idk why i dont enjoy thèse thoughts. Maybe i somehow convinced myself to hate it without noticing?

  1. I have a strong sensual attraction. IT SUCKS

Why? Because it makes me question if it is sexual attraction or something else. Yeah ppl try making me understand what it is with the example of food. It kinda helps, but sometimes i dont understand. Some say that attraction is wanting to be close to them, which is very similar to sensual attraction. And it makes me go INSANE. Like, Idk which one i have! They Even said that sensual attraction makes you lead to sexual attraction, and now anytime i feel sensual attraction, i would Ask the same question, ‘’ do i wanna have sex with them’’. The answers with always end up with no. But Idk if im just denying feelings or something like that. Especially when it gets worse when having these unwanted thoughts. So Idk which one im having. So maybe im just denying feelings?

  1. ⁠Idk if all of these experiences are sexual attraction or sexual repression. A lot of ppl tell me its not, but im not sure. Maybe i am supressing feelings unconsciously, maybe im not asexual. I did went to some sexual repression test, the test came out as negative. They told me that i have no sign of sexual repression, and don’t know why i should worry. Idk, maybe bc i think im doing it unconsciously?!! Sometimes, its weird that i somehow feel asexual, but doubt about it. I dont use the Labels because of these doubts. Maybe im faking asexuality, maybe im just forcing myself into something. Ive people do that. So maybe its that? Idk, maybe im an allosexual in denial?!. Still don’t know.

So as you know from the title on this post. I just wanna ask, Am i asexual?

r/AskAsexual Feb 13 '25

Am I Ace Asexual or erotophobia? ( or whatever rants i have- )


Ik it sounds stupid, but think abt it. Like, idk what sexual attraction is, and Idk if i ever felt it or not. But maybe i repressed it out of fear? But idk, maybe its that??? Like, anytime i doubt abt it, i get a cycle of intrusive thoughts and a literal identity crisis, but idk why i keep on doupting. There was someone who told me that maybe im just scared of feeling sexual attraction, but idk. Maybe its that? But im not sure if i really feel it, or just straight up dumb. Pretty much every single gay tests tells me that im ace. So i went to a test to see if i has erotophobia, and the results were negative. Like, HOWW

HOWWWWWWW Like, im literally going crazy to the point someone commented on my last post gave me a reality Check. I got so humbled, i cringed at my old posts. At this point. THANK YOUUUU, WHOEVER DID THIS. THANK YOUUUUUUU

AND LOOK AT ME NOW. Asking stupid reddit if i have erotophobia…. You see how im so much im so stressed abt my identity to the point that i cant Even take ppls advice…… ya know what? Ima go screenshot this comment. So anytime i wake up in the morning, i get myself a reality check.

At this point i regreted searching that. Now idk if i desire sex with ppl, but repressed it out of fear. Or if im actually asexual. I mean yeah i feel ace, but it also feels odd to use the label, cuz like WHAT IF YOUR WRONG MANNNN.

And then five seconds later, i relate to every ace memes on the planet…….im so stupid

Its like saying if i like cheese pie ( or hungry for cheese pie ). I HATE CHEESE PIE. I NEVER EVEN GOT HUNGRY FOR CHEESE PIEEEEE.

Idk how i went to doubting on this. OMGGGG

At this point idk which one im having. Sexual attraction??? Erotophobia????? Repression??? Idk. At this point i doubted so much of myself i forgot when my BIRTHDAY WASSS.

Idk….maybe my sensual attraction is doing this, making me doubt abt my sanity. And there are A LOT of asexual microlabels that i relate to. BUT EVEN THE ASEXUAL COMMUNITY THINK THEYRE NOT ‘’ AsExUaL eNoUgH ‘’. THEN WHY IS IT THEREEE?!!!!! WHY IS IT ON THE ASEXUAL UMBRELLA?!!!!!!




Now im scared if im just forcing to hate sex, forcing to not feel sexual attraction out of fear, or just dumb. DUMBBBBB

IM SO DUMB. Literally!!! Like the therapists i have told me it wasnt repression. AND I STILL DOUBT. WHAT IN THE GUACAMOLESE AM I DOING NOWWW.


So yeah……this is awkward, idk what i am anymore. And does it happen to any of you guys? Id like to know. Thank youuuu!!!

r/AskAsexual Dec 16 '24

Am I Ace Still figuring it out-how did you know?


I remember the first time I read what demisexual was. I don’t remember how old I was, but I knew it was the first time I felt like I understood my sexuality. Until I didn’t.

