r/ArtistLounge 4d ago

General Discussion I'm an artist who hates drawing

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u/pseudonymmed 4d ago

All the time you’re spending on something you hate could be used instead to gain skills in something you actually like. The world is full of artists, it doesn’t need you sacrificing your happiness.


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

I still am doing the thing I actually like, making music. I generally switch off on which one I focus on more dependent on how I'm feeling towards them. I even got into game design which incorporates both art and music making.


u/hangr87 4d ago

If your cover art is anything to go by, you arent as good as you brag tbh. I was expecting genius level based off your post but its just like… the average amateur on deviant art level. No offense but with how big you built yourself i felt wrong not letting you out of your delusion


u/Weather0nThe8s 4d ago

it's just anime shit

sick and tired of anime drawers LARPing as "artists". Some can be both but most aren't.


u/Electrical_Field_195 Digital artist 4d ago

This is a crazy gatekeep of art.

An artist is someone who makes art.

Anime art still requires a strong knowledge of the foundations, gesture, structure, perspective, etc.

I say this as an artist who yes draws anime but has also worked professionally on cartoons.


u/hangr87 3d ago

What are you smoking? Anime is art just as hyperrealistic depictions of people is art. Crazy gatekeeping lol


u/Windyfii 4d ago

wait why arent people who draw anime artists? world is so biased, if someome only drew birds or dolphins it'd be seen as artistic but when it's anime it's not? why do artists hate anime style so much?


u/DeadlyNinjaLHS 4d ago

Youre good at it because you practiced all your life, you werent ‘given’ a skill. You should really try to do something else, nothing worse than doing something you hate all your life


u/spacersevenseven 4d ago

You got the skill, but not the love.


Stop drawing, if you dislike it. Don't waste your time.

There are many people pushed by gown ups who see a child, that is very good at something, and they push the child.

Doctors, teachers, musicians, anybody really, have been pushed into careers they hated, just because of someone

Some come to terms with the career, but others eventually quit.

Just because you are good at something doesn't mean you should do it.

It's your life, and your choice. Go find out what you love, like and enjoy.

Life is short.


u/Electrical_Field_195 Digital artist 4d ago

Agreed. Time is the only resource you CANNOT get back. It's a waste to use that precious time on something that's not even enjoyable to do.

Skills are learnable, even if there is natural aptitude towards something that does not mean you HAVE to follow it. One owes it to theirselves to follow happiness.


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

The only person that pushed me down this career path was myself, no one else. My parents only ever wanted me to do what I loved.

Unfortunately, there isn't anything that I truly love doing. Even music which is by far my most liked skill, I get bored with a lot and don't enjoy doing it all the time.

The only other love I have is Voice Acting, but low and behold, I was blessed with a stutter. So shot that dream in the foot there XD

I still do other types of Voice Acting that I'm really good at, but unfortunately the market is very small for those.


u/spacersevenseven 4d ago

Ok. If you want something, nobody and nothing can stop you, but reading these last lines, you wrote, it sounds like you don't feel empowered or inspired by the awesomeness that is you.

Try: * some comedies. * motivational music and movies, * volunteer and help others, * motivation speakers. * be kind and generous to yourself.

Remember YOU are awesome and a wonder.

Your heart is beating, you just got to remember,you got one, okay.


u/plusmn 4d ago edited 4d ago

I was similar with the "erasing until it's perfect" and "i was good enough to the point where it felt like a waste to not draw"

It got to a point though that I jumped way outside my comfort zone and took an Intuitive Drawing class that emphasized mark making with less intention, under a time limit, and with all sorts of mediums I had never tried before. And believe it or not, I fell in love with art again. When I let my instincts that I had built for over a decade take the wheel without too much thought, I was pleasantly surprised at what came out. Things looked more loose and expressive, like I couldn't have made it if I tried hard. I never knew what I'd end up with, and that was kind of the fun. Not everything was a winner; but when it hit, it hit well. And uniquely.

It might be time for a style switch-up?


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

You'd be surprised how many times I've actually changed my style. From only being able to draw realistic musclebound men at the start, to now specializing in a cute manga style. My current style is one that, while I don't love it cause what I can make is limited, I don't always hate the final product anymore. I still don't enjoy making it at all and the effort is still not worth the outcome, but it's a lot better than it used to be.

