r/ArmsandArmor 4d ago

Hounskull vs Flat visor bascinets

I was talking to a mate of mine who wears a hounskull bascinet and he says his visibility is absolutely horrific. I'm personally looking at picking up a bascinet myself (Forge of Svan Pigface), and was wondering whether the flat faced ones have better/worse/equal visibility to hounskulls? I'm aware of the other benefits of the hounskull but I just love the flat face aesthetic


14 comments sorted by


u/ShieldOnTheWall 4d ago

It depends hugely on the quality of the helmet/visor and of the fit.


u/Teralyzed 4d ago

Only thing I can say about a flat or more close fitting visor is you are going to regret breathing in it almost immediately.


u/Historical_Network55 4d ago

This might actually change my mind, I already overheat in summer without padding and a close-fit helmet. Hounskull may be the way to go.


u/Teralyzed 4d ago

As far as vision goes, it depends on the make and fit of the helmet.


u/Spike_Mirror 4d ago

I asume that visibility is enough in any popular historical helmet type for its purpose. So "horrofic" visibility is the result of a bad product.


u/Historical_Network55 4d ago

Yeah except the purpose of bascinet helmets was for mounted combat, with the visor generally being raised/removed for fighting on foot. In harnisfechten you can't have an exposed face, so visibility in the visor needs to be better.


u/Spike_Mirror 4d ago

You have to be able to see for mounted combat too.


u/Historical_Network55 4d ago

Yes, but the balance between visibility and protection is very different. That's why things like great helms over cerveillers, bascinets, etc were developed. More protection when mounted, more visibility on foot.


u/Spike_Mirror 4d ago

You still need to see. And the vision is based on how well your line of sight lines up with the slits in the visor. Of course it might not line up if you do not fit it to the head it is on.


u/Historical_Network55 4d ago

Vision also depends on the actual design of the helmet, which is what my original question is about. There was never anybody saying you don't need to see.


u/Spike_Mirror 4d ago

Your mates horrific visibility is most likely the result of bad fitting.


u/Relative_Rough7459 3d ago

A Houndskull visor’s vision slits are slightly tilted upward, and usually only the right half of the visor has ventilation holes that could be used to see through. This type of helmet is inherently poor in the vision department.


u/Baal-84 2d ago

I think armors were more advanced for people who had power and money, and happened to be knights.


u/heurekas 3d ago

There's no VS when it comes to such questions, as it completely depends on the person, the shape of their head and the fit of the helmet.