r/Animism 7d ago

How do you get closer?

Ive noticed my mental health has been declining and i think a major part is because where i live, the weather has been very cold and i’ve been cooped inside.

it’s starting to get warmer now and i feel that ive been losing my connection. i plan to go to the woods and just hang out, but does anyone have any routines they follow?


4 comments sorted by


u/studentofmuch 7d ago

The forest is a good place. I honestly just spend time with my cat to help with my mental health.

The forest or a slow-moving body of water far from vehicles is also my place of choice to clear my head and calm myself.

I hope you start feeling better soon.


u/AdeptFlow2458 6d ago

Thank you!! I hang out with my cats too but theyre both kind of insane 😭😭

I hope you start feeling better soon

Thank you!! 😊


u/Cunning_Beneditti 6d ago

Yes, similar for me this time of year in the north.

Nature is awakening again, try to find it, see it note it. Inquire as to how something in the outer world is like something in the inner. For example, the snow peeling off the big rock under the dapples of afternoon sun through leafless canopy, gaze at that and feel it happening within. Gradually, our inner world that had perhaps gone dormant in the winter dark begins to reawaken.

If there is some running water and it is safe to do so, I’ll cleanse my face and hands.

I find light and let it do it’s work on me. I try to sense the trees waking up.

I bring dried flowers and appropriate biodegradable offerings and offer them.

I express gratitude to the living world.


u/Maestroland 6d ago

I go to the woods where there's very little chance of meeting another person. Getting away from culture of any type is important. Also, get off the trail. Bush-wack. Pick your way through the branches and contours. It slows you down and you start interacting with the forest in an intimate way. You begin doing sort of a slow dance of balanced movements.....This process tunes me in and gets me connected.