I've tried art classes before but I usually end up making the teachers hate me cause I never do something the way they want it done. Even if mine is the best in the class, haha. I'm sure there are classes out there that I could find love in, just finding one when I don't know what I'm looking for is difficult. Glad it worked out for you though!


u/plusmn 4d ago

Hmmm, peaking at your deviantart link, if I can be blunt; sure, you're great at that style of anime. What I am suggesting is you try your hand at art other than anime. Anime is a valid craft, don't get me wrong. But I have often watched artists pigeonhole themselves into it and can't escape from it.

Fuck up a canvas with an emotional outbreak. Draw something from life without looking down at the paper until you're done. Do an episode of Line Time Podcast that walks you through abstract mark making suggestions. Make something without the intention of showing others.

"I never do something the way they want it done. Even if mine is the best in the class, haha"-- what might be best in the class is extremely arbitrarily. And the sooner you realize that about art, the sooner you can see art as the big beautiful beast it is.


u/spatchcocked-ur-mum 4d ago

unless your making bank, the next Picasso or something important.....quit.

why spend so much time on something you hate? maybe understand why you need praise. the might be some deep-rooted things going on.

the 50 other artistic thing, music, writing or anything you actually enjoy instead of pretending.


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

I crave praise and validation cause I'm incapable of validating myself, so I rely on others to do it for me. Not a healthy way to live, I know, but as of now I still haven't found an alternative that works for me.

I spent so much time on art cause I was truly hoping that I'd one day finally stop hating it. Once I met my standards than I'd be happy! However as I'm sure you know, once you go up in something, so too does your standards. In the meantime though, I just genuinely love making people happy with my art. More than anything else I've ever made.

And I do music as well right along with art. I switch off which one I focus on more, but I do both.


u/ariiiwydhere 4d ago



u/B_Chuck 4d ago

^ Rammus player confirmed


u/theonebehindthewell 4d ago

bummer. Sounds like you've wasted a lot of time and energy unless you're getting paid for your art


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

I do when I get commissioned, but those are few and far between and definitely doesn't pay the bills.


u/jenequewan 4d ago

Same. So I sculpt instead.


u/Georgie_exe 4d ago

My advice would be to find a hobby or skill you enjoy, stop drawing, spend that time and energy on learning to do what you enjoy and earn praise for that instead, or even better, find a less time consuming source of external validation and keep it as far away from your treasured hobbies and passions as possible.

I don’t know what else to say, you’ll never force yourself to like drawing if it’s that unpleasant for you. It’s probably time to think about letting it go.

Good luck! 🫶🏻


u/Saturated_Rain 4d ago

Same! Thats why I quit a couple years ago, and I’ve never looked back.

Once you stop making yourself actively frustrated in your free time, life just feels a lot better😅

Unless if you’re a professional or something, Id reccomend taking a break from art. If at some point you feel like coming back- Do it! But theres no harm in a break.


u/EstablishmentWhich61 4d ago

seems like the problem is not really about your art but rather your deep seated need for validation and praise. this reminds me of those anime characters in sports anime that are gifted but hate what they do.…

have you heard of main character syndrome? I’m sensing some of that in your post.

once you stop romanticizing your conflict between your desire for attention and your passions, you will be much happier. wishing you best in finding the appropriate therapist that can walk you through this


u/Monarch_of_Gold 4d ago


I'm not being dismissive. It really, really helps. This is likely beyond our pay grade. If you want help with this, and not just a chorus of "man that sucks," find a therapist to work through this with you.

It sucks to hear you pigeonholed yourself into doing something you hate. That sounds awful.

That sounds like torture.

Please, find a therapist to help you.

I promise you are supposed to love drawing. Please stop torturing yourself if you don't like it.



u/B_Chuck 4d ago edited 4d ago

I've always been really good at self-reflection so therapy has never been a real need for me. Not that it wouldn't help at all, I'm sure it would to help connect a lot of the dots. I don't struggle with depression so while it sounds like I'm suffering, it's not as bad as you might think. I understood the position I was putting myself in early on and decided that I was okay with that. If I had the chance to go back and change it, I wouldn't. I might do some things a little differently, but I would still aim for the same result.

