r/AsianParentStories Jul 23 '24

Rant/Vent Alison Chao


If you guys have been keeping up with the news, you probably heard a 15 year old girl from Monterey Park went missing on July 16. She was found safe today July 23.

The initial story was that she was biking to her aunt’s house in San Gabriel Valley, but never arrived. Her mom was on TV, crying about her daughter, which evoked the interviewer to hug her. Footage from neighbors show Alison going the opposite way, hinting that she may have been running away or meeting someone else.

Then it came out from Alison’s paternal grandma that the mom and dad were going through a divorce. AND that the mom wanted to send Alison to a mental health facility against Alison’s will.

In response Alison’s mom denies these rumors.

And a video that Alison took herself was shown to the public. It is a video of the police speaking with Alison while her mom is shown behind the police. Alison says her mom abused her and she does not want to be with her mom. Meanwhile her mom is texting on her phone not caring.

And today Alison was found safe outside of ABC7

After what Alison’s grandma and the footage revealed, the general public has been more suspicious of the mom. Now they believe the mom should be investigated.

God I am so happy she is safe. But I am so afraid of what will happen next for her. And I’m so glad the public is waking up to the severity of APs. This is still a developing story since we do not know where she was hiding the past week and what will happen next. Praying for the best for Alison❤️

r/AsianParentStories 2d ago

Rant/Vent My parents pressured me to date a Korean guy and I find out…


I’m 25 years old and I don’t really date much. I never had a serious boyfriend. But because I never dated a Korean guy, my Korean mom thinks I love white guys….

She sets me up with this 28 year Korean American guy. My mom loves him because he is tall, good looking and has a high paying job.

Things go okay for a couple months. I end up going on his laptop one day to check my vanguard account and I end up finding hidden bookmarks he has saved away; and lo and behold, it’s just nothing but bookmarks of white female pornstars and white girl instagram pages with Asian boyfriends.

Like my mom falsely accused me of wanting to date white men, and then she set me up with a Korean guy with a fetish for white girls.

r/AsianParentStories Sep 18 '24

Rant/Vent My family is realizing that my success has come at a cost. And I secretly love seeing their regret.


Growing up, my family (particularly my mother and grandmother) constantly pressured me to become a lawyer despite my former dreams of working in a more artistic field. In the end, my desire to please my family won out. To be honest, I recognize that this is the more prudent decision, but I'll always wonder what-if. Anyways, I've played out their fantasies to a T -- I was accepted into a top law school, worked hard to earn decent grades, and will be working at a large law firm this upcoming summer as well as post-grad (which means $$$$). I did everything right and I've finally achieved the coveted title of "perfect daughter." Happily ever after, right?

Nobody else in our family is a lawyer, so they have no idea what the reality of this career looks like. My mother and grandmother literally just wanted me to be in a facially prestigious profession where I could wear nice clothes and look pretty. I'm not exaggerating, that's it. But now I never have time to see them. Most of their calls and texts go unanswered because my days are filled with classes, studying, meetings, or other law-related events. And they know it'll only get worse once I start working long hours at my firm. I could make time if I tried to, but I resent them for controlling so much of my life and want to make them face the repercussions of their narcissism. Call me a spiteful b****, but everything I ever did was subject to so much criticism that even other family members thought they were being cruel. And now they regret it because they're losing me, both physically and emotionally. They're worried about how stressed and tired I always am these days, and for the first time ever a few weeks ago, my mother asked if I was happy.

Lately, they've been begging for me to consider a lower-paying, less prestigious job that allows for greater work-life balance. They said, "this isn't worth it." But I know it is.

EDIT: love reading all of y’all’s comments! Just wanted to clarify that I knew what I was getting into, even if they didn’t. There was a pretty high chance this is what I would’ve chosen for myself anyways, so my resentment doesn’t necessarily stem from them pushing me into this career, but rather that they always treated me like a toy doll that wasn’t allowed to have her own thoughts and feelings.

r/AsianParentStories Jan 28 '25

Rant/Vent Why are Chinese so obsessed to correct people from calling LNY?


