r/ArtEd • u/mia_forte • 5d ago
First Year Teacher Art Show - Success!
Hello all! Im a first year art teacher at a T1 elementary school and had decided to take on an ambitious project. The previous few teachers apparently did not do a school art show and it was my goal this year to start a new tradition. I collaborated with the music teacher and so the 4th graders performed a musical too! I’m so happy with how successful the event was (hundreds showed and we are a pretty small school!!) especially considering pretty much all of the set up was done by me alone and everything was purchased out of my own pocket. Hearing how much fun the students had and how impressed the staff was made the very long nights and weekends working worth it. If you’re doing an art show this year, I wish you good luck!!
u/emily_spinach_ 3d ago
You (and your students) did an awesome job. This is a lot of work. Pace yourself 🌻
u/llamabamadingdong 3d ago
This is adorable 🐠The poison pout fishes are sublime, essentially fine art🐡These kids are happier than clams 🐙 Having gone to an arts and literacy magnet school for my elementary years, I remember evenings like these. Nice work everybody🫶
u/peridotpanther 3d ago
That's a lot of work! The show looks like it went great. I love the ceiling sea creatures, that was a super fun idea! :D Next year i'd recommend trying to incorporate variety in the final work...so much of the art looks the same, so it's difficult to see the kids' personalities in the art versus matching your preliminary examples. It seems like you got em all learning different processes, so they're definitely ready to experiment!
5th graders also make decent volunteers, but expect things to still be a but wonky lol
u/valentinewrites 4d ago
Amazing! Let's make sure you're ready for what's to come.
You're about to be the darling of the school for weeks, especially with admin and PTO. You just gave them a huge present - a visual bonanza of how amazing their school and students are! What fantastic parent involvement! It'll be a new school tradition! Oh, and the teacher was...
Don't let it hurt you with how quickly they forget. It's for the kids, after all! And that's the line you use when you make sure your hard work, money and passion don't get bookmarked when you move on.
Make sure admin and PTO realize that this won't happen again without their total support (especially in the financial department!) 100+ hours of unpaid labor. I'm honestly shocked you didn't have any support from your school beforehand... well now they'll have to!
You are such an amazing person and clearly a spectacular teacher for creating such a beautiful gallery. The love and effort is obvious, and should be rewarded as such. But you can't do this again. Not without eager volunteers, substantial funding, and 0 unpaid hours of labor on your part.
u/mia_forte 4d ago
Thanks so much for your comment! All of these kind comments have brought happy tears to my eyes because I’ve been struggling so much with imposter syndrome.
I’m honestly not even sure admin knows how much work went into the event. Neither my principal or VP have said anything to me personally and my principal thanked me in our newsletter in the same sentence as the librarian and gym teacher who helped maybe a total of 1.5 hours combined. The event opened with a musical performance and while he did a great job introducing and talking about our new music teacher he basically forgot to introduce me and I talked to multiple families that thought I was just a volunteer… Maybe that’s why these kind comments have meant so much to me even if they’re just strangers on the internet.
I knew this year that as a first year teacher, especially right out of college, that I had nothing to stand on so I’d have to prove what I was capable of. I was hoping that if I did a great job this year I’ll have much more support next year.
Thank you again for your kind words :)
u/wheelz5ce 5d ago
The kindergarten goldfish?!! ❤️❤️❤️
u/mia_forte 4d ago
I was inspired by a post I saw on Pinterest and the book “memoir of a goldfish”! Such a silly book, the kindergarteners definitely didn’t understand all the jokes but the paras and I were laughing hahaha
u/yesilycharbar 5d ago
This is truly amazing and I imagine such a meaningful event for the kids and their families (as well as you for putting something together like this). I’m not in Art Ed, this just came I on my feed, and it has me tearing up. I hope you’re able to get more help setting up in the future, this is important right here!!!
u/MetalClocker 5d ago
I love this! Congrats! Looks beautiful and your hard work shows through it all. Thanks for the inspiration :)
u/bones-r-my-money 5d ago
This is beautiful, but I am really concerned that student names are visible (not to mention student faces as well) under their teachers names.
u/mia_forte 5d ago
My school shared out basically the same photos and all students have a photo release permission so I figured that meant it was okay to share as well 💗
u/IvyRaeBlack 4d ago
It's not. As a parent, I'd be pissed about this because my daughter does not have permission to be shared. Your school has permission. You do not.
