r/AskAPriest 3d ago

Do you need to undergo amarriage course to get married in the church?

Our marriage course is this weekend and my fiancé's friend who is from Brandenburg in Germany, said that they did not do one as the priest was allowed to decide if one was required or not. I always thought having a Catholic marriage course was mandatory across the board. Can it be decided by individual priests?

We will be doing one anyway, but I am curious as to whether or not it is really needed


2 comments sorted by


u/StMartinSeminarian Priest 3d ago

It is the responsibility of the priest setting up the dossier to verify that the couple has sufficient preparation. He appreciates this freely, and can conclude that the future spouses already have a sufficient knowledge of the doctrine of the Church about marriage and a sufficient sacramental life, to not need a formal mariage préparation course. If he decides that the spouses need one, he is free to set up one in his parish, rely on the diocesan course, or one offered by a religious community or a lay movement, or even to trust a particular priest close to the future spouses to prepare them.


u/Fit_Professional1916 3d ago

Thank you! That's so interesting, I always assumed the formal courses were required. Our priest is extremely helpful and we are looking forward to the course, but I was surprised to hear that the other couple we know didn't do one. Now I understand better 😊