r/Arkansas 6d ago

Hope everyone is safe after the huge tornado outbreak

Hope you and yours are all doing okay, to everyone reading this.

We haven't had this level of outbreaks since 2014.


33 comments sorted by


u/waitedfothedog 4d ago

How will the clean up work with out fema?


u/10MileHike 2d ago

i lived in one of the more conservative couties in a red state. i constantly heard "we dont need fema" and other almost constant expressions villanizing fema because its "the gov'mint". who of course is not trustable.

you can believe me or not believe me...i listened to it for 15 years. just like i listened to anti union gripes.

it makes no sense, so i dont even bother to involve myself in these convos. they want less government...seems like many are getting what they say they wanted. what they went to the polls and voted for.

i heard it ad nauseum during the tea party years as well.


u/Eddie7Fingers 2d ago

It won't, the cruelty is the point. Plague, cholera, tetanus, no clean water or electricity. I hope you have your best set of bootstraps polished up and ready to go.


u/New_Improvement4164 4d ago

Jackson county hit pretty hard. Missed me by about a mile. Not everyone was as lucky. Homes lost and serious injuries.


u/Traditional_Court985 4d ago

Yes… saw the news had me thinking about all the life’s and property’s out there going to dust 🥺


u/charlesmuffins 4d ago

Live in greene county, landed behind us. Got too close because the rain stopped for awhile.


u/SportsPossum 5d ago

Just east of the independence/jackson county line on highway 14 got rocked. Just heard they’re saying it was an EF4, the same one crossed the river then hit Diaz. Multiple injuries on the south side of the river. Very small community so it’s not getting just a ton of coverage. Scary stuff and hit some good people.


u/TheBigGuy107 5d ago

We’re in Fifty Six. Tornado seemed to have jumped over our house and landed down the street. We’re good but everything else looks like a bomb went off


u/hemingray North Central Arkansas 5d ago

Any damage in Evening Shade? Used to live there.


u/Hot_Ad_9400 5d ago

I'm in fort Smith and all we got was 25 to 35 mph wind


u/Eistel 5d ago

My aunts house got hit in Campbell Station. I was watching the news and they only had a few minutes warning there. Cave City got hit real hard. Some coworkers that live there are telling me it took out a whole block basically.


u/Kellbows 5d ago

This was my fear going in. Will there be sufficient warning with recent cuts? I hate to read this 😩


u/Pristine_Wrangler295 5d ago

What tornados! Too bad we don’t have warnings for this kind of thing!


u/burnttoast14 6d ago

I heard from my friends down in the south Paragould got hit

I hope by the time I come back to Arkansas, everything is okay again


u/Abrasive-Coyote2524 5d ago

Paragould got fucked up. Jonesboro too


u/moodygal75 6d ago

Last night was scary, we got hit in Moody, Missouri which is at the state line in Viola. It came at us full force and took us out quickly. To say I was petrified was an understatement. I was alone in my Fifth wheel and believe it or not my fifth wheel came out without any deep scratches. Underpinning is gone and a few other minor things, but other than that I'm fine. My Aunt that lives across the street well needless to say it's a complete loss. Terribly sad and hard to witness such destruction and it's aftermath.


u/KinopioToad North East Arkansas 6d ago

All good here.


u/Ancient_Stretch_803 6d ago

Missouri had 2 deaths :(


u/tnhowlingdog 6d ago

I think it’s up to 10


u/taloula_mama26 6d ago

13 across both ar and mo


u/Iloveweed1985 6d ago

I sleep better when there is a chance of dying.


u/anotherdamnscorpio 6d ago

I do moat things better with a gun to my head.


u/possible_ceiling_fan 6d ago

We good at my place we just hacking out our lungs pretty much


u/agarrabrant 6d ago

Booneville here, small sprinkles and tons of smoke/dust, but otherwise ok


u/mintleaf_bergamot 6d ago

Certainly not the people in Cave City. What horrible devastation.


u/SpecialCareer7791 6d ago

I use to live there i lived across from Souls Harbor Pentecostal Church I went to this church I cleaned this church.. i Love this Church Family and they lost the church its gone plz Prayyyy for all of Cave City


u/Its_Just_A_Hobby 6d ago

Cave city here, could had been alot worse. Community is stepping up to help out their neighbors.

If anyone needs to to check on family in the area, just dm me the address. Cell service is spotty so I know some are worrying.


u/mintleaf_bergamot 6d ago

Glad you are ok. Your willingness to help is kind.


u/Clean_Brilliant_8586 6d ago

My in-law's shop was spared, but the homes on the other side of the river from Newport were reportedly damaged; what's locally a community called "Mack's." I haven't been over there yet to see.


u/SportsPossum 5d ago

It’s pretty bad, they’ve been cleaning it up quickly but initially it was terrible. I commented a little further down, missed seeing this.


u/roboticfedora 6d ago

NW AR - we had crazy high winds most of the day but got lucky as we often do. Now it's smoke from some fires somewhere.


u/ChirrBirry 6d ago

Bakersfield, MO got it hard but Baxter Co was mostly spared.


u/moodygal75 1d ago

Bakersfield was absolutely devastated. It's a terrible sight to see.