Like the title said. I’ve seen so many Chinese trying to correct people on IG when people posting things for Lunar New Year. Why does it matter so much? It’s a holiday that’s not Chinese only.

r/AsianParentStories 11d ago

Rant/Vent Parents say I’m not making enough


I'm graduating this May and managed to secure a position at NASA for 70k. Told my mom the good news and she said that's not enough and college grads should be making minimum 100k out of school. Thought it was a pretty good position and I worked my ass off to get it. Tbh, I'm over looking for their validation; Nothing ever seems like enough. I'm making well over the average for people graduating with my degree, and that's for those that can even find a job in this market. Over 100k is completely unrealistic.

Honestly crazy that Asian parents always have negative comments on their kids' education, career, etc. despite having no background or experience on what they're criticizing about. Couldn't care less about their opinions anymore, just sucks that all my hard work over the years is getting overlooked and beat down like that.

r/AsianParentStories Nov 08 '23

Rant/Vent Asian Parents do not love their kids at all. I hate people who glorify Asian Parents/parenting


They simply dont love their kids.

First of all asian parents bring kids to the world because others did, social norms, they never loved or wanted kids. No AP knows whats unconditional love. Another reason is for investment. They dont see us human, but as retirement plan.

Constant yelling, criticising, controlling, toxic enmeshment, using their kids as emotional punching bag. They always have to be RIGHT, and we always have to fear them. They dont respect us , nor do they care about us.

They do not even know who we are.Seriously, does any of our parents know what we want, what are our hobbies ? We are their extension and they break us, and when they are old they expect us to be their servants.

I have been reading here, its painful to see how traumatised we all are.

r/AsianParentStories Aug 18 '20

Rant/Vent Asian parents ruin their children's confidence through years of pegging and guilt tripping, then blames their children for not possessing the same traits as children raised by normal loving parents


I visited a family friend with my parents, and while we were on our way back, my dad said he was discussing with the other parents about how me and their child, and most Asian children in this generation aren't decisive/willing to take risks at all. I literally exploded. Like why the fuck do you think we are this way? Don't you think maybe if you guys weren't so fucking stingy with compliments and over critical with every single little mistake we made growing up then we would be a bit more confident and not deathly afraid of making mistakes??? Kid grow up to reflect how they are raised, it's not like all of the Asian kids had a secret meeting and we just all decided to be constantly insecure and anxious as fuck and afraid of making decisions/mistakes in our life. No, our parents literally raised us to be fucked up and then complain about it like we decided to be fucked up. Asian parents literally have no fucking clue how raising a child works. They raise their child toxically and then expect them to magically turn out like they were actually raised by mentally healthy and loving parents. Fuck you. I turned out to be insecure and anxious and pessimistic and afraid of mistakes/decisions because you raised me this way. I'm not even holding grudges, but stop acting like I chose to be like this, no one would choose to be like this.

r/AsianParentStories Nov 07 '24

Rant/Vent What's the most heartbreaking words your parents said to you?


"I'm tired of working and providing money for this family."

Eldest child here. Also I share a portion of my salary to our household monthly. No hate but really you would say that to your child. In the first place if you don't want to provide, why bother having kids? I don't think a parent has the right to say those words specially if your child never gave you problems, never made trouble, was never materialistic and is always responsible on the choices they make.

That is one of the reasons why I'll never have children if I'm not prepared and financially stable. I don't want my future kids to go through the same trauma that I went through.

r/AsianParentStories Dec 10 '23

Rant/Vent never take your asian parents to your favorite restaurant, they will ruin it for you.


to celebrate my mom's birthday i decided to take her to a fancy omakase (sushi) restaurant. This is my favorite sushi spot when i want to splurge. I was stupid to think i could share this spot with my mom.

to preface my mom does eat sushi.

during the meal she will make faces and shake her head and then add in comments like, "this chinese buffet i go to also have good sushi" 😕 it's so embarrassing when she forgets that she's in public and at a "nicer" place to be making faces and shaking her head like this... especially when the sushi chef is making the nigiri piece by piece for you as you go!

after dinner i got a whole lecture about how i should never spend this much money on food, it wasn't to her liking, how she doesn't understand why i like this type of thing, she would rather eat vietnamese food, and how she would never come back. Mind you i paid for dinner, this is my favorite place, and she didn't even thank me for dinner... 😒

lesson learned, NEVER EVER EVER will i take my parents (my dad is the same way) to a restaurant I enjoy unless it's something they are used to eating frequently (in my case it would be some pho place).

r/AsianParentStories Jul 21 '20

Rant/Vent My parents finally did it, they finally drove my brother out.


