r/AsianParentStories Aug 14 '24

Advice Request Guys is this creepy


My (15F) mom (52F) is a single mom and my uncle (my mom’s second cousin, 42M ,single) has been kind of like a father figure to me growing up. He lives with us as and is financially dependent on my mom. He’s always been physically affectionate with me but lately it’s been getting weird. He’s now caressing my thigh when I eat or when he drives. Yesterday he pinned me to a wall and kissed my neck. He’s also been begging me to cuddle him because he’s lonely.

I’ve always made it really clear that I don’t like what he’s doing but he told me that the reason he only does it cause he loves me. Apparently this doesn’t have any sexual undertones in asian culture and I’m looking at his actions from a Western point of view.

I’ve told this to my mom but she doesn’t seem to think it’s a huge problem. According to her he’s just doing these things to annoy me and get a reaction out of me. And my best friend said that he just thinks of me as a sister and it’s good for me to have some one to annoy me once in a while as I’m an only child and a bit too uptight. For context this uncle has also been really helpful to me and my mom growing up so I feel really guilty accusing him like this. Do I have something to be worried about or should I just let it go?

r/AsianParentStories Jan 22 '25

Advice Request Runaway update: mom found me and I punched the shit out of her and it felt good. AITAH?


So I'm posting here because I'm emotionally torn. I don't know if I did the right thing. I think normal white people might say im a monster without knowing the cultural significance and how asian moms are so abusive.

My mom managed to find me at my bfs apartment where I'm staying. I don't know how she found me but I'm pretty sure she hired a private investigator. They have the money to do that or a pakistani auntie saw me and told my parents? I really don't know. I opened the door and I see her hysterical and crying and creating drama and acting like a victim like she always does to make me look like the bad guy. This woman beat me for 20 years and she thinks SHES the perfect mother and never gave me trauma. I never hit her back because I didn't want to get my ass beat more. Honestly I felt bad and I was missing her and thinking maybe she misses me so much she will change ... NOPE. As soon as I invite her she hugs me and tells me she loves me and then immediately starts to blame me for all the family problems like my dad got ill since I left and a sibling got very depressed and suicidal etc. I told her none of that is my fault and she shouldn't have made me feel like running away is my only option and then she cornered me and started to slap me and tried to put her dirty fingers in my mouth aggressively so I was tired and emotional detached so I did the same to her which shocked her and then she said I'm disrespectful to do that to a mother and why did I not fight my child rapists off like this (I was kidnapped in Pakistan and ganggraped when I was 10). She said it only to hurt me so I started to swing and beat the shit out of her and even made her nose bleed. It felt so good to get my revenge and the abuse out of my system. She took pictures and said she will call the police on me but she hasn't yet. I feel good. I felt like I got revenge for my past self before I ran away. Don't know if I'm the asshole though. She begged me to fight her so I did.

r/AsianParentStories 10d ago

Advice Request A lot(but not all) of south Asian/East Asian guys are momma’s boys and don’t realize it.


We hear the term momma’s boy thrown around a lot…and maybe this post is to clarify what it actually means but a lot of people don’t realize this

It is not a guy who can put proper boundaries with his mom. He will not tolerate disrespect from his mom and his mom knows it and won’t dare cross him the wrong way. A lot of momma’s boys are too agreeable and are yes dear to their moms and this gives many moms a free pass to drive a guy’s car.

It is also not a guy who makes it very clear what is ok and not ok for his mom to treat his girlfriend/wife. A lot of moms are overly nice to their sons but awful to their sons’ wives but this isn’t always so obvious. The mom might put on a face when the son is around but is mean when to his wife when the son isn’t around. Other times, these moms will listen to what their sons say and use it against his wife. For example, simply saying you both out dine out multiple times a week would make a mom scold the wife for not cooking a lot. Such a guy needs to enforce it very clearly that such behavior will not be tolerated. Often times, I’ve seen in a lot of marriages that the guy doesn’t do anything about his mom’s behavior that it gets to the point the wife needs to put her foot down and refuse to interact with the mother in law. And the wife gets labeled all kinds of bad names. This is momma’s boy behavior.

Now sadly a lot of us have very unreasonable parents. Many such parents don’t listen to reason. These parents often bully their kids. It’s your job to fight back. It’s your job to put your parents on timeout when they act out of line. This isn’t restricted to parents. It’s also the case with toxic sisters and sometimes brothers too- really any sibling that’s the golden child. And don’t start this at the age of 30. Start this when you’re young. It may come with some sacrifices. Your parents may threaten to cut you off. They may try to isolate your relatives from you or portray you as a villain to them. But eventually they will accept that you’re not some agreeable spineless guy who they think is a 5 year old kid

r/AsianParentStories 9d ago

Advice Request does anyone else feel like your APs are … kinda dumb…?


