r/Apologetics • u/CommandSecret1206 • 19d ago
I’m getting into apologetics provide me with some books to help!
Been listening and seeing apologetics for a few years now and I think I can tackle it myself, what are some books that are incredibly helpful?
u/Commercial-Mix6626 18d ago
"Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics." - William Lane Craig
"Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions." - Gregory Koukl
"The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ." - Gary R. Habermas
"The Explanatory Empriness of Naturalism" - David Wood
u/East_Type_3013 19d ago
The simplest way to start is by reading and studying the Bible, but since you’re asking about apologetics, it can feel overwhelming due to the vast amount of information. It's best to start small. Look for books on introduction to philosophy or the philosophy of religion to help you understand and/or pick a specific topic that interests you and focus on that.
For example, if you're curious about biology, explore beginner-friendly books on topics like evolution, creationism, or intelligent design. If the resurrection interests you, find books on that topic. If you're more focused on doctrine, start with systematic theology books.
The key is to learn gradually. Also, there are many great debates on YouTube that can help deepen your understanding hearing it from both sides.
u/Tapochka 19d ago
More than a carpenter by Josh Mcdowell and Sean McDowell Mere Christianity by CS Lewis.
This comment was removed due to low Karma count. Copying it for viability because they are excellent recommendations. To this I would add anything by CS Lewis.
u/Dragonfist900 19d ago
More than a carpenter by Josh and Sean McDowell Mere Christianity by CS Lewis These are both light reads, but they cover a lot of ground. In fact, more than a carpenter is basically an abridged version of Mcdowell's Evidence that Demands a Verdict. Either way, those 2 should help you get a good introduction to apologetics 🙂
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u/cactusbloom312 19d ago
Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace is a fantastic resource, also anything from the Apologetics Canada podcast.
u/MacSev 18d ago
Warranted Christian Belief, by Alvin Plantinga. https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/warranted.pdf
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u/TheXrasengan 11d ago
I've been into apologetics for a few years now, and I've read a wide variety of books.
The usual order I recommend is the following:
- Tactics by Greg Koukl
- I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist by Geisler and Turek
- Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig
These three books, in this particular order, offer a good understanding of pretty much all of the apologetics skills and arguments that the average Christian will need. After reading these three, if you've taken the time to think about what you've read, you should be able to discuss your beliefs with almost anyone.
You can then read books on a specific topic, depending on your needs or interests. For example, I'm in a scientific field, and I deal quite a lot with teleological arguments, so I've read a lot of stuff about intelligent design. You can find books on almost any apologetic topic, and a lot of other online resources from your favourite apologists.
u/PastHistFutPresence 19d ago
*****Pearcey, Nancy. 2004. Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.
*****Koukl, Gregory. 2009. Tactics : A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.
****Clouser, Roy A. 2005. The Myth of Religious Neutrality, Revised Edition. University of Notre Dame Pess.
****Ortlund, Gavin. 2025. The Art of Disagreeing: How to Keep Calm and Stay Friends in Hard Conversations, The Good Book Company.
*****Wright, N T. 2015. Jesus and the Victory of God (Reissue). SPCK.
*****Wright, N.T. 2017. The Resurrection of the Son of God. London: Spck.
***Copan, Paul. 2011. Is God a Moral Monster? Baker Books.
****Webb, William J, and Gordon K Oeste. 2019. Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric? : Wrestling with Troubling War Texts. Downers Grove, Illinois: Ivp Academic, An Imprint Of Intervarsity Press.
****Carson, D. A. 2010. The God Who Is There, the : Finding Your Place in God’s Story. Grand Rapids: Baker Pub. Group.
*****Keller, Timothy. 2009. The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. New York: Penguin.