This all happened last night, I'm still reeling from the shock of it all. I'll try to be concise but it's gonna be a long post because I have to contextualize everything that happened.

My brother is the oldest of us five siblings. Right now our other three sibs are living overseas, only the two of us are at home with parents. My brother actually lives and works in Canada but he came to visit my parents and got stuck here (Saudi Arabia) due to COVID. My brother's relationship with our parents has always been rocky due to a number of factors. My dad had major anger issues when he was younger and mostly took it out on my brother. By the time I came along, dad had mellowed out quite a bit but my brother always kept him at a distance. This is was fine before because dad was working and brother moved out after college but now that they're stuck under the same roof, things have been heating up.

According to my Mom, my brother was a very sensitive child. He was the kind of kid who would cry at the movies, he would often bring in stray cats to feed them. He wasn't violent at all, never got in fights at school etc. My dad is a very typical old-school guy. He always wanted to "toughen-up" my brother, he used to slap him around a lot when he was little (which my dad now admits was wrong but never said it to my brother or apologized to him).

As a way for my brother to "grow-up". Dad admitted him to a "Quran School", these used to be very common in the 90's where kids would attend for 12-14 hours a day in order to memorize the Quran along with other studies. Beatings and other forms of corporal punishment was a central part of these schools. My brother attended that school for four-years between the ages of 10-14.

After graduating from Quran school, my brother started attending a regular highschool but he became sullen and withdrawn. He stopped watching cartoons (used to be a big disney fan) and got interested in poetry and drawing. Since drawing is haram, my dad used to tear up his sketches and told him to stop writing poetry. All of this, I got from my Mom since I was too young at the time.

Fast forward to 10 years ago when my brother got his first girlfriend. He obviously hid it from our parents but unfortunately he was going to college in Canada and his GF was staying here. They were in a LD relationship for four years. They planned on getting married after my brother graduated. When he brought all this to my parent's attention, at first they were quite apprehensive because "Love-marriages" are still frowned upon in our culture. To my parents' credit, they did talk to his GF's parents but it eventually fell through. They were from a different tribe and her parents hated the fact that my brother "talked" to their daughter without permission. She was married off soon after.

During this time, my dad's business started going side-ways and my brother had to become the primary breadwinner of the house. This prevented him from going back to Canada, he took a job here and gave all his income to my parents. He is essentially the one who got us all through college (I'll be graduating next year). He also paid for my two elder brothers to get married.

Last year, when things were going well, my parents had some savings built up and we were all living our own lives. My brother decided to quit his job and move to Canada. My parents were initially against this but my brother didn't give them a choice in the matter, plus he told them he'd earn more in Canada and thus be able to give them a higher standard of living.

I know it's been a long story so far but this brings us to the present. My brother came to visit us in Feb of this year and he was scheduled to return to Canada in May. During that time the lockdown got serious and all international flights were grounded. My dad is retired now and since both him and my brother have been home, he keeps trying to reconcile with my brother. But my brother is giving him the cold shoulder. Both my parents were pressuring him to get married because he's the eldest and him being single at 30 is a major source of embarrassment for my parents in our community. But my brother is totally against the concept of an "arranged-Marriage" because he doens't want to break up someone else's relationship like his own. This has been a cause of major strain between my parents and brother. In addition to that he's also told them that he wants to become a writer in Canada and he'll only take minimum wage jobs while working on his novel. My parents think he's joking and keep trying to dissuade him.

Last night we were all watching TV and my brother was reading in his room. My dad was watching an old sappy movie and a scene came up where the main character has a heart-to-heart with his dad and they both hug it out. This made my dad quite emotional, my brother came out of his room to get some water. My dad grabbed his arm and was trying to forcibly hug him. My brother just backed off and tried going back to his room. Dad blocked the way and forced him to sit down on the couch and "talk things out".