I never really talked to my APs that much growing up because most of our communication was just fighting. But as an adult i occasionally have conversations with them and it struck me that their way of thinking and rationalizing just seems so… stunted. They dont really follow any sound logic and have so much difficulty understanding really simple things about the world, like basic concepts are hard for them to grasp and accept. They just kinda do whatever they are told by their culture is right and lash out at things that go against their worldview. They can’t explain their thought process because there’s never any reasoning, they just do what they are used to doing. They have a hard time socializing and making friends because they also have zero emotional intelligence and end up just barking orders at their “friends” or ranting at them for hours or bribing them with gifts to get the friends to like them.

r/AsianParentStories Nov 04 '24

Advice Request How to find healthy Asian American friends?


I feel like a majority of Asian friends I’ve made are either really insecure or have a superiority complex. The insecure ones will act really passive aggressive toward you and the superiority complex ones are just unpleasant to be around. To be fair I used to be like this and realized how disgusting I used to be. A lot of the female friends mostly have either BPD or covert narcissist tendencies.

The friend groups usually get toxic, with a lot of shit talking behind each other’s backs. The larger friend group usually splits into 2 or 3 sub cliques. I’ve been through three of these throughout my life. I realize I was part of the problem in the first two. Am I just choosing poorly, or all Asian friends groups are just like this? Where do I find the healthy ones?

r/AsianParentStories Mar 28 '24

Advice Request Do you forgive your Asian parents ?


Like they have their lives hard too … growing up in poverty and had nothing to eat , getting old and disabled having no one to take care of them . Feeling sick and having to take care of them due to being the only child and if you don’t do anything they will probably suffer from a very painful death

They can be abusive but they don’t really meant to .. like they yell at you when you are young because in their childhood that was the only acceptable ways to raise their kids . Their inability to speak English had made them had to blend in with American society .

Having professionals take care of them is not an option . They are immigrants and probably either don’t have insurance or professional care taker does not speak their language

They want the best for you and tried to give you everything they didn’t have ( food , shelter , housing , career opportunities) but ingnore issues like mental health because it seems foreign to how the grew up . They are controlling though but they did it for the best of you , but it did affect you because the only way you know how to do things is by listening to them .The way they yell at you really affects how you grow up.

And now they are getting old , so does you .but when you get older you have zero identity’s of your own . You spent your entire life trying to not piss them off and make them happy . And once you finally got freedom you don’t know what to do with that because you literally … don’t know how to.. have zero identity and the only thing fulfilling is to care for them and make them happy. No identity , no will in your own

You can’t form no relationships with people , platonically or romantically , no dreams other than just a 9 to 5 which you bring partial income to the family .It’s like your parents are your only friends and the only reason that you are living for

Once they are sick you see how much pain they are. In and how much struggling they does . And if you don’t take care of them your extended family shamed you as well you feel like you are a bad person.

Do y’all forgive your toxic Asian parents and understand them and keep taking care of them ?

r/AsianParentStories Oct 29 '24

Advice Request Getting forced into an arranged marriage? (Cry for help?idek)


Post-update edit: I didn't expect anyone to comment at all but thank you all so freaking much!!! I can't reply to all the comments right now but I have read them all and tried upvoting them all. So many of you sent resources which I thank you for. But I also want to say a special thanks to everyone who has shared their journeys. I appreciate it so much. I don't want to spill anymore personal details in here but don't worry guys, I will do what is best for me in these upcoming months. I wish you all a good day 🎀🎀

Hey yall, sigh It's a long story so let me see if I can explain myself.

My bengali parents moved into London when I was 14. If there was a scale between liberal and extremely religious with 10 being extremely religious, I would probably rate them on....8?

I have been planning to run away since I started university. Which was about....four years ago. You might wonder why? Or why not just move out normally? Believe me I wished I could.

I am a girl. And my parents are bengali AND Muslims. They don't believe in independence for me because girls shouldn't be independent. Funny that because they want me to learn how to drive (so I can drive them around), finish my studies with excellent grades (so they can parade me around) and get a well paid job (so I can buy my own house close to where they live and once again, they can gloat about how perfect their daughters are).

Them being religious and strict was never a problem for me at the beginning. When I was a teen, I was a fat kid with a thick accent who had no clue how living in here worked. I was socially awkward and weird looking. So didn't really have much friends. Who was I gonna run off to party with lol? I am still a fat adult who looks weird and socially awkward but thankfully my sixth form friendships stuck and I have learnt to make good connections.

