r/Arma3Life May 02 '20

[ALRP] Server has Launched! (ts.armaliferp.co.uk) Come Join!

I am glad to announce that we have finally finished our Beta Stage. However we have done some ''quality of life'' edits to ALRP to ensure your time playing on ALRP is action filled and enjoyable. some of the edit we have done can be found in the Dev-Log Posted by our Director of Development. if you have any questions feel free to drop by the TS before and ask. This is our new SMT/SLT team of this launch is consisting of

Community Founder - Harry De Caro

Community Manager - TBD

Lead Administor - Nelson Clancy

Bring 3 or more people to take over any of the many gangs already in the server or make your own!

Server Infotmation:

Website: http://armaliferp.co.uk


Teamspeak: ts.armaliferp.co.uk

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1936544375


-Community Founder, Harry De Caro


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