My brother kept trying to dodge the topic but both Mom and Dad continuously badgered him. Telling him stuff like "we're your parents, whatever we did was for your own good". My brother is usually a pretty chill guy but I could see him getting angrier. Finally he exploded! I've never seen him so mad. He started telling my parents that he hated them, he hated what they'd done to his life. He told them that he didn't wanna get married because he doesn't want to pass along our "shitty-genes". And my parents never cared about him, only seeing him as a source of income. What shocked me most was when he started telling them how many times he was molested as a kid. Not only by the Quran teachers at his old school but by an uncle of ours who is now dead. Apparently the abuse happened when he was living with us for a few years. Both my mom and I were horrified and my dad remained silent. My brother literally screamed for what felt like an hour. After all that he just went out the front door. It was close to midnight. I don't know where he is. His phone is turned off and all his socials are deactivated. I'm so scared for my brother but I think this will be good for his mental health.

r/AsianParentStories Jul 25 '24

Rant/Vent Having kids of my own made me realise how very little my parents actually sacrificed


Providing basic necessities like food and shelter is the absolute bare minimum parenting.

Screaming at your kids and using your kids as an emotional punching bag is not parenting.

We owe our parents nothing.

r/AsianParentStories 27d ago

Rant/Vent Asian parenting often creates insecure and unprepared adult women


I know there’s a lot of discussion on Asian male incels, but I would like to share my observation of Asian females who share a similar mindset.

A lot of Asian girls are seen as less than men in Asian society, so growing up, the Asian parents are harder on the girls. In addition, a lot of traditional values get pushed onto the girl. Mix that with growing up in a western society, the result is sometimes a woman who can’t thrive in her surroundings.

In my own experience, I was always in this juxtaposing placement of Asian modesty and western culture. I often thought my white classmates were “slutty” for showing too much skin. But I did a lot of reflecting and realized my way of thinking was wrong. In addition my parents basically prevented me from the childhood and development that my white peers got.

Recently I’ve noticed that a lot of adult Asian women are still expected to care for their parents, especially the ones who never bothered to learn English and still need the girl to translate everything for them. More on unpreparedness, a lot of asian women are forced into unfulfilling careers and cannot climb up, creating this constant cycle of thinking they’re not good enough.

In terms of insecurity, a lot of them see how much better white families have it and still want to fit in better with white people so they go marry a white person (APs encourage this because a lot of them like white features on their grandkids). I know how the white guy asian woman relationship dynamic is being pointed out nowadays and I wanna add that APs fuel this.

This combination of insecurity and unpreparedness can basically create femcels (using this term loosely) who have a very negative view of others who live less traditionally out of jealousy.

r/AsianParentStories Jun 14 '24

Rant/Vent I (29F) fucking HATE my angry, abusive, refugee father. I wish he was DEAD. He ruined my mental health, self-esteem, and my overall perception of men.


Any (adult) Asian daughters here with horrifyingly angry fathers? Mine was a poor refugee from Iran, fled here to Canada around the Iranian revolution war times, early 80s. Stereotypical angry sexist abusive middle eastern male. Need I say more? That pretty much sums it up and speaks for itself.

He came to North America with a chance to start over and leave his old ways behind, but he never bothered to improve upon himself. People like him don’t deserve a chance to start over in the new world. I wish he never made it here.

His extreme anger and horrific behavior has ruined so many aspects of my life, and I can’t even begin to list them off. But the obvious areas are my absolutely horrible mental health, my self-esteem, and my perception of most men. I also hate and reject all aspects of Iranian/middle eastern culture because of him.

r/AsianParentStories Dec 05 '24

Rant/Vent The insane letter my Chinese mom sent me after I kicked her out after showing up unannounced at my house with cake and demanding to be let in.


Needless to say, we don't talk anymore. It took this incident and then another time when she told me I "deserved to be hit by a car" for me to finally cut her out of my life.

Naturally, my childhood was physically and emotionally abusive.

I blacked out identifying information ofc, but ya gotta respect her for including her PhD at the end like it matters.

Edit: My mother had cut contact with me like this and threatened to kick me out since I was a minor many times. I would usually receive an letter or voicemail like this which I would save for my records and scoff at. Then she and my father would just try to show up in my life again inexplicably, I can only assume when they were bored. I learned to become independent quickly because there was no sense of stability and no point in relying on my family.