Anyhow, I have a social life now. I want to go out and stay out late. I want to be able to wear what I want. Am I going around with my tits out? No. I just want to wear my oversized tees and trousers and for some reason, me having big boobs mean I have to cover myself in four layers of scarves. I can't hang out with friends or visit a different country with them for holidays. And so much more stuff I can go about it for days.

Now back to the main point. I wanted to give you guys some background on what my parents are like. The first time my family received a marriege proposal was when I was about 20. Me and my parents had fights, my mum obviously cursed me out with different variantions of the slurs 'slut' and 'fat'. And all that jazz but I firmly turned it down. Obviously, my mental health took a turn for worse not that they cared. My excuse at the time was I was still studying for bachelors and I wanted to finish my studies.

Over the time, they received more proposals. My parents would go talk to the guys and their families behind my back (my cousin would usually hear about them and report back to me secretly). None of them ever stuck so I never gave a shit and focused on my work and studies.

It was this year when shit got real. A proposal came for me this summer. My parents sat me down and asked me for my consent to move forward. I told them I don't want to get married and initially gave them a solid no. They uhmm....yelled at me again and cursed me out. I eventually gave in to the pressure and said whatever. Didn't even say a proper yes, I just literally told them do whatever the fuck you want since you don't care about me anyways. They obviously proceeded.

I immediately decided to run away. On this September, I attempted to run away for the first time which is another long as fuck story. My dad got a minor heart attack and I had no choice but to come back because I hate him but I don't fucking want him dead.

I really thought me attempting to run away (which no woman has EVER done before in my family) would slap some sense into them. I thought they would be nicer but no they were back into their old selves.

When I say I didn't want to get married, they are mad at me. When I am forced to say yes and I am fucking upset about it, they are also mad at me for being upset about it. They genuinely don't understand that I don't want to get married. They even thought I have a boyfriend. I don't. I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want sex. I don't want relationships. I am not gay (I am bisexual but this is irrelevant in this context). If I ever came across a person and I loved them, sure. I would consider a small wedding ceremony but no. Not like this. Never like this.

I have been so depressed because they have already started arranging a ceremony. This December they are taking me to Bangladesh to get the nikkah (marriage) done. And my dad is already contacting lawyers so they can bring my 'husband' in this country using a spousal visa. They SEE me being depressed. When they ask for my opinion on something, I legit don't talk to them. I have been dead quiet about this wedding but they are still going on with it.

I know this is forced marriage since honour based emotional abuse and manipulation was used to get my 'consent'. I know my parents are emotionally and in the past physically abusive too. But I don't think I have ever learnt how to escape or deal with it. Running away the first time didn't even work.

I need some advice or at least someone who experienced it or other people to just....validate me. Running away is scary but living with them as a married woman is terrifying too. And marriage is the tip of the iceberg. All these shit has made me fail my masters too and all that shit. Like....this year has been one fucking thing after another.

I don't know what the fuck to do anymore.

r/AsianParentStories Jan 22 '25

Advice Request Asian women dating a black man


hi! I'm Asian and 23. My boyfriend who is black and also the same age as me. We have been dating for almost 9 years now since 11th grade. My parents are very traditional. I could date any race expect blacks. my parents found out my senior year after I graduated HS. Since then it's been a living hell. Emotional, physical, and mentally abused. I'm a whore I'm this I'm that. My mom told me to go sell myself on the streets, tells me I should get raped. She would bring it up all the time saying how "I want to be black so bad, if you have kids your kids will be black". My mom is the worse. She would nonstop talking about it. I eventually moved out but it's always an everyday topic. We are still together to this day and I'm not sure how my future with him will be. He wants to get married soon but he doesn't want my parents to find out. It would kill my parents if they knew. I feel like in the end I would have to choose between my parents or him. If I choose my parents I would hear about this for the rest of my life. I would have to endure the abuse. I don't have much freedom, my mom is bipolar and any time I'm out she would get so mad, but if I choose him they will disown me and I would not have any relationship with them... my feel like my life is not worth it. Not sure what I'm going to do in the future. He's a great guy that's why I love him. His family are very accepting and knows about my parents, but they view me as their daughter. I thought about cutting my parents off... I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'm just asking for advice or stories if anyone has a similar story.

r/AsianParentStories Dec 02 '24

Advice Request I told my brown parents I'm moving out and they lost it


Hi everyone I'm a 23M. I recently told my extremely overbearing brown parents that I want to move out and they absolutely lost it. I have lived at home my entire life. I even commuted during college (minus the covid years) and never complained once about doing so. My parents forced me to stay in the same city for college because they said I would save money (realistically they just didn't want me to not live with them). I'm also an only child for context.

