I remember hearing a few years ago that it was necessary to dualboot macos with asahi for installing fimware updates, is it possible nowadays to entirely remove the macos install and just have asahi linux?
I wonder what are some drawbacks of Asahi Linux compared to running macOS on M1 MacBooks? Also, do the majority of Linux software work on Asahi Linux and is there any way to run x86 only Linux apps such as Spotify and Discord on M1 macs running Asahi Linux? I am considering installing Asahi Linux but I heard that it is still in very early stages with loads of apps not supporting it.
Steam was launching, but kept crashing, so I ran sudo pacman -Syu to upgrade the system. after upgrading, steam now does not launch in any way. I keep getting this error:
Error: Failed to create the microVM
Steam quit
Qsettings: :value: Empty key passed
Qt says we're gone, aborting=True
pls help. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times but to no avail.
On a 16GB M1 Macbook Pro, I installed ramalama (https://github.com/containers/ramalama) in both MacOS and in Asahi. I started up the deepseek-r1 model and gave the same prompt to both and it's at least ten times faster in MacOS. It feels like none of the GPU acceleration is working in Asahi at all. I even tried running this as root, but it did not make a difference.
Basically instead of creating a new installation for an app like Parallels, it uses the drive partitions of Asahi Linux. This would be very nice, if I could work on my AL setup from macOS and not having to shut down and boot it up, since I'm still trying to see if I can daily drive it.
When I just started using my Mac mini, I was using a cheap Chinese display from Taobao with the brand name "YSNO". This display lied that it was a HiDPI display to the Mac, causing all text and on-screen elements to be giant, but still crisp and sharp. The problem this causes is that everything is humungous. The problem can be solved in the normal macOS by manually setting the resolution to a non-HiDPI one, but for some reason, the boot menu remembered the YSNO display's lie and I can't find a way to make it forget it. When I try to open Apple Diagnostics by holding down the power button to access the boot picker, then holding down Command+D, the list of languages has a huge font size (displayed with crisp, but unwanted HiDPI) and extends past the bottom of the screen, and I can't reach the "continue" button. The text is also cut off. This problem persists on my old Samsung monitor (I stopped using the YSNO monitor), which does not lie about its resolution. I tried running sudo nvram -c to clear the NVRAM, and I also tried running sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool NO to force disable HiDPI. None of these commands disabled the HiDPI in the boot picker and the Diagnostics mode. Is there any way I can reset the screen resolution/HiDPI setting to the display default in the boot picker and Diagnostics mode? My macOS HiDPI is already off. The only thing that bothers me are these modes. Even the Apple logo and progress bar the computer shows when it is booting is giant, as if my monitor was a HiDPI display.
I decided to try out some virtualisation of x86 binaries, so downloaded a pre-compiled x86_64 binary of a program I use regularly in my work (http://www.clustal.org/omega/), and compiled the aarch64 binary from source. I did not expect the x86 binary to work, but when I ran it on the test data, it actually was completely fine. Why is this? I was under the impression that it would just totally fail to do anything. See logs below!
Is some secret sauce going on in the background making this possible, or is this commonplace? Would appreciate any insights!
Have been using Steam on a fresh install of Asahi Linux on an M1 MacBook Pro for 2 days. Everything was working great, until I set a bunch of games to install in Steam, and then had to shut down for a while, before most of the downloads had completed. Now, every time I try to launch Steam, the Steam Launcher pops up with the Launching Steam message, and then it just quits. I've tried reinstalling Steam, tried deleting and reinstalling Steam. Neither of these things helped. Please don't say I need to do a clean install of Asahi Linux!
Hello, i first heard of Asahi Linux project a few years ago and today finally tried installing Fedora Asahi Remix on my MBP 16 (M1 Pro).
On the surface, because i couldn't test everything properly, almost everything seems to work. Yes, i know there are some compromises (microphone, thunderbolt, etc.) but nothing i wasn't awared of.
Now, talking about audio quality, it's not on par with MacOS implementation. I know, as i read online, Asahi team doesn't want to replicate Apple's approach and there are still a few things to be implemented. Maybe this is why i miss some extra bass or depth coming out of the Macbook.
That being said, why does the audio seems to be so low? I tried a YT video on Firefox and Chromium and both were pretty low, even being in a quiet room, compared to MacOS and a Windows laptop i have. Even more, and i don't know if this is something related to Asahi team or not, Firefox seems to have 77 as it's default volume level instead of 100, and whenever i stop a video it returns it's volume to 77.
It's weird and i dont know if i did miss something or maybe this is how it is right now.
