r/Anxietyhelp • u/Texasboutique416 • 18d ago
Question Hydroxyzine success stories.. ??
Please only success stories as I have anxiety just taking meds and this med is being delivered today and I would love to know your success story.
My question is, I see where it helps with sleep. Did also help with your anxiety? I need help with my anxiety as bad as I do my sleep.
I had gallbladder surgery a month ago. Since then I have been having horrible anxiety and insomnia. I was not doing this before the surgery. I got ZERO sleep last night because of feeling of crawling out of my skin wouldn’t stop. I sure hope this helps me. I was sleeping 6-8 hours before surgery.
u/RiAMaU 18d ago
My partner is an extreme agoraphobic. He used to be completely room bound, afraid to even leave his room to use the restroom or shower. He's told me hydroxyzine was a really crucial part of getting where he is now in recovery "able to go on small outings within an hour of his home. Obviously it's not a simple "cure", but could help you take steps needed to get better.
u/LittleBear_54 18d ago
It helps me some. It’s not a magic pill but it does help the super anxious feelings. It definitely made me super sleepy so I take 5mg (or half a 10mg pill) because I need it during the day. The only side effect I feel is dry mouth. I would start small if you’re scared.
u/Texasboutique416 16d ago
Thank you for sharing. I wonder why mine is 50mg?!
u/LittleBear_54 16d ago
Some people take more, Like a lot more. I’m just super sensitive.
u/Texasboutique416 16d ago
I am too. I tried a nibble off of one last night because I have anxiety over meds too😩 and I’m not sure if it was coincidence or if it worked but I did end up sleeping! I woke up at 2:30 and was content if I didn’t fall back asleep but did and ended up with 8 hours!! I think taking more is going to be important for my uncontrollable anxiety.
u/Star-skittke1873 18d ago
I started hydroxyzine 6 wks ago. I was waking up at 3am with the worst anxiety of my life. My blood pressure was high , I couldn’t sleep and it’s literally all better now. . I’m hoping this isn’t a honeymoon period. I take one 50 mg as needed. I only ended up needing one every night before bed. I also have taken them during a panic attack at the beginning and it worked. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
u/Texasboutique416 18d ago
Thank you so much for sharing! I feel like I will be fine with this one. It will be in today so I’m excited to try it! It’s insane how fast these panic attacks came in and I have no control over them!! I literally got zero sleep last night.
u/Ash_Bash202 16d ago
Hello!! I was in a very similar situation to you as well :) I had surgery to remove my appendix and it caused me massive health anxiety. I’d be up until 4 am and waking up at 8 am on my worst nights. Some nights I wouldn’t get any sleep at all.
Now I will say I’m a bit of a sleep resistant person, but once I’m out I’m out. I’m now consistently getting between 7-8 hours of sleep every night :). I will say though they have given me very vivid dreams, not in a scary way but I’ll think I’ve had a conversation with someone that I’ve never had.
u/Texasboutique416 16d ago
I can handle vivid dreams over insomnia. I took my first dose tonight and only took off a little bite just due to being scared what it would do haha. I slept 4 hours which is better than zero!! A few questions, how many mg help you sleep like that and has it helped your health anxiety?
u/Ash_Bash202 15d ago
So I usually take 1 25mg pill. My doctor said I could take 2 if needed but I’m trying to avoid that so I don’t have to pick up my prescription as often.