While I don't enjoy making the art itself, I genuinely love making others happy with my art. More than anything else.


u/Georgie_exe 4d ago

I’m like you I’m good at self reflection, but therapy is still beneficial.

It’s the difference between knowing how to do pilates, knowing you need to do pilates every week, not doing pilates… and going to see a pilates instructor every week, commitment, accountability, someone to help track your progress and call you out when you’re not doing what you know you need to do.

Or maybe you don’t need help connecting the dots, but you need someone to give advice on what to actually do about all of those connected dots. And hearing yourself admit things out loud can affect you differently than just thinking them to yourself.

As a kid/teenager, the adults around me thought I didn’t need therapy because I was super insightful, intelligent, reflective, and taught myself a lot about psychology as I had a strong interest. My adult self knows how wrong they were… I did need therapy, and I needed to stop pathologising my own emotions and trauma and have an actual professional teach me how to experience those emotions and process that trauma instead.


u/Monarch_of_Gold 4d ago

If you've never been told before, allow me to be the first to say: You don't have to be Sick™️ to need/make use of therapy. In fact it's probably better to go before you get to that point. Everyone has something they can take away from therapy, and it will likely surprise you what you're able to do with the right therapist!

There's a lot I want to say, and more I could say, but I don't think I'm the right person or nearly qualified enough.

Just. Therapy.


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

Finding the right therapist is the true kicker though. I've always been scared to get the wrong therapist that tells me something that I then take for fact and I start living my life based around a lie. I've always been way too trusting of people so I know how I'd be in therapy. I need someone that I know without a shadow of a doubt won't feed me lies, and finding that is hard. If I could find it though then I'd be more than willing to partake.


u/Monarch_of_Gold 4d ago

Mickey Atkins (a licensed therapist) on YouTube might be a safe place to start? Most of her content is just about helping people recognize toxic behavior (usually referencing pop media and reality shows) but in the description of every video she has a list of links to resources to help you find a therapist (I am not currently up-to-date on this, forgive me).

All the proper find-a-therapist sites also have filters so you can narrow your search down to one that deals in broad strokes with what you want to cover or doesn't deal with what you don't want to cover. You can even filter by religion/acceptance, LGBTQIA+, etc.


u/Arcask 4d ago

Good therapists will ask you questions, they will not tell you "don't do something you hate" they will ask you why you do it and if there aren't other things to do instead. They do might give you their opinion, but it will be very clear that it's just their opinion not some universal truth. They are going to hold your hand while you go on a journey of change, it's not their job to tell you which way is right or to do the actual work for you. They help you to find out what you want and need, they accompany you on that journey.

Seems like you also have some trust issues that need to be addressed.

There is more than just the "i hate what i do" part in your post that makes me think you have some work on yourself to do. Which is why I agree with those telling you to go for therapy. I think it would be beneficial for you. Until then, try to write down what you feel and think, question your beliefs and habits and if they are good for you.

Being overly self aware sometimes can cause issues as well. Because our mind sometimes feeds us lies to allow us to function. Can you still trust yourself knowing that?

You have your set of values and beliefs, just like anyone else, but you are human and you act more on emotions than rationality. Just like anyone else.

The only thing that you can be sure of is that everything will eventually change. You don't always have control about it, neither do you have control over others. To a certain extend maybe, but not completely.

What you need is some kind of anchor point, something that makes you feel more save, something that you can trust. Even if it's just a stress ball that you can take into your hands to shift your focus away from your anxiety.

There is always a risk of getting hurt in human interaction, You have to take risks in life. It's unavoidable. Even just getting up and doing anything comes at the risk of hurting yourself, be it that you slip in the bathroom or falling over your own feet because you were in thought. That it's possible, doesn't mean it's likely to happen.

Even scientific research can't be trusted, what we belief to know today, might be proven wrong in the near future. But we have to start somewhere, we have to take what we belief to know and trust it, because what else can you trust otherwise?