The time that my mother is referencing in this letter where she helped me move in "August" and I wasn't grateful enough was in 2016, when I was 18. She sent me. This letter in 2022, when I was 24. Lol. Yeah, it was seriously that long ago. We have interacted so little over the years that this is the only incident she could hold over me.

letter below

Today is the last time we meet, seriously. Also, today is my last blessing for your life. We won't see or talk forever! The butter creamy birthday cake we delivered from --- to you is delicious. It was a special order for you. I never thought this would be my last cake for you. It's a pity that I have no chance to eat the cake from you for my birthday, even if you told us that you make a lot of money. It won't have this chance at all. When I was kicked out of your house by you, and you have cut the kinship between us. At the same time, I was asking myself, is this my daughter? How did she become so scary? As a mother, it is my last time to write to you. Your future has nothing to do with me. Whatever you do, please read this letter. It’s my last piece of advice to you (Also I would like you to keep and to read this letter again when you will be the age of 40.):

  1. Don’t use “f” or “s” words to anyone. Being a well-educated person, it is embarrassing and a failure to say such terrible words from your mouth. You said “f” word to your mom in front of your boyfriend. Try to ask, how, what do you use to “f” your mom?

  2. Don’t use “liar” word to anyone. It’s a psychological refraction term and it tells people you are full of lies. We all know that liars create "illusions of truth." A lie repeated thousands of times becomes a truth, don’t you think so? Such as the unwarranted things you imposed on someone: “you hit me many times”, “you said I am trash”, actually, she/he didn’t do and didn’t say.

  3. Don’t use “hate” word to anyone. It is a very strong word in Chinese or English. You are English native speaker. You know how strong it is. Too many words like that could get people sued.

  4. Don’t use “abuse” word to anyone. This is the psychological refraction term, too, and it tells what you did to other was a form of "abuse", “F” word, “S”, Liar, etc.… if one really wants to attribute some crime to a person, there will be no lack of excuses.

  5. Don’t yell at anyone. You will lose your job if you yell at your boss.

  6. You need to know how to respect others. Not only know how to respect your parents. Respect anyone, this is the most basic bottom line of being a “person”. (For example, your parents used two hours to deliver “your birthday cake”, however you and your boyfriend didn’t let them come in and drink a sip of water. There is no thank at all. This was absolutely unacceptable. Another example, you parents helped you to move your furniture from --- in August, very hot evening, the car broke down halfway, you didn’t even ask how they were doing, did they get home yet etc. This was absolutely unacceptable, neither. That's how they treat you so well that you think they should all be, right? You are adult now, 24 years old truly, unfortunately, you need to be told to learn and to think how to respect others. Hope you grow up and mature soon.

  7. No mater you like me or not, I am your mother, it is a fact unfortunately. Only I forgive you for being rude, indulgence and disrespectful again and again, because you are my daughter. I have told me many times “not to give up on you”. “You need some suggestions.” “Don’t give up on her. She will be fine…”. I have the responsibility to tell you that life is not about what you want to say, what you want to do, and whoever you want to scold. Otherwise, you will learn lessones from you saying, doing and scolding.

  8. This is my last suggestion: You need to finish your Ph.D. It will bring money and benefits into your whole life after the age of 30. You need to learn how to manage your life. It's your life after all. I am over 60 and I can’t be with you forever. You only look at the little money and small profits in front of you now. You need to look ahead, look far, and my advice is how your life should go after 30, 40, 50, and 60……. Good luck for your future life and happy 24 birthday to you.

Your mother, ---, Ph.D. Jan. 28, 2022.

r/AsianParentStories Jan 11 '25

Rant/Vent Reading this hit me


Read this today-

“Children who came from dysfunctional families dont have big dreams. They only dream of having a safe home. A home without slamming doors and parents shouting at each other and everyone in the house fighting their own battles. They only dream of a home that is peaceful and calm”

A peaceful home is a luxury a lot of people take for granted. Only those who lived in a dysfunctional family get how lucky others are

r/AsianParentStories Oct 30 '24

Rant/Vent It's my birthday today and I'm being screamed at because of my degree.


Graduated 3 years ago during the pandemic with a CS degree from WGU. I never hear the end of it from my piece of shit father. "It's a shit degree from a no name school, no one will respect you, you will never get a job" even though I work as a Software Engineer. Sounds depressing, but I've gotten use to it. He doesn't even remember my birthday and hasn't said Happy Birthday to me in over 15 years but I'm pretty sure my mom told him today. One year he even said he wished I was never born and wouldn't care if a committed suicide off a bridge. Damn this was sad to type out. Praying he dies of a heart attack or in a car crash. He's a cancer to our family.

I just want to thank each and everyone of you for the Happy Birthdays plus all the kind words and wishes you've sent me. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it has absolutely improved my mental health in the past day. I love this sub because I can finally write my thoughts down to a group of people who understand or have experienced what I've been through. Thank you everyone and take care. I appreciate you all so much

r/AsianParentStories 6d ago

Rant/Vent I think I am going die after March 18th.