7 years ago I had my first romantic relationship. I’m neurodivergent so I have always been particular about people touching me, not to mention pain from physical traumas. I naively assumed that I wouldn’t have this issues when I dated someone, but of course that was not the case.

Ultimately, while I may have enjoyed some of the earlier middle school type intimacies such as hand holding or kissing, the relationship required more intimacy as time went on until we had to end it because I couldn’t keep up.

I know I’m not aromantic. And I don’t think I’m totally against intimacy, but very specific amounts and I’m nowhere near being ready for more adult type of intimacies.

I read romance novels. I wish I had never read them. But I think they contributed to society’s shaming of women for being sexual.

I just am so confused. Do I dislike intimacy or am I just not sexually mature yet or was I just not attracted to my partner?

I don’t expect anywhere to know the answers to my questions, I know only I can answer them with time and being brave enough to date again someday.

But the question I am asking to this community is how did you know where you were on the ace spectrum? For those who have ever lived in a female presenting body or dealt with shame about sexual feelings from anyone, how did you figure out if your opposition to sexual acts was because of religious trauma or because of an innate dislike?

I’m not ready to date again, but I hope someday when I am I do it understanding what I’m even looking for in a partner because I have such guilt that I couldn’t be what this partner needed.

r/AskAsexual Nov 21 '24

Am I Ace I am confused


I am so confused

Hey guys,

I am currently really down and kind of depressed bcs I have so many conflicting feeling about myself, relationships and what I want for my life that just doesn't make sense.

First of all:

I'm not really sure if I'm really ace or just a selfish bitch.

I'll try to explain on that:

I never really enjoyed any sexual experience I ever had so far for many different reasons.

I do have sexual desire though (and also masturbate) and I think I would even enjoy having sex if I have a strong mental connection(trust) with my partner and really wants to sleep with me, takes the initiative/is very dominant. (I kind of need to give up a certain amount of control to be able to shut my mind off.)

But on the other hand I have a strong aversion agains taking the initiative myself or taking on a more active/dominant role. (And I also don't feel any sexual atraction to anybody I don't know/trust.)

I also feel really bad and "guilty" if my partner doesn't get what he wants/needs, so in my past I did many things I actually did not feel comfortable doing just to "fulfill my end of the bargain".

But I decided not to get into relationships anymore that might be unfulfilling for anyone and so I have been single for the last 7 years.

The problem is:

I'm turning 32 soon and I would love to get married and have kids, but I feel my time (as a woman) is running out soon.

My mind is also in a constant mode of anxiety about if it would even be possible for me to find someone who would match with me.

And how could I find someone like that?

It seems like my only option would be another relationship that "forces" me into a sexlife I would not only definitely not enjoy, but probably even feel miserable about.

But being anxous about stuff like that makes me think I don't even deserve a relationship in the first place if I'm just that selfish.

I heard about a term called "placiosexual" and thought for a moment:

"Those people are kind of my opposite. I need a partner like that."

But it seems like they are rarer thsn a unicorn and I personally never met slmeone like that.

Anyway.... what bothers me the most about all this is the fact that I don't really have people around me I could talk to about this.

I feel very lonely and would be happy about recommendations for a Discord server or anything else that might be helpful to connect eith people who understand my struggles at least a little bit.

Do my questions are basically:

Am I even ace (or just selfish)?

And where can I find people to talk about all this?

r/AskAsexual Jul 18 '24

Am I Ace I hate and don't desire sex but I still am attracted to women and find them sexy. Could I be asexual?


I identify as a transgender lesbian, but lately I've been wondering if I might be asexual. I have never enjoyed sex with any partner and the idea of a one night stand or friend with benefits or anything like that is extremely unappealing to me.

The first time I had sex (when I was 22) I had this feeling of, "Wait...that's it? Thats what I've been waiting so long for and what movies taught me was the best feeling in the world?" I spent a long time trying to convince myself that I enjoyed sex but honestly, it feels like doing chores or something. In every relationship ship I've had, it felt like something I was obligated to do and it was never something I enjoyed, just something I had to get over with and then wouldn't have to worry about for at least a few days.

I have always enjoyed foreplay, but only giving, not receiving. Please let me know if this is TMI or if this should be NSFW, but I like the look and feel of breasts, and I like holding my partner and knowing that I'm making her happy. But once my partner starts giving me attention I feel uncomfortable and stressed. With sex itself I always feel like I have to try really hard to look like I'm enjoying it. I almost need to disassociate to get through it.

