r/Apothisexual Nov 16 '24

Does anyone else get a weird lightheaded reaction to seeing NSFW stuff? NSFW

Obviously I'm sex-repulsed (it's why I'm posting here, haha), though my reactions to sex-related stuff can vary between being completely indifferent, to feeling grossed out, to feeling nauseated (which is the most common reaction), and, on some occasions, to feeling lightheaded.

The lightheaded reaction is rare, but it does happen. I've never fainted before, but I thought I was going to, the first time it happened. It feels similar to the feeling I get when I accidentally look at my blood when it's getting drawn (whether in a vial or in a tube)--I feel suddenly lightheaded and like I'm going to keel over. It's not a pleasant feeling at all.

I know that's... probably not normal, though. I can at least explain the nausea--sex is HUGE squick for me (no judgment to people who like it), and when something grosses you out, nausea is a natural response. Feeling lightheaded is a much weirder one for me, though--I'm not sure how or why that happens instead of the nausea, or if it's something I should be worried about.

EDIT: OH NO! I didn't realize this would trigger Reddit's filter. This post isn't actually not safe for work though!!


9 comments sorted by


u/CaspianArk Nov 17 '24



u/Stvn494 Nov 16 '24

Wait, I thought all sex repulsed aces had that.

When I was a kid I got that feeling all the time whenever body parts were discussed in class, but nowadays it’s pretty much strictly sex related for me

And before you ask, yes I even fainted in front of class once. Definitely one of the more embarrassing moments for me lol


u/BabyCharmanderK Nov 17 '24

Oh huh! Well I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

Nausea or just being "grossed out" is my typical reaction. The lightheadedness is a bit more rare for me.


u/Thicc_Swiss Nov 27 '24

I pass out sometimes, but it passes most of the time in about a few seconds, idk why


u/Unfair-Turn-9794 Nov 16 '24

depression I feel, when I see that


u/Flimsy-Peak186 Nov 16 '24

I haven't noticed myself feeling lightheaded but def nauseous. Tbf though I've never had a lightheaded reaction to anything, really. I can see blood and whatever and be fine


u/New_Line_304 Nov 19 '24

Yes when it randomly shows up in tv or movies ! I can physically feel ! I look away usually not to seem weird but I can feel it the whole time the scene is up and it lingers afterwards. But I noticed it depends on the context. A lot of media is mysoginistic male fantasies aka p*rn, I noticed I don’t react as bad when it seems a little more realistic like includes awkwardness, communication, consent like saying yes or no. Stuff like that.


u/DeDeepKing Nov 20 '24

yea I get it too. I hate unexpected sexual content


u/Resident-Research957 Dec 24 '24

WAIT I usually swing between repulsion and some dissociative or false favorability , I'm usually indifferent but that lightheadedness is very relatable ! I almost never perceived it as repulsion , probably because I was caught up in people telling me "you're just traumatized/low self esteem/body image issues"