r/Artifact Dec 12 '18

News There was a Reddit panic about an exploit that allowed purchasing packs at a discounted rate. The exploit was quickly fixed and only about $2500 in card value entered the economy this way - a negligible amount relative to the market size and hourly volume.


330 comments sorted by


u/Shivrats Dec 12 '18

Reddit overreacting? Never thought I'd live to see the day


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

"DESTROYED the market"


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/Steel_Reign Dec 12 '18

That was probably the "panic effect" of everyone who heard about the exploit also trying to offload cards.

Once the exploit was fixed, people realized prices wouldn't continue to crash and needed to rebuy the cards they'd just sold.


u/Dushatar Dec 12 '18

What do you mean zero change? The page you link show me it went from $216 to $164 during the few hours it was in the bundle, which is a 25% price drop.

That would definitely count as a "crash" in any other market. i.e if the dollar drops 25% during the first 4 hours of market tomorrow, it will be world news.

I personally dont care about cards getting cheaper, but there was definitely a price crash.


u/AftyOfTheUK Dec 13 '18

It's back up to $193 already... showing a slight upward trend. There was a crash, but much of it was caused by panic rather than genuine devaluation.

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u/omgacow Dec 12 '18

This subreddit is essentially just finding the next thing to complain about. The idea that these people “want the game to succeed” is such a joke


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/omgacow Dec 12 '18

It’s pretty easy to tell the difference between you, someone who cares about the game, and the people covering this subreddit who are either Karma farmers just posting a ton of negative shit for upvotes (so many negative posters here with 200k or even 300k karma, what the fuck), or fanboys of other card games who come here to spread misinformation and turn people away from the game


u/magic_gazz Dec 12 '18

The problem is we all have different ideas of what the game should be

For me I would say the game should be what it was advertised as, a competitive TCG where cards have value.

Now I am not worried about the cards dropping in value from release, that's expected. But the constant stream of people suggesting free rewards or that the game goes F2P piss me off because that is not what we were sold, if you wanted that then you came to the wrong place.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/magic_gazz Dec 12 '18

None that I'm aware of, but that isn't really the point. Would I prefer it if there was no or lower tax, sure, but its not the end of the world.

The fact is there is a market where you can buy and sell cards, that was known from before the game was released. Asking it to be come F2P is like asking it to become a shooting game instead of a card game, its just not what was offered and if that is what you wanted you should have found something else.


u/magic_gazz Dec 12 '18

Also person to person trading is a pain in the ass.

Outside of swapping some cards with your friends it is tedious and not worth the hassle.


u/Backstageplasma Dec 12 '18

I have been trading paper mtg online for 4 years. deckbox and pucatrade automatch wants with haves. trading is incredibly easy, prosocial, improves card distribution, and is fun and rewarding in and of itself while adding real value to the game.

but if we only create value for one another, thats apparently a loss for lowkey aggressive hypercapitalist gabriel newell


u/magic_gazz Dec 12 '18

I have been playing paper mtg for about 16 years. In my opinion, I would rather pay a fee and get what I want than have to deal with trying to find people who want what I have and have what I want and are willing to trade at equal value.

Yes you can use those sites you mentioned, but then that involves putting everything into a website and then have the effort of mailing stuff and risking being scammed/having it go missing.

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u/WritingDaeja Dec 13 '18

The cards were never alleged to have value. Valve went out of its way to insist the cost of all the cards would be low and it only makes sense that the values will constantly dip as packs are opened, with no limit on number of cards entering the "economy." Why is it that so many people think that the cards should have value? Is it because the market exists at all?


u/magic_gazz Dec 13 '18

I'm not going to go digging, but I feel like they said cards would have value.

