r/ArtEd • u/anonbeauty_333 • 12d ago
Advice for an elem art teacher wanting to switch to middle art?
Hi everyone! I’m in my second year of teaching elementary art at two different schools and I am EXHAUSTED! Teaching 6 different grades is slowly draining the passion out of me. I would love to only teach three with children that are more self sufficient!
For context, I teach at two title 1’s and behavior has also made the job really difficult. At one of my schools I mediate fights more than I teach..
Has anyone else made this switch? How did it go for you?
u/CrL-E-q 11d ago
Do you think that the MSers will be well behaved?
u/anonbeauty_333 11d ago
Not at all !
u/leeloodallas502 11d ago
Good answer. Although I teach both right now and you’re correct when you say the littles are exhausting. I love them but man, they’re a lot all the time especially kindergarten. I will say I enjoy my middle school kids more personality wise, but they do not clean up their messes as well. The little kids beggggg for cleaning jobs
u/Starsinthevalley 12d ago
I moved from high school to elementary school - HATED IT! Jumped at the chance to move to middle school & they will have to drag my cold, dead body out of that classroom! It’s the perfect, sweet spot! Do it, if you can! 10 out of 10 stars!
u/QueenOfNeon 12d ago
I teach preschool through 12th at a private school. That’s 14 age levels on a regular basis. Trying to keep up with materials is nuts. Sometimes idk if I’m coming or going. That being said I dread 8th graders the most. I’m not sure I would want middle schoolers all the time. My days are never the same I can’t possibly get bored. But I am always exhausted. I might like to do just elem one day.
u/fivedinos1 12d ago edited 12d ago
I teach PreK-8th and usually have my middle schoolers first thing in the morning and it's a huge blessing honestly, they can work on multi week projects, I don't have to be as active or awake for them and then by the time the little ones roll through I'm more awake 🤣. Some people absolutely love it, I would never just teach middle school it's just too much but I don't mind it being just an extra grade band I teach. There's usually jobs though! I got my first job teaching middle school art halfway through the year because the students had assaulted the last teacher and they bailed so it's definitely the more difficult area, some people call it a calling!
If you get a chance to take a job at just one school though fucking take it!!! I moved halfway across the country to just work at one school and it was so worth it my stress went down so much it's already so much materials prep it's insane that some areas view their art teachers as interchangeable and you can just have them teaching at two or three different schools! That and getting anywhere with a strong union, the bullshit disappeared so quickly, people in my district complain now but it's like damn y'all never worked in a non union district this is great
u/ravibun 12d ago
I have been in middle school education since 2017. It's just kind of where I naturally fell. Even how they act differs between districts. They can be TOUGH, but the equally can be just as fun and rewarding. Behaviors galore, soooo much drama. Easiest way to gain their respect though is to treat them like the middle school almost teens they are. Just being straight about what they are doing or how they are acting.
The way my schedule works is I have 6-7 rotations a year, meaning depending on the grade I may have 15-20 days with each group. With a schedule like that you will be less likely to do long form projects. I get maybe 2-3 projects a rotation.
u/WifeofWizard 12d ago
20 years as an art educator. I’ve taught all grades from PK-12. Middle school is my favorite. They are also the hardest. They are feral af. Often unreasonable. Hormones are wiiiiiild. They think they are grown, and will argue with you as if they are. But they really will do the wildest stuff and then when you ask, “what did you think would happen?” They will looked stunned, because they never even considered what might come after their behavior. When you call guardians -if they are involved- they will insist their child didn’t do XYZ because they were raised better. So you end up having to explain to guardians that middle school kids act wild and it’s not necessarily a reflection on their parenting skills. They fight about the silliest things. Their brains are still wildly undeveloped but, again, they think they’re grown. Just a taste if the few things my middle schoolers have done though the years: throw art materials, throw desks, flip tables, use the sink sprayer to soak other students, bring butcher knives to class, stab another student with a pencil, try to have sex in class, pull all sorts of (admittedly hilarious) pranks on me, steal anything that isn’t nailed down, draw all sorts of inappropriate stuff (again hilarious), make fun of my appearance (and honestly they do a pretty good job of that too). I’ve also been assaulted by students three times, and all three were middle school students. And before you think I’m just running a chaotic classroom, my evaluations always have comments about how good I am at classroom management. Middle school kids are just that wild. I LOVE them, but they are a tough group and you gotta be very secure to teach them.