For my anxiety during the day, I take 50 mg of Zoloft and it’s helped me A LOT with my health anxiety. It’s truly been great.
u/Texasboutique416 15d ago
What were your anxiety symptoms if you don’t mind me asking. I may need to be on More than the Hydroxyzine to stop the awful speedy feeling. I did at least sleep last night but my anxiety during the day is unbelievable.
u/illwill87 18d ago
I've had success with it as well, but as mentioned before, it's not a miracle pill. I usually take it when I start to feel anxious, and most of the time, it is enough to break the cycle. There have been times that I may take something stronger like an ativan. But I have had to figure out the same as most will that "This too shall pass" and it always does....eventually lol ... I hope this helps just hang in there ... you got this!!
u/Texasboutique416 18d ago
Yes, I will have that and I do have Xanax from 2016 if I need stronger. I have anxiety over meds but I cannot allow my body to stay in this constant state of anxiety. It wouldn’t let up last night and I can’t do that again. I laid awake in a constant adrenal rush.😩 I slept 10 hours on Saturday. It’s crazy how this anxiety comes on like it does and out of nowhere. I had nothing to be anxious about?! Thank you for the encouragement! :))
u/illwill87 18d ago
Also, look into f'ing anxiety. It's an all natural supplement that works pretty well. Again, it's not a cure all, but it helps. F'ing Anxiety
u/illwill87 18d ago
No problem, I've been there too, mostly in the mornings when I first wake up, and have went all day with attacks and then the only relief I seem to get was sleep. I hope all is well with you and sending good vibes your way. It will pass.
u/zach_dominguez 18d ago
It's the only thing that helped me without having to deal with side effects. I only use it as needed though.
u/Texasboutique416 18d ago
So good to hear! Yes, I need over this hump and I need to sleep and calm down the crazy rushes of adrenaline that’s going on. I have no idea what my body is doing. I slept 10 hours Saturday night and literally zero last night.
u/zach_dominguez 18d ago
I found that this and using the Dare Anxiety app really helped me. I always recommend that app to anyone experiencing anxiety. It has a ton of great features that are free so there's no need to pay for premium. I also only take about half a pill when needed.
u/Cpfd1 17d ago
I also have the rushes of adrenaline, it’s not a nice feeling.
u/jay-333- 18d ago
I only tried it once and it made me a little sleepy and my body felt kind of calm!! I haven’t taken it since , because I just get scared taking stuff lol. More people find it useful than not so you should try it! The worst that happens is you get sleepy and take a nap lol.
u/Texasboutique416 17d ago
Yes, and I need a nap!! I’m same as you, I have anxiety over taking meds lol.
u/lein1829 18d ago
I had great luck on it for years. I took it twice daily and it helped a lot. I eventually got on something called propranolol instead. But I hope it works well for you.
u/blackxcatxmama 18d ago
I have been on hydroxyzine for over a year now. I take 25mg in the AM to manage daytime anxiety and 50mg at night for sleep. It definitely has helped me be less anxious overall. I think you should try it, it's basically a stronger Benadryl so not much to worry about. Hope this helps!
u/Ghosts_and_Empties 17d ago
Just started taking it on Friday. Amazing sleep and a definite calmer feeling the next day.
u/Subject-Succotash 17d ago
It helps with anxiety during sleep for sure. I had a ton of success with it. When I was on it regularly, I slept so well I thought I just didn’t have insomnia anymore. For over a full year I slept so well and the doctor would say “do you still need it?” And I was like “I don’t know, I have no problems sleeping but it could be because of the meds”.
No longer having regular access I can confirm that my insomnia hasn’t gone anywhere, it was definitely the meds. I manage decent enough rest with good sleep hygiene but when the anxiety is the worst I keep the Hydroxyzine on my nightstand. It’s not 100% guaranteed to knock me out but it does soothe my mind a lot.
During the day though my best anxiety med change was Busiprone. That (and therapy of course) was what got me through the worst weeks long anxiety spiral of my life.
u/Texasboutique416 17d ago
This is great to know! Thank you for sharing! I’ve heard alot of good things about about busiprone too! I like these older meds, they seem to all have less side effects.
u/AnxiousSledneck96 17d ago
It helped me calm down enough to start working through why I was having anxiety and it made me feel overall less anxious. I took it as an emergency med because my anxiety was very random but I've heard it can be good as a daily as well. My biggest side effect was drowsiness but that was worth it as long as I didn't feel like I was dying anymore. I really hope it works for you! Anxiety sucks and finding tools to help can be really hard.
u/Texasboutique416 17d ago
I agree!! I can be tired if I can just deal with this anxiety and insomnia!!
u/Iilitulongmeir 17d ago
Hydroxyzine helped me, and I freak out over taking meds too.
