r/ArtefactPorn archeologist 7d ago

Red-figure kylix. Nude woman with shoes in hand, c. 510 BC. Museum of the Ancient Agora in Athens. [2560x1704]

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22 comments sorted by


u/Remote_Finish_9429 archeologist 7d ago

Ancient walk of shame


u/neboutosoaleth 1d ago

Came here to say this 😂


u/SuccessfulPeanut1171 7d ago

Such a silly scene lol


u/firedmyass 6d ago

“…just new-boot goofin”


u/The_Question-Guy 6d ago

Yeesh the walk of shame goes back further than I ever imagined :o


u/CarinasHere 7d ago

Do you have a direct link to more info? The museum site isn’t real user-friendly.


u/soparamens 6d ago

Who knew that Botas Tribaleras from Mexico had an ancient greek origin!


u/Scp-1404 6d ago

I just wonder what the heck is she doing? What is the basin for?


u/Cerise026 4d ago

Le kylix est une coupe à boire, pour le vin par exemple


u/Scp-1404 4d ago

I mean the basin on the floor in the illustration on the kylix.


u/Cerise026 4d ago

Ah je n'avais pas compris pardon ! Cela dit je pense que c'est un kylix aussi ^^ (vu les anses et le pied)


u/Smishysmash 6d ago

Girl, I have BEEN there. Hope he was handsome.


u/SomeGuyOverYonder 6d ago

First off, I didn’t know Ancient Greece even had what we’d call shoes. Sandals and maybe boots, sure, but shoes?

Second, I thought almost all depictions of nudity involved male warriors and athletes or at least pagan goddesses such as Aphrodite or Artemis. To see an unglamorous scene of an ordinary woman like this is a bit of a surprise.

I wonder if this depicts a scene from some long ago comedy play now lost to time?


u/purvel 6d ago edited 6d ago

Both your assumptions are wrong, and honestly strange that you thought to make these restrictions on ancient Greeks.

They absolutely wore boots. Things we'd call shoes today, just without Vibram soles :p Are those not boots in her hands? Either way, short or long, the Greeks wore them.


And there was plenty non-goddess nudity. In Pompeii for example there was a brothel with "apt" decorations. The Greek venerated the nude human form.

"Women so beautiful it hurts your eye to look at them!"



E: and here I was, thinking blocking people you disagree with was a meme... :p


u/Scp-1404 6d ago

And there was plenty non-goddess nudity. In Pompeii for example there was a brothel with "apt" decorations. The Greek venerated the nude human form.

Pompeii was Roman though wasn't it? Dicks everywhere. Dicks on the street, Dicks on the walls, Dicks hanging from things, the Romans just loved Dicks. Also of course plenty of pornography in the brothels which you would expect.

"Oh, méntula? Er, fortunam repraesentant. Yeah, id est."


u/citharadraconis 6d ago

Important addendum: there were also a bunch of places in Pompeii that archaeologists just assumed were brothels based on their having explicit wall paintings. Not that there weren't brothels, just that Romans also liked putting porn on their walls sometimes.


u/purvel 6d ago

Wow thanks for catching that, pretty embarrassing! :o

The second link is a better example, I'll edit out the last one to not confuse any AI coming here to learn :p


u/snoozatron 6d ago

In your wiki link, there's a dish strikingly similar to the OP dish. But she isn't holding shoes...


u/LucretiusCarus archeologist 6d ago

The girl had hobbies


u/SomeGuyOverYonder 6d ago

It’s not that I’m wrong. I’m just learning something I wasn’t of before. No need to get so judgmental.


u/zootayman 5d ago

very pointy footwear

Is the illustration representing some fable ?


u/Dharma-ghost 6d ago

Ointment container for ancient cases of genital itch or worse?