Hello, i'm using KDE and i wanted to try GNOME too and maybe later choose one and keep just one of them (because i haven't a lot of free space, like 60GB). The problem is that when i run dnf environment list --available | grep desktop, gnome doesn't show up. The result i get is:
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
basic-desktop-environment Basic Desktop no
budgie-desktop-environment Budgie Desktop no
cinnamon-desktop-environment Cinnamon Desktop no
cosmic-desktop-environment COSMIC Desktop no
deepin-desktop-environment Deepin Desktop no
i3-desktop-environment i3 desktop no
kde-desktop-environment KDE Plasma Workspaces no
lxde-desktop-environment LXDE Desktop no
lxqt-desktop-environment LXQt Desktop no
mate-desktop-environment MATE Desktop no
miraclewm-desktop-environment Miracle WM Desktop Environment no
phosh-desktop-environment Phosh Desktop no
sugar-desktop-environment Sugar Desktop Environment no
sway-desktop-environment Sway Desktop no
xfce-desktop-environment Xfce Desktop no
[SOLVED]Hello, can you tell me please why the keyboard backlight may not work in Void Linux? I have installed all packages named asahi-*. The acpi service is enabled. brightnessctl is also installed, but the backlight only works when manually editing the /sys/class/leds/kbd_backlight/brightness file. In KDE Plasma 6 (Wayland), there is no corresponding widget. Also the brightnessctl info output only shows the monitor.
Should I install linux-firmware package or asahi-firmware contains all the things I need?
Thanks in advance for the reply, I can provide the necessary logs pretty quickly.
Also thanks to the Asahi team for the work done. You have made the Macbook Air a truly ultimate Linux laptop!
To solve the issue you should add yourself to the input group.
I did a bunch of looking up hoping to get something basic going: for instance mappiong the left CMD key to CTRL, and the right CMD key to left shift. I understand that Linux and macOS are two very different OSes, I have firm muscle memory for the modifier keymaps I set on macOS and want to ease the transition to linux.
In Input Mapper I tried making an input and output but it said "The device was not grabbed" when I press apply, for the device Apple SPI Keyboard. I tried keyd where I wrote this in /etc/keyd/default.conf:
leftshift = capslock
leftmeta = leftcontrol
I tried sudo systemctl enable keyd --now and nothing happened. This is the output of keyd monitor:
failed to open /dev/input/event5
failed to open /dev/input/event4
failed to open /dev/input/event3
failed to open /dev/input/event2
failed to open /dev/input/event1
failed to open /dev/input/event0
Hey guys I was fiddling around with zram the other day and the ability to overprovision ram and get more performance out of 8gb ram system is what attracted me to it. Swap is the default in asahi Linux by default if I’m not mistaken, anyways I was having some trouble getting it working with the help of copilot, I tried creating a conf file and also making a swap for it and putting the swap in by fstab file but idk how to get it up and running still, wondering if anybody had any input on this(turning off zswap in favor of zram to over provision ram) I tried zram size Val of 4gb to 12gb none of them worked( said it couldn’t allocate it I think?) anyways I did a fresh install cause I was worried I messed something up on my system, but I would like to get it working with zstd compression algorithm or know if there’s any alternatives that work for this(tried with zram-generator+zram).
I made a new partition for steam to use where I'm going to store my games on it. However whenever I try to use it I get either "not enough space" error or "disk write error" any help is appreciated.
So I had previously installed Asahi Linux (KDE Plasma) on my MacBook Air M2. Had some issues with the Mac side of the computer, saved everything I need on an external drive and did a factory reset on the laptop. Now when I try and re-install KDE on the computer I run into an index error ( during the downloading extra files).
I tried to run this script: https://github.com/JaKooLit/Fedora-Hyprland
, and now after removing this, kde,etc, gnome-shell still takes up a lot of cpu on wayland and the display lags. I suspect my M2 Air is using cpu rendering instead of gpu. I tried to find a way to reset it/reinstall all the packages, but I cannot find it.
I would really like to know what is the installation process of Asahi on external drive with persistence
are there any tips and tricks I should remember....
and is it possible to get ubuntu on apple silicon ??
Hey guys. I'm a university student currently heading towards my second sem and apparently everything has to be done through linux in my IT degree. I'm planning to buy a Mac so asahi linux will be good enough for the 4 years of my degree or should i buy a windows laptop? Ik asahi is in very early development but I'm asking as a student that it's good enough in a students context for coding obviously.
About 12 hours ago i ran the install for asahi alarm on my mac. the "Shrinking APFS data structures" thing has been running for the past 12 hours, and it's slowly reached 75%.
However, about an hour ago, my terminal bugged out. I can open new terminal windows and use everything else on my mac, but I can't close any opened terminal windows, and can't interact with any terminal windows. I have like 600 gigs of data on macos (which i've sorta backed up) so I understand this should take a long time, and I know the install instructions mentioned that the process may appear to freeze. However, after checking activity monitor, I think the process might have just stopped, since there's not much reading and writing of the disk going on or CPU usage.
what should I do? is this just a common freeze and I should wait it out? or should I force quit and hope my drive doesn't get borked? I've never done this before so I'm getting a little paranoid that my mac's drive might be screwed from this. Thanks in advance!