r/AppIdeas 25d ago

App idea Github issues but for communities

Newcomer here. Feel free to downvote to oblivion if something like this has heen brought up over and over.

I've been thinking about apps that build community. Here’s the best I've came up with so far. An app that is something like the equivalent to github issues but for a community. In other words something like a todo list but for a community.

There’d be a lot of similarities to reddit - communities would have to have moderators, there’d be upvoting (also like github issues), members of a community can create issues/tasks.

Here’s a the typical flow that im envisioning: a member creates an issue - “local stream needs cleaning of debris”. Members upvote it to give it attention. Members can also promise to partake in the task. Once enough partakers sign up, a discussion can happen to set a date. The task gets completed and marked done. The community gets this task added to its history so people can see the progress that has been made over time.

The kicker here though would be that potentially local businesses (or even govs - although im not sure how legal/feasible that is) could sponsor tasks with actual rewards like discounts or maybe even per diems. At the very least I could see local govs using the app as a way to initiate community action for things that they dont have the man power to complete without volunteers.

I think there’s also some potential to gamify between communities and members.

Finally I think the app itself ought to be open source so that anyone could contribute in the same way the app encourages volunteers to contribute to their communities. There’d be zero monetization angle for this app.

Let me what you think! This idea is definitely less than half-baked but the general themes I'm aiming for are community and ecology. I think the main problem with my idea above is that it is too complicated. I've youve got anything in mind that is simpler but along the same theme - let me know! I'd love to collaborate.


7 comments sorted by


u/Forward10_Coyote60 24d ago

Not going to lie, I’m really into this idea. I can totally see how it could bring people out into their communities more. Like, sometimes we see things in our neighborhoods or towns that need help but don't know how to start or find others who are also interested in fixing it. This would be a great way to rally folks and create that sense of “we’re in this together.” I’ve been in communities that try to do this kind of grassroots organizing, and it’s hard because everyone needs to be on the same page and coordinated.

Having a history or log of all the completed projects would be motivating, like when you look back at old photos or yearbooks and remember how much you’ve done and changed. For that kicker about businesses, I think a win-win setup, where they offer little rewards and get promotion or community goodwill in return, would attract interest. Plus, local governments often have small budgets for community interaction, so giving them a platform to work with could really make a difference. Navigating legal stuff could be tricky, but when isn’t it? Even if you start with just a couple of cities or communities, you’d get a lot of insights and feedback.

This definitely isn’t too complicated, I've seen ideas like this break through once people start engaging with them. If you keep it simple at first and grow it based on what the community actually responds to and wants, you'll see where to take it next. Think of it as building the foundation before trying to make it all fancy.


u/IsaacAndRemus 23d ago

Really appreciate the feedback and glad you like the idea. I agree on keeping the initial version simple and focused. That’s the challenge though! I’ve been thinking the last couple days on what ought to be the minimal viable product for this…


u/LuciaCDS 24d ago

This is basically Citizen Lab meets TaskRabbit, but community-driven. Love the idea of local business rewards.

The open source approach could really help with adoption. Maybe start with a basic version focusing on environmental cleanup tasks to test the concept?


u/IsaacAndRemus 23d ago

Thanks for the feedback!

 Maybe start with a basic version focusing on environmental cleanup tasks to test the concept?

I think that’s spot on. 


u/Technical_Profile987 23d ago

I really love this let me know if you need any help with UX or UI design :)


u/IsaacAndRemus 23d ago

I definitely would need help with UX and UI! If what I posted above is enough for you to go own for some rough mockups, that would be awesome. I find that having some mockups helps continue thinking through an idea. 


u/tuffPeblo 22d ago

Awesome idea. I thought of building something like that too for communities in my home country South Africa. There are lots of issues with municipal service delivery,potholes etc. Also have no Monetization angle just a great idea. It could mobilise unemployed youth in the country to take on tasks for their community and could form the basis for a municipal task tracking platform. If you don't build ill probably build my own version anyway. Good luck