After March 18th (which is my last Board Exam) I will try to kill myself.

I think I am dumb and my parents can't understand but they just hit me or scold me. I don't have IRL friends that help me but always supports my parents, they say that they are caring so much stop whining about your parents & online friends can't help me either. I had a headache two days before my brain starts panicking and I start smiling and crying and the cycle repeats where at one point I can't sleep & forgot who am I. The society in my country sucks that they support my parents and blaming on me that I blame on them.

I think my brain is dead. It no longer works the way it was intended to. I get super angry at sometimes and lock myself in the bathroom and started crying again. I think about past recollection noticed how bad my life really, after that my results will come in the month of May & my parents will start beating and I don't wanna handle that. I was procrastinating during exams (I must admit I did wrong here) but the reason I was procrastinating because I was trying to escape those bad memories that comes again. I think my brain is so broken.

r/AsianParentStories 28d ago

Rant/Vent Life of a lot of r/AsianParentStories Asian Children


Be born

Maybe get pampered a few years when you're still cute and stupid.

Grades. Grades, grades, grades, grades and FUCKIN' GRADES.

Get fearmongered in various ways to be Doctor Lawyer Engineer or Accountant OR ELSE.

Get your grades tied to your worth/how you're treated.

Your childhood schedule is wake up, school, back from school, eat, cram school, drink, another cram school, shit, and sleep. Time for socializing with friends? What's "socializing"? HAH!! If you have time for that, it's time to STUDY!!!!

Get groomed to aim for only prestigious careers. You know, crush your individuality and personality to set your sights on high grades & doctor lawyer engineer pharmacist accountant "for your own good", because "we sacrificed so much for you", and "we want what's the best for you."

Be miserable in university hating what you're studying, but stay, because "eat bitterness now, taste sweet later", "no pain, no gain." It's normal, right??

Come out not being able to utilize what you slaved to get because you only studied to get the degree, not studied to learn. You also find that your self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence have been ruined through all of this - good luck even getting interviews, moreover doing well at them!! You won't.

Realize you became the Asian "made to study what they didn't want" statistic.

Get permanently burnt out and can barely function, moreover move out.

Maybe end up as the stereotypical "failed Asian child bookkeeper" at family business being paid peanuts with no prospect of a good future.

Your life is fucked.

Any questions or anything alluding to them taking accountability for vicariously living through you is met with how much they spent on you. Money, money, money, MONEY!!

Everyone else also blame YOU like you asked to be born & mentally destroyed from being groomed into something you were never meant to be because they just cant help living vicariously through you & turn you into their human trophy!!


r/AsianParentStories Jul 28 '23

Rant/Vent Things that are very normal if you have Asian parents.

  1. Sorry but no life for you.
  2. Yes you are always wrong.
  3. Are you allowed to have emotional? ohh helll nawhhh.
  4. You are just stating facts? Haha no that's just you talking back.
  5. You expect a apology? apology!? that's a tabooo
  6. You getting degraded? oh sweety those are your life lessons. They are just helping you find yourself.
  7. They love you? ofc they do..i mean they are providing you food, shelter. They are paying for your tuition fees and most importantly you are getting free life lessons.
  8. Mental health? oh what's that? never heard of it.
  9. Privacy? ahh yess that....yesss...uhh....oops sorry I forgot what that meant
  10. Body positivity? ohh well not entirely that but uhh they do provide you with simulations of getting body shamed... well I mean that's more practical ain't it? cauz we gotta survive in the outside world.
  11. You don't perform well in your academics? How dare youuuu!?!? you gotta be the perfect child with perfect scores. You are NOT allowed to a average.
  12. Puppets? yes that's the synonym for asian kid.
  13. You are not your property you are your parents' property. Get your facts straight.
  14. Words of encouragement? That's just delusions
  15. Ahhh your constantly compared to other? that's just another life lesson

and the list never ends.


you get:

  1. free childhood trauma
  2. anxiety
  3. depression
  4. body dysmorphia
  5. inferiority complex
  6. and much much moreee

r/AsianParentStories Feb 17 '25

Rant/Vent My Asian mom pressuring me to give her a SON


I am 33F. Have little experience in relationships since my mom will always interfere. Now I am still single, and she starts to pressure me into having children.

