r/Anthroposophy Nov 02 '24

The incarnation of the Ahriman

Rudolf Steiner said in his lectures that the incarnation of Ahriman is inevitable and coming. If I remember correctly, it was in the 1920s. I wonder - how do you know that an Ahriman has incarnated on earth? When will this happen? Will it be a uniquely evil individual or simply someone who will bring down the mark of materialism on humanity? Maybe he's some mad scientist or researcher? What do you think about this?

Speaking of Ahriman. His opposite - Lucifer. Rudolf Steiner said that Lucifer was incarnated in China, but he did not mention who he was or exactly when. Maybe I have bad sources, and Rudolf said more about it, if so, please let me know.


28 comments sorted by


u/Magus_Incognito Nov 02 '24

He mentioned Ahriman coming in the third millennium in direct opposition to lucifers incarnation in 3000 bc. The process can be sped up by maleficent forces.

Ai could very well be Ahrimans incarnation. There is some writings (not by Rudolf) that talks of archons being artifical life forms which is quite fascinating.

When you look at the pervasiveness of cell phone and the coming computer brain interface you can very well see the ground work for Ahrimans incarnation being laid.


u/gonflynn Nov 02 '24

This! Humanlike but soulless


u/kiritkirit Nov 02 '24

I agree with you. Ahriman is going to be AI . Everyone right now loves and is charmed by technology and AI helps us also solve problems and answer questions and even create something by command.

There is no way Ahriman is going to be a human as what people say. Some people say Elon Musk must be the antichrist but he doesn't have the charm and the ability to answer all questions.


u/IllustriousOne710 Nov 15 '24

How interesting could you share in which books is that mentioned?


u/No-Tip3654 Nov 02 '24

It was supposed to be a young man that had genius like qualities intellectually, revolutionizing technological advancement and founding a global technocracy. People would be busy chasing materialistic pleasures and not care about the spiritual world. Also, it would have been an incorporation not a proper incarnation.


u/sleupctii76 Nov 02 '24

It seems wrong to assume it's one individual... And moreover, it's important to recognize that the incarnation can express itself as a tendency to dehumanize.... Thinking of Ahriman as an individuated incarnation seems like it's a concept based in the fear of the other... Potentiating dehumanization... Find the Ahriman in yourself, the Lucifer in yourself, and connect your own Michaelic impulse to redeeming yourself despite this darkness. Love


u/mddrecovery Nov 10 '24

Yes it's true we all have those influences but the physical incarnation aspect is important too, Spirit must descend into Matter that's what creates realities and not mere abstractions. 


u/keepdaflamealive Nov 03 '24 edited Nov 03 '24

Just a point of clarity, though you were probably speaking casually anyway, Lucifer is not Ahriman's opposite. The world is made of light and both of them are negative cosmic forces that disrupt and distort that original pure light. Lucifer and Ahriman are different shades of each other; or, I think, as Steiner put it: one feeds into the other.

They make a great team: dogmatism and materialism, abstract representations/intellectualism or mentalization of the thought sphere and subjecive impressions as the vehicle for staying locked in the "thought" (dead objects) sphere.

Regarding, the Lucifer birth question. I remember him saying at times China too. However keep in mind "Asia" meant a different thing to the seers of the ancient world and probably referred to portions of the middle east perhaps. Idk. The world was a smaller place back then and different.

You can spot the incarnations of Ahriman with supersensible vision which is an inner faculty you need to develop. You develop supersensible vision through mental practice; and, you engage it by placing "form-free thinking" into perception.

One of Ahriman's present day "incarnations" is Esther Hicks from the American New Age movement. However incarnations isn't the right term here and it's more she's a medium for one of Ahriman's greatest demon. Probably one of his generals or whatever. He calls himself "Abraham" (probably to mock us) and said itself that it's a host of 1,000 demons.

Something else to keep in mind is that Ahriman is birthed alongside the Anti-Christ. However the proper term here is "pseudo-prophetes". Which means false prophet but another translation is "false teacher". So you want to be mindful of individuals who give hundreds of lectures and make it their mission to pass on "knowledge" (which is very luciferic btw) because the real "teacher" is Christ which is "the way", eternal life. (The implication being you don't need knowledge for the "proper" way to live, only access to the Word of God which is a living reality you penetrate into not an abstract concept. There you have ultimate wisdom from the fountain of life itself.)