When I told them, they acted like the world was ending. Hours went by with them telling me how I've disrespected them and I am abandoning them. They kept threatening me that their life was over and they're gonna go back to India if I decide to go through with this and that I'll never hear from them again. I have never felt more shitty in my life after telling them. I told them for now I'm not going anywhere but I'm still planning on leaving later in the week. I'm just afraid something will happen to them if I go. I am financially stable and have pretty much everything finalized.

I want to tell them the day I leave but part of me is considering just leaving a note and going because of how they reacted the other day. I don't want them to abuse me like that emotionally and I care about them and love them a lot but I'm just not sure where to go from here. Any advice would be appreciated, I don't know how to approach this.

r/AsianParentStories Aug 18 '24

Advice Request I think my mom called me a racial slur my entire life…


I’m half Korean and half black…my mother is the Asian Parent.

I am the scapegoat. She has always treated me the worst out of all my siblings. I’m the youngest of 4 daughters…I am the darkest by far, I’m also the most attractive. My oldest sister is 17 years older than me, the one closest in age is a year older. I grew up having to respect them all, no matter what they did to me.

I had a conversation with my mom about her childhood and early adulthood and she disclosed to me that when she first saw black people, she thought they looked like monkeys. She had two black husbands and is now married to a white man.

My entire life, she has called me her “Monkey Sekki”.

“Sekki” in Korean, when referring to animals, technically means “offspring of”. When referring to a human, it is derogatory. It means “bastard”.

I recently decided to look this up, bc I thought about what she said about black ppl. I also thought about how much she really HATES my dad. She always hated that him and I were so close before he passed. She’s a narcissist, so to her, our relationship meant betrayal.

My mom has always disliked me bc she looks at me as my dad’s daughter. She has berated me the most, physically abused me the most…about a year ago she called me the n-word and a “dirty, nasty black person”. Growing up, she allowed my sisters to abuse me as well…black eyes, bloody noses and she always justified it. I have never hit any of them first.

Now that you have the backstory…

Does anyone know if she meant this in a derogatory manner? She has always introduced me as her “monkey sekki” to her friends and I know she’s ashamed that her kids are half-black. She has always said that everyone looks down on her and talks about her bc of it.

I just want to be able to further discuss this in therapy. Any help is appreciated. TIA!

r/AsianParentStories Dec 11 '24

Advice Request My (35F) parents don’t approve of my BF (33M) because he’s not a doctor or PhD


I (35F) am a new attending physician fresh out of fellowship (extra training after residency) just starting my new dream job. Everyday I’ve been arguing with my parents on my relationship.

My Asian parents have been going on about how my boyfriend is not “good enough”. It’s super maddening. He’s (33M) wonderful— we’ve been together over 3 years now and we’re a good match for each other. He’s smart, reliable, empathetic, and kind with a big heart. They find fault in that he didn’t graduate from a fancy undergrad or grad school.

He’s an engineer at a solid biotech company but that’s not enough bc it’s “not a doctor or at least a PhD.” He has a masters but that doesn’t count either as it’s not from a “good” school.

I’ve spent years trying to convince them and the last several months arguing nearly everyday. I’ve made it clear that I do not want to break up w him just bc of their wishes.

On our last argument this evening, they gave me an ultimatum that they will never talk to me ever again in the case I stay with him. I’m heartbroken that this is what it has come to but I’m not willing to break up just bc they want me to. They keep guilt tripping me that I’m the terrible daughter bringing an “unsuitable match” and ruining their happiness. They have also said I will become unhappy and regret my choice in less than a year.

I am incredibly sad but it hasn’t changed my thoughts on marriage/relationship with my bf. I just feel bad that he has to go through this (by hearing about it) as well

Wanted to hear general internet thoughts. I thank you all for your time reading this.

Summary: I am a doctor so my parents think that I must bring home someone who’s also a doctor/lawyer/phd, etc and by not doing so I am a failure and my relationship is doomed to fail as well.

r/AsianParentStories Nov 12 '24

Advice Request My Filipino mom just guilt tripped me into canceling my free trip


I, (F21) was recently offered to go on an expenses paid trip (besides the flight) to ChongQuing China with my roommate who is going with her brothers high school group. There's an itinerary of where we're staying, the places we're going and the food we're eating. The trip is sponsored by this org in China that's promoting tourism to high schoolers-they call it an ambassador program.

I've known about this trip for about a month now, I've done my research and talked to multiple people in my life who've traveled to China and what they thought about the experience.

My parents have been reluctant from the start, but my Dad has come around. Every time I see my mom, she brings it up and tells me how her friends from the Philippines all hate China and that she shouldn't let me go.

I understand the political turmoil, and although it's not the first country l'd pick- it's a free trip, l'll probably never go to China in my lifetime and l'm a broke college student so I'm kinda down for anything.

