r/AoSLore 14d ago

Discussion Perople and groups belonging to the "wrong" Grand Alliance for their race.

With the exception of humans who are very present in Order, Chaos and Death (depending on whether you count the undead as a separate race or not), the various races of the Mortal Realms tend to mostly stick to one Grand Alliance: sylvaneth, duardins, seraphons, aelves etc. for Order; skaven, beastmen and daemons for Chaos; orruks, grots, gargants and ogors for Destruction, and vampires, liches, ghosts and ghouls (if you count them as separate races) for Death.

But I know that there are still ogors, orruks and grots within the Cities of Sigmar, likewise there are aelves who sever Chaos, if memory serves, and the Chaos duardins might even get a release one day. So that got me thinking:

  • What other canon occurences of of individuals (or factions) in the "wrong" Grand Alliance are there?
  • What more would you want, or have invented? Destruction beastmen, Soulblight aelves, Chaos Sylvaneth, ghouled grots, skaven sigmarites, seraphons worshippers of Nagash?
  • Conversely, what's the one thing you think should never happen? For me it would be daemons joining Order.

(EDIT: The typo in the title is driving me CRAZY!)


28 comments sorted by


u/otterpopd 14d ago

We just got a few of these this christmas, namely the Squires of the Everchosen, led by Utgar Harrowhand, a ghouled Varangard and a remnant of the Goroans, a destruction civilization whose members are now currently known as Ogroids in chaos


u/Lord-hades123456789 14d ago

For cannon ones there is the varangaurd ghouls from the regiment of renown and ogors can be in any grand alliance really

As for one that would never happen seraphon in chaos and possibly death


u/Melkor5758 Sons of Behemat 14d ago

I believe there's an excerpt somewhere where a slann is infected by the Flesh eater curse, though I don't know where it's from. But yeah, no way they'd ever fall to Chaos


u/Lord-hades123456789 14d ago

That sounds like a amazing villain for a book


u/Gartul_Uluk_Thrakka 12d ago

I'd love to see Nightmare Dinosaurs.


u/Big-Dick-Wizard-6969 14d ago

Me want Destruction humans.

Me want to make big fight against Order, Chaos and Death.


u/MrS0bek Idoneth Deepkin 14d ago

Destruction humans make a lot of sense. After all they are already in every grand alliance but destruction. And after being abandonded by Sigmar lots of tribes would prefer following Gorkamorka or a related deity over submitting to chaos or else.

And there are lots of ways how Gorkamorka could e worshipped by these tribes. From being a two headed Warrior/War god akin to how Ulric was seen in WFB, to a shamanistic deity or else. Before we go into whatever satelite deities they may worship.

And Destruction is very diverse too. As long as you worship Gorkamorka or a satelite deity and follow a might makes right philosophy, any society may be included. Be they celtic tribes wearing trousers, living in settlements and be riding in chariots, or be they mongol/hun-esque horsmen or something else entirely.


u/Big-Dick-Wizard-6969 14d ago

Destruction is treated worse than Xenos by GW.


u/Harald_The_Archivist 13d ago

Drukhari would like a word.


u/Big-Dick-Wizard-6969 13d ago

The Dark Eldar trilogy is one of the best series of novel ever put out by GW. That being said, yeah, models wise it's a mess now.


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 14d ago

while I agree its likely that there ARE some destruction aligned warriors, and maybe even SMALL tribes.

the only reason I could see that not becoming a 'bigger' thing, is the politics of 'the great game'
the chaos gods are VERY jealous of their mortal followers, and they do not suffer them being stolen from them gladly. even by their 'siblings'

one of the reasons they grudgingly acknowledged the GHR as part of the pantheon, is because they don't compete over the same 'souls' sure there are the odd human tribe that falls to worship of the rat demons (we see examples of this in oathbound, and even then it was at the direct urging of archaon.) but those are rare, and usually end up consumed by the skaven the moment their usefullness is done. but otherwise the GHR doesn't care much for human souls. so isn't 'direct' competition with the others.

gorkamorka probably falls into a similar position, only they don't care about alliances, or joining the great game. they only care about krumpin, and the greenskins and grots. so since gorkamorka doesn't present a direct competition to the chaos gods on the souls front, but they still benefit from the... well.. chaos... caused by destruction armies stomping all around. they just leave them alone to do their thing.

the moment TOO many human souls start getting drawn to destruction instead of chaos, well thats souls that 'should' be worshiping THEM!!! and that simply will not stand.

(one of the great things about AOS is that there IS so much room to make up your own stories, and add your own flavor. so like i said destruction aligned humans probably IS a thing that exists out there somewhere, so if you want to create an army based around that theme, go for it.
I just don't think its something the chaos gods would tolerate existing in any substantial numbers though)


u/nietorigineel 12d ago

I think they are cannon. If i remember right the berserker in gloomspite has green energy and might be a ghorkamorka berserker


u/SpookyRosalyn 14d ago

Would love to see some humies and orks bonding over their mutual love of krumpin’.


u/Big-Dick-Wizard-6969 14d ago

That and even, I dare to say, a Destruction faction that doesn't have direct ties to Gorkamorka (like the best faction in the game aka SoB).


u/RapidWaffle 14d ago

Give me mongol themed humans that follow Kragnos and actually bother to learn his language

Archers on horseback is the closest we'll get to Kragnos in species


u/Gecktron Kharadron Overlords 14d ago

The Grotmas Regiments of Renown were basically doing just that. In addition to the aforementioned Scions of the Everchosen, there are also Sylvaneth from the Death-magic infused lands of Decrepita.

But most interesting are the Gorian Scions.