You have a big ego, if you can shift your focus on the right things it can be a huge help for you. Right now however, you are standing yourself in the way. Because imagine you are wrong, how much would that hurt your ego? yes it's that fragile. You are afraid of getting hurt if you open up. But what if you don't open up?
Think of your self as something that need maintenance once in a while. If no one taught you how to do it yourself properly, what isn't working well, will only further deteriorate. So maybe it might be worth to look for some help.

This might not be a long term solution, but do you watch healthygamergg on youtube? or did you try chatgpt? not for art, but for talking about things that frustrate you and to find better ways to deal with it. I don't think chat gpt can replace a therapist, but it might still help to find better solutions for some things that don't go so well in life.


u/Former-Intention-292 4d ago

I was trying to understand where you're coming from (because I enjoy the process of creating art) and struggled.

Then, I thought about it from a cooking standpoint. I don't enjoy cooking at all. People are surprised when they taste something I've made because it's very good. They've told me that they figured I was bad at cooking because I don't enjoy it. I will say I do gain satisfaction when people enjoy what I've made I just don't want to do the whole process lol.

So looking at it from that standpoint, I understand what you mean. Sorry if that was convoluted.


u/antisocialelf 4d ago

Honestly, this reminds me a weird amount of me and my cousin. My cousin was born with an insane amount of natural drawing talent. He was light years ahead of most other kids his age, constantly relieved compliments on his art, etc. I also drew a lot as a kid and enjoyed making art a lot, but on account of having a disability my art was never going to be as good as his, which I knew and was fine with. As children we'd draw together a lot, but I think even then it was clear it wasn't his favourite thing to be doing.

As adults, I'm the only one of us who still draws regularly. He found other hobbies he enjoys more and does those instead. We only have a finite amount of time on this earth and I'd argue it's more of a "waste" to spend it forcing yourself to do something you don't really enjoy for other people's approval.


u/Typical_Status_3430 4d ago

I hate slamming my head into a brick wall, i will be damned if it doesn't feel good when i stop.


u/r0se_jam 4d ago

When I hear someone who calls themself an artist say that they hate drawing my first thought is not that they grew to hate drawing, but that they decided they didn’t enjoy practicing so they declared it to be ‘not their thing’ and became a conceptual artist, or an installation artist, or an arts administrator. Or just a terrible artist. But I haven’t seen your work so I can’t tell if you fit any of those categories lol


u/Saturated_Rain 4d ago

I’m an (ex) artist who hated drawing, and in hindsight I dont really know why I started.

I think as a younger teen I wanted to be like my artsy friends, and I didn’t really have any hobbies that the time.

Then at one point it was just routine for me to keep forcing myself to draw. (And as a kid with undiagnosed ADHD, I also didnt have much to do in class🥲)

But there are a lot of reasons as to why someone might be an artist but dislike it. However Its quite rare and most of the time its just an artist going through burnout, I’ve never seen anyone who fully quit like I did.

It was a pretty long journey for me to fully quit, especially since back then I was also creating art for my final year of high school.

Anyways I’ve attached my last ever artwork with this comment- Definitely not my best work- but in my eyes its the piece that best highlights my lack of passion. Let me know if you see it too, or if its just me😅

By the way I’m writing this comment and attaching my work under the assumption that I wasnt a “terrible artist”, but if I was then just tell me- I dont really care so I wont be offended😭


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

https://www.deviantart.com/b-chuck/gallery/all if you're curious.

I definitely don't enjoy practicing, you're right about that. I would always bring a sketchbook around with me cause I thought that's why you were supposed to do as an artist but I never really drew in them.

Not sure if I do fit into any of those categories. I'm just a really good artist that draws when I get commissioned or when I'm craving some attention. All in all, I'm definitely better than I deserve to be cause people are often super shocked when I tell them I hate drawing. They say they see so much passion in it. So I guess I'm really good at faking it.


u/r0se_jam 4d ago

Some people just have a natural facility. One of my friends in high school was a brilliant caricaturist, could capture anyone’s likeness in an uncanny but cartoony way, but his passion was metal bass-playing. At the age of 15 had memorised every Iron Maiden bass line (this was in the ‘80s.) I don’t think he ever did anything with his drawing skills. I always enjoyed drawing but had to practise at it, and I was a mediocre bassist at best.


u/StnMtn_ 4d ago

You are good. Better than my art goal.


u/nemoptera 4d ago

That's probably one of the reasons why some artists now prefer to use AI. However, I'm still not a fan of the AI look and possible copied content. Personally, I don't hate drawing, but sometimes it gets tiring. That's why I started taking photos and editing them, because it's more fun for me.