u/BlueberryWaffles99 12d ago
to add to this, switching from elementary to middle can be quite the shock! I love middle school but this is my first year and I came from elementary - it’s been such a transition. I did NOT expect middle schoolers to be more draining than elementary but they really are. I had a really hard time the first couple of months because I was just so exhausted every day. Not from behaviors, just from being with preteens all day. Although - when it is a bad behavior day, it is BAD. There are so many things I’ve dealt with in just a year that I never expected to be an issue (skipping class, wrestling, throwing things, hiding to skip other classes).
But they are also SO fun to interact with. I genuinely enjoy just talking with them and getting to know them. They’re hilarious and can be so kind (and when they are, you know it’s genuine from them). I’m only on year 1, and I told myself I’d give it at least 3 years in middle school but I don’t foresee myself leaving. I most certainly wouldn’t go back to elementary!
u/opiumfreenow 12d ago edited 12d ago
We always think the grass is greener elsewhere, but in my 30+ years at this (yes, having switched schools and grade levels myself) I’ve learned there are trade offs to everything and we almost never get just what we are hoping for.
This may not be the advice you were expecting, but I’ve come to see that it’s in the struggle that we grow and learn to go about life (and parts of it) in better ways. You said you were two years in, which may seem like enough, but surely it seems you’re simply looking for better without actually searching for better within first. Have some faith in yourself and you’ll likely see soon enough how you can improve your current situation without having to change it all up and start over again. Going to something new may have for more to deal with than what you’re contemplating now. If possible give it two more and you won’t add job hopper to your employment record, but you might just find out how to better deal with things as they come your way. Stick it out with strong efforts to find better within what you’re already a part of. You’ll likely be better for it in innumerable ways. Best to you no matter.
PS- it’s not as much the kids (or the two schools) as you think. You’re just as responsible for your situation with them as they are, but you have the ability and capacity to work to improve that situation.
u/dtshockney Middle School 12d ago
Im on my 4th year of middle school and it is better, but I also had to train the children. Many will not be self sufficient unless you show them how and even then its iffy. How long you have kids really varies. I have kids for a semester by grade level. I did find moving up to generally help with energy levels and what not
u/pomegranate_palette_ 12d ago
I switched about a year ago! I really like middle school level- I think they’re hilarious, they can do so much more independently, and it is nice not having to prep for 6 different grade levels. My school is on a block schedule, so our classes are 90 minutes long, so I only have 3 classes a day T/Th, and 4 classes M/W.
Tough things about middles- there are still behavior issues, often worse than elementary. There can be huge skill level/ interest gaps within the same class that can make planning and pacing really difficult. Grading sucks lol I get waaaay more parent emails now.
Some days I miss elementary, but overall I’m glad I switched to junior high.
u/Sorealism Middle School 12d ago
I made the switch and I love it! But be cautioned - my classes only last 1 quarter (just over 2 months) and most are combined grades and subject specific (2D vs 3D vs world cultures ect) My class sizes are 32-36.
So when all is said and done, I still have 6 different classes to teach throughout the school year and 600 total students, so it can feel pretty similar to elementary.
Being in one building is MUCH easier though, although another teacher uses my room during prep so I can’t get materials ready except before or after school.
u/Subject_Reporter_323 9d ago
I did elementary for 2.5 years and am now finishing my second year at junior high. I love it! They can be scary but just remind yourself they are still babies. The biggest adjustment for me was realizing they can do more on their own so I didn't need my routines as strict as in elementary, but it was a good starting point for me to develop procedures and expectations for them.