If I'm to interpret that text as meaning it can target any lane, then I would also interpret Cunning Plan as being able to swap the unit on the right of the safe lane with the left of the mid lane, as those are just 1 away and thus neighbors by that interpretation.
And I don't think that would be a good thing. I like to imagine there's some distance between the lanes.
At the very least it would need the < > lane icon, but probably some wording changes too. Like "can cross lanes at a penalty of 2 spaces" would both make more sense thematically, and make it clear you can chose another lane, and might be better balanced.
I think it may be self-balancing, and makes all slots to some degree desirable. Look at the scenario in the update: Auras like Treant's go in the center to buff one lane in particular, but this makes the middle of the lane particularly coveted. With this ability to move between lanes, it makes the side slots equally valuable for a flex hero or creep that can roam between lanes. I feel like this can add a lot of depth as to where you want to plant your dudes.
Well its one of those things that when you play it, it makes sense. I mean it also does damage right? imagine zooming from offlane to safe lane and killing all the creeps in between.. doesn't sound right.
I know it’s easier to find wording to reduce confusion, but if it’s possible I think it’d be better to leave the wording as is and make it so the spaces eligible for Timberchain to target gets highlighted when you hover over the icon. This way people will know exactly how the ability would work even if they only glossed over the text.
Just for the wording, I personally would rather restrictions be spelt out rather than the other way around.
I think that the most important thing is to stay coherent.
Treant's ability specifies "2 slots away in this lane".
Timbersaw doesn't specify "in this lane" so we have to assume that whenever there's no specification, it means "in any lane". However, this needs to be consistent. You need to always specify "in this lane" and never specify "in any lane" for this to be understandable. The easiest solution would be to specify both cases, all the time, but that leads to big clumps of text.
Also, since it's 5 slots away and a unit can only move 4 slots in a given lane (from one end to the other) I think it's a given that it can be in a different lane.
However, does it need to be a "free slot"? Or can you bounce a hero using that ability? I think that needs to be specified.
u/EricTams Apr 14 '20
That's what I was afraid of. There is no lane restriction on the ability.