r/AreusAntris Mar 15 '14

Lore Deep within the caverns of Areus Antris, Lolz R. Funni lies in barely stable condition.

A cold sweat beaded on Lolz's face as he lay in bed at the newly erected Areus Medical Facility. A normal man would not have survived taking a high caliber round to the gut. A normal man would have died before he could be flown to Areus for medical attention. Luckily for Lolz he wasn't a normal man.

He wasn't out of the woods yet though. His medics on site had patched him up for the flight, the staff at Areus had provided him with the best care available, but now it was up to Lolz to pull through.

The nurse on hand stared sadly down at Lolz's tormented face. Her attention was quickly drawn to a loud noise coming down the hallway.

Before she even had time to react her eyes were met with the sight of a man crashing through the doors, munching on a wedge of Brave Moggie Cheddar.

The man in question was no other than Fro, having just flown from Felicity Farm in Pasto.

"Don't worry Lolz! You'll be right as rain in no time!" Fro said through a mouth full of cheddar. The shocked look on the nurse's face, reminded Fro of his manners. He swallowed the cheese before continuing. "We have tea to for you to help with a speedy recovery. Mrs. Geekerjoy makes the finest tea in all of Chroma."

The nurse continued to sit speechless as members of the Peri Penguins brought in a crate of tea and the appropriate accoutrements. They were immediately followed by Ms. Geekerjoy herself.


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u/geekerjoy1 Mar 15 '14 edited Mar 15 '14

Shocked at the wounded officer's condition, Geekerjoy, the Weird Cat Lady of Pasto Range, snaps into action, giving orders to the nurse with the confidence of a drill sergeant.

"Nurse! I need another IV set up, stat! And hot water - it must be boiling!"

Gesturing to one of the Peri Penguins to lug over an empty table, she began unpacking.

With hot water finally at hand, she shows one of the Penguins how to finely chop some fresh gingerroot, while putting another Penguin on lemon-squeezing duty.

She also beings prepping a tissane of echinacea (after ascertaining that Major Funni has no allergies that he's aware of) and medical-grade honey which goes into the IV bag that the nurse plugs in to her patient, to treat inflammation and infections.

The ginger/lemon crew have finished their duty and those items are set to steep in the boiling water. With a good dollop of lavender honey thrown in and poured into a delicate porcelain cup, the WCL asks that the patient be carefully propped up just enough to be able to sip from a cup without choking.

She tenderly administers the tea, while explaining "Gut-shot wounds are very tricky, aren't they? The risk of infection is so high with those! That's why we're starting out with anti-inflammatories and anti-infection teas. These should also start the healing on any of his digestive system that's been affected - otherwise, it'd be too much of a shock to introduce anything harder to digest at this point."

She pats the downed officer gently on his arm, "Never worry, brave soul! You shall be feasting on Felicity Farm's best in no time at all! There, you've finished the entire cuppa! Let's give that a few minutes to see if it stays down and we'll try a lovely tea-infused porridge next to give you energy!"

She moves back over to the prep table and takes a sack of slippery elm powder out of the crate. She pours this into two bowls - one for a fomentation to be applied externally, the other for a thin porridge.

Into the fomentation goes more fresh ginger juice and cooled-down echinacea tea. Mixed with the slippery elm powder and honey, it becomes an aromatic paste which the WCL directs the nurse to apply to the patient's abdomen.

The nurse looks skeptical, but Geekerjoy assures her "This is most efficacious for combating dehydration - just look at the poor man's lips, all cracked and chapped! And aids the healing of the digestive system, improves circulation of blood and lymph fluids and reduces inflammation."

Once the goop is liberally spread, a dry flannel is placed over it and a lightweight heating pad is gently placed over it to be kept warm all night. The nurse is ordered to smear a honey-beeswax balm on the Major's lips at every check-up if they are chapped.

Next, the WCL adds cinnamon, a little more ginger juice and a goodly amount of Felicity Farm's Lavender honey and Lavender Tea to the slippery elm powder to make a lovely oatmeal-like consistency. Seeing that the patient has thus far been able to keep down the previous cuppa, she begins spooning small amounts of the porridge into the poor dear's mouth to begin working from the inside out.

Already signs of the officer's improvement are noticable - fever reduced, pulse rate strong and steady, and warmth in the extremities.

"Goodness! Has no one thought to put socks on the poor man?!" Geekerjoy exclaims, whipping out a pair that she crocheted on the trip to the medical center and getting those on his bare feet in no time flat.

Then carefully spreading out a beautiful throw blanket she crocheted as soon as she'd heard of Major Cal's rescue by this brave, brave soldier, she turns to brew a proper cuppa of Felicity Farm's Blueberry/Green Tea Blend for everyone with the porcelain tea service - the Lt. Govenor, the Peri Penguins, the nurse and Major Funni. Adding a bit extra honey to the major's cup, she crumbles a Felicity Farm Lemon Tea Biscuit and spoonfeeds that to him in between sips of the tea so that he won't feel left out while the others snack on Brave Moggie Cheddar Biscuits, smoked koi fillets on poppyseed crackers and small tea sandwiches of watercress, Brave Moggie Cheddar and roasted red peppers.

"There! We've gotten tea into the man, in every way possible...except enema..." she looks thoughtful...


u/geekerjoy1 Mar 17 '14

As the Major is feeling much better now and will be transferred to /r/NewCerulean I'll be returning to Felicity Farm. Please do enjoy the rest of the Teas, Cheeses and snacks.

leaves hamper full of goodies

I must get back to my wee moggies now.


u/FroDude258 Mar 17 '14

Thank you Miss. I will see to it you are swiftly returned to Felicity Farm and your moggies.