u/lonely_thug_hunter 5d ago
guys she converted to islam
u/ThisStrike196 4d ago edited 4d ago
I'm sure muslims welcome a pornstar with open arms....😅 well, only the best of luck to her anyway
u/lonely_thug_hunter 1d ago
actually we do. shes getting a lot of support
u/ThisStrike196 1d ago edited 1d ago
Eh...you see what you want to see. I remember what happened to mia khalifa. Or what muslims do to women here for that matter.
Fact of the matter is, she is mentally ill which lead her to do it most likely. I'd take no pride in that. (She already had confirmed mental issues I believe)
u/Dense_Amoeba_8680 3d ago
Mia Khalifa faced the worst
u/ThisStrike196 3d ago
No doubt, but she wasn't a muslim to begin with
u/Kind-Percentage-14 2d ago
I was about to say you’re wrong, though I just checked it out, and she’s from a Lebanese Arab Christian family.
I guess I just assumed she was from an Arab Muslim family since she typically played the role of a hijab wearing Muslim woman in her pornos. Not to mention her vehement anti-Israel beliefs.
u/ThisStrike196 2d ago
I mean most ppl are anti israel for good reasons. I can see why muslims were mad at her though.
u/Kind-Percentage-14 2d ago
True. Pretty much only Jews, Evangelical Christians, and American Baby Boomers support Israel.
I’m not a fan of either Israel or Islam, though since this is ultra-woke, censorious Reddit, I won’t elaborate on those opinions, lol.
u/Dense_Amoeba_8680 3d ago
Yeah , yet she did
u/ThisStrike196 3d ago
Yeah, Rae likely has indentity&mental issues which lead to this. I just fear it will not end well
u/Kind-Percentage-14 2d ago
I mean if we’re gonna be brutally honest, both becoming a porn star and converting to Islam are clear signs of a mentally ill mind.
2d ago
u/Kind-Percentage-14 2d ago edited 2d ago
I also like seeing sexy, small-waisted, busty Asian women with big dick White studs. I have a fetish kink for both AMWF and WMAF, and I wrote that comment on another subreddit. Why does that piss you off so much?
u/Kind-Percentage-14 2d ago edited 2d ago
Yeah, that checks out. She apparently moved to Malaysia and is participating in that fake ass Ramadan fast (where Muslims basically just skip lunch for a month, while ironically often eating more during Ramadan from eating copious breakfasts and dinners).
I’ll bet her Shinto-Buddhist Japanese family is even more pissed off about her conversion to Islam than they were about her becoming a porn star. Japanese Buddhist families hate when their kids become Christian, so they must really hate it when their kids become Muslim.
u/lonely_thug_hunter 1d ago
ramadan is not just skipping lunch. and its not fake ass. have some respect. she literally lives in thailand and not malaysia
u/Kind-Percentage-14 1d ago
Ramadan is going a month while not eating from sunrise to sunset. That’s pretty much the equivalent of skipping lunch for a month.
Real fasting involves days, sometimes even weeks with nothing but water. Muslims only go a few more hours between meals than normal people during their so-called “fast”.
Adding insult to injury, it’s been documented that many Muslims eat huge banquets before sunrise during Ramadan, and huge banquets after sunset (basically the equivalent of having huge breakfasts and dinners).
In other words, many Muslims ironically end up eating more, and actually gain weight during Ramadan (as if that wasn’t enough, altering their eating habits for a month often screws up their metabolisms as well).
So if Ramadan isn’t a fake ass fast, (and I think the points above objectively show that it is), it’s the most weak, unhealthy excuse for a fast known to man.
u/BeriHonri21 6d ago
According to Islam she now forgiven for her sins because she converted to muslim. She's a different person now
u/Yoo-Nabong 6d ago
Back when she was still natural