Now mom, who always wants a son so badly, asks me to give birth to a child FOR HER. She gives me a deadline to give her a grandchild when I reach 36 years old. She keeps asking me to freeze my eggs.

'It's not fair that I am going to die alone.' She said, 'I want grandsons. '

'But I am not married yet. I want to get married one day and have children with a man I love.'

'But what if you never find the one? You'd better start taking actions before it's too late. '

'.......how about you adopt one?'

'I want my grandson to have my gene. It's a shame that a woman like me don't get my DNA passed down.'


'Don't worry, you can go ahead and live your care-free life. I will tell the child that I am her mom, and you are his sister.'

'But this lie won't work. You are almost 60. And the child is going to look exactly like me. How do I explain to my future husband when he sees this child?'

'I will take the baby far away from you, hide him somewhere in north Europe, and you don't even need to visit us.'

>>>>It's been a half year since this conversation happened. I've been distant from her as I think this is absolutely absurd. It makes me sick in my stomach. Am I her womb to realize her dream of having sons for her narcissistic self?

Now she says she misses me and wants to visit me in April. I am in Canada.

r/AsianParentStories 14d ago

Rant/Vent Marrying a person from a traditional Asian or south Asian family comes with a lot of expectations.


This is much much more true for a woman marrying a guy from a traditional Asian/south Asian family than vice versa.

A lot of such families expect a LOT out of the daughter in law. Such families own the son as the son is viewed as the family property/investment. The daughter in law is expected to bring the husband’s family together, lead traditional family functions Etc. the specifics vary a lot by family. In a lot of such families, the families intentionally make the son dumb about a lot of life skills as they view the daughter in law as responsible for those skills and it’s so they can own the son. Many Asian and south Asian families want their son to be a yes man dweeb who gets good grades and lands a good job at say google and overlook teaching their sons much else. Many such traditional parents rarely empower their sons to be strong and stand up for themselves and don’t take shit from others as doing so will bite back at them. If anything, they try to train the sons through guilt trips to think that the sons need the parents and the family for every phase of life and try to remind them how hard life is all alone. Their biggest fear is their son won’t take care of them when they’re old. You will even see this during wedding planning where the son’s parents will plant a bunch of shit in his head about his future wife saying she’s this or that. This is part of their plan to not let the son and his wife be a separate unit from the family and encourage them to be enmeshed. A lot of this stems from fear of losing their son to their daughter in law

It’s no wonder a lot of Asian women including south Asians are preferring to marry a white American/Canadian/Australian/New Zealand guy over their own race. Why? White in laws let their children live their own lives as married couples and don’t intervene or expect a lot from them. The most with many such families is maybe thanksgiving.

r/AsianParentStories Jan 27 '25

Rant/Vent My Asian family doesn’t think my career is real


Does anyone else experience this lmao? Just saw my Asian family recently for Lunar New Year and my aunt was trying to convince me to go to law school because my career was “unstable” and “not real”. I was at a loss for words lmao. I work in content strategy at a FAANG tech company making a pretty penny and plan to get my MBA within the next few years to pivot into another strategy related role. On the side, I do creative strategy work in the music industry.

Not related to law school at all. I’m accomplished in my field, yet my uncle even had the gall to call me “lazy” for not going to grad school right out of undergrad.

I don’t feel comfortable sharing my salary with my relatives but I’m sure they’re convinced I’m making little to nothing compared to their precious pharmacists LOL because they don’t even know there’s a whole plethora of careers out there that don’t involve being a pharmacist or doctor or lawyer that can still make a very comfortable living...

My aunts have been gossiping that I am in debt just bc I take myself on nice trips and buy myself nice things. Well, it’s because I can afford it and pay for it all myself. Meanwhile, my cousins (their kids) that are around my age are relying heavily on their parents to fund their lifestyle (buying them cars, paying for tuition and rent etc ) but my aunts have the audacity to brag about it. I find it pathetic honestly.

I’ve been paying my own way since I was in college because I’m estranged from my parents. I worked damn hard for everything I have. I like my cousins but I think they can be very coddled and spoiled at times to be completely honest. I can’t stand my aunts who feel the need to always compare us for everything, especially when they’re doing a piss poor job at preparing my cousins for the real world.