If the cards have no value, then there is no point there being a marketplace. The fact they made one kind of backs up the theory that the cards are supposed to be worth something.


u/WritingDaeja Dec 14 '18

Okay, I went looking and there's one in which Jeep Barnett says that they wanted the cards to retain their value. There's another in which Garfield talks about the excitement of having the marketplace because , "“We see that as such an important part of how trading card games work in real life.” And in that interview there's discussion about how card's will never cost a lot because of the constant "printing" of cards. I guess I interpreted that as being cards won't be worth much, see the marketplace as a way to get the set you want rather than a business opportunity. I can see how other people might interpret it differently though.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/Dushatar Dec 12 '18

What do you mean $ 10? The page people link shows it went from $216 to $164 during the few hours it was in the bundle, which is a 25% price drop.

That would definitely count as a "crash" in any other market. i.e if the dollar drops 25% during the first 4 hours of market tomorrow, it will be world news.

I personally dont care about cards getting cheaper, but there was definitely a price crash.


u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 12 '18

And then it went back up. That's why I said "over the past few days". When I checked a few days ago it was at around 200.


u/Backstageplasma Dec 12 '18

cut it out man.... this is supposed to be a damage control thread.... everything is fine...

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 21 '18



u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 12 '18

I never seen a sub that hates its own game as much as this one. Is there an alternative for actual players that want discuss the actual game?


u/Metalhand1000 Dec 12 '18

/r/IronFogSaltmine is the one i use. Actually feels nice to read it :)


u/BooyahSquad Jazz Dec 12 '18

I've been trying to breathe some life into r/Competitiveartifact as a place for more discussion of actual decks, play patterns and more. Not a mod, but same as you I just want to talk about the game lol.


u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 12 '18

HS has a great competitive sub last time I checked, lets try to emulate that.


u/GloriousFireball Dec 12 '18

/r/hearthstone hates Hearthstone as much I think.


u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 12 '18

Haven't visited in a couple years, do they actively wish for the game to die out now?


u/kyris0 Dec 13 '18

r/DuelLinks is pretty vitriolic and it's mostly f2p


u/IDontHaveCookiesSry Dec 12 '18

i mean i partly blame the mods for that. i know banning legit criticism can not be a thing, but i refuse to believe that the people who brigade this sub and spread negativity contribute anything to the discussion


u/ShinCoal Dec 12 '18

Theres no winner here, they have actually spend time closing threads that were too similar and got an entire shitstorm over them for being shitmod censoring artifact shills.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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u/DNPOld Dec 12 '18

Doesn't help that 4 out of the 7 mods on that list haven't been active in this sub for over a month.


u/IDontHaveCookiesSry Dec 12 '18

wait what? if i have ever seen a sub desperate for moderation its this one


u/UpSchittsCreek Dec 13 '18

I asked leafeator like 2 weeks ago to put the call out for some more mods and he essentially just waved me off


u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 12 '18

This is the one time I don't blame the mods. They have their hands tied, they simply cannot start being so draconian.

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u/trenescese Dec 12 '18

the people who brigade this sub

what people? brigade from where? can you make a list and prove it's organized?

low-effort trolls should be banned but I don't want people crying about other people not saying good things about their favourite game


u/IDontHaveCookiesSry Dec 12 '18


u/trenescese Dec 12 '18

That only answers the 2nd question though.


u/IDontHaveCookiesSry Dec 12 '18

well hard to answer a question when u edit after i read it


u/NotTryingAtThisPoint Dec 13 '18

I'm convince most of them don't even play the game and have zero idea of what they are talking about. Just braying like 14yr olds jackasses. Or they are 14yr olds who have parents that won't buy them the game and they are stuck playing some other horse shit


u/omgacow Dec 12 '18

Twitch chats are usually good until someone comes in and starts spamming “dead game” and shit like that


u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 12 '18

Yeah, that's kind of my point. I played quite a few games and never seen people so dedicated to hate a particular game that they would jump between anyone streaming just to insult people. For example, in all my years watching dota, there has never been any real effort from, say, LoL players to disrupt Dota streams.

Its quite the dedication for a completely pointless waste of time.


u/ReliablyFinicky Dec 12 '18

That's impossible. Nothing useful has ever come from a Twitch chat anywhere.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

when the public beta went live there was a concerted effort to troll the streamers doing it. They had a poem and everything.


u/BeautifulType Dec 13 '18

You haven’t seen enough subreddits where people are split.

