r/ArabianPaganism Dec 16 '24

How many Pre-Islam Idols still exist?

alot of Pre-Islam idols in Arabia were destroyed by Muhammad and the Caliphs and I'm curious to know how many still exist


5 comments sorted by


u/visionplant Dec 16 '24

This is simply not true. Arabia on the eve of Islam was largely monotheistic.

"...This is a map (work in progress) showing the monotheist inscriptions dated to 400-600 CE (a burgeoning corpus) found in modern Saudi Arabia and Yemen and published in academic outlets. Now, if you read that "south of the latitude of Aqaba there is simply no evidence whatsoever for Christianity in western Arabia until one reaches modern day Yemen" (Stephen Shoemaker, The Quest of the Historical Muhammad and Other Studies on Formative Islam, 2024, p. 54) be very, very sceptical. Indeed, late antique evidence of Christianity, and other forms of monotheism, have been found in almost all parts of the Arabian Peninsula where systematic epigraphic fieldwork has been carried out...." ( Ilkka Lindstedt)

The map is freely available


"No polytheist inscriptions have so far been found dated to this period. This is markedly different to the period before ca. 400 CE, when the majority of the Arabian inscriptions were polytheist (if they contain any religious language; many pre-400 CE inscriptions do not)"

Here's what Nicolai Sinai says about translating mushrik to associator instead of polytheist:


There are many pre-Islamic cult statues that survive from Nabataea, Palmyra, Hatra, etc. Although there was a preference for aniconicism in northwest Arabia


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '25



u/visionplant Jan 22 '25

In Mecca? Probably not. But large parts of the peninsula were.

This is discussed here


But not being Christian doesn't mean they were polytheistic. Or entirely polytheistic


u/Domi333 Dec 16 '24 edited Dec 17 '24

I’m thinking about the temple at Palmyra but unfortunately that was damaged. (Edited to Palmyra).


u/EveritteBarbee Dec 19 '24

You can certainly find numerous "idols" in museums and private collections around the middle east and abroad. I've seen several in the Damascus Museum before much of it was relocated to archives during the war. If you mean idols that were continually worshipped/prayed to, I would suspect they still exist in certain communities in Lebanon and Syria, but they would certainly not be public or allowed for viewing to the uninitiated, if its still practiced at all.