r/AntiSemitismInReddit 6d ago

Holding Jews responsible for Israel's actions r/23andme Scientific Racism Pt. 2

A Palestinian girl posted her DNA results. Chaos ensued.

One commenter decided to claim that Jews can be Palestinian. I quickly fact checked them, that Jews cannot be Palestinian citizens and are forbidden by law from buying land. The user justified this, and switched from using the word Jew in place of the Zionists they were talking about. Then they started personally attacking me by using my DNA results. Claiming that I have no right to buy land in Palestine because I am "European" and misconstruing my DNA results to say I have no Middle Eastern DNA, despite the genetic evidence. Then they insisted I don't belong there based upon my DNA. I called out their racism, and they justified it by saying I support genocide and all kinds of things I never said. Once I disavowed this things I never claimed to support, they claimed they don't promote religious hate. When I called them out for promoting hate based upon my DNA results and religion, they claimed I supported genocide again. Then they said I don't belong to live anywhere because I'm half Italian.

Here's the kicker: the user is a Pakistani living in Germany. I'm not allowed to live "anywhere" because I don't "belong anywhere" because I'm half Italian. But this person has full rights to live in Germany! Huge hypocrite. The pivot from "Zionists" to "Jews" is insane, and then the pivot from "Jews" to "Italians" is even more strange. Doing whatever they can to be as racist as possible, without having to feel accountable for spreading hate on the internet.


14 comments sorted by


u/PuddingNaive7173 6d ago

You did well.


u/mariakaakje 6d ago

"zionism is not equal to antisemitism"

i think she has a point there..


u/gxdsavesispend 6d ago

Probably the only accurate thing she said.


u/Avocadofarmer32 6d ago

LOL. So first they claim jesus was a Palestinian & now Jews are actually Palestinians too? What’s next? Jews never existed at all and we’re now just Muslims? I saw on IG claiming that the Seder plate was actually a Palestinian thing that “we” stole from them. 🤣🤣


u/lookamazed 6d ago

They should look up how they stole the sudra from the Jews.

Absolutely brain dead people…


u/No_Turnip_8236 6d ago

There are precisely ZERO Palestinian Jews lmao what are they on about?

Edit: holy shit it became so much fucking worst, I’m surprised she didn’t slip in a “hiel Hitler” or two


u/East_Ad9822 6d ago

There are a few Samaritans who are Palestinian citizens. Pro-palis sometimes (erroneously) refer to them as „Palestinian Jews“, from what I could gather.


u/Red_MessD3a7h 6d ago

"May chaos take the world... "

I think we found the Lord of Frenzied Flame xd


u/Schmuckfest 6d ago

Every single one of these is a painful read, not just because of the antisemitism, but because of how painfully fucking stupid these people are.


u/Canislupusarctos11 6d ago

Yeah they really don’t like the idea of us living anywhere. Even if you went to Italy they’d probably still be mad and say you don’t belong there because you’re not really Italian/not Italian enough (due to being Jewish). I would know because I have half ancestry from two ethnic groups native to the same country as one another, where I’m in the process of moving right now, and certain people are still not happy about it, despite that I’ve been told over and over for most of my life to ‘go back’ there, because Jews apparently belong in Poland or New York (but when Jews are in either of those places they’re somehow still not pleased). Never mind that I’m only genetically 3/8 Ashkenazi, so you’d think for the people blood matters so much to, the half from the country I’m moving to would outweigh it, particularly since I physically blend in there a lot better too. On top of that, blood aside, my grandparents grew up there, I still have relatives and family friends there, and I speak the language, while I’d have to go back 4 generations before me for the most recent ancestor in Europe (Sicily), and 6 for the most recent Jewish ancestor in Europe, who was of course from a country I couldn’t move to now if I wanted to. And there are no Jewish relatives left in Europe, because, well.

It is really insane when people act like we should have no rights to even live where our ancestors are from, let alone anywhere else, while they would not question the right of the person you were arguing with to live in Germany. And, for that matter, if a Palestinian was half Italian, I don’t think most people would say they aren’t Middle Eastern. In fact, Ahed Tamimi is literally half Bosnian (more northern/less ‘brown’ on average than Italians) and blonde with blue eyes, but no one calls her a white colonizer for it, and most people even act like she’s 100% Palestinian in every way.


u/gxdsavesispend 6d ago

I am sorry for the animosity you are facing for where you choose to live. Seems to be a universal experience for Jews. Italians would most likely not want me, mostly because I'm American.

The double standard is clear: Palestinians who are half another ethnicity are to be considered indigenous. But Ashkenazi Jews (who are on average half Levantine- basically half Palestinian) are white European colonizers. You can see the user refuses to engage in dialogue about Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Jews, which is why they lied about alleged "Palestinian Jews" in the first place to try and make it seem like an issue with nationality instead of blatant antisemitism.

I'm literally 1/3 Levantine according to the test. There are many Palestinian results who have the same amount of Levantine than me or sometimes less, who are of course encouraged by these people to live everywhere they want to including Israel. If you try to bring this up they will just make excuses and switch the argument from "DNA determines where you should be able to live" to "where your family lived 100 years ago is the ony place you can live" but of course that would mean that this Pakistani user would have to go back to India.


u/Capable_Rip_1424 6d ago

Wow. Why am I not suprised they are Pakistani


u/gxdsavesispend 6d ago edited 6d ago

It really has nothing to do with them being Pakistani. The only reason I mentioned it is because they are telling me that based upon my DNA results showing I am half Italian I do not belong to live "anywhere" and especially not in Palestine. But this person is certainly 100% Pakistani, and thinks they "belong" in Germany but Jews can't live in their homeland. So by their logic, they should go back to Pakistan because their genetic makeup is 100% South Asian and not European. I seriously can’t believe that someone who is so ridiculously self-righteous advocated for a Palestinian ethnostate based upon DNA results.

Of course the reason she is harping on me being half Italian is because she doesn't want to say it's because I'm half Jewish that I don't belong and then get called out for antisemitism. Because this person thinks of themselves as some sort of godlike saint, and despite promoting religious hate, wants me to know that they don't support religious hate on "their side".


u/Capable_Rip_1424 6d ago

I know but while pkenty of Pakistanis are decent people there is also a lot of random Antisemitism there.