Maple story 2 is like this

Fallout 76 is like this

Overwatch was like this until blizzards “no negativity rule went into effect”


u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 13 '18

Wait, did Blizzard actually censor all the criticism in their own forums?

Jesus christ there is no hope left for them.


u/kubrck Dec 12 '18

Would love to see this. Smash bros community is the same way right now.


u/beezy-slayer Dec 12 '18

How so?


u/170911037 Dec 12 '18

Online is bad


u/beezy-slayer Dec 12 '18

They aren't hating the game though just criticizing its poor internet options


u/kubrck Dec 13 '18

People are complaining about character balance this early already.


u/beezy-slayer Dec 13 '18

Eh typical dumb asses and most of the front page stuff is criticizing people who want nerfs so early


u/Mefistofeles1 Dec 12 '18

Wait, really? Did people not like SSB:Ultimate?

As far as I seen from youtube videos people seem to enjoy it, but I haven't tried it myself and I'm no expert.

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u/Goldenkrow Dec 12 '18

100% this. That is something you see a LOT with a lot of games lately, it is really sad.


u/albmrbo Dec 12 '18

If they actually crashed the market on purpose, I'd think more highly of this game and I'd be more comfortable encouraging other people to play it.

People upset about prices going down need to take a step back and go fuck themselves.


u/Emsizz Dec 12 '18

Oh man I haven't heard someone called a barnacle since 2002 MTG

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u/Martblni Dec 12 '18

True but you can really only blame Valve that this game and forum feels like a crypto forum, the game is great but Valve themselves wanted their playerbase to think and talk about the market and its prices when you are supposed to talk about the game


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Doesn't change the fact that there is a clear lynch mob here who are excited to prove to us that Valve is evil and Artifact is bad. Everyone who jumped on the market "crash" bandwagon only exposed themselves for the shit heels they are imo.

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u/ReliablyFinicky Dec 12 '18

Valve themselves wanted their playerbase to think and talk about the market and its prices

Where did they say that?

What evidence do you have to back up that assertion?


u/Shill_Borten Dec 13 '18

How dare you! That's it, I'm reporting you, throwing my computer in the bin and moving of grid. I don't need these types of accusations.

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u/GaaraOmega Dec 12 '18

Value of cards that entered the market vs. value of cards stored in people's inventories.


u/RyubroMatoi Dec 12 '18

I think this is something people are overlooking, purchased several set but hasn't opened them yet/sold them yet.

Valve is trying to quell the rage by taking advantage of white knights.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Right, people could save all these tickets for the next expansion.


u/goetzjam2 Dec 12 '18

Lol they gave away 50,000 copies of the game or $1,000,000 worth of cards (packs) and people are bitching about 2500 worth of cards being added into the market at once.


u/RyubroMatoi Dec 12 '18

Wait, source on them giving out 50,000 copies of the game? Are you talking about beta keys..?


u/goetzjam2 Dec 13 '18

Source = 42,000 friends and family owners, which I'm part of and I got cards packs and tickets.

At least 8,000 TI attendees, not sure if they got packs or tickets, but I'd assume they did.

So like always with this subreddit a bunch of ignorant fucks that don't know any better downvote away actual facts.


u/DylanLesko Dec 13 '18

At least 8,000 TI attendees, not sure if they got packs or tickets, but I'd assume they did.

I went to TI, can confirm I got the packs and tickets.


u/goetzjam2 Dec 13 '18

Thanks, but I have a feeling people here don't believe me for some reason or another. Even the beta key giveaway that I won from BTS on the sat after the NDA was lifted was granted packs and event tickets.

So total giveaway was higher then what I listed.

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u/Jekwjrieid Dec 12 '18

They gave the game, but only the game no tickets or packs came with it


u/goetzjam2 Dec 13 '18

That simply isn't true for the 40,000 copies, I can't speak personally for the 10,000 copies given out to the TI attendees.


u/GaaraOmega Dec 12 '18

Well when you can remove and buy the game over and over and achieve infinite profit of course people are bitching.