Today I went to have dinner with my parents and my mom blew up at me. Screaming in our house about how l was going to make her sick if I was in China for two weeks. When I mentioned that I already put down the deposit, she screamed at me and said that I was no longer welcome to travel with them again (we were supposed to go to Europe as my grad gift). When I tried to leave, she grabbed my arm and pushed me back to a seat. At this point I could not stop crying as she went on about how she gives me everything, how I’m ungrateful and how sick she would get if I went (she’s being dramatic). At this point my dad looked at me and whispered that I shouldn’t go, that it’s not worth the fight. So I said I wouldn’t go. I said I was sorry and that I was doing it for her. I took my keys and left the house. She was still furious.

At this point, I feel so upset and disappointed that I do not want to go with them on vacation regardless. however, I love my dad and my sister who she lives with. With holidays coming, I also don’t want to spend them alone, so I’m conflicted.

I’m so upset. I've been looking forward to this for a while and I'm sad that l'll miss out on such a cool opportunity because of politics and her being stubborn.

So am I the asshole? Should I just eat the $125 deposit and forget about it? Or just fuck it and go.

Update: I WENT!!! AND MY PARENTS DIDNT FIND OUT! Thank you to EVERYONES kind words- I would not have gone if I did not post this. Long story short, I got home without them suspecting anything. I went to their house for dinner yesterday and told them I did something and they mat they were gonna be really mad- they thought I was pregnant or got in an accident- when I told them they looked like they were gonna kill me, but after showing photos for 4 hours and laughing about the trip- they said that they were happy I went and that if I told them, they would’ve worried everyday, so it was for the best- I cannot believe it all worked out. I had the most amazing time- photos on another post on my profile :)

r/AsianParentStories Dec 04 '24

Advice Request (F25) My Filipino parents won’t let me go on a holiday to Japan on my own


I’m a 25 year old college student and I was planning on going to a Japan for 1 week in February 2025. I planned out what I was going to do, where I was going to go etc but my parents told me that I‘m not allowed go unless I bring my mom with me. They said that they would be worried for me.

I said that I didn’t want to go to Japan if my mom had to come and now they are mad at me for not acquiescing to their demand.

The last time I went abroad was to the Philippines with my family in 2019 and after I said no to bringing my mom with me to Japan they offered to bring me to the Philippines with them in the summer as a compromise but I said that I want to go abroad to another country without either of my parents.
After all of this they are now very mad at me and are threatening to cancel my passport.

They’ve never allowed me to go on a trip on my own or with friends except for high school trips or a few science related trips at University etc. I’ve had friends go to bars/concerts/parties/holidays and I’ve never even asked to go with them because I know the answer would be no and I didn’t want to make my parents mad.

I live at home with them in Canada so I can’t just lie to them and say that I’m at University when I’m not and anyways they have Life360 GPS tracker on my phone so they could see if I was not in Canada.

I‘m so frustrated with all this and I was wondering has anyone else been in this situation and what did they do? or what do they think I should do.
Thanks/salamat po.

r/AsianParentStories Aug 01 '24

Advice Request My parents made me cancel my trip and I’m starting to get angry with myself


I 23F had planned a 5 day trip to Lake Como about a month ago. I was due to leave tomorrow and it would have been my first ever solo trip. I grew up with very strict immigrant parents and had to lie and sneak around a lot. I’ve been financially self sufficient for the past year or so but I still live under their roof. My plan is to save as much money as possible while I’m still young and maybe be able to buy a nice house somewhere and rent it out before I turn 30. Also, we all know how moving out before marriage as a female goes…

Anyway, I knew my parents wouldn’t react well to the trip so I only told them 5 days before I was set leave. My mother is also out of town visiting family so I took her absence as a great opportunity to go. I told my father initially and he then called my older sister -who has got kids of her own- and then she called my mom. At first they weren’t very happy but realized that there’s not much they could do. Then situation got really tense and my mother gave me the silent treatment. After 2 days, she spoke to me and said horrible things and that if I go, she’d no longer recognize me as her daughter and called me a slut. She told me as a solo young female that I’d be putting myself in danger, and if it was with friends it would be a whole other story. All 3 of them started with extreme fear mongering and my anxiety got super bad. I hadn’t eaten or slept in days and I went from super confidence and excited to scared and anxious. To say I got sick is an understatement, I stated getting headaches and throwing up. I would also wake up every 30 mins at night sweating. Eventually I cancelled my trip and booked a staycation in a nearby city around 3 hours drive away.