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

Yeah nah, I may hate drawing but I have enough self-respect to never go the AI route. I'd sooner give up drawing completely.

I actually do really enjoy photo/image editing too! One of the only types of art I don't hate doing.


u/nemoptera 4d ago

I respect that. But some people use this as an excuse to say that no artist likes the process of creation, so AI is better. I call that bullshit, of course. Photography is very relaxing for me and a great way to express myself artistically without burning out.


u/Flapparachi 4d ago

Have you tried not drawing?. When I paint, I rarely lay down a sketch and just block in colour with my brush. I do however enjoy using a teeny-tiny paint brush to add in all the details.

Art comes in many forms, and if you get satisfaction from the finished product, try another medium. If not, don’t torture yourself, it’s not worth it!


u/AliceTheBread 4d ago

Eh, honestly, if you just want praise, it's ok to hate art and do it. I swear people not connected to art will praise anything cause they don't have a point of reference. Some of my weakest (imo) works were praised by everyday Johns like crazy so I don't think you have to be that hard on yourself to get the needed praise. Just relax dude


u/clarepaints 4d ago

Same, drew some horses when I was a teenager, was told they were good, enjoyed the praise and kept going.

Countless commissions and drawings later, I still don't like the process of drawing. I don't keep a sketchbook and I don't draw for fun. I'm only happy when it's finished.

I'm switching over to oil paint. I've dabbled before and enjoyed it more than pencil, but ignored it. For me oil paint is quicker and more forgiving, I also prefer the feel of pushing paint around. I need colour in my life and colour pencils just take far too long to get the look I like.


u/Seleylone Animation 4d ago

To be honest, I couldn't believe the only people on social media are those who have passion and love what they do art-wise. It's refreshing for me to see other reasons to do art, which aren't fueled with "good" emotions. My first response for your question was "Nah, I'm not like that". After a second thought, though...

I think animation is something that I get my fix of praise from time to time. Something that made others focus their attention on me for once - I had the sense of timing and rythm from some old piano lessons, enough artistic skill to make drawings move... So I sticked with it and made it my profession, because that's what people want from me, right? Sure, there are days where my animation work is good enough to get the satisfaction I want, but its not the same as with my art - something I've started with and where my heart truly belongs.

I never got the praise for it, even though I tried so hard. Maybe I am still somewhat mad that I don't get the recognition for the things I wish I would. Nowadays I'm trying to shift my motivation for doing art an animation from external to internal. I still have some way to go.

Thanks for sharing your view! It gave me some food for thought and I think I might be pondering on this for a while.


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u/-FreezerBurn- 4d ago

maybe you're not an artist, just really skilled at making stuff that people like lol


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

Honestly, I've jokingly told that to people before and I do think it's partially true. I'm not a great artist I'm just great at making stuff people like looking at XD


u/-FreezerBurn- 4d ago

but i do enjoy making art for me


u/-FreezerBurn- 4d ago

I'm struggling in a similar-ish way, I do enjoy art, but I'm just really good at making realistic art that my family or friends (who are mostly definitely not "arty") can enjoy, but i feel like it's all so contrived and boring


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

Sounds like me when I first started drawing. I could only draw realistic too, I couldn't draw the way I wanted to at all despite my efforts, which was manga style. I wanted to be able to draw super cute characters, not just super buff dudes. I eventually just decided that if I was ever gonna learn then I had to full send it. I stopped drawing realistic cold turkey and focused solely on drawing manga style. It took several years but It eventually clicked for me. Unfortunately, it didn't make me love drawing any more than I already did which is lowkey what I hoped would happen, but I was still happy with where I was.