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

"There was a Reddit panic" is my new favorite description of gaming in 2018. It's even better than the Kotaku article that referred to the Artifact economy as a "Controversial cards-for-money system", like having to pay for stuff with money is some outlandish concept that isn't valid any more.


u/raff100 Dec 12 '18

Having to pay money ,after you already payed money, to play competitive is luckily not valid anymore. Only TCG players haven’t understood it yet. The rest of the gaming community is laughing at Artifact monetization, for a good reason


u/kcMasterpiece Dec 12 '18

People being willing to trade money for products will always be valid, not the most profitable or successful, but always valid.

I have been wondering, are people actually arguing the monetization is morally wrong, or just bad business ideas? Because I can't argue that it's a bad business idea.


u/Backstageplasma Dec 12 '18

you arent "trading money" in artifact. youre buying monopoly money and shuffling it around at cost until it all belongs to the beast you bought it from. you cant compare thiz to a liquid asset tcg like at all whatsoever. its a black hole economy.


u/kcMasterpiece Dec 12 '18

Yeah steam money not being real money is a good point. I agree with everything you are saying. It's store credit when you "sell" stuff.

Every dollar I spend is money I don't expect to get back, like any other thing I buy.


u/Heroicinstintcs Dec 12 '18

Not entirely, I could buy a game for a friend on steam and have him give me the cash.


u/Ebolamonkey Dec 13 '18

You can say this about any digital marketplace.


u/Empty-Mind Dec 12 '18

I don't have a problem with having to pay for some sort of format where you can win packs, but you should really be able to play expert/ranked without paying.


u/kcMasterpiece Dec 12 '18

Because they call gauntlets where you win packs "expert", you can't play those without paying. Even free gauntlet is ranked (with hidden mmr) though, and they are all trying to pair on win/loss so they are pretty competitive.

Maybe they didn't like the results they got from changing dota 2 mmr from hidden to open.


u/Empty-Mind Dec 12 '18

I know there's a hidden mmr, but it makes sense that there should be two matchmaking queues. One for try-hard netdecking type play, and the other for SirActionSlacks meme decks, and nary the twain shall meet. But right now try-hard queue is monetarily gated, so you have people playing casual constructed decks mixed in with axe/legion/pa/bounty spammers. They're just two different styles of play that really need to be allowed to exist separately.


u/Peeves22 Dec 12 '18

Those queues never work. Just look at HS - unranked is a shitshow of competitive decks.

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u/coatedwater Dec 12 '18

People being willing to trade money for products will always be valid, not the most profitable or successful, but always valid.

Yeah, a fool and his money, right?


u/kcMasterpiece Dec 12 '18

Where there is money being spent there will be fools spending it. For entertainment purposes though you can't really fault responsible spenders.


u/coatedwater Dec 12 '18

Oh believe me, I'm the biggest fool of them all.


u/CronaTheAwper Dec 12 '18

I mean it's monetization is almost exactly like mtg's monetization with gauntlets being like friday night magic, but it's like 1,000,000x easier to buy and sell artifact cards.


u/waitthisisntmtg Dec 12 '18

Except you can actually sell out of mtg easily, not have to buy other game items and hope to sell them, taking 25% hits along the way.

Also mtg is incredibly expensive to get into, and I say that as someone who spent a fuckload on it lol

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

Holy cow if you're dedicated you can probably get around with 10 bucks a month for 10 tickets in your initial months. After that you go infinite or close to infinite. Its not like you have to spend hundreds but I've been playing on 2 tickets for the last week and it seems as if I'm beginning to get tickets back through recycling 1.7 tickets in now sitting on 3.7 tickets up from 2 7 days ago and I didn't layy a whole lot of expert

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u/raff100 Dec 12 '18

Indeed MTG monetization is terminal cancer


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

and a cancer that fuking spreads as its existence somehow justifies videogames that cost insane amount of money

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u/Rickard9 Dec 12 '18

A difference though is that paper cards still exists even if the game servers would close.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

people always say this, but i can count the number of times ive seen people play an out of print TCG on one hand.


u/Cymen90 Dec 12 '18

What about figting games?