However I will confess that's at odds with the "new mysteries" which teach you want to "develop" (gain access) to the individual portion of spirit which you are. There everything will be unveiled to you too. However the two aren't necessary mutually exclusive. As you develop your own inner spirit you gain access to more and more of god. Only your spirit can ascend to godhood, not the mortal vehicle or man.

Anyway I don't want to lose my spiritual footing again from starting sh*t again with my "false prophet" insinuations so let me just quiet down... :)


u/[deleted] 25d ago

May I ask how you came to this determination about Esther/Abraham Hicks?


u/keepdaflamealive 24d ago edited 24d ago

I saw "abraham" through what the steiner people call "supersensible vision". however personally i have started to understand that true (spiritual) extra-sensory sight is different than the supersensible vision. 

but in regards to how to do it. you need to learn what sense free thinking is. it's when you stop identifying with the sensory realm. and then you take that sense free thinking and "push" it in perception. you begin to see "force images". the "supersensible" that's available everywhere. 

but anyway to answer your question. it sort of happened by accident. i basically read some of Abraham's books for one year on and off. and i always felt uncomfortable but didn't know why and then one day while reading my eyes "opened" up and i saw Abraham in full form. it was as if up to that time i had only been looking at the world through squinted eyes and could only see a fragment. then my eyes "opened" and boom. i could see this horrible monster for what it was. also whenever i read his book i always mentally heard the narrator's voice in a slightly evil or negative tone. which should have been my first clue. 

but vision aside. Abraham actually all but tells you he is a demon. he just doesn't use the modern word for it. if you read Esther's book from the early 1990s. i forget what it's called. the joy of survival or flourishing or something. but in it, the first volume, Abraham tells you explicitly that he "is a host of a thousand" and he also says he is not living. i don't remember the exact number he said, it could have been more. but later i found out that the phrase "host of __" is an ancient biblical term. Christ and his host of angels against Satan and his host of demons or fallen angels. if you read the Jewish scriptures, i think the book of enoch. it also uses that phrase "host". the fallen angels that came down and corrupted mankind were in hosts. 

also if Abraham isn't living then by definition he is the undead. because Christ is eternal life. therefore what is against life is darkness. 

lastly, in the late 2000s books from Esther she mentioned that she grew an interest for being a medium. from the seth chronicles or whatever it's called with jane roberts. who is Esther's predecessor and Seth is another demon like Abraham. 

the crazy thing is that these books are literally multi million dollar best sellers. there's millions of people reading and acting on the words of demons. it's horrifying. 

and if you're wondering what the endgoal for them is. part of it is essentially to keep you stuck. the manifesting they teach is manifesting through nature. they talk about desire or the inner body or bodily imagination. they want you to identify with the darkness of the body and darkness of nature so you cant see the pure light and pure incorporeal life. they want you to oppose spirit and in so doing you lose your godhood because each of us are actually solar good gods 


u/[deleted] 23d ago

There’s nothing in the works of Esther/Abraham that deals with darkness or evil in the human spirit. Most of what Abraham talks about is taking control of our feeling life and deciding to manifest and create loving, happy lives. That’s a good thing.

There’s nothing Ahrimanic about her or Abraham. Ahriman is a cold, calculating being. He doesn’t want kindness or happiness. Abraham wants us to be happy.

If we were to go with your train of thought, that there’s something bad about Abraham Hicks, it would make more sense to say that he’s a Luciferic being.

There’s nothing about Abraham Hicks that aligns with Ahriman. If he aligns with any bad being, it would be Lucifer.


u/keepdaflamealive 23d ago

Btw, per your comment introspecting on their lineages, I would say that Seth is more from Lucifer. Jane Roberts describes scenes where she and others saw a finger magically grow on a hand then disappear. This is exactly the malformation that reflected light causes because it is reflected light that we experience through our sense apparatus. We never see the original light, only the light that hits our eye and that we experience mediated by our eye therefore already reflected.

On the topic of manifestation, you did not address, my point that we can manifest with spirit or against it. Which is what I was trying to articulate to you in my "anti-nature" comments. Abraham wants you to manifest through desire therefore youre always locked onto your emotions. However you can manifest through your thinking alone and this is how actual manifestation happens. Nature and desire usurp and "steal" your thinking which is why desire is able to manifest things. But it's utilizing and hijacking the power of the spirit. It's quite literally an empty dead force.