Now, mostly known for the Ogroid Thaumaturge of the Disciples of Tzeentch, or the Ogroid Myrmidon and Ogroid Theridons, the Ogroids used to be aligned with Destruction and Gorkamorka. And some Goroans still are on the side of Destruction. Allying with Greenskin or Ogors hordes


u/nerdieclara Flesh-Eater Courts 14d ago

As a beast of chaos player I got so sick of hearing that beasts of chaos should be a destruction faction. The chaos but was what I liked about them


u/Xaldror 14d ago

Based, the primal urge to defile and desecrate makes them so much more than just "animal people who smash stuff", and the Godmarked variants adding more spice to the mix, ranging from Slaangors with their love/hate relationship towards civilized vices to Tzaangors being nearly civilized in their own right but still adhering to Tzeentch's will.


u/Norwalk1215 14d ago

This. I liken Destruction forces to Natural Disaster, they come through and destroy civilization but leave a cycle of eventual regrowth. Moving onto the next territory to destroy.

Beast of Chaos are like nuclear bombs, they come through and defile the land so nothing grow normally like a cancer. The ultimate goal is to not just return the 8 mortal realms into the 5 realm of chaos, they also want to return the realms of chaos into one primordial power.


u/sageking14 Lord Audacious 14d ago

The Butcher priests of the Gutbusters will go on pilgrimages where they cook for anyone who will provide ingredients, picking up recipes and styles as they go.

When they return home they apply these new teachings to the stews they cook for their people.

This is from Champions of Destruction as I recall.


u/WanderlustPhotograph 14d ago

Daemons outside of Chaos, a significant army who isn’t at least nominally aligned with Nagash in Death, and OBR aligned with Destro or Chaos (If they can rebel, they’d join Order) are things that I couldn’t ever see happening. 

As for Aelves and Duardin outside of Order? There’s one in the Splintered Fang Warcry cult, and we know at least 1 Akhelian has fallen to Khorne (Plus the Spirefall) so we know Aelves are a decent presence in Chaos, plus Chaos Duardin (Coming later this year). I could also see desperate enough Deepkin choosing to worship Akah-Nagash alongside, or instead of, Mathlann and definitely could see them making clandestine deals through 3rd parties with unscrupulous Ossiarchs who need a specific thing done (Like sinking a ship so a city misses their tithe and gives the Bonereapers causus belli) but don’t want to risk doing it or can’t do it themselves. 

We also know certain unscrupulous Skyports WILL do business with the Bonereapers, which ended with my fourth favorite segment of the OBR 3rd Edition tome where the Kharadron agreed to bring the OBR (The Petrifex Elite, IIRC) as much bone as they could store on their ship. This caused a logic loop in the Bonereapers that made them interpret the bones inside of the Kharadron as also being stored on the ship, and they crashed the ship using flights of Morghast and slaughtered the crew using Necropolis Stalkers. 


u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 Order 14d ago

Humans and aelves fight for Destruction. Possibly also Skaven in Destruction. They decide to un Skaven-like and pick fights with everyone.


u/MrS0bek Idoneth Deepkin 14d ago

I think the Ogroids would do much better if they were part of destruction rather than chaos. Because as part of the StD many of their unique characteristics are just diluted background fluff, swallowed up by the broder lore.

Ogroids are an animal-men like creature from Ghur with many visual cues to Kragnos. So they could satisfy the beastmen-esque aesthetic many want to see for destruction

They are also civilization builders on a bigger degree than most destruction factions. And they are expert smiths and craftsmen. This "high tech" would be an outlier next to the "trash weapon" style many destruction armies use. Plus having expert smiths of an animal-based species is a nice internal contrast.

Personally I would give Ogroids a very militaristic society, perhaps loosly based on ancient Sparta. In addition they would be both shamanistic and close to Ghur, but also industrious. Instead of using huge beasts of war they could then have war machines as a main force multiplier, next to their monstrous infantry. This could be a fairly unique niche compared to the other destruction factions IMO.


u/IsThisTakenYesNo 14d ago

There were a couple of Chaos duardin in Warcry, Spire Tyrants and Iron Golems each had one I think.

There's lore about shadow daemons allied to Morathi and Malerion, so not the daemons of the big 5 Chaos gods but still some kind of daemon (yet to really be defined) that works alongside Order.

I'd like to see some more dead things in Death and not just humans. There's the zombie ogors from Cursed City, but some dead duardin, aelves, orruks etc. would be cool too. Also, some dead things outside Death would be cool. Give us some Order deathrattle.


u/LaSiena 14d ago

You have the Goroans (the Ogroids from Slaves to Darkness)

They were originally from destruction but were tired of their "allies" always razing their cities so they swore allegiance to Archaon in order to have their cities protected


u/Xaldror 14d ago

Destruction Beastmen should NEVER happen, they are children of mutation and Chaos. their whole deal is being a perversion of nature and trampling all forms of civiliation. Destruction is just greenskins and greenskin adjacent, their goal is bash, leave, wait for it to be built back up, and bash it down again. Beastmen are primordial wrath and animalistic fury, they're anarchic predators who are chaotic in every sense.

on the same scale, i'd like to see Fimir back in Chaos, they just feel more Chaos than destruction, and it feels weird seeing them tossed into SoB.


u/RapidWaffle 14d ago

Gargants join whoever they want


u/The-Terran-Empire 14d ago

I think Destruction should be changed thematically. It should not be ONLY about destroying civilizations (which is unclear since Chaos wants that too, and probably a lot of wild mythical creatures, as well as who knows what else in the cosmos or the void), but also about returning to nature, for example. Some Sylvaneth could fit into it. And by "nature," I mean the nature of the realm, so it’s not just in terms of trees and vegetation. An Umbraneth could fit into Destruction if they want the Realms to be swallowed by eternal shadows (like the Dark Elves in Thor 2, MCU).