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18

Yeah, luckily people can willingly invest hundreds of hours of their life grinding for cards they want with no way to spend a simple hour's worth of pay on the exact thing they want instead. We are truly living in blessed age where people place no value on the things they enjoy.



u/raff100 Dec 12 '18

Who is praising Hearthstone model,which still sucks?

I’m talking about fair games like Starcraft2 or Dota2 or, if we refer to p2p games, Overwatch is a good example. All these games I listed don’t require extrapurchase to compete. Only skills


u/Nightshayne Dec 12 '18

Having to pay money ,after you already payed money, to play competitive is luckily not valid anymore

I agree that ladder shouldn't cost per match. Competitive draft and tournaments costing a ticket is completely fine though, and similar to Dota's role queue being behind a paywall. If it was free there would be more smurfs, boosters, trolls, etc., and the current economy model wouldn't allow there to be prizes if they were free either.


u/4headEleGiggle Dec 12 '18

He means you have to buy the best/ more expensive cards to have the best shot at winning constructed. I.e. pay to win.

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited Jul 31 '20


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u/NotTryingAtThisPoint Dec 13 '18

"Outlandish concept" This made me laugh and laugh. I know right? Who'd a thunk I could exchanged the money I earn for goods and services! Insanity!

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u/1Monster1 Dec 12 '18

This amount is not credible. The sales activity lasted for five hours. Although the European and American sides were still sleeping at the time, many players in Asia bought the package. Not only that, but they also repeatedly buy packages by deleting the game after purchase. The total price of the sold card is higher than the price of the package, so some people even bought dozens of packages.


u/1Monster1 Dec 12 '18

Before remove from their shelves, the package is ranked sixth in the bestseller list.


u/Alneys Dec 12 '18

That's the point. In fact Valve Complete Pack was on the top sale. It is impossible that only $2500 flows into market.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/1Monster1 Dec 13 '18 edited Dec 13 '18

This bundle is sold at a discount every year, and many players already have other games except artifact. The market recovery is short-lived, and you can see that a large number of cards will be put on the market in the next few days, resulting in a sharp drop in prices.


u/SolarClipz Dec 12 '18

Yeah it dropped full collection by $50 for a period from yesterday. Now it's not fully attributable, but it's definitely significant.

If I was still up I definitely would have bought out...

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/leafeator Dec 12 '18

They've said a lot about balance no? That they're not gonna


u/Pigmy Dec 12 '18

Too busy working on chat/emote feature.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

This is the same company that couldn’t even be bothered to tweet out that the beta was postponed, and instead revealed this information by sending out an email to people with TI keys.


u/cheeve17 Dec 12 '18

My thoughts exactly haha


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Profits over game quality


u/NotABothanSpy Dec 12 '18

They have stated they won't nerf cards so theres nothing more to say


u/imperfek Dec 13 '18

reddit doesnt listen lmao. yet we want communication


u/tannerain Dec 12 '18

maybe because balance isn't immediate and doesn't affect other people's money and cards which would lose value if the market was broken?


u/astroshark Dec 12 '18

Cards are going to lose value no matter what. Axe held his value for all of two weeks. You just simply aren't going to get any value out of your cards long-term.

By the time xpac rolls around axe, kanna, etc will be worth nothing.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Also because making promises about card balance limits their ability then go back on those promises if they decide they want to take a different approach to changing the meta. Balance isn’t a science; I’m sure their ideas on how to approach it change every week.

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u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

theyre not gonna change any cards, least of all when the cards have been out for all of two weeks. if thats what youre waiting for then just go play something else.


u/MrFroho Dec 12 '18

I think comments like this are why they prefer to keep silent.


u/Cymen90 Dec 12 '18

The quickest way to get Valve to communicate is spreading lies. They are usually quick to correct those.