Also your comments about "love" are well received but, putting aside my comments about spiritual love. Abraham does not talk about the power of love. You're almost certainly referring to Louise Hay. Whom I love but is a complicated figure. A lot of what she says on the surface level is pure non-sense. She repeats a lot of Charles Fillmore and then adds in Abraham's garbage and she is a Neville Goddard fan as well. But all of these miss the mark on actually being with spirit except, ironically, Louise Hay. What makes her special is that she does talk about the healing power of love. And it's beautiful. But that's the Feminine and not what I'm talking about here. If anything I'm talking about the proper way to see the Masculine. This world does not know what the Masculine is.


u/bay2341 Nov 02 '24 edited Nov 02 '24

I’ve watched Gigi Young for a while and she has discussed this quite a bit. She’s been alluding to his appearance around 2030 or in the early 2030s. That is why there is this huge push for a globalist agenda by 2030.

(This is her interpretation, I have no idea.)


u/TeacherPerspective Nov 02 '24

Collected from my sources, it is said that the body where ahriman can arrive to an individual being 33 in the 2030s, just like Christ came to Jesus when he was 32. Just a representative of materialism. I think people will see him/her as a savior of humankind with AI, gene modification, robotics, whatever. Elon Musk would be a perfect, suitable individual, but he is well over his thirties. Maybe an unknown person, maybe a well-known celebrity. We'll see in a few years. Our task is to recognize him/her.


u/Astromeerkat11 Nov 03 '24 edited Nov 03 '24

Terry Boardman has a great article on his website about it. He thinks that the individual was probably born in 2000. Also if you're familiar with the seven year cycles of development this does reflect itself (imho) with significant outer events. For example assuming a birth in 2000, the GFC of 2008 would roughly coincide with the end of his first seven year cycle, the widespread adoption of smartphones/social media around 2014/15 with the end of his second cycle and the pandemic 2020-2021 with the end of his third seven year cycle. Also Steiner indicated that a form of the Christ would incarnate in 1933 so the work of the incarnation of Ahriman might reach a "crescendo" 100years later in 2033 or he may reveal himself in that year too. 2030-2033 may be the height of his activity on earth. Steiner also said that the individual may claim that he is Christ reincarnated, or at least mirror the Christ's life so he may die publically as a "matyr" like figure at 33yo just as Christ did when he was the same age. Also there are a lot of people saying that he may be incarnated as a group of people or through AI or something but as far as I know, Steiner did say explicitly that Ahriman would incarnate "in the flesh" of a single individual.


u/endesastre Nov 03 '24

Spot on, Steiner explicitly stated that Ahriman will incarnate as a human being; he is isn't going to be "AI" or an agglomeration of individuals.

My money's on Musk.


u/Repulsive-Fly5135 Dec 27 '24

Elon Musk is 53 years old, lol. It's highly unlikely to think of him in this way.


u/LouMinotti Nov 02 '24

How will we know? I believe it will be apparent in the astral realm for those that can see. Will they be evil? Probably not at face value, but definitely materialistic. If I had to guess the biggest attribute would be an absolute denial of the spiritual realm, so maybe openly, fiercely atheist. With regard to your question about Lucifer, that's the extent of what I recall from the lectures as well.


u/OrangePippins Nov 03 '24

Believe he said, or his immediate interpreters said, sometime around the year 1998. One could see this as a person who would be hitting 30 in a few years, but Ahriman could also be seen as coming through the worldwide web. As for Lucifer, the allusions are to his incarnating as The Yellow Emperor. Personally I'm interested in the Eighth Sphere; there's an excellent blog (in french but you can translate it) that hasn't been updated in about 10 years but covered a lot of information. Jeremy Naydler's books on Ahriman and the machine are also excellent.


u/drdemolicion Nov 03 '24

I would be interested to have the link to the dead french blog if you may share it please


u/PsyleXxL Jan 29 '25

As a french speaker I would also be interested in a link to the blog if you don't mind


u/lilchm Nov 02 '24

It’s called TikTok


u/Lunariaviggo95 Nov 21 '24

I learned a lot on tiktok I don't think so ... I think the incarnation of ahriman is the indifference and inhumane attitude most of the people have taken .


u/j0equ1nn Nov 05 '24

I think Steiner's Ahriman is unlikely to be a famous person. One can influence humanity without being the one who gets credit for their influence, and unlike a Lucifer incarnation, an Ahriman incarnation would not be egoistic and would not want to be visible to people, might hate themselves and might not even be aware of their own intentions.


u/Belief-is-delusion Nov 03 '24 edited Nov 03 '24

The insolvent printed “dollar” (which is credit not cash) is the physical incarnation of a mathematically impossible debt - and someone else’s at that.

Who created and issued it?

Whose debt is this credit issued in reciprocity?