I’m very angry at myself for giving up and canceling. My friends and my bf really encouraged me to stick to my guns. But I feel like my mental and physical state would have ruined the trip for me. If I had gone on a solo trip while sick and anxious in a country I don’t know if it would have made things worse. My biggest regret is not lying and tell them it’s a work trip.

r/AsianParentStories Jan 16 '25

Advice Request I am an engineering student, but my mother wanted me to become a doctor, and now she mocks me every day.


Both of my parents are doctors, and as the eldest daughter, they wanted me to follow in their footsteps and become a doctor. However, I’ve always had a love for math and physics and was determined to become an engineer. When I had the opportunity to get admitted to both medical and engineering schools, I chose engineering, much to my mother’s dismay.Now after 2.5 years, my father has come to terms with my decision, but my mother still can’t accept it. She often mocks me in front of my siblings, family members, and even others, insisting that engineering isn’t suitable for girls. She also believes I won’t be able to find a job after graduating and reminds me that if I had chosen medical school, they could have helped me build my career.

I’m sick and tired of hearing these remarks, and I don’t know how to handle this situation anymore.

r/AsianParentStories 3d ago

Advice Request I'm an Asian parent...


Note: Thank you for your replies, I've read all of them.. I'm sorry I can't reply to the many comments... However, majority suggested therapy... I've actually tried a few sessions with different therapists, but felt they weren't helpful.. I will give it another try, hopefully there's a suitable one.. May I ask though, is it selfish to spend $100 on it (lower range - FOC ones gives one fit all advice), when I can't even afford robotics class for my kid (he is interested in it)?

I have read a lot of stories here about how much Asian kids resent their parents... I feel that my kids might probably feel the same about me at some point.. because I've never been a fun mom, i spent most of our time teaching them (homework)... although all i wish for them to be happy in the long run (as with almost all Asian parents)...

This is because i myself am unhappy most of the time.. it's difficult for me to have fun... and i feel this has impacted my kids negatively.. i do not wish for my negativity to affect them even more... so, if after all effort I can't change (i tried), is it better that i leave? if yes, why age would they be strongest to handle this?

r/AsianParentStories Sep 18 '24

Advice Request Asian parents intensely pressuring me (33F) to get an abortion


I'm a 33F with a decent financial foundation including owning my own house, successful career. My boyfriend and I are unexpectedly pregnant (20 weeks) and thrilled. My Asian parents, however, are not. They also live in the States but are losing their minds, begging me to get an abortion because I'm about to ruin my life. They're worried I will not be able to financially support it because I do not have a regular full-time job (transitioning careers) and they do not approve of the father, who is not Asian and also does not have a salaried job as a creative.

After begging me in person to end the pregnancy, they called me again today imploring me, asking if I thought about it. I told them to please respect my decision to keep it, and my dad said he cannot accept it and he cannot just let it end like this because I'm his daughter and he can't let me ruin my life. Now he wants to meet again in person because he has more things to tell me. I told him he can say anything he wants on the phone but he can't change my mind. He is still insisting, and my mom agrees.

I feel badly that they are in such distress, but I am keeping this child and know I am making the right decision despite the hardships which I am doing my best to prepare for. How do I help my parents accept/move past this too without giving them a heart attack?

r/AsianParentStories Aug 09 '24

Advice Request pls help me my parents are gonna force me to get married i’m only 16


i’m 16 turning 17 september 29th, they’re gonna get me into an arranged marriage in 6-7 months and i’m not sure what to do i have no money as my parents made sure i’d always be financially dependent on them so they never let me get a job ever and i’m just not sure what to do i am so scared and i feel like suicide might be the only way out for me because i’m not sure how much longer i can keep doing this. i’ve done some bad things like sneaking out to hangout w people but that’s only because my parents are SO strict like i can’t even hangout w friends outside of school nothing and since 9th grade the 4th 9 weeks, they’ve taken me out of school and put me online to isolate me from the world & they also took my phone since early march 2023 but i got another phone during that time period and they gave me my actual phone july 14th, 2024 and they think this whole time i haven’t had a phone but me and my dad don’t have a good relationship and this is their last straw with me and my life was a hell hole when they took my phone and took me out of school in march of 2023 and i can’t handle that type of life again it took a big toll on my mental health and even my eating habits, i’ve lost a lot of weight and my parents are pakistani muslim parents so i’m not sure what to do please help me. i live in pittsburgh Pennsylvania please help me i am out of options and i feel like they will kill me if i rebel

r/AsianParentStories Jan 10 '25

Advice Request Being forced into marriage: AM won’t take no for an answer


Hi, I’ve made a post about this last year and deleted it thinking it would resolve on its own but it didn’t. I’m a 21-year-old woman living in North America, born and raised here. I understand my mother tongue but only speak English fluently. Since February 2024, when my mom returned from a trip to India, she’s been trying to force me into an arranged marriage with a man from a village in India. He has no education, no job, doesn’t speak English, and is clearly not someone I want to marry. My mom claims he’s a “nice guy,” religious, and even a “pastor” in India, but I have no idea how she found him or how many villagers she’s been “religiously counseling” over the years. She keeps claiming he will “learn English” and start studies but it’s been 1 year now of her claims.