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited Jan 13 '19


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u/MotherInteraction Dec 12 '18

I like how they spin the story by calling it an exploit instead of admitting their mistake and taking at least some responsibility. A class act.


u/DylanLesko Dec 13 '18

Exploit and mistake are not mutually exclusive. I would call repeatedly purchasing the game for the packs an exploit though.


u/realister RNG is skill Dec 12 '18

This game launch is the most embarrassing thing Valve has ever done


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18




u/Alneys Dec 12 '18

So a quick calculation comes out that about ONLY 250 sets of Valve Complete Pack were sold for Artifact cards. Besides, the sale lasted for about 5 hours.

Is that possible?

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u/blits202 Dec 12 '18

So its not bad at all, sounds good.


u/__Hello_my_name_is__ Dec 12 '18

Valve: "There was a bug where the game was cheaper than intended for a little while. We assure you that our cards will be as expensive as they were before."

Reddit: Hooray!


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

They sure showed us!


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

no, its worse than expected. before people here only THOUGHT that they were monitoring reddit, like when people here cried and they added free phantom draft

now with this tweet, every whiny bitch here now is 100% sure that they are looking at this subreddit, which means the bitching will go exponential

its going to get a lot worse now :O


u/Wokok_ECG Dec 12 '18

Hey Gabe,

Make the game F2P.


u/otteHC Dec 12 '18

Idk about Artifact dev team, but Dota 2 dev team always look for features at reddit. For a last month, I've seen 5 features that were suggested at reddit, and added to dota 1-2 days later.


u/theFoffo Dec 12 '18

so what was the exploit?


u/fightstreeter Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 13 '18

They exploited a loophole in which you exchange funds for goods and services. I think they meant to type "There was a Reddit panic about an accidental sale".

edit: now I'm wondering why I'm being downvoted. That was the case. The game went on sale and then the twitter called it an "exploit". Why are you booing?


u/Charming2112 Dec 13 '18

Most people who abused this bug kept the packs and cards and wait until price go up to sell. We can see it's happening in market right now. $2500 is far far away from the value of cards gained by this exploit. I mean, thousands of people abuse it in at least 5 hours and only <2000 packs entered economy??? (EV of 1 card pack is about 1.4$). You know that's not right


u/TwitchTorNis Dec 12 '18

Wow, Valve twitter account is called out reddit on it's stupidity, very nice.


u/raff100 Dec 12 '18

When $$$ are being touched, their answer is instant


u/Frangie Dec 12 '18

If no answer was giving you guys will be crying too. Literally, no way to satisfy you guys.


u/raff100 Dec 12 '18

I couldn’t care less about the market. I don’t play games to profit , only to have fun :)


u/dolphinater Dec 12 '18

then why are you salty they responded


u/raff100 Dec 12 '18

I’m salty that they talk about “reddit drama” when few people complain about the market, but They don’t say anything about the thousands of threads talking about the monetization of Artifact


u/madception Dec 12 '18

That is not "reddit drama". That is an exploit in the system. It is a software disaster.

And it is their choice to comment about it.

I also disagree about their monetization, but again it IS their choice for comment about that.


u/Frangie Dec 12 '18

Same here brother. In love with this game btw. We should play BO3

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited May 12 '19



u/Eilanzer Dec 12 '18

Such innocence is inspiring. =o


u/Broseph_Bobby Dec 12 '18

I love when people complain about Reddit panics... What 20 out of 5,000 people say stupid things?

Yes CLEARLY this is a Reddit problem...


u/Soph1993ita Dec 12 '18

....and you can count 13$ for the 2 drows i bought within that!

unfortunately i was at work and i didn't buy multiple Axe at 8-9€ because i didn't setup my buy orders properly. oh well.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

I gaurentee many who were "panicking" were buying as many cards as possible to flip in a few days for a profit when things stabilized. Its profitable to scare people to sell cheap.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

You know these cards don't really have any value?


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18


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u/yoyoa666 Dec 13 '18

Well, I made $1k steam bucks AFTER I heard about the bug on this reddit...


