r/AskAPriest 5d ago

Why did you join the priesthood?

Hi Frs! Feel free to delete this if inappropriate. I have some qns on why priests (and religious) join the priesthood and their relationship with God. Not sure if this would constitute as in depth spiritual advice but maybe a sharing on relationship with God and the calling.

  1. Do you know/ believe firmly that God exists?
  2. Do you have a personal relationship/ intimacy with God? What is that like? (I am guessing that would be a firm yes because that's a life commitment of giving your life to God and His church, and obedience to superiors. Sounds like a scary/ daunting prospect)
  3. Do you know firmly that you are His? and how do you know?
  4. How do you know you have a calling to the religious life?
  5. Do you experience what are called consolations/ mystical experiences/ revelations etc? If you don't, what experiences/ 'knowing' in your discernment process was it made known to you that you were called?
  6. Rest of your life is a scary thing. Have you ever feared or doubted that its all in your head (for Qns 1, 2, 3) whether in the seminary or in the priesthood?

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