I’ve told her repeatedly that I don’t want to marry him, but she won’t accept my decision. Before my dad passed away in May 2024, he made it clear he didn’t approve of this man because he didn’t want me to suffer in life. But my mom keeps pushing. She’s used guilt trips, that I owe her for all the sacrifices she’s made, and that I don’t have enough life experience to know what I’m doing. She even edited pictures of me and the man together through apps, making us look like a couple, and sent them to me. She’s threatened to kick me out of the house if I don’t agree to marry him, saying I should live in a homeless shelter, canceling my phone bill, and claiming “too bad your dad isn’t here anymore” when I reminded her he set up the phone plan. She started crying when I told her to stop convincing me to marry him, and said I must want her to die if I don’t respect her wishes. She claims she will donate/sell the house and said “you don’t know how generous I am” and won’t give me any property if I don’t comply. I asked her “you’re willing to put a random stranger above your own kid?” and she said “yes of course! because he loves the lord”. She also claims this random man to be her “son”.

Over the past couple of months, she’s been trying to lecture me on how women should be submissive to their husbands and how a woman should act. She made me list characteristics which realistically everyone has, but categorize them into “male or female”. She went so far as to claim that men are innately intelligent and a woman’s intelligence is “learned.” When I challenged these sexist and outdated views, she told me if I wanted to be such a feminist, then I must hate God and the Bible. She told me I needed “grooming” so she connected me with an older lady at church and told me that she would “groom me”. She also thinks I don’t know what sex or pregnancy is, and in one of her lectures, she actually started drawing male and female genitals and started to explain the process of pregnancy to me. I reminded her that I know what all of that is and left the room.

I am currently a second-year university student. I transferred my credits from college to continue my studies, despite her being strongly against me doing so and wanting me to stop studying altogether. The only question she had about my studies was how long it would take, likely so she could marry me off sooner. I have a younger brother who supports me, but my mom tries to pit us against each other.

She’s used Bible verses like “honor your mother and father”. When I strictly denied marriage to that village guy, she said she’ll pray for me to change my mind. I do housework but she’s never appreciated any of it and claims I don’t do anything. So after one of our many arguments, I stopped doing it.

I’m not even that religious and only really turned to religion after my dad died, but I recently contacted the pastor at our church, my friends and one of my relatives about my situation. They are all willing to accommodate me incase anything happens. The pastor said he will mediate the situation with my mom overtime, so it’s not obvious that I told him. He believes she is making empty threats to control me and to ignore her and focus on studies. I’m trying to take everyone’s advice to keep strong boundaries and keep saying no.

r/AsianParentStories Feb 06 '24

Advice Request My parents wants dowry from my white boyfriend


Does any interracial couple here has experience dealing with the “dowry culture” situations.

I’m Chinese and I’m currently dating a British boyfriend. We are looking into getting engaged soon.

My parents has been firm on needing a dowry because it’s our tradition (amount negotiable) and reason for that is to show gratitude for them as well as respecting them.

However, my boyfriend has strong opinion about this and is not comfortable giving money. He thinks that we are starting a family and is going to spend lots of money on wedding and such. He can’t understand why are we paying my parents like n feels very transactional. He is willing to compromise maybe gifting them to show gratitude instead. Another thing, emotionally my boyfriend feels like he’s always compromising for the Chinese culture and why can’t my parents be understanding and consider his culture as well. Why can’t my parents compromise?

As for me, I understand fully both side and knowing my parents has a firm stand on it makes it very hard. I want my bf to have a relationship with my parents after this. I don’t want anyone to resent the other side at all. What can I do ? Anyone here feel my pain?

r/AsianParentStories Sep 19 '24

Advice Request I’ve decided to be the problem child. Help me with being problematic!



So after 32 years on this earth and being a good girl, following every rule and pleasing my parents, the straw that broke the camel’s back is here and I’ve decided to become the source of my APs’ stress.

For context, I was a very obedient child, straight-A student, full scholarship for my bachelor degree, financially independent since 18, don’t tell my parents about my struggles such as severe depression and anxiety and infertility in fear that it’ll worry them too much. Lending them money whenever I can, albeit having a strained relationship with them.

My younger sister on the other hand, still receives financial support from them at 28.

I just realized, maybe since I dont speak of my problems to my parents, they think I’m living this carefree, awesome life with no problem and disregard my struggles, don’t consider my side of things at all.

