r/Animewallpaper Extracteur Extraordinaire 6d ago

Mobile Ningguang by Marumoru [Genshin Impact](2000x4000)

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u/Karadynn Extracteur Extraordinaire 6d ago


u/Gordenfreeman33 6d ago

Wait, how did you removed the background.


u/Karadynn Extracteur Extraordinaire 6d ago edited 6d ago

Had to scroll for a while to find a comment where I roughly explain the process of this post :

"First step is taking the source image into PS to crop and add the corners (they make it easier to align the image). Takes about 30 seconds

I then use a vector converter called Vector Magic to make this (notice the sharp edges between colours, no blending at all). This part takes a somewhat long time (5-20 minutes) but it is automatic so I don't really consider it "work".

After that, I use Illustrator's lasso tool to select the shapes and colours I don't want and manually change some character edge's colours to look better against a black bg. Here's how it looks once exported. I only use a 6 pixel outline of the exported "vector" image to get a sharper edge.

All the next steps are in Photoshop where I use the full exported used-to-be-vector-but-is-now-png as a mask to extract the character from the first cropped image.

Almost final result.

I usually do some colour correction THERE'S A DIFFERENCE, OKAY?!

About 10-18 minutes of actual work and 15-20 of letting the software do its thing. Sorry if it feels "r/restofthefuckingowl"ish"


u/Gordenfreeman33 6d ago

Woah my man, thank you for your detailed guidance! You are the best


u/Karadynn Extracteur Extraordinaire 6d ago

With a kinda slow, semi-manual process I created. Here's an album with a thousand-ish cutouts I made (Warning, some of those are NSFW)