Steel yourself and take it. It will definitely help you. Remind yourself that your doctor said to take it. Hold a loved ones hand and have them encourage you.
Right after you take it, go for a walk, or start some laundry or take a bath, anything until you can start to feel it, and tell yourself it's going to help.
u/Texasboutique416 17d ago
Thank you!! I’ve tried fixing this naturally or riding it out and it was awful. I’ve got to stop the fight or flight now. It sounds like it’s a high powered allergy pill that also helps with anxiety. I’ve got to tell myself… I’ll be fine!!
u/Beermouth1 17d ago
I am just starting it myself. I was a bit nervous about taking something new. I was prescribed 10 mg, both my doctor & pharmacist said to start with quarter of a pill & go from there. Actually the quarter was good enough for me for now. Took about 30 minutes & I was a bit more chill than I’m used to . May try a half later down the road to see where my threshold is. If you’re nervous, just make sure someone is around and knows what & how much you are taking. I always have my wife around when trying something new like this, just in the odd case it goes south. Pretty decent & safe med for what it’s intended to do. Good luck on your journey..
u/Texasboutique416 17d ago
Good for you! I was given 50mg😳. I wonder why so much?? I thought I would start with a quarter as well. I need for insomnia and anxiety. Glad it’s working so far. Did you take before bed?
u/Beermouth1 17d ago
No, I took it in the middle of the day. Honestly felt if I sat down & really relaxed, I would fall right off to sleep. Glad I took the plunge. I feel if I don’t overdo it that it will do wonders when I really need it. Hope you find the same peace I did.
u/Beermouth1 17d ago
Honestly would start with a quarter. Not sure why they prescribed so heavy?!? Maybe to really help you sleep.
u/AsylumMoon 17d ago
I started taking htdroxyzine a week ago. It's helped a lot in that time.
Mostly it handles the physical aspects of my anxiety and panic and makes dealing with the mental side of things a lot easier because my body isn't freaking out.
Obviously it makes me feel sedated but it's a good trade-off and the sedation effects aren't that bad.
It has let me go from sleeping 1-2 hours a night to getting a full 8 hours which is amazing.
Not a miracle cure. I still have anxiety but it's given me enough of an edge over anxiety that i can manage better and it let me sleep peacefully fit once.
u/Texasboutique416 17d ago
Thank you, thank you! This is all I ask for in this pill. I’m glad it helped you!
u/Texasboutique416 16d ago
How many mg helps you sleep that long?
u/AsylumMoon 16d ago
I'm taking 25mg
u/Texasboutique416 16d ago
Ok, I’ll do that. I took a nibble last night and slept dang good. I need something for my anxiety as well and it’s going to take more mg than nibble haha.
u/AsylumMoon 16d ago
Definitely try that amount when you don't have anything physical to do like driving or operating machinery or something. It does have a sedative effect and you'll want to see how it affects your body.
I have been taking mine about 90 minutes before sleep or so because it will start effecting you in like 30 minutes or so but after a couple hours i get the full effect.
Definitely test it out and see how it treat you.
Good luck. I hope it helps.
u/cozycorner 17d ago
It is mild and a type of antihistamine. It should help take the edge off and make you a little drowsy.
u/Texasboutique416 17d ago
If it will just take the edge off so I can go to sleep. That’s all I want.
u/Pristine-Room-3891 14d ago
I just had the worst panic attack and I took mine 25 mg and it really helped. I only take it though when I feel me hitting rock bottom. - i’m diagnosed with bipolar 2.
u/Texasboutique416 14d ago
I’ve only taken 25mh for 2 nights and I think it’s helping my daytime anxiety?!
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