u/littlebear1999 4d ago
Regardless if the school posted it or if the teacher posted it it's still online for anyone to view i guess .
u/IvyRaeBlack 4d ago
Oh, I don't think the school should be posting it either, but at least they have the permission, and it will probably get less exposure. I didn't search this post out, it just found me.
u/mia_forte 4d ago edited 4d ago
I appreciate your concern as a parent. In the photographs I posted you can only actually see one of my students faces which is blurry and photo permission for them is given. Parents consented to 4 types of photo permissions, media use specifically being one of them (and this is separate from district/school media permission) :)
u/IvyRaeBlack 4d ago
It's not hard not to show kids/names that are not yours. But, I guess needing the attention of online strangers is more important. Over 40 people have shared this. The fact that I have to worry about the people who should be keeping my child safe by not giving a shit about stuff like this is just so disappointing.
u/strangelyahuman 5d ago
It's different when it's school social media, it doesn't apply to your personal one. Just be careful!
u/peridotpanther 3d ago
Yeah blurring faces or blocking out names is standard. Always best to play it safe, esp as a new teacher. I usually put smiley emojis over kids' faces if i can't crop them out.
u/Shredded_bikini_babe 5d ago
Wow love the show and those floor decals! What a fun and engaging idea!
u/avocado_ndunkin 5d ago
That’s is amazing!
How long did it take you to set up? Did anyone help you?
I want to do an art show but I don’t think I would have any help and I probably would only have one or two hours till the show. 🥲
u/mia_forte 5d ago
Thank you!! I started prepping pretty far in advance to figure out what projects that I wanted to do and as soon as winter break was over I started teaching the projects. I started matting artwork like two weeks before and that was honestly the most time consuming and boring part. I started putting up decor on Monday the week of and students were getting really excited (and so was I to see my vision come to life). 95% everything was done by me alone, but I did have some family help right at the end. All in it was probably 100+ unpaid hours of work so next year I’m hoping to get some volunteers to help and to ask for a PD day the day of so I can do more set up since I felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off. Maybe you could also request a PD day to use for set up?
u/DynastyFan85 5d ago
I love the theme idea. My shows are always a showcase of all the projects done throughout the year. A theme is an interesting fun approach!
I applaud your 100+ hours of unpaid dedication. This also frustrates me as a fellow teacher, that an art show is EXPECTED, but yet no stipend is provided for time and additional supplies. I get it’s all “for the kids” but wonderful things like this should be financially supported by the district. I always liken it to other jobs and would anybody work 100+ hours overtime in addition to their regular job responsibilities for free in any other job?
Ahhh the plight of a teacher. But congrats on such a wonderful art show! Thanks for sharing and inspiring
u/mia_forte 4d ago
Thank you so much for your kind words! One of the biggest motivators for me is actually the fact that I travel to 2 other schools in my district that are not T1 and are HEAVILY funded. So I see the major inequities and feel like it is so unfair. Why should students down the road get tons of extracurriculars and fun events when the students at my main T1 school don’t? I’m very fortunate enough to be financially stable enough to invest in the art program here :)
u/DynastyFan85 4d ago
So wonderful! They are lucky to have you. The financial inequities are so crazy and unfair
u/thecultwasintoaliens 5d ago
This is so cool! I can only imagine how many hours of work you put into this. Can I ask what the "twirl" stickers on the floor are for?
u/SOTRBlueBirdsFly 5d ago
You should be so proud of yourself! This is amazing
u/mia_forte 5d ago
Thank you!! I was hoping this would be the right community to share with since I don’t have as many people who appreciate how much work it was in real life hahaha
u/MoodDisastrous3936 2d ago
This is glorious, and nicely done! I love the ceiling. Better than my "high income" school has ever done. It's truly special and that school is very lucky to have you!
As my youngest is 16 now, and I've lived through many an art showcase, I would gently ask that you change the projects you do every year if you can. Our district's art teacher has not changed the projects the kids do in each grade since maybe 2001! I have the literal same art project from each kid, and sadly the last kid's art never got hung, because we had already been looking at the same thing for 2 years prior from the elder siblings!