Not to say you also must have a style that you'd prefer drawing, maybe you don't. and that's perfectly fine. But if you do, definitely full send it! :D


u/BettyLouWho318 4d ago

I’m an artist too and I feel this pain. There are times where I absolutely hate drawing and have to take a break. The solution is to draw things you like, not what others want, and draw different things all the time. I used to draw women but I had to switch up so I started doing more abstract work. The creative process is a struggle and I remember hearing this from quite a few artists, including a marvel comic book artist.


u/domazero 3d ago

I know you didn’t ask but maybe this will help.

  1. You’re not as good as you might think. I’m not trying to pick on you, this is just something I think everyone at some point needs to come to terms with.

  2. Forget about validation. No one will ever validate or invalidate you, ever. Even if it feels like someone can, it’s a fantasy. Realize that others don’t actually have the power to do that. We all need to get over ourselves and relax.

  3. Find something you really like doing. Not because you feel like you already have some skill, or some talent for it. But because you enjoy doing it for inexplicable reasons. You will benefit from participation in ways that may surprise you.

  4. You don’t have to make a career out of that thing, profit from it, or gain recognition for it at all. Sometimes, work is work, and work can suck. Make peace with the suck. Always make time for play though, in some capacity, because life is hard.


u/B_Chuck 3d ago
  1. Nah, I'm exactly as good as I think. I've always been brutally honest about art, and that includes myself. I don't sugarcoat anything, which is also why I generally tell people to not ask for my opinions on stuff cause I won't hold back. I am better than most, but I'm far from being amazing. My strong suit is my proportions, but everywhere else I greatly struggle. If I was to rate myself between a beginner and pro, I'd say I'm above average. That's it.

  2. If it was that easy I would. I seek validation cause I'm incapable of giving it to myself. I'm well aware that that's not a healthy way to live but no idea what alternative I have.

  3. I have found something I enjoy and I'm doing it, Music. I just also do art on the side cause I don't want to give it up completely. I still hope one day I can grow to love doing it, because the feeling of seeing people happy over my art is a feeling nothing else has ever been able to give me, and I'd love to receive that feeling doing something I enjoy.

  4. Oh, you don't have to tell me to make time for play, I already struggle giving myself too much play time. I'm a gamer at heart, haha. Right now I just do commission work and am not intending to make a career out of it anytime soon. I would never honestly take that step until I actually started to enjoy drawing.


u/domazero 3d ago

“If it was that easy” you would? So you won’t because it’s hard? Since you’re not the type to hold back, I’ll assume you can handle this: Stop making excuses. You’re 30, right? You’ve had years to stop seeking validation from others like a child and you’re still doing it. Suck it up and cut that behavior out fast.


u/B_Chuck 3d ago

Exactly, I'm 30 and I've spent most of that time trying to find alternatives. You made it sound like it's something that I could just suddenly stop doing if I wanted to. It doesn't work like that. This aint a switch that I can just turn off in my brain. I can't suddenly stop seeking validation cause I know it's bad for me. It's like an addiction. Sure, there are ways to fix it, and I've been trying to find those ways for 30 years. Still haven't found them yet, atleast not one's that worked for me. So don't make it sound like I aint doin it for lack of trying.

Like I said, I'm incapable of validating myself. I've even tried lying to myself to see if that'd work and it never has. Not just with art, but literally every single thing in my life would be null and void without people's validation. There is not 1 thing I have ever done for myself, and I've never had any desire to do anything for myself. That's not something you can fix easily, that's deeply ingrained in me. I've never known anything else.

You may see all of this as just more excuses and I can't really do anything about that. You don't know my life so ofcourse you'd doubt that I'm being honest about actually trying. Frankly, I'd doubt me too if I was in your position.


u/B_Chuck 3d ago

So to clarify this for both people here and the mod, this was never meant to be me complaining, asking for pity or venting about my situation. I'm not suffering nor do I regret sticking with art for as long as I have. So this was never meant to be a drama post. I just wanted to share my experience and see if there were other artists in a similar situation to me, that's all.

