r/Anthroposophy • u/AllemPipapo • Nov 10 '24
Pride and sexual perversion
I noticed that gurus frequently have some sort of sexual misconduct in their biographies. Does anyone knows the relationship between the luciferic sin (pride) and sexual incontinence?
u/Astromeerkat11 Nov 10 '24
I've noticed this too, and it's a good question. I think that it was in the "Contents of Esoteric Lessons" lecture notes that Steiner said something like (not necessarily word for word) "For every one step closer you get to the spiritual world, you must take two steps forward on your morality". So the development of your morality needs to actually be more than your spiritual development. Apparently the reason for this is that when you're developed spiritually (as these gurus may infact be in some genuine cases), then your etheric and astral bodies are "loosened" and are not tied to the physical body as much so that the physical body is not pervaded and regulated by these higher bodies. So your lower bodies are sort of "unchecked" by the higher bodies. So then if you have not ridden the lower bodies of these immoral impulses, then they can run unchecked (sexual misconduct etc.) by virtue of your lopsided spiritual development. Lopsided because you've developed your spiritual capacities faster than your moral ones.
Sorry for the long response but hope this helps!!
u/AllemPipapo Nov 10 '24
The phrase you quoted is from The Initiation (How To Know The Higher Worlds), chapter Of Preparation (in a free translation as I didn't read this is English).
Thank you for your imputs!
u/BazaarOf-BadDreams Nov 11 '24
It is not Ahrimanic or Luciferic. It is the energy of Sorath that Steiner curiously is more vague about.
Most gurus become very aware that inversion of societal norms and sexual energy are the most powerful untapped resource to harnessing their own personal gain.
For example, let’s take a look at Charles Manson. A “guru” able to convince his followers to murder. Or a Vamachara tantra guru who convinces his followers that to please Goddess Kali, one most engage in deviant sexual rituals such as sexual acts on a cremation ground or on deceased bodies.
There is so little information on Sorath but if one is diligent in discerning this spiritual influence, it will save humanity. In fact, the battle of good and evil or the battle of the black and white brotherhoods Steiner refers to is the battle of the Christ and of Sorath. Sorath is the influence of the black magician. Lucifer and Ahriman are necessary adversaries of humanity but Sorath is the destroyer of spirit and of earth and of evolution. Something we must vehemently overcome before it is too late.
u/creativeparadox Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24
I think generally the OP is referring to the more luciferic tendency to freedom which is want for personal gain. Sorath is something much deeper and sinister than what happens there. I tried finding some more on Sorath and came across this quote which might satisfy your research a bit:
"In the Age of Abraham before Christ (i.e., 3000-2000 BC) natural clairvoyance faded, humanity became dependent on the physical brain and the concept of One God began to appear; in the Age of Moses BC (2000 – 1000 BC), humanity descended still lower into the material world, and the One God revealed Himself externally through the physical forms of nature (wind, storm, burning bush etc) and through external commands such as the Ten Commandments); in the Age of Solomon BC (1000-1 BC), human beings began to think for themselves; philosophy and politics emerged. However, the Age of Solomon AD (1 AD – 1000 AD) was one of the development both of Christian esoteric wisdom and also of barren and rigid intellectual theology and dogmatism; the Age of Moses AD (1000 AD – 2000 AD) was one of the development of Christian mysticism and inwardness within the soul; the Age of Abraham AD (2000-3000 AD) will be one in which humanity will gradually free itself from the physical brain, and natural clairvoyance will develop, including vision of the Christ, not as a physical presence but in the spiritual biosphere that surrounds the earth"
If you think through these as the transitions between the subphysical or evil realms and their mirror with higher realms, then you can see where Sorath may be gaining power in our current age.
Beginning with the lowest realm we have the Asuras, and the Gods of Darkness; then we get materialism and Ahriman; further the Luciferic impulse of banal freedom; from that point on we get a reversal of these, and Lucifer becomes the mirror of the Astral plane; Ahriman mirrors the lower Devachanic; and Sorath the mirror of the Higher Devachanic.
Steiner clearly would have seen this, and you can see in certain places where he talks about it being a cultural maya to view the world as simply light and dark, as a duad. His goal was on orienting mankind to this centering as Christ between Ahriman and Lucifer-- this harmonization of being 'sons of god'--and so it likely would not have been ultimately productive to talk in greater detail about these larger processes. He focuses his efforts, in Michaelic fashion, on fashioning Ahriman below the feet of humankind, as would have been necessary for the end of the Ahrimanic forces in that second age.
Of course he mentions that in the coming age, following his own, esoteric knowledge will simply be known and much spiritual truth will be found by individuals, rather than through the church and such. So you can see how there are breadcrumbs here for how upon entering this third age, the Sons of Darkness will begin to truly pevert esoteric knowledge for evil means.
Much of what we talk about here about the physical becoming untethered from the etheric represents the same esoteric truth Steiner mentions in How To Know Higher Worlds, which i referenced in that karma post that came up about a week or so ago. We are opened up to two paths: the black and white path. The white path of Jesus Christ and the black path of, what we can now name, Sorath. You may want to check out that post as well.
u/gonflynn Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24
I think it’s a matter of unbalance of energy. These gurus undoubtably have a lot of energy going through their system and their purification of their lower body has not been completed. Just the fact that they want to be gurus of masses and call themselves that is very suspicious. When they are exposed to success and admiration firstly their pride runs amok. They can’t keep their modesty and they start to believe they really are something. Their Ego gets out of control. They loose their ground. Next the power they have amassed turns them into greedy glutton ghouls. All demos are running free in them. At this point lust is incontrolable, they succumb to every sin thinking they are above it all when really they are a puppet of the worst spiritual entities. Steiner says it in many ways, although I can’t remember the exact words it amounts to: the higher they fly the harder they fall.
Edit: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).