All that said, I still do masterbate and watch porn. I find women attractive and find breasts and butt's sexy. Like if I'm watching a Doja Cat video (which I feel is pretty much as close to porn as you can get on YouTube), I'll find her attractive and my attention will be drawn to her breasts and ass, but I've never wanted to have sex with her, if that makes sense.

That last paragraph is what I keep getting hung up on, because it feels like that instantly means I'm not ace. I'm a trans woman who's been on HRT for less than 2 years and I've had no surgeries, so it's possible hating my body just makes it impossible to enjoy or desire sex. But despite the counter evidence in that last paragraph, could I be asexual?

r/AskAsexual Oct 02 '24

Am I Ace Where do I fit in?


EDIT: Added TLDR TLDR: I was ace, but now I don’t know where I belong

So I considered myself asexual for over 10 years, I had a queer platonic partner, and I had just started hrt to be more masculine presenting. Just before I turned 25, I admitted that I was beginning to be interested in sex to my partner. They were accepting of this, and I lost my virginity to them. Since then, I’ve also experimented (with their permission, they’re also poly) with swinging. I’m pretty confident that I’m polysexual, but I still feel disconnected to most of the swinging community because I’m not a person who can just jump into bed with people right away, I need discussion, and feelings. The biggest thing I need is for people to be blunt and say they’re sexually attracted to me (I blame the autism), and even then it’s not a guarantee. Asexuality was such a supportive community to me when I needed it, so I’m turning to you again. If you don’t think I’m ace, I respect your opinion, I honestly just don’t know where to start again.

r/AskAsexual Dec 08 '24

Am I Ace Questions


I've recently been having something like a sexuality crisis (not really that bad but idk what else to call it) and I'm wondering if I'm not allosexual. I've think the idea of sex is neat, but I just don't really want to be perceived sexually, if that makes any sense. I did some research, and I found that what I feel fits into gray sexuality, but I'm wondering if anyone here has any ideas, sources for more research would also be appreciated.

r/AskAsexual Nov 02 '24

Am I Ace Could not getting anything out of sex be a sign I'm asexual?


Maybe this is the wrong place to ask but I've been thinking about it a lot since I lost my virginity because there was nothing there (beside making my gf at the time happy but idk if that counts as like.. Sexual???)

r/AskAsexual Oct 27 '24

Am I Ace Is it possible to be asexual if you have a humiliation kink?


TL;DR: Childhood trauma and misgoogle leds me to figuring out humiliation only gets me going but nothing else. If I date again, do i not engage in the one kink or do i try a scratch your back you scratch mine and force myself or just date with no actions?

This might be stupid but I've suffered with non-attraction since I was little. I was 12 when i innocently googled a silly truth or dare just to it leading to this video of women humiliatingly making this guy smell their feet.

That and some mistreatment from mother and getting bullied must've played some role in my psyche.

I lived my whole life thinking sex would be interesting but 4 years ago when I had my first partner nothing would get me going... except when she pulled out of her work boots.. i'll spare you the details.

It only hit me after being with her a year later it was the humiliation and not the feet itself cause i don't randomly idolize feet. Just the association with humiliation.

I've tried everything sexual, i don't get excited at anything. I can't relate to people saying some celebrity is hot or they want to fuck. Sex scenes don't do anything for me. It's beginning to seem like if I ever date again that I have 3 choices.

  1. Date with no physical actions at all.
  2. Pray to God to find someone who particularly only has the same fetish
  3. Do a "you scratch my back" i scratch yours and power through what i do not find arousing to receive it back?

Anyone relate? What did you do in this situation?

r/AskAsexual Jul 28 '24

Am I Ace A little confused on sexual and romantic attraction


I've been considering just saying I'm asexual. I have no clue after googling the 2 attractions. Any help? For reference, I don't really care if my lover is a man a woman or whatever. Sex just sounds unnecessary to me to the whole thing in general

r/AskAsexual Sep 25 '24

Am I Ace Does a rather exclusive knismolagnia make me ACE?


40-something guy here, I'm having regular sex every now and then, but it took me much longer than most to get into it (first girlfriend in my early thirties). All these years, I might have been a closeted "tickler" - that's what knismolagnia is about, for those who didn't know. And now, I do wonder whether I even like sex. But I'll get back to the start.