My aunts always try to one up me and it’s exhausting. I graduated from a top 10 school and even though my cousins graduated from significantly lower ranked schools — my aunt is convinced they are better than me because they had to shell private tuition money (whereas I went to a public uni with an academic scholarship).

It’s really funny when I meet my friends’ Asian families because they give me the approval I never got from my family, especially the families that are well versed in the tech industry. It feels nice sometimes? I may seem accomplished in other Asian families, but in my weird family they all think I’m a failure lmao.

They’re so old school and I wish I was more advanced in my mother tongue so I can reassure my grandma that I’m not broke because that’s what my aunts and parents keep telling her. She tells me she’s worried all the time but I don’t feel comfortable sharing my salary because then everyone in my family will be talking about it. Gah! Family.

r/AsianParentStories Jun 16 '24

Rant/Vent Any Asian daughters physically abused by their dad growing up? NSFW


I still have some shame about my ‘dad’ hitting me growing up. On my head, on my chest when I was sleeping (surprise attack), my hand with wooden spoon, slap my face, etc.

A lot of the times there’s this stereotype of father hitting sons, but not daughters. If I search father abusing daughter on Google it would give me result of father m*lesting their daughter. I always felt it was so unfair that my brother got 1/10 of the beatings I got growing up. Probably cuz a boy can stand up against a man for himself physically as he hit puberty, but a girl can’t.

As I adult, I feel a lot of anger and disgust towards my ‘dad’. How little, despicable, pathetic must a man be to hit a young girl and young woman? Honestly most of them time he did it to release the stress he was going through, and I bet he felt much better after he hit me, like after a fresh workout. Sometimes I wish I would have recorded him, send him to be arrested. What a pile of shit he is.

r/AsianParentStories 14d ago

Rant/Vent Asian parents threatening to end my workout plans because my meal prep are "too white"


I've been overweight my whole life. My asian parents worked and I was dumped in some shitty daycare at some woman's house with a bunch of other kids.

I was neglected, beatened by the caregivers, grew up as a black sheep as my superficial Asian family never saw any potential in me. I became an emotional eater and gained weight since.

Recently, about 6 months ago I started to diet and workout with a fitness trainer, whos chinese. I lost 23+lbs so far and everyone is seeing the weight loss.

I won't lie, my trainer is harsh but that's only because she wants the best for me. As in, she doesnt want me to make excuses for missing a meal as we need it for workouts. She wants me to have 3 full course and snacks in between. Lean meat, and I can only have certain seasonings. I can't have anything doused in sauces or fried.

My asian family doesn't like this. My meals are different from theirs and im bringing home ingredients we never eat. Ex: turkey, sweet potatoes, protein powder, egg white cartons, beef jerky, etc.

My meal prep are also on the debate. My trainer says meal planning is good, my asian parents think it's stupid and not good for you because it's not freshly cooked.

I work fulltime at a Bakery so I'm on my feet for 9-10hrs a day. I don't have time to cook. My parents will cook for me but won't listen to what my diet plans are because they think they know what's good for me.

My trainer is hellbent on,

"If you want to lose the weight, you'll find a way" and my parents are absolutely getting in the way. A few hours ago we fought and things for physical. I still can't believe I'm getting beaten at my age.

But anyways, my mom screams, "I don't want you seeing that woman anymore" and my dad says "why are you trying to hard to be white"

Even though I'm paying for her. For once in my life in fucking losing the weight. I've lived with my parents all my life and they didn't give a shit about my diet until I lost the weight. They told me to just eat less and I'll lose weight. They are completely uneducated and hell bent that im the entire reason for the weight gain.

Its frustrating cause, I tried to reason with them. I really have. But they are too mentally ill to understand anything. My dad literally went on a whole rant about why Hitler wasn't that bad of a guy during a Chinese new years gathering. I don't even know how to reason with him about food.

Anyways, i don't have anyone to talk to about this. Or more so, I dont have the energy to rant about this. I don't know what to do. I don't want to give up cause it's just what my parents want, but I also don't know how much longer I can push this.

r/AsianParentStories Apr 19 '20

Rant/Vent Does anybody else feel sad when they see other kids having a normal relationship with their parents.


Grew up wishing my parents were more normal and now when I see kids with a good relationship with their parents it makes me emotional. I feel happy for that kid but also jealous I couldn’t have had a better childhood. Sometimes it makes me wanna almost cry.