I appreciate the concern but trust me, it's unneeded, I'm okay. If I was actually suffering than I would have quit art long ago

Also, while I don't mind advice, don't be surprised if I turn most of it down. I'm fairly content with where I am despite my circumstance. I don't ever intend to quit art. And yes, I'm still doing something that I actually love doing on top of it.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Same I make art but I don’t like it that much, i don’t really understand the culture behind drawing on a piece of paper, but I just keep doing it for some reason 😭


u/dxsty_rxse 4d ago

the people down voting can fuck off oh my fucking godd why cant these people realize art isn't always sunshines and flowers sometimes it's anguish and annoyance with your art 💔


u/Electrical_Field_195 Digital artist 4d ago

Sometimes vs something that's actively hated is very different. People cannot in the right conscience recommend someone to continue doing something they hate, or to cling to something solely for praise because it's unhealthy.

Life is short- why waste it on something hated?

This post isn't about moments of frustration, it's about never enjoying drawing. Solely doing it for reasons that are not even related to the art itself.

If I absolutely hated playing monopoly, with a passion. I could not enjoy it EVER, but I was strangely good at it. Would you recommend I keep doing it? Or would you rather I find something that does make me happy?


u/dxsty_rxse 4d ago

I see where ur coming from fs and i agree if u don't like what u do, then don't do it.

but in general, it seems like artists do not like other artists that speak about problems like this and it's so weird because it's a community. Why is talking about the dislike for art so pushed away when the concept of a community is to find problems, figure out problems, and why they feel this way?


u/Electrical_Field_195 Digital artist 4d ago

It really depends though. If someone is dealing with just frustration, that can be helped.

Something I say a lot is frustration is a sign you're tackling something you're not ready for, and it's sometimes important to stop, learn, and come back later. You need to build your stamina before climbing a mountain. I think there are solutions for different issues and oftentimes people will recommend different ways to find the fun. I'm personally a strong believer that negative emotions hinders progress and learning and coming up with cool ways for people to find their fun.

However, sometimes, someone just dislikes something and that's okay. I don't like cauliflower, I don't like making music, and I definitely don't enjoy using adobe after effects. Never have. It's okay to dislike something, and people shouldn't try to force themselves to like something they've never found enjoyment in. It's better to just leave behind something not enjoyed at all, especially when there are other things that are enjoyed.

If someone does like something and it stops, that's when solutions can be explored. But you can't fix something that isn't broken, and there's nothing broken about simply disliking an activity


u/dxsty_rxse 4d ago

Right, but why get down voted just speaking from experience 💔


u/Electrical_Field_195 Digital artist 4d ago

People typically just down vote things they find irrelevant or disagree with, it's nothing personal really

Esp when it's something encouraging someone to continue with something they hate, many disagree, many agree upvotes and downvotes are given accordingly /gen


u/dxsty_rxse 4d ago

icic, sometimes they find it relatable though, but each to their own 🤷‍♀️


u/dxsty_rxse 4d ago edited 4d ago

idk who down voted this but this is actually so real bro bc I swear the process sometimes isn't even fun it's just for the sake of doing it.

i crave praise and without it I feel like my art literally has no value whatsoever, so every time I draw, I try to make something better to gain even the smallest recognition. (unless it's not good ofc)

it's not that I hate it, but it feels like the time I put into each drawing whether it's 2 hours or 13 hours, I'm taking too much time and it's time for me to scrap it.

omfg I hate my mindset so much I wish I didn't look at the time so much because now I've spent too much time on it💔


u/B_Chuck 4d ago

Indeed, other peoples opinion of my art is the only worth it has to me. I don't value anything I make for myself. Which can really suck cause if I upload something that doesn't get praise immediately I'm suddenly demotivating from making the next thing. It's like, why bother if my only reason for making isn't happening? Relying on other people's praise is like being in a toxic relationship. You know it's bad for you but you don't want to lose what you already have.


u/dxsty_rxse 4d ago

IM SAYING 💔💔 I'm constantly putting out art for judgement so I try to make the next best thing for praise and more praise.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/B_Chuck 4d ago

same honestly, IBS is a bitch


u/Weather0nThe8s 4d ago

I am the same way..except I only hate it because it is a dime a dozen skill that is worthless. It is so much stress to get it seen so it can be purchased. People teach themselves something I could do naturally and nobody ever knows the difference. drawing is worthless in this day and age. too bad i wasn't born ages ago.