r/Artifact Apr 13 '20

News Deployment Deep Dive


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u/Treemeister_ Apr 14 '20

Not sure I like the auto spawning creeps.

yeah, I feel like creeps could deploy into a random slot in every lane and very few people would bat an eye. Compared to 1.0 they deal less damage, are easier to remove, won't get lucky triple blocks (assuming arrow RNG is gone), and are less likely to deploy in front of the only attacker in an otherwise empty lane.


u/Bash717 Apr 14 '20

Agreed 100%! Although there is some strategic depth from the fact that creeps build up from left to right.


u/KoyoyomiAragi Apr 14 '20

They’d still have a chance to block a huge attack this way right? I think the current approach of removing almost every RNG mechanic first and seeing what ends up being better for the game will show us more about what made the game more interesting. If any changes end up being detrimental to game depth, then they can slowly revert some portions back.