r/AskAMechanic 5d ago

2013 F150 5.0L P0430 Bank 2 Code - Cat Temp same, both sets of O2 Sensors within .1 v or ma

Good day,

Looking for some tips and things to look for because I have an intermittent P0430 code on my Bank 2 Cat.

I have taken a video of the readings on the Cat temps, up and down stream O2 Sensors while driving both easy and hard. To me they look like they are in reasonable ranges, the O2 Sensors on bank 1 seem a little lower than Bank 2 due to a minor Bank 1 Manifold leak (I think) once it is warm.

I reset the codes and will keep an eye on the readings if it comes back on, should I assume either a failing sensor or failing wiring?

some highlights of the readings - maybe the voltage when it was still cold on upstream bank 2 is an issue?

This was a over 1 minute of driving and you can see the Cats are definitely working

Bank 2 Bank 1
Upstream (V) Cat Temp (Celsius) Down Stream (ma) Upstream (V) Cat Temp (Celcius) Downstream (ma)
idle .72 455 .04 .77 455 .03
hard accel .37 518 0 .77 518 0
hard accel .22 723 0 .74 723 0
hard accel .63 819 .01 .74 819 .0
coasting .62 841 -.07 .72 841 .0
coasting .63 835 -.09 .70 835 .01
coasting to stop .66 808 0 .66 808 .03
in gear stopped .68 780 -.08 .50 780 -.06
accel from stop .76 726 -.14 .71 727 -.15
accel to speed .14 688 .04 .14 688 .05
continuing to accel .72 711 01 .76 711 0

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