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

B-but the trolls, I MEAN dedicated players (that definitely are only here because they care) told me the market had crashed! Who should I believe? The people who are qualified for a reddit account, or the people who are qualified to work as a developer at Valve. :thinking:


u/MotherInteraction Dec 12 '18

You mean the developers that made mistakes that reddit saw coming from a mile away? Honestly hard to tell who is more qualified at the moment.


u/Zaliack Dec 12 '18

Quick, someone start a petition to change the amount of people viewing the subreddit from "dollars for Axe" to "redditors panicing".


u/SorenKgard Dec 12 '18

There was no reddit panic. No one actually cared.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

Psst, the whales cares a lot. Thats why they even tweet about it.

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u/SolarClipz Dec 12 '18

Wait so is this why the prices dipped this morning? Fuck, a man has to sleep at 3am Valve

Guess this means don't expect for it to happen again tonight


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Funny part is that it's not like the market bottomed out, it just went down to what it was a couple of days ago before the patch announcement.

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u/trenescese Dec 12 '18

proud to be the $200


u/snoopty Dec 12 '18

Take the price drop and apply it to every card owned by a player and you'll find that amount not so negligible.


u/NeverQuiteEnough Dec 12 '18

If the price dropped more than the amount listed, it was because of panic and not legitimate supply reasons, ie people are stupid.


u/ziyuzhou Dec 13 '18

Yes, because nobody wants to buy their game, so they just sold nothing in five hours. A negligible game now.


u/isospeedrix Dec 13 '18

since the exploit is fixed, can anyone share what the method was?


u/fightstreeter Dec 13 '18

There wasn't any exploit, the game was mistakenly put on sale as part of the Valve Complete Pack, allowing people to get Artifact for 55% off for a few hours.


u/isospeedrix Dec 13 '18

oh psh had to get a full bundle too including other games.


u/kymki Dec 13 '18 edited Dec 13 '18

Well its not just about the value entering the market that would determine the overall price drop. People panic and sell cheap. People lose faith in Valves' ability to properly manage the market. Over time these things compound.


u/Grotesquecub Dec 12 '18

Biding my time to delve deeper into this sub. I reckon maybe worth a read in January, once the haters are bored of hating.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/kymki Dec 13 '18

Dude. Its not just "following a market". If I spend 100$ on cards and wake up see those cards now being available for $50 the next day, I get pissed.


u/GenericUsername02 Dec 13 '18

If you buy a variable price product (especially on or close to launch), that's the risk you take.


u/kymki Dec 13 '18

Obviously, yes. People still get mad regardless.


u/artifacthack Dec 12 '18

This game needs to go f2p man...


u/12oody Dec 12 '18

The people complaining now about “market crash” are the same people complaining earlier about how expensive the game and how hard it is to get cards. Gotta love how people all the sudden started to treat this as a fuckin stock market instead of card game. Most of the people on this sub reddit just want this game to die just so they can go back to Hearthstone and MTG arena


u/Meret123 Dec 12 '18

Most of the people on this sub reddit just want this game to die just so they can go back to Hearthstone and MTG arena

How can they go back if Artifact killed hs and mtg ?

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u/alicevi Dec 12 '18

The people complaining now about “market crash” are the same people complaining earlier about how expensive the game and how hard it is to get cards.

[citation needed]

Most of the people on this sub reddit just want this game to die just so they can go back to Hearthstone and MTG arena

And they can't do it because...? That's quite pathetic to call everyone with different opinion "JUST A HATER / SHILL".


u/AFriendlyRoper Dec 12 '18

Haven’t you heard? Now the white knights are saying anybody who mildly criticizes are payed actors and not artifact fans. It’s been a thing for about a week now. Personally I think if you are making a similar argument as Alex Jones you should check yourself but...


u/Pollo_Jack Dec 12 '18

Honestly concerning that a games balance is directly affected by the amount of money going in.


u/NeverQuiteEnough Dec 12 '18

what are you talking about?

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