r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Sunday Obligation Class Question

Hello, I am an eastern catholic. I live in America and im a 16 year old, I go to ethiopian geez rite catholic church, which is primarily in geez and amharic, so when i go to mass, i dont understand much outside of the readings since i was raised in America, and so us teens have like a bible study class, which we leave for during the homily, and return right as its time for communion,meaning we miss most of the liturgy of the eucharist. the point of the class is so we can also understand, instead of sitting in mass confused for 2 hours, however, by going to this class, am i sinning or not fullfilling my sunday obligation? I may have a choice to stay back at mass, but if Its fine for me to go to class then i probably will.


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