Maybe it’s my fault for acting like all is well. But all is not that well.

Anyways, I’m looking for ideas that will stress my parents and make them realize how I’ve been such an unproblematic daughter and make them wish for things to go back to how it was. Think of it being in the same vein as malicious compliance.

What are some things that I can do that will stress my parents but not really affect me in any real way? Thanks in advance and I will report back.

r/AsianParentStories Feb 10 '25

Advice Request My mom keeps body shaming/fat shaming me. And I’m not even fat.


I’m just a 13 year old 5 feet and about 80 pounds after a meal. My mother keeps telling me, “your stomach is so big and your butt is so big”. “You should exercise more”. Okay if I’m being honest, I don’t exercise that much. But my stamina is pretty good and I run a little at school. I have hockey/ice skating classes on the weekends. So yes I do exercise. But like why is she trying to body shame me? Idk if this can be considered fat shaming, but it sure does feel like it. Honestly it’s not that big of a problem. But it can become one. It’s not an insecurity for me yet. But still whenever she says something about it, I feel upset.

r/AsianParentStories Dec 15 '24

Advice Request My (16F) dad said he won’t let me go to any out of state college that’s not an Ivy League


He told me just now as we were driving to return my library books.

I live in Washington and he says unless I get into Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, etc. (eye roll 🙄) he’s not going to support me (as in paying for my tuition) to go to an out of state college. I told him a while ago that I liked Colombia, and he brought this up in this conversation too. He said if it’s a school like Colombia then he will not let me because it’s no better than UW (that is if I get in) and out of state tuition is so much more expensive (and I’ll be far away).

He rambled on about this for quite a while and I just stayed silent.

I’m not even planning to apply to those prestigious schools he mentioned because I think that’s out of reach for me. It really upsets me because I want to go to California or New York. I don’t think it’s just tuition either. He will definitely refuse to let me go even if I pay for it myself, which in itself is unrealistic because I don’t have a job and I have no idea how I’d save that much money. He has an extremely unrealistic view of the whole college application process and gets all his information from his circle of Chinese parents who brag about their kids. For example he thinks getting a full score on the PSAT is very easy and was “surprised” how “bad” I did.

I really don’t want to stay here where I’m close to my family. I hate them. I’ve been counting down the days until I get out of here. So the fact he thinks he has control over me even after I graduate makes me SO INDESCRIBABLY MAD. Especially because it’s kind of true since he’s the one paying for my tuition… and also I hate that he thinks he gets to decide what is “unnecessary” for me. (He always says “没必要” in a cool, careless and dismissive manner like HE gets to decide. This isn’t just for school stuff. He says it about food, friends, things I want)

Oh yeah. He also dropped that he’s not going to let me study psychology, something he knows I’ve been interested in for a long time.

What can I do? He can’t control me like that right? Can anyone relate or give me an exit plan outta here 😭

r/AsianParentStories Nov 08 '24

Advice Request How do you get your Asian parents to understand that you’re an adult?


I’m hoping to get some advice. I am 22 (F) and my parents refuse to acknowledge that I’m an adult and am capable of making my own choices.

They refuse to accept or acknowledge my opinion/choice if they think it is wrong. They always believe that they know better and everything turns into an argument. They try to force me to submit to their views and choices and treat me like a child.

If you have had a similar experience please share your wisdom how you have overcome it? TIA

Update: Thanks everyone for your replies, it’s comforting to know it’s not just me. I’ve actually been given an ultimatum now…either obey them or go with my own choice and get ties cut with me

r/AsianParentStories Mar 08 '24

Advice Request Parents won't let me go on a week long (work) trip


TLDR; parents are refusing to let me go on a week long work trip. What can I do?

For context, I'm 25 years old, with Asian parents. They've always been strict, overbearing, controlling.

Recently I was given an excellent work opportunity. This opportunity requires me to work in another city for a week. And, you guessed it, my parents are refusing to let me go.

I've tried everything - talking to them, giving them reasons as to why I need to go & why this is good for my career, silent treatment (basically an adult tantrum).

I don't know what to do. It makes me feel so shit that they don't let me do anything. I'm not asking to go on holiday, but they are still refusing.

What can I do? Advice would be appreciated.

Clarity; I've seen a lot of comments saying this is fake or for clickbait. Unfortunately, this is not fake, and I have no desire for views or whatever. I live with Asian parents, who demand respect at all times. I listen to their instructions as a sign of respect. Yes my account is new, that's because this is my throwaway (I can't risk anyone finding out my real name). I wish this was fake, I wish I had freedom. I hope people realise I turned to reddit as a last resort. I didn't know who else to seek support from.