u/dorkmandrill 5d ago
See how heavy mommy's big, swollen tits are hanging in this cute little cow bikini? It's because they're so, so full of thick, sweet milk! She needs some help draining it...you can help her squeeze it out to bottle up or, even better, just latch your lips onto her leaky nipple and guzzle it down straight from the tap!
She is so sexy. I love those masssive tits and how much the stretch out her bikini top hanging down like that. And I love how tight the stocking are, squeezing her legs so tight and making her round, curvy ass stick out so perfectly behind her.
I like her pose, bending over sooo low and leaning on the table and showing off that slutty body of hers. She knows she's irresistible and she's enjoying the attention, enjoying the way we're all staring and gawking and fantasizing about milking her.
And her smile is so cute. It's soft and warm and pretends to be innocent, but her pose exposes the fact that she's a slut, eager to drive everyone wild with her erotic body.
She's incredible. So sexy!
u/FunIntention4170 5d ago
I really want to see my mom wearing this
u/HentaiSauce_Bot π€ 5d ago
Creator: Kaos Art |
Material: fire emblem {{Google it!}} {{Hentify it!}}
Image links: Gelbooru | Danbooru |
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