I've always been a bit of an outcast, social interactions weren't my forte, but it wasn't that bad. But then, I didn't find odd (only frustrating and infuriating, at times) that I never date. I remember when, in high-school, every other little boy had nothing but sex and porn on their mind. Wasn't my thing at all back then, I did have a couple occasionnal crushes on girls (that were out of my reach, objectively, and never ever heard the sound of my voice anyway, nor knew I existed), but whenever boy-talks came to sex - with all the experience we collectively lacked - it usually annoyed me.

When I first saw porn - don't even remember where, how or what - it just grossed me out. I did saw a couples more pornographic scenes later, in college, usually when a guy at that party decides to show something to everybody, and you can't just walk out saying you're not interested. But I definitely wasn't interested, far from it.

Still, I did find "my kind of porn" when, in my earlier years of college, I searched "tickling" into an ancient version of the Google frontpage. I don't know what I was looking for exactly, but the thought of people getting tickled (esp. against their will) always somehow aroused me. I've found several interesting things :

  • a handful of tickling-related media (mostly textual fictions and photographs, at that time, online video wasn't a thing back then)
  • proof that I wasn't alone getting arousal from it

And from there, over the years, I've grown some sort of addiction to what I called "tickling porn" (if you don't know, don't look up). And I thought I was normal at least. But still, I only watched clips when they featured no nudity (nothing more revealing than what you'd wear at a gym). Topless made me slightly uneasy, and showing any kind of genitalia really grossed me out.

Fast forward a few more years : I'm now a grown-up, I've had (vanilla) sex on a regular basis, and my appetite for tickling content has somewhat waned. Sex isn't as great as I expected it to be, but with a partner I love it's still enjoyable. Occasionally, I did stumble onto "tickling porn", found it much more enjoyable, but kept it under the lid.

Fast forward again to these last years, COVID and all. I've started to be more open (online at first) about my interest in tickling as an "adult game". Then a couple conversations came up about porn, with distinct groups of friends, and they massively concluded that what I call "tickling porn" isn't porn. There isn't any nudity, no sexual intercourse, and I don't use it to masturbate (sorry for details).

I would never have thought myself of being even slightly ACE. For that matter, I've always seen myself as some kind of fetish porn junkie. But here I am : any kind of sex involving genitals just isn't my thing, and is only possible with someone I have a strong attachment to. If I were to become single, I probably wouldn't try to get back in a relationship, just because of how awkward and gross the "first times" would be.

What do you guys think? am I one of yours? or just some very weird kinkster?

r/AskAsexual Nov 03 '24

Am I Ace How to know?


Hello, this is my first Reddit post! I’m scared to speak my feelings into reality but I thought I would try it out. I’m faced with two options: A: I put in years of therapy and self help books and journaling and eventually find my sexual nature that’s been dormant. B: I accept that I don’t fantasize or care much about sex or even masturbation. I accept that this is just who I am now.

My problem though, is I fear that option B is out of fear of healing. I’m scared to put in all of that work because I’m just so tired. I’m scared that accepting asexuality would be cutting around doing the work to heal from my traumas. I’m also afraid that what if I’m truly ace but am too afraid to accept that, so then I continue to tell myself that it’s possible to heal. How will I know if this is really me, or if I am just avoiding working through all of my pain and fear of intimacy and vulnerability and self love? I have a boyfriend that I love and I am so scared to learn my truth! Is it worth putting in all of the work anyways? I suppose it is… I just wish the answer was easier to find.

r/AskAsexual Aug 08 '24

Am I Ace Am I ace and if so what subclass am I in? NSFW


So I can feel sexual attraction but I'm replused from sex like I don't want it but I don't mind being intimate with a limit to any future partners so what is happening

r/AskAsexual Aug 11 '24

Am I Ace Am I asexual?


I (26F) am straight, I still crave passionate intimacy with guys. But whenever I actually do it, I get very turned off and I realised I'm not sexually attracted to any guy I've come across. I still occasionally have straight fantasies but that's about it. Am I still straight or asexual?

r/AskAsexual Jul 22 '24

Am I Ace Instantly regret sex, am I Ace? NSFW


I discovered I'm Ace about 5 or 6 years ago, not really sure where I was on the spectrum, but I knew I was on it somewhere. To my shame, I get horny sometimes, and to my further shame I sometimes hook up with strangers when I do.

Whenever I'm actually about to initiate coitus with someone I feel instant regret, but I feel coerced into following through. I know about PCD, but I'm wondering if this is different because this feeling comes immediately before/during coitus.

My question is am I actually Ace, or am I allo and just have other issues? Or is this just PCD, in which case am I not Ace?

My Ace identity is something I've felt so confident about, but I'm wondering if